TPITOS: The Pyramid Infant-Toddler Observation Scale Presented By: Kelly J Wilson KJ Consulting, LLC. PURPOSE Measure fidelity of implementation of Pyramid Model practices – teacher professional development Implement classroom prevention and intervention strategies to promote social-emotional development and prevent challenging behavior ORIGIN OF THE TPITOS Developed by Judith Carta Measure fidelity of the Teaching Pyramid Model Designed for infant-toddler settings Score is based on observation & interview TPITOS o Developed to measure the extent teaching pyramid practices are being implemented within classrooms o Provide information to identify training needs of teachers o Provide information for program-wide training needs o Track growth within professional development goals o Strength-based Evolution of TPITOS • Page 7 - Added suggestions about how observers can incorporate program-specific priorities or needs into observation notes. Specifically, we describe how to incorporate a program’s focus on promoting one-on-one interactions throughout interactions with children. • Item 1 - CBR7: edited to include all children, and is not limited to toddlers. • Item 2 - DWR5: clarified to indicate the focus of the indicator is on greeting and acknowledging children upon arrival and when they enter a new activity or area. Con’t • Item 3 - We no longer omit physical care routines within the peer interaction item. • Item 4 - We no longer omit physical care routines within the active engagement item. • Item 11 • TCP5: edited to focus more on communication and sharing of information with allied professionals and parents • TCP6: edited to focus on teachers’ use of communications with other professionals in informing classroom practices. USING THE TPITOS o Observations o Conducted for a minimum of 2 hours o Observe free play, structured group activity, and at least one teacherdirected activity o Focus on lead teacher o At least 3 children, at least 3 routines o Interviews o Target those practices that cannot be observed in 2 hour observation TIPS IN USING THE TPITOS Be objective & write exactly what you see Make notes/justify answers All items must be filled in on the assessment Score every item every time Write the early childhood setting schedule down Note irregularities in schedule or day (i.e., substitute assistant, upcoming field trip, late breakfast…) Do you distribute the observation tool to teachers? Do you give the teachers the scores of the TPITOS? SEQUENCE OF OBSERVATION 1. Obtain copy of teacher/caregiver’s daily schedule. 2. Email teacher/caregiver – determine the time you will arrive and list the activities you need to observe. 3. Plan for 2 hours to complete your observation. 4. Plan to observe one teacher-directed and one child-directed activity. 5. Arrange a time when you can interview the teacher in private (about 15-30 minutes). 6. Set up a follow up/summary meeting ahead of time. 7. After the observation, leave a note or a treat. FORMAT OF TPITOS Types of “Yes/No” items Items (1-7) Observation across multiple routines Items (8-10) Based on observation in any routine Item 11 Observation or interview Items 12 & 13 Interview Items 1-11 Red flags GETTING READY! • Thoroughly study the TPITOS manual • Practice with a partner • Write on manual or tool and develop codes EXAMINING THE TPITOS Manual & Assessment Tool TPITOS MANUAL • Provides further clarification and increases reliability of observers • Provides explanation for many indicators within the items (clarified items in the manual are noted in the section immediately following assessment – called elaborations) • Offers both examples and non-examples when necessary ITEMS 1-7 Across Routines 1. Provides opportunities for communication & relationship building 2. Demonstrates warmth & responsively to individual children 3. Promotes positive peer interactions 4. Promotes children’s active engagement 5. Responsive to children’s expression of emotion & teaches about feelings 6. Communicates & provides feedback about developmentally appropriate expectations 7. Responds to children in distress & manages challenging behavior Items 8-10 Observation In Any Routine Uses specific strategies or modifications for children with disabilities/delays, or who are dual-language learners Conveys predictability through carefully planned schedule, routines, and transitions Environment is arranged to foster socialemotional development CLEAR BEGINNING, MIDDLE, END Must be able to answer these 4 questions: what am I supposed to be doing? how do I know I’m making progress? how do I know I’m finished? what do I do next? Item 11 • Collaborates with his/her peers to support children’s social emotional development • Other teachers • Mental health providers • Other staff Item 12 & 13 • Effective strategies for engaging parents in supporting their child’s social emotional development • Effective strategies for communicating with families and promoting family involvement ROLE PLAYING 1. Activity 2. Pair up with your buddy 3. Practice the following interview questions Red Flags • Responsive to individual children • Promoting emotional expression and social interaction • Responds to children’s distress and challenging behavior • Environmental support for social engagement SCORING TPITOS 1. For each item, determine the number of indicators scored “yes” 2. Determine the total number scored “no” 3. Divide “yes” by the total number scored to get percentage 4. Use summary score table on page 22 & 23 to calculate data 5. Enter scores on excel sheet – graphing file 6. See attached graphing file instructions & features N/A (only for indicators or entire items when “N/A permitted” is shown on the scale and score sheet – not counted when determining rating for item and items scored. NAs are not counted when calculating subscale and total scale scores Important Tips for scoring • Score as soon as you are done with your observation - NOT in the classroom • Score on your paper copy first (P. 22 & 23) • Input results into your Excel Spreadsheet • Leave unscored items blank – do not use “0” • Click “refresh all” under the data tab any time you add or edit data SUMMARIZE RESULTS Item summary and graph Red flag summary and graph Global – has both items & red flags Individual/multiple teachers Isolated/multiple time periods WHAT WE HAVE LEARNED It takes coaching to get teachers to fidelity levels of pyramid practices Teachers need help knowing where to start Teachers need help accessing and developing materials Focusing on the bottom of the pyramid can be difficult Assessment tools are not reflective or directive – these are behaviors demonstrated by people Effective coaches are necessary COACHING AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANS COACHING INVOLVES Working together Relationship Building Goal Setting Observation Feedback Creating Action Plan Problem Solving Monitoring Progress COACHING SESSIONS SHOULD INCLUDE… Preparation Get baseline TPITOS Gather data and previous meeting notes Observation Target specific areas Look for what went well Look for what to work on next Meeting Time Debrief and discuss with teacher Provide strength-based feedback – what went well Discuss next extension for professional growth Create action plan Follow-Up A COACHING PROCESS Teaching on topic Rationale Description of strategy Modeling and behavior rehearsal Coach demonstrates what the strategy looks like Coach and coachee practice the strategy without children present Coaching in classroom Coach and coachee decide how to begin implementation How and when to provide feedback Follow up Brief meeting to discuss how it went DEVELOPING AN ACTION PLAN and/or Professional Development Plan PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANS SHOULD INCLUDE Reference to TPITOS items Strategy to be implemented Detailed plan for exactly how to implement & when Steps for Coaching Materials needed Person responsible Completion date Date to begin implementation Measure to show progress Using TPITOS data to create professional plans Red flags need to be addressed first Identify professional needs from TPITOS scores Encourage teachers & coaches to start from the lower levels of the pyramid – it will have a bigger impact Use the anchors on the TPITOS to help develop strategies Build on what is already going well TIPS FOR DEVELOPING AN ACTION PLAN Follow structure of teaching pyramid Build strategies for developing positive relationships Address schedules and routines Use the TPITOS anchors to drive strategies Use strength-based approach Involve coachee in developing action and implementation plans RESOURCES TPITOS manual TPITOS Excel Scoring Sheet TPITOS team – Juniper Gardens Children’s Project, University of Kansas Instructional Video for Data File – contact Kathy Bigelow [email protected] QUESTIONS?? [email protected]
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