Let’s Move New Mexico: Family Obesity Prevention Training for Community Health Workers PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Project ECHO® (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) at the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center conducts training programs for Community Health Workers (CHWs), Promotoras de Salud, and Community Health Representatives (CHRs) located in New Mexico to increase their knowledge and skills in caring for pediatric patients and families who are overweight or at risk for obesity. This is a unique hands‐on and distance‐ based learning program for health workers that is being provided by Project ECHO at no cost to participants. Participants do not need a degree or certification to join the training program. Participants who successfully finish the program will receive a Certificate of Completion from Project ECHO. CURRICULUM The Let’s Move New Mexico: Obesity Prevention Training Program has been structured to work in conjunction with tasks performed by CHWs and CHRs in everyday clinic and home care settings. It combines hands‐on, face‐to‐ face, and experiential learning with distance education in an effort to reduce travel and time burdens for participants and their clinics — the paraprofessionals will remain in their communities working with their patients during the majority of training. Participants will learn from one another in a supportive and culturally appropriate environment. In collaboration with prevention and behavioral health specialists as well as dieticians, the program has involved experienced CHWs in the planning, curriculum, and evaluation activities of the program. The training recognizes the skills, expertise, and knowledge that CHRs and CHWs already have, while expanding their foundation into patient education, self‐care and clinical skills relevant to the care of overweight, obese, and at-risk patients in their communities. In addition, clinics will benefit from the added competencies that the CHW or CHR will bring to the healthcare team. After attending a 3‐day training session in Albuquerque, each training cohort will participate in weekly teleECHO clinics by video conference for four months. During these four months, participants will augment their general health knowledge by developing specialty knowledge in obesity prevention and intervention, building from the life course model. The training is focused around case‐based learning and educational presentations. Participants will develop important presentation skills as they present cases from their own caseloads. During the teleECHO clinics, HIPAA guidelines are followed to ensure confidentiality of patient information. Educational talks by specialists will also be presented during teleECHO clinics. Topics include: -Mindful Eating -Health and Media literacy -Exercise and nutrition -Motivational Interviewing -Standards of Care -Co-morbidities and complications -Nutritional support for low-income families Project ECHO® - 1 University of New Mexico MSC07 4245, Albuquerque, NM 87131 - Tel 505.925.4122 Fax 505.272.6906 Let’s Move New Mexico: Family Obesity Prevention Training for Community Health Workers TO APPLY TO THE TRAINING PROGRAM Project ECHO welcomes all applications from CHWs, CHRs, promotores de salud, medical assistants, and navigators with the support of their clinics and supervisors. To apply, please complete the program application (supervisor signature mandatory), and return it promptly to Project ECHO as indicated on the application. PROGRAM TEAM Venice Ceballos, CHW, Manager of CHW Programs, develops programs, tools, and curriculum. She is president of the NMCHWA, on the CHW Advisory board, and a reviewer on the Awards Committee for the APHA CHW section. Miriam Komaromy, MD, is an Associate director of Project ECHO, and Associate professor of Medicine at the University of New Mexico. She is also Board Certified in Addiction Medicine. She has worked in several Community Health Centers, has worked with CHWs in clinical settings, and helps to direct ECHO's CHW programs. Hannah Cole McGrew, BA, Training Specialist for CHW Programs. Develops curriculum for CHW programs, assists in outreach and program replication, and coordinates obesity initiatives. Mezzy Hirji, Student Administrator for CHW Programs. Kirsten Bennett PhD, RD, LD; is an educational psychologist and a registered dietitian specializing in the nutritional care of children. Her clinical interests include support and training of nutrition providers working with children and families as well as improving access to pediatric nutrition providers. Carole Conley, LMSW, is an Education and Outreach Manager for Envision NM. She manages Primary Care Quality Improvement (QI) Initiatives for Envision, develops and implements a variety of healthcare related QI projects around New Mexico, and provides training in making and managing change and Motivational Interviewing. Martha Cole McGrew, MD, Executive Vice Dean of Medicine, Professor Family and Community Medicine; Has been providing maternity and newborn care for 30 years. She was a contributing consultant to the first Wellstart Lactation and Breastfeeding Curriculum and has published on the association between literacy levels and breastfeeding rates. Christie McAuley, MA, Coordinator for the Diabetes and CHW ECHO initiatives. She develops teaching tools, curriculum, and coordinates the didactics and teaching modules for CREW trainings. Mary Meyer, M.P.A., R.D., Director, Kids Cook!: Non Profit school based nutrition and health education program, teaching through hands on cooking and tasting. Program serves over 6,000 elementary and middle school students and their families. Project ECHO® - 1 University of New Mexico MSC07 4245, Albuquerque, NM 87131 - Tel 505.925.4122 Fax 505.272.6906 Let’s Move New Mexico: Family Obesity Prevention Training for Community Health Workers TIME COMMITMENT The 4‐month training period has the following mandatory minimum hours of participation: • 24 Hours in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Over a 3-Day Period: For the participants’ 3‐ day intensive training, team building, and pre-testing. Optional: pre-day (March 24th, 6 hour training focusing on skills around community gardening and leveraging resources for low-income families. • 24 Hours at Your Location Over a 4-Month Period: For the distance learning teleECHO weekly video clinics for 16 weeks. Optional: Additional participation in PNT (Pediatric nutrition) and Open MICC (Motivational interviewing) teleECHO clinics through Envision NM. • 8 Hours in Albuquerque Over a 1-Day Period: For the post‐test and evaluation at the conclusion of the four‐ month training period, followed by a graduation ceremony for participants, their families, co-workers, and supervisors. Completion of a Final Project: Patient Resource Guide and Self-Care Presentation, due at the end of training. To be completed during participant’s free time. Total time required for paraprofessionals’ participation in the 4-month training program: 56 Hours COMPUTER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS FOR PARTICIPATING IN WEEKLY TeleECHO CLINICS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Each participant will need a quiet place set aside for the 1.5‐hour teleECHO clinic each week. Minimum computer and internet requirements: System Requirements An internet connection – broadband wired or wireless (3G or 4G/LTE) Speakers and a microphone – built-in or USB plug-in or wireless Bluetooth A webcam or HD webcam - built-in or USB plug-in Or, a HD cam or HD camcorder with video capture card Supported Operating Systems Mac OS X with MacOS 10.6.8 /(Snow Leopard) or later Windows 8 or 8.1 Windows 7 Windows Vista with SP1 or later Windows XP with SP3 or later Bandwidth Requirements For 1:1 video calling: 600kbps (up/down) for HQ video and 1.2 Mbps (up/down) for HD video For group video calling: 600kbps/1.2Mbps (up/down) for HQ video. For gallery view: 1.5Mbps/1.5Mbps (up/down). For screen sharing only: 150-300kbps For audio VoiP: 60-80kbps Mobile Devices ZOOM Cloud Meeting Apps for iOS and Android devices available in App Store and Google Play Store * If you are having connection issues, please contact ECHO’s IT Support Group at 505-750-4897 Project ECHO® - 1 University of New Mexico MSC07 4245, Albuquerque, NM 87131 - Tel 505.925.4122 Fax 505.272.6906 Let’s Move New Mexico: Family Obesity Prevention Training for Community Health Workers FOR THE APPLICANT Applicant, please initial I understand that I am applying for a training program conducted through Project ECHO. I understand that the training program is four months in duration and has certain minimum mandatory requirements in order to successfully complete the program. Mandatory requirements include: Pre‐tests, a 3‐day hands‐on training session in Albuquerque, NM March 25th-27th 2015, 8 hours for a post‐test and graduation ceremony in Albuquerque, NM as well as regular attendance, patient case presentations, and other participation in weekly Family Obesity Prevention Training teleECHO™ clinics for 1.5 hours each week for a period of 16 weeks, logging on from my place of employment or other secure location. These weekly teleECHO clinics will be held every week and attendance is mandatory unless participant is excused for illness or travel. I understand I must have access to a PC or laptop running Microsoft XP or Vista and web internet connectivity with sufficient bandwidth for web conferencing. I will comply fully with HIPAA requirements regarding confidential patient information. FOR THE APPLICANT’S SUPERVISOR I have read the Project ECHO Training Program description. My clinic and I both agree to support the participation of in the four‐month Family Obesity Prevention Training Program for community health paraprofessionals by allocating the necessary time and resources for his/her full participation in the program. I understand that: -Participants will be asked to present patient cases as part of the training (patient information will be de‐identified and confidentiality will be maintained during presentations); -Project ECHO will collect data from participants and patients whose cases are presented in the teleECHO clinics (patient information will be de‐identified and HIPAA compliant); -Project ECHO is not providing remuneration to the participant or clinic but is providing the training at no cost; -I am responsible for ensuring the participant has a private place available during the weekly teleECHO clinics and the appropriate computer and web internet connectivity. Supervisor’s Signature Title ______________________________________ _ Printed name Date Organization/site name Site address City _ Telephone _________________________________ Email State Zip Please fax or email this completed, signed affidavit to Project ECHO, fax number 505‐272‐6906. For questions, please contact Mezzy Hirji, Student Research Assistant, Project ECHO, at 505‐925-0726 or email at [email protected]. Project ECHO® - 1 University of New Mexico MSC07 4245, Albuquerque, NM 87131 - Tel 505.925.4122 Fax 505.272.6906 Let’s Move New Mexico: Family Obesity Prevention Training for Community Health Workers APPLICATION Please print or type information. Your supervisor must read the Program Description and sign the preceding form before you submit it. Fax this form as soon as possible to Project ECHO at 505-272-6906. Please call Project ECHO at 505-925-4122 if you have questions. Thank you. Full Legal Name _ Mailing Address City __________State____Zip_________ Work Address City ___________State ______________Zip ______ Phone #1 (w/area code) Phone #2 ______ Employer/Organization Name: Your Email Your Job Title Supervisor’s Name/Title Today’s Date ______________ Please Provide the Following Information: 1. Gender: male female 2. What is your ethnicity? _________ Hispanic/Latino/Latina Non-Hispanic 3. What is your race? (Please check all that apply) Black/African American White/Anglo Asian Native American or Alaska Native: Tribal Affiliation Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander _____________________________________________________ Other 4. Please indicate your age range 19-29 40-49 60-69 30-39 50-59 over 69 5. Education (Please check the highest grade or level completed) Mid-school or junior high Some college beyond an Associate’s degree Some high school Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BS) degree GED or high school diploma Associate’s degree Some graduate school Graduate degree Project ECHO® - 1 University of New Mexico MSC07 4245, Albuquerque, NM 87131 - Tel 505.925.4122 Fax 505.272.6906 Let’s Move New Mexico: Family Obesity Prevention Training for Community Health Workers 6a. Do you work in healthcare? Please describe: 6b. If you are currently working in healthcare, how long have you been doing so? (Please check one) N/A Less than 1 year More than 5 years 1 to 3 years More than 10 years Greater than 3 and up to 5 years More than 15 years (number of years ______) 7a. Do you work as a Community Health Worker/Community Health Representative/Promotor(a) or have you done so in the past? Yes No 7b. Please describe your role as a Community Health Worker, Community Health Representative or Promotor(a)(Please check all that apply) Provide patient education Enter data (patient records) Interview patient for medical history Collect and record vital signs Provide patient transportation Assist patient or patient’s family members with understanding medications 7c. Please provide any of your additional roles as a Community Health Worker, Community Health Representative, or Promotor(a): 8a. Have you received basic or core training as a Community Health Paraprofessional? If yes, where and when? 8b. Have you received any supplemental specialty training as a Community Health Paraprofessional? 9. Please describe any additional training you have acquired in a specialty field over the last two years (i.e. diabetes, nutrition, heart disease, etc.): Project ECHO® - 1 University of New Mexico MSC07 4245, Albuquerque, NM 87131 - Tel 505.925.4122 Fax 505.272.6906 Let’s Move New Mexico: Family Obesity Prevention Training for Community Health Workers 10. Have you participated in any other ECHO trainings or teleECHO clinics? If yes, which ones? 12. How do you plan to incorporate this Family Obesity Prevention Training from Project ECHO? 13. Do you have access to a PC or laptop with: • An internet connection – broadband wired or wireless (3G or 4G/LTE) • Speakers and a microphone – built-in or USB plug-in or wireless Bluetooth • A webcam or HD webcam - built-in or USB plug-in And one of the following Supported Operating Systems: • Mac OS X with MacOS 10.6.8 /(Snow Leopard) or later • Windows 8 or 8.1 • Windows 7 • Windows Vista with SP1 or later • Windows XP with SP3 or later Yes No Project ECHO® - 1 University of New Mexico MSC07 4245, Albuquerque, NM 87131 - Tel 505.925.4122 Fax 505.272.6906
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