N T O M O UF o u n d e d J MOUNT JOY TOWNSHIP • Lancaster County, Pennsylvania • Y P W 1759 N S I T O 159 Merts Drive, Elizabethtown, PA 17022 717.367.8917 • 717.653.4959 • 717.367.9208 fax www.mtjoytwp.org H Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mount Joy Township Board of Supervisors Held on February 16, 2015 1. Gerald G. Cole called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. in the Mount Joy Township Municipal Building at 159 Merts Drive, Elizabethtown, PA 17022. 2. Roll call: Present – Gerald F. Becker, Debra E. Dupler, Gerald G. Cole, Lisa S. Heilner and David W. Sweigart, III. 3. Old Business: None 4. Public Comment: No public comment was offered. 5. Consent Calendar: a. Approve and ratify the minutes of the January 19, 2015 and January 29, 2015 meetings. b. Accept, ratify and confirm 1) the Treasurer’s Report for the period of January 1, 2015 through January 31, 2015, subject to audit; 2) the escrow account summary report; and 3) the Township Treasurer’s purchase of Certificates of Deposit as follows: Fund No Certificates of Deposit were purchased Amount Where Invested Maturity Date Interest Rate c. Approve payment of all bills via Bill List #02-2015 in the amount of $41,457.17; Bill List #03-2015 in the amount of $350,198.04; and ratify the payment of all payrolls for the period of January 9, 2015 through February 5, 2015 inclusive, in the amount of $42,723.43 which represents two pay periods. d. DeMolay Month Proclamation: Adopt a resolution whereby, upon adoption, March 2015 is proclaimed as DeMolay Month and is to be observed as the same. (Pulled for separate consideration) e. Special Event – Run/Walk For Peace: Approve the application for Special Events as submitted by Karin Laszakovits of the Elizabethtown Church of the Brethren and the District Recreation Commission to hold the Run/Walk for Peace on Saturday, September 19, 2015, contingent upon providing a current Certificate of Insurance. f. Special Events – Leaders on the Go 5k: Approve the Application for Special Events as submitted by Leadership Lancaster to hold the Leaders on the Go 5k on Tuesday, May 19, 2015, contingent upon contacting the State concerning any requirements needing to be met for the portion of the race along state owned roads and proving the Township with such approval. g. Special Events – 2015 Tour de Chocolate Town Bicycle Tour: Approve the Application for Special Events as submitted by Hershey Entertainment and Resorts Co. to hold the 2015 Tour de Chocolate Town Bicycle Race on Sunday, September 13, 2015. Contingent upon contacting the State concerning any re- BOARD OF SUPERVISORS • PARK & RECREATION BOARD • PLANNING COMMISSION • ZONING HEARING BOARD MJTBS Minutes February 16, 2014 Page 2 of 5 quirements needing to be met for the portion of the race along state owned roads and providing the Township with such approval. h. James E. Hershey – Poultry Barns; SWMP-MAJ-2013-128: Approve a reduction of Letter of Credit #D006400, from its current amount of $56,360.14 to $28,896.14 as issued by Fulton Bank to guarantee the proper installation of all improvements, excluding public sewer and public water facilities, associated with the stormwater management plan for the poultry barns. i. Kaley, Eric & Angela; SWMP-MIN-2013-163: Approve the release of Escrow from its current amount of $2,409.00 to guarantee the proper installation of all improvements, excluding public sewer and public water facilities, associated with the stormwater management plan at 762 Fairview Road (Lot #3). j. Environmentally Sensitive Maintenance Program: Approve, ratify and confirm the submission of four grant applications to the Lancaster County Conservation District for the Environmentally Sensitive Maintenance Program for Dirt and Gravel Roads. A motion was made by David W. Sweigart, III and seconded by Debra E. Dupler to approve items a-c and e-j as written. All members present voted in favor of the motion. A motion was made by Gerald G. Cole and seconded by Gerald F. Becker to adopt Resolution No. 03-2015 whereby March 2015 is proclaimed as DeMolay Month and is to be observed as the same. All members present voted in favor of the motion. 6. Featherton Crossing: a. Scott Sweigart from the Forino Company, LP was present to provide an update on the North Conifer Drive (formerly Merts Drive Extension) project, including the relocation of the PA Route 283 eastbound off-ramp. Mr. Sweigart presented a drawing that shows the layout of N. Conifer Drive, which will be done in phases. Several meetings have been held with PaDEP and it finally looks like everything will proceed. He provided an outline of the permitting process and timeline of anticipated approval dates. If all goes well, all permits would be in hand by the end of August 2015. Mr. Sweigart stated Phase 1 will start as soon as permits are approved. The new PA Route EB283 off ramp should begin in the spring of 2016. All necessary right-of-ways have been obtained. There was a question concerning the future of the Park & Ride lot currently located at the existing off ramp. Mr. Gault is not sure that PennDOT will want to keep it at its current location. Options will need to be reviewed for the future of the lot. b. Mr. Sweigart reported the Mount Joy Associates has a contract with Melvin Hoffer to purchase 70 acres of his property. Dave Binder, a partner in Mount Joy Associates, was in attendance to discuss the plans for future expansion of the Featherton Crossing development and possible rezoning of land to allow such a project. Mr. Binder presented a plan that showed a suggested road alignment of N. Conifer Drive through the Hoffer property and exiting along Sheaffer Road. Another road would be constructed from N. Conifer Drive across Sheaffer Road to Campus Road. Mount Joy Associates would, if the Supervisors agree, submit a Petition for Rezoning of the 70 acres to Interchange Commercial District. This rezoning would allow for such commercial business as a Sheetz, Turkey Hill and/or a restaurant. All of these businesses would be conducive to the location along PA Route 283. The plan would require significant improvements to Sheaffer Road. The proposed commercial district boundary would extend 600’ southwest from Sheaffer Road. Mr. Binder feels the commercial business along PA Route 283 is an easier sell then residential properties along a busy highway. If rezoning is considered, it was suggested the new owners of the former Hackman property be contacted to rezone that property at the same time. It was suggested the N. Conifer Drive and Eagle Parkway intersection could become a round-about. The next step is for the Mount Joy Associates to submit a Petition for Rezoning. 7. Lancaster County Drug Enforcement Task Force: MJTBS Minutes February 16, 2014 Page 3 of 5 Chief Mayberry stated the Lancaster County Drug Enforcement Task Force is an outstanding agency. The Police Department has worked with them in the past and has had several officers go through the agencies training programs. A motion was made by Gerald F. Becker and seconded by Lisa S. Heilner to authorize payment of an invoice dated February 5, 2015, in the amount of $9,873.00 to the Lancaster County Drug Enforcement Task Force. All members present voted in favor of the motion. 8. Secondhand Dealers Ordinance: a. Chief Mayberry described the benefits of a potential ordinance regulating secondhand dealers. This ordinance would require pawn shops, scrap dealers, etc. to register items they receive from individuals on “Leads on Line”. Police would be able to access this list if needed. The online registration would be a valuable tool for the Police Department. There are several other counties that require registration already. The more municipalities that require registration the better it will help. The Police Department would need to purchase a subscription to Leads on Line to access the list. There is no cost to the dealers to register items. The proposed ordinance was received from the Lancaster County Solicitor. If the Board authorizes the review and advertising of the ordinance, the cost would be shared with West Donegal Township. b. A motion was made by David W. Sweigart, III and seconded by Lisa S. Heilner authorizing the Township Solicitor to review and advertise a proposed ordinance whereby the Code of Ordinances of the Township of Mount joy would be amended to add regulations for secondhand dealers. All members present voted in favor of the motion. 9. Chapter 90, Parks & Recreation Ordinance Amendment: This ordinance is being considered at the recommendation of the Township Solicitor. This relates to a state law that was passed that would allow for outside organizations, such as the NRA, to sue the Township if we have provisions that conflict with state law. A motion was made by Gerald F. Becker and seconded by David W. Sweigart, III to enact Ordinance No. 2922015 whereby Chapter 90, Parks & Recreation, of the Code of Ordinance of the Township of Mount Joy is amended to revise regulations governing use of Township property. 10. Community Park Clean-Up Day: Ms. Heilner wanted to do something to get the community involved and to take pride in the Township in conjunction with Earth Day. She had originally suggested a day to do roadside clean-up. Once staff contacted the insurance company it came to light that there could be some liability issues. She is now proposing a Community Day – Cove Outlook Park Clean-up Day. Volunteers could come out from 8:00 a.m. to Noon on Saturday, April 25, 2015 to help do some raking, cleaning of benches and pick tables, clean up wood yard waste and get the park, in general, ready for spring. A light lunch would be served for those who volunteer their time. Also, t-shirts would be ordered and handed out to those who help. A motion was made by Lisa S. Heilner and seconded by David W. Sweigart, III to set Saturday, April 25, 2015 as Community Clean-up Day at Cove Outlook Park, to be held from 8:00 a.m. to Noon. All members present voted in favor of the motion. 11. Administrative staff reports: Chief Mark Mayberry – • Officer Bryan Ressler’s retirement party will be held on March 14, 2015 beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the Middletown Fire Department. Andrew F. Brandt, Director of Public Works – MJTBS Minutes February 16, 2014 Page 4 of 5 • Requested the new Public Works building not be designed any smaller. In the future there will be a need for additional equipment as more roads are added. • The snow fence that was installed is working. Stephen A. Gault, Administrator/Engineer – • Just a reminder that the winter parking ordinance requires no vehicles to be parked on the road when 3” or more of winter weather is forecasted so that the roads may be cleared edge to edge. During the last storm, an Officer helped knock on doors to alert owners to the ordinance. If during the next storm there are repeat offenders, they will be cited. • Asked the Board to adopt the resolution before them which lists the rates for 2015 to be charged to a 3rd party when Public Works equipment or personnel are used. A motion was made by David W. Sweigart, III and seconded by Debra E. Dupler to adopt Resolution No. 04-2015 whereby fees are established for reimbursement of costs associated with utilization of Township equipment and public works personnel. All members present voted in favor of the motion. 12. Supervisor reports and comments: Mr. Sweigart stated he is happy to finally see some movement on the N. Conifer Drive (formerly Merts Drive Extended) project. 13. Reports:* Written – on file Administrator* – Report for February 2105 was submitted. Code Enforcement* - Report for January 2015 was submitted. EAWA* – Minutes from the January 7, 2015 and January 12, 2015 meetings were submitted. Engineer* – Report for February 2015 was submitted. ERSA* – Minutes from the January 13, 2015 meeting were submitted. Fire Department Mount Joy – No report was submitted. Friendship Fire & Hose Co.* – Report for January 2015 was submitted. GEARS* – Minutes from the December 22, 2014 meeting were submitted. Mastersonville Fire Co. – No reports was submitted. Northwest Emergency Medical Services, Inc. – No report was submitted. Park and Recreation Board* – Minutes from the October 21, 2014 meeting were submitted. Planning Commission* – Minutes from the December 17, 2014 meeting were submitted. Public Works Department* – Progress Report for January-February 2015 was submitted. Recycling Coordinator* – Report for January 2015 was submitted. Regional Police Department* – Minutes from the December 16, 2014 meeting were submitted. Rheems Fire Department Co.* – Report for January 2015 was submitted. Sewage Enforcement Officer* – Report for January 2015 was submitted. Zoning Hearing Board – No report was submitted. Zoning Officer* – Report for January 2015 was submitted. 14. Correspondence: a. Inspection Report from PaDEP, dated January 9, 2015; re: Routine inspection of Advance Disposal Systems Lancaster Landfill. (E-mailed to Supervisors 01-19-2015.) b. PSATS Township Legal Defense Partnership, dated Winter 2015; re: Quarterly newsletter. (E-mailed to Supervisors 01-26-2015.) MJTBS Minutes February 16, 2014 Page 5 of 5 c. Letter from Lancaster County Conservation District, dated January 26, 2015; re: 2014 Summary of activities from the Chapter 102 and NPDES Programs. (E-mailed to Supervisors 01-29-2015.) d. Letter from Senator Ryan P. Aument, dated January 23, 2015; re: Tax Exempt Status of Purely Public Charities. (E-mailed to Supervisors 01-29-2015.) e. PSATS News Bulletin, January 2015; re: Monthly newsletter. (E-mailed to Supervisors 12-30-2014.) f. Letter from Greiner Industries, Inc., dated January 5, 2015; re: Notification for submission of operating permit renewal application. (E-mailed to Supervisors 02-05-2015.) 15. Other Business: Mr. Cole, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors, presented Mr. Gault with a Certificate of Appreciation in honor of Engineer’s Week. 16. The next regular meeting of the Mount Joy Township Board of Supervisors is scheduled to be held on Monday, March 16, 2015, beginning at 7:00 P.M. 17. A motion was made by David W. Sweigart, III and seconded by Gerald F. Becker to adjourn the meeting at 8:07 P.M. All members present voted in favor of the motion. Respectfully Submitted, Patricia J. Bailey Secretary/Mount Joy Township
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