Multidisciplinary Senior Design Conference Kate Gleason College of Engineering Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester, New York 14623 Project Number: P15453 DYNAMIC JOURNAL BEARING LOADING SYSTEM Christina Amendola Mechanical Engineering Michael Bush Mechanical Engineering Kevin Burnett Mechanical Engineering Anthony DePina Mechanical Engineering Molly Mariea Mechanical Engineering ABSTRACT A journal bearing is a supporting sleeve which allows the formation of a lubrication film, creating a low friction surface in which a shaft can freely rotate. Journal bearings are utilized in modern rotating equipment solutions, in the oil, gas, power and transportation industries worldwide. Additionally, journal bearings contribute to the longevity and efficiency of rotational systems. Therefore, it is important to understand failure modes. Currently, seed-of-fault testing is conducted on full scale equipment to gain an understanding of the effects of damage and contamination on the degradation of journal bearings. Data collected during the testing provides opportunities for fault detection and system design improvements. Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), supported by Dresser-Rand, researches performance and instrumentation of the ESH-1 reciprocating compressor. To conduct the seed-of-fault testing a deliberately damaged journal bearing must be perpetually replaced to identify various failure conditions. This replacement can take over six hours to accomplish. To reduce compressor down time a series of capstone projects have been commissioned by Jason R. Kolodziej, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at RIT to design a stand-alone test rig capable of simulating compressor environments. The alpha prototype accomplished a working journal bearing similarity test rig capable of static loading conditions. The beta prototype, currently in development, will fit the alpha prototype with dynamic loading capabilities using electromechanical actuators (EMA’s) donated by Moog, to more accurately replicate compressor characteristics. The beta prototype will also focus on implementation of sophisticated data acquisition equipment for the study of film thickness, flow conditions, fluid properties, and vibrations. Furthermore, the methodologies of design, testing and evaluation will be explored in this paper. Copyright © 2015 Rochester Institute of Technology Proceedings of the Multidisciplinary Senior Design Conference Page 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT...................................................................................................................................................................1 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................................................3 PROCESS .....................................................................................................................................................................3 Needs & Specifications .................................................................................................................................................3 Concept Selection .........................................................................................................................................................4 Mounting Design...........................................................................................................................................................6 Vibration Analysis.........................................................................................................................................................6 Oil Flow Problem Solving.............................................................................................................................................8 RESULTS & DISCUSSION ........................................................................................................ ................................9 CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATIONS ..............................................................................................................9 REFERENCES............................................................................................................................................................10 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................................................. .............................10 LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES Figure 1: Alpha Test Rig .............................................................................................................................................3 Figure 2: Pareto Analysis.............................................................................................................................................4 Figure 3: Functional Decomposition ...........................................................................................................................4 Figure 4: Morphological Chart ....................................................................................................................................5 Figure 5: Component Brainstorming............................................................................................................................5 Figure 6: Pugh Chart.....................................................................................................................................................5 Figure 7: Allowable Cycle Before Maintenance..........................................................................................................6 Figure 8: X-Direction Mounts......................................................................................................................................6 Figure 9: Y- Direction Mounts.....................................................................................................................................6 Figure 10: Sample of LabVIEW Interface...................................................................................................................7 Figure 11: Steps to Problem Solving...........................................................................................................................8 Figure 12: Final Progress of Given Components.........................................................................................................9 Figure 13: Load at 0.5 and 1 Hz.................................................................................................................................11 Figure 14: Load at 1 and 12 Hz...................................................................................................................................9 Table 1: Requirements.................................................................................................................................................4 Table 2: Frequency Relationships...............................................................................................................................7 Table 3: Excerpt from Table 4.89....................................................................................................................... ........7 Project P15453 Proceedings of the Multi-Disciplinary Senior Design Conference Page 3 INTRODUCTION Dresser-Rand designs, manufactures, and services a wide variety of products for use in the oil, gas, process, and power industries. In 2011, Dresser-Rand donated an ESH-1 reciprocating compressor to RIT for graduate and undergraduate research. Currently, much of the research is based in the areas of measurement, controls and extended life/fault testing. A journal bearing test rig was designed and fabricated by an RIT Multidisciplinary Senior Design team during the 2013-2014 academic year to simulate Dresser-Rand’s ESH-1 reciprocating compressor. The prototype became the alpha version of the test rig. This project serves as a continuation of the 2013-2014 project, improving the alpha version to the beta version. The reciprocating compressor test rig allows for rapid testing of the crank journal bearing found in the full scale ESH-1 compressor. Comparatively, disassembling the full scale compressor can take many hours while disassembling the test rig can take approximately a sixth of the time. The rapid disassembly allows for testing and monitoring of the crank journal bearing while reducing time between tests. The alpha version is fitted with static loading due to time and budgetary constraints. However, this does not accurately simulate the environment found in the compressor. The goal of this project is to successfully adapt the alpha version with dynamic loading while meeting bearing loads of approximately 1900 lb. at 6 Hertz. Both the dynamic loading components and the base test rig will be fitted with data acquisition sensors for condition monitoring. The resulting design will not only add both dynamic loading as well as data acquisition without sacrificing ease of use or safety. PROCESS Needs and Specifications In order to properly simulate the loading profile, there are many characteristics that needed to be met. To ensure the project provided an efficient and usable solution, we mapped the given customer requirements to engineering requirements. This identified a path to solution while focusing efforts to the most important aspects of the problem. Furthermore, the engineering requirements were measured against the customer requirements and judged for their assistance in meeting the final goal. That is, properly simulating the load profile of a reciprocating air compressor while not increasing the time required to change the bearing. The raw scores provided for each requirement were then analyzed and organized using the pareto analysis to prioritize requirements. Additionally, in order to document the testing and calibration procedures, the team created standard operating procedures. These procedures provide step by step instructions on how to perform the required calibration and testing procedures in simple terms and with detailed pictures. Requirement examples can be seen below. Copyright © 2015 Rochester Institute of Technology Proceedings of the Multidisciplinary Senior Design Conference Page 4 Table 1: Requirements Figure 2: Pareto Analysis Concept Selection In efforts to find the most effective solution the team generated multiple concepts at each level of design. Starting at the systems level, a functional decomposition was developed to lay out all of the key functions the test rig. This allowed the team to focus on the subsystems that ranked highest on the Pareto chart while understanding their connections to the other parts of the system. The critical subsystems are shown in orange (to the right) in figure 2 Figure 3: Functional Decomposition Further decomposing the subsystems into individual components followed similar brainstorming process. Morphological charts were used to visually display possible options that were then turned into potential unique solutions. This led to the identification of the benefits and risks of each potential solution. Furthermore, minimizing risks and combining multiple ideas lead to concept selection. Project P15453 Proceedings of the Multi-Disciplinary Senior Design Conference Figure 4: Morphological Chart Page 5 Figure 5: Component Brainstorming Concepts were then evaluated using a Pugh Chart, which is a comparative chart that displays each concept based on categories specific to the engineering requirements and design considerations. Furthermore, combining certain aspects of the concepts produced new concepts; these combinations were added to the Pugh Chart and analyzed. This became an iterative process allowing us to narrow our concepts down to four. One using piezoelectric actuators, the second using hydraulic actuation, the third using pneumatic actuation, and the final using an electromechanical actuator (EMA). Each concept was examined further until the EMA was chosen due to its accuracy and cost. While piezo had excellent micro motion abilities it was limited in its ability to displace large distances while also being very costly. Hydraulic was able meet force and speed actuation but required many additional components while also being very costly. Finally, Pneumatic actuation struggled to meet the required force without a large quantity of air on demand. Figure 6: Pugh Chart The EMA design consists of three main components; the actuator, the power supply and the controller. EMA actuation is controlled with a displacement feedback loop from the pitch of a ball screw and its rotational position. In order to control the actuator using force feedback a secondary control loop must be created to adjust position based on applied and required force to adequately replicate the desired load profile. Another design challenge is false brinelling, this occurs from lubrication being pushed out of a loaded region during small oscillatory movements Copyright © 2015 Rochester Institute of Technology Proceedings of the Multidisciplinary Senior Design Conference Page 6 that occur with micro displacements. One way to mitigate this is to perform periodic macro displacements with one or more full screw revolutions to to re-distribute lubrication within the rolling elements. To ensure testing won’t exceed manufacturer's recommended limits of microcycles the following calculation was completed. Figure 7: Allowable Cycles before Maintenance Mounting Design When deciding how to mount the EMA’s various design aspects were taken into consideration. These include both budget and structural features. Additionally to simulate a sinusoidal loading profile actuation has to occur in two directions x any y. Parallel to the test rig surface was determined to be the x-direction while parallel to the test rig legs is the y-direction. Mounting in the x-direction simply required holding the EMA to the table while placing the shaft in the center of the bearing housing. The specifics of the x-direction mounting can be seen below in Figure 8. However, mounting in the y-direction was more difficult because the EMA has to sit perpendicular to the surface. Thus the EMA had to either be mounted above the bearing block or hang from below the table surface. For simplicity, mounting in the y-direction follows the same design as mounting in the x. The specifics of the x-direction mounting can be seen below in Figure 9. Finally, both mounting configurations use a Moog front mount bracket that supports all of the EMA’s weight. Furthermore, the ultimate considerations for the mounting design were stress and deflection. Because we were actuating at such low displacements the deflections had to be small enough to overcome with our control. Lastly, the total stress had to be low enough to ensure the endurance limit of our components allowed for infinite life of steel. Vibration Analysis To analyze the vibrations of our test rig, the focus was directed towards the components which created a frequency: the motor and the shaft. While the shaft is known to spin at 360rpm (6Hz) the motor drive rpm was unknown. Using simple pulley ratios, the rpm and frequency of the motor drive was determined to be 1285.7rpm and 21.43Hz respectfully. With the frequencies of both major components on the table, Leissa’s vibrations of plates analysis was then performed to Project P15453 Proceedings of the Multi-Disciplinary Senior Design Conference Page 7 determine the vibration of the plate itself, using the ”Simply Supported” scenario at the four corners of the plate as the worst-case scenario [4]. Taken from NASA’s technical report on leissa vibration of plates, table 4.89 is used to find ƛ, which gives values of the desired wavelengths determined by the length ratio. Frequency was found using the following relationship and input parameters Because our ratio is between two of the parameters found in Table 4.89, we know the frequencies found with these two values will be the limits of our actual vibration. Typically, the frequencies will be considered safe to avoid resonance between them if they are outside their values multiplied by 4. The actual value will come out to approximately 100Hz, but cannot be directly interpolated since the relationship of the data isn’t linear. Data Acquisition Although the primary focus of this project is the ability of dynamic actuation, data acquisition capabilities account for many of the secondary objectives. In terms of condition monitoring and seed of fault research, the ability to obtain accurate data at the time of failure is crucial. Knowing the applied load to the system, is important to both the actuation system, to provide feedback to the EMAs, and to the data acquisition system, to understand at what load the bearing fails. Transducer Techniques load cells capable of 2000 lbs. of force will be implemented between the EMAs and the bearing housing. The load cells work with strain gauges that output millivolt signals corresponding to the experienced load. These signals are then interpreted by signal conditioners that convert it to a zero to ten volt scale that is then interpreted using National Instruments’ LabVIEW programming methods. Copyright © 2015 Rochester Institute of Technology Proceedings of the Multidisciplinary Senior Design Conference Page 8 We are using load cells and signal conditioners donated by Bill Nowak, for the first iteration, which have limited sampling capabilities of 60 samples a second. Testing will determine if this is sufficient. Determining the position of journal in respect to the journal bearing allows the systems eccentricity and film thickness to be determined. The diametric clearance of 90 microns represents the total displacement the system can undergo, therefore linear variable differential transformers (LVDT) were chosen due to their ability to measure such small displacements. Similar to the load cell, the signals are converted using a signal conditioner and processed using LabVIEW. The VI also interprets data from an Omega pressure transducer located at the oil inlet of the bearing housing along with vibration, angular position and temperature data. The vibrations of the system are analyzed by a Kistler accelerometer and National Instruments (NI) usb-4431 capable of 102.4kS/s. A Photocraft quadrature encoder is used to analyze the angular position which is sent to the actuation controller to apply the proper load profile and to the data acquisition system to give rotational velocity (RPM) data. Finally the Omega thermocouples (TC) acquire temperature data from the journal bearing, oil outlet and oil reservoir and are imported to VI using an NI TC module. Oil Flow Problem Solving As part of our customer requirements we were tasked with acquiring the oil flow rate through the journal bearing. The system that was used in the alpha prototype was unsuccessful due to significantly smaller flow rates than anticipated. To understand the cause of this reduced flow we utilized our problem solving process. First we identified that the issue was perpetuating from the bearing housing by checking oil flow at each major component. We then analyzed the oil flow path through the bearing housing and identified potential restriction. With the assistance of Dr. Kolodziej we developed a theoretical model for the oil flow, Qp, under no load and no rotation using the equation given by Martin and Lee [6]. Where D is the bearing diameter, C is the radial clearance between the journal and bearing, Pf is the groove supply pressure, is the dynamic viscosity, is the journal eccentricity ratio, L is the overall bearing length, and a is the groove width. From this equation we were able to identify the parameters with the most influence and check our assumed values with experimentation. Such as measuring the pressure drop induced by the journal bearing’s orifice like feed hole which was 20 psi. The measured radial clearance between the journal and journal bearing was about 30 percent smaller than specified by the alpha team’s design. After the analyses the theoretical flow rate was 0.0022 gpm when the journal eccentricity ratio is 1 and a value of 0.0009 gpm when the journal eccentricity ratio is 0. Thus, our measured value of 0.0016 gpm correlates well. From these findings, we are able to verify the low flow rate as adequate and that the alpha prototypes flow meter was oversized. Next we plan to test flow rates with journal rotation and dynamic loading both analytically and experimentally. Project P15453 Proceedings of the Multi-Disciplinary Senior Design Conference Page 9 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 12: Final Progress of Given Requirements Overall the team successfully fitted the alpha test rig with dynamic loading capabilities and most action items were completed. Figure 11 above details the progress of each requirement. From senior design one, the loading system was completed with electromechanical actuators. From senior design two, a flow analysis was completed to better understand and diagnose the lubrication system, a vibration analysis was completed, a seal removal tool was created to reduce bearing replacement time and finally, a LabVIEW interface was created for bearing environment monitoring. The LabVIEW interface works with placed sensors. After preliminary data collection, the test rig will be ready for seed of fault testing and bearing analysis at reduced speed and frequency of original goal, that is the loading profile of an ESH-1 reciprocating compressor. Figure 12: Load at 0.5 and 1 Hz Figure 13: Load at 1 and 12 Hz CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS First, the beta prototype is now fit to apply dynamic loading to the journal bearing. Currently, the speed of which the actuation can be applied is restricted by software and backlash in the rod end joint and journal bearing clearance. Our team recommends the implementation of a machine vice style pre-load system to eliminate the backlash. More details on this concept has can be found on the teams EDGE website. Copyright © 2015 Rochester Institute of Technology Proceedings of the Multidisciplinary Senior Design Conference Page 10 Second, data acquisition for loading is limited by the speed of the load cell meters. Currently, the load cell setup can acquire at 60 Samples/sec. The system is also setup to record the load calculation of the EMA at 2.6 kHz. Our team recommends exploring more capable load cell meters or task a team with development of their own system. Next, the alpha prototype oil system was found to be far over-sized for the amount of flow actually passing through the bearing housing. To properly measure this flow rate, which is on the order of drops per minute, our team recommends an investigation or project based around ultra-sonic flow sensors. The systems oil pump elicits more audible noise the more it’s used and the oil pump should be replaced in the near future. The system would also benefit from a fully enclosed oil reservoir with a level sensor. Finally, vibrations from the oil pump were reduced over fifty percent. However, there is still room for improvements. The interface between the table top and frame could be reconfigured to reduce vibrations. Our team would recommend adding noise cancellation components to this interface to continue the noise reduction of the oil pump. REFERENCES [1] Budynas, Richard G., J. Keith. Nisbett, and Joseph Edward. Shigley. Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design [2] Fox, Robert W., Alan T. McDonald, and Philip J. Pritchard. Introduction to “Fluid Mechanics”. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2008. Print. [3] Holzenkamp, Markus. “Modeling and Condition Monitoring of Fully Floating Reciprocating Compressor Main Bearings Using Data Driven Classification.” Rochester Institute of Technology, 2013. [4] Leissa, A. W., 1969, “Vibration of Plates,” NASA Report SP-160 [5] Manring, Noah. “Hydraulic Control Systems”. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley, 2005. Print. [6] Martin, F. A., and Lee, C.S., 1983, “Feed-Pressure Flow in Plain Journal Bearings,” ASLE Transactions, 26, pp. 381-392. [7] Palm, William J. System Dynamics. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill, 2010. Print. [8] Parker Hannifin Corporation. Parker Pneumatic. Cataloug PDE2600PNUK, 2013. Print. [9] "Piezo Nano Positioning." Physik Instrumente (PI) Gmb H and Co. KG, Web. [10] Rippel, Harry C.,1960. “Cast Bronze Bearing Design Manual,” Cast Bronze Bearing Institute Inc. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Team P15453 would like to express our most sincere gratitude to Dr. Jason Kolodziej, William Nowak, Joe Dyer, Jim Kowalski, Scott Delmonte, Steven Luchessi, and Dr. Stephen Boedo for their guidance throughout the design and build phase. We would also like to acknowledge the RIT Machine shop staff: Robert Kraynik, Jan Maneti, Dave Hathaway and Ryan Crittenden for their continuous assistance and support. Project P15453
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