Cas9-mediated genome editing in hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells J.L. Gori, G.G. Welstead, J. M. Heath, M.A. Collins, J.W. Fang, A.E. Friedland, D. Bumcrot Hypothesis B S. aureus CXCR4 gRNAs NNGRRT PAM 22-24mers 60 Outline • Design/test S. aureus and S. pyogenes gRNAs in 293T, K562, CD34+ cells %Indels 60 S. aureus CCR5 gRNAs NNGRRT PAM 22-24mers 40 40 20 20 0 0 Cas9 • Compare DNA, RNA, and RNP delivery in human CD34+ cells Genome editing at CXCR4 locus in mobilized peripheral blood CD34+ cells A B 30 %Indels %Indels • Evaluate editing at target loci (T7E1 assay on locus PCR products), HSC phenotype, function, viability Multiplex genome editing 20 10 20 10 0 2 1 0 pmax Sa Sa Spy Spy GFP CXCR4 CXCR4 CXCR4 CXCR4 + + FSC CD90 7-AAD CFCs D CD34 C SSC • Cas9/gRNA RNP delivery 20% editing in K562 cells, HSCs require further development Fold expansion of CD34+ cells • Cas9/gRNA DNA delivery >20% genome multiplex genome editing while maintaining HSC viability and hematopoietic potential 3 Sa Sa Spy Spy CXCR4 CXCR4 CXCR4 CXCR4 Optimized + + conditions Annexin-V CCR5 locus CXCR4 locus Fold expansion of CD34+ cells Summary 0 3 2 1 0 unNucleofected control Spy Cas9 + CXCR4+CCR5 gRNAs GEM M E 300 200 GM M 100 G 0 no electroporation Sa CXCR4 Sp CXCR4 Sp CCR5 Sp CXCR4 + CCR5 GEMM E AAVS1 locus 40 200 GM M G 100 20 0 K562 cells B 75K562 cells CD34+ CFCs cells 0 Propidium Iodide HBB locus HBB_Sp8 50 HBB_Sp15 25 0 RNA C25 (A) Percentage of indels detected at CXCR4 locus 72 hours after electroporation of S. aureus or S. pyogenes Cas9 and paired gRNAs (CXCR4_Sp35 or CXCR4_Sa18) in human CD34+ cells +/- optimized cell culture conditions. Bottom: Fold expansion of live CD34+ cells 72 hours after electroporation. (B) Multiplex genome editing in CD34+ cells after co-delivery of S. pyogenes Cas9, CXCR4_Sp35, and CCR5_Sp43 gRNA plasmids. Bottom: Fold expansion of live CD34+ cells 72 hours after electroporation. (C) Representative flow cytometry analysis of CD34+ cells cultured in optimized conditions at 72 hours after Cas9/gRNA plasmid delivery. (D) Ex vivo colony forming potential of DNA electroporated CD34+ cells cultured in optimal conditions. untreated control AAVS1 gRNA + Cas9 Cord blood CD34+ cells CXCR4_Sp35 AAVS1_Sp1 HBB_Sp8 20 15 10 5 0 RNP FIGURE 2. Genome editing in human mobilized peripheral blood CD34+ cells after electroporation of CAS9 and gRNA plasmid DNA. 30 • Cas9 mRNA/gRNA delivery >25% editing while maintaining HSC viability and hematopoietic potential 60 CFCs 0 0 300 2 D µg gRNA HBB 10 CXCR4 AAVS1 untreated control Annexin V 20 20 A Mobilized peripheral blood CD34+ cells 7-AAD E 400 CFCs 40 FIGURE 3. Human CD34+ cells electroporated with S. pyogenes Cas9 mRNA and gRNA maintain viability and multipotency and have sustained genome editing. %Indels 40 (A) S. pyogenes Cas9 with gRNAs targeting loci with different PAMs. % insertion/deletion (nonhomologous end joining) on the Y axis represents on-target cleavage rates as measured by T7E1 assay. (B) S. aureus Cas9 with gRNAs targeting loci with different PAMs. % insertion/deletion (indels, nonhomologous end joining) on the Y axis represents on-target cleavage rates as measured by T7E1 assay. Transfection into HEK293T cells using Lipofectamine 3000 in 24-well format with 750 ng/well Cas9) plasmid (CMV promoter) and 250 ng/well of gRNA (U6 promoter) constructs. CD34 60 S. pyogenes CCR5 gRNAs NGG PAM 17-20mers %Indels S. pyogenes CXCR4 gRNAs NGG PAM 17-20mers 60 %Indels • Optimization of culture and delivery conditions to maintain CD34+ cell survival and ex vivo hematopoietic potential will facilitate development of clinically beneficial levels of targeted gene modification in HSPCs A %Indels • Nonviral methods of Cas9/gRNA delivery reduce CD34+ HSPC viability, survival, multipotency • Optimize conditions and components to maintain HSCs Editas Medicine, Cambridge, MA 02142 FIGURE 1. Screening of S. pyogenes and S. aureus CXCR4 and CCR5 gRNAs. GEMM E 300 GM 200 M 100 G 0 untreated control 2µg HBB gRNA 10µg HBB gRNA CFU-GEMM CFU-GM CFU-E CFU-M (A) Percentage of indels detected at AAVS1 locus 72 hours after electroporation of S. pyogenes Cas9 and AAVS1 gRNA in K562 cells, mobilized peripheral blood CD34+ cells, and the progeny of edited CD34+ cells (CFCs). Middle panel: Representative flow cytometry analysis of viable (propidium iodide negative) CD34+ cells. Right panel: Hematopoietic colony forming potential of unedited and edited hematopoietic progeny. (B) Genome editing at the HBB locus in K562 cells after S. pyogenes Cas9 mRNA or Cas9 ribonucleoprotein codelivered with single HBB gRNAs (HB_Sp8 or HBB_Sp15). (C) Percentage of indels detected at the indicated target genetic loci after delivery of Cas9 mRNA and gRNA to cord blood CD34+ cells. Right: Representative gel showing cleavage at the indicated loci (T7E1 analysis). (D) Cell viability in CB CD34+ cells 48 hours after delivery of Cas9 mRNA and indicated gRNAs as determined by co-staining with 7-AAD and Annexin V and flow cyotometry analysis. (E) CFC analysis and representative colonies generated from edited CB CD34+ cells. CFU-G
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