Office of the Environmental Protection Authority S38 Referrals, S16 and/or S46 Advice Title: Location: Ref ID: Shire of Ashburton CMS14293 Date Received: Referror: Proponent: Flinders Mines Limited Flinders Mines Limited Contact: Telephone: Mr Miro Rapaic 81327950 Preliminary .nvironmental Factors: Potential Significant Effects: Public Comments on Referral Information: Explanation of Decision: Officer: l_ Pilbara Iron Ore Project Revised Proposal 23-03-2015 Date More Information Received: Determination: Assess: Assessment on Proponent Information (Category A) (Assessment No. 2045) Procedure: Flora and Vegetation, Inland Waters Environmental Quality, Offsets Clearing of flora and vegetation in mostly 'good to excellent' condition and potential impacts to ground and surface water quality in a Priority 2 public drinking water source area. Assess-API A: Assess - API B : Assess-PER: Do Not Assess: TOTAL COMMENTS : 0 1 < 0 0 1 Assessment at the level of API A is warranted as the proposal raises a limited number of key environmental factors that can be readily managed, and for which there is an established condition setting framework. ChairmanVlnitial/:/ Matt Spence Date Signed: /.LA- t Office of the Environmental Protection Authority S38 Referrals, S16 and/or S46 Advice Title: Location: Ref ID: West Angelas Deposit A West and Deposit F Revised Proposal Approximately 130km Northwest of Newman CMS14319 Date Received: Referror: Proponent: Robe River Mining Pty Ltd (RTIO) Robe River Mining Pty Ltd (RTIO) Contact: Telephone: Ms Carly Nixon 62131297 Preliminary Environmental Factors: Potential Significant Effects: Public Comments on Referral Information: Explanation of Decision: Officer: 11-12-2014 Date More information Received: 18-03-2015 Determination: Assess: Assessment on Proponent Information (Category A) (Assessment No. 2046) Procedure: Flora and Vegetation, Offsets Impacts on flora and vegetation including the clearing of 'good to excellent' condition vegetation in the Hamersley IBRA sub-region. Assess-API A: Assess - API B : Assess-PER: Do Not Assess : TOTAL COMMENTS : 1 1 2 j/YTf Assessment at the level of API A is warranted as the proposal raises a limited number of key environmental factors that can be readily managed, and for which there is an established condition setting framework. Chairn^'s,lmtials(/ Maree Heath Date Signed: Environmental Protection Authority S38 Referrals, S16 and/or S46 Advice Title: Location: RefID: Clearing of Native Vegetation for Pathway Construction in West Busselton Lot 444 on Plan 22021 and Lot 5308 on Deposited Plan 194748 CMS15069 Date Received: 13-03-2015 Referror: Proponent: Department of Environment Regulation City of Busselton Contact: Telephone: Manager, Clearing Regulation Preliminary -nvironmental Factors: Potential Significant Effects: Public Comments on Referral Information: Explanation of Decision: Determination: Not Assessed: Dealt with under Part V Division 2 of the Act (Clearing) Date More Information Received: Procedure: Flora and Vegetation Clearing of 0.008 hectares native vegetation. Assess - API A Assess - API B Assess - PER Do Not Assess TOTAL COMMENTS The EPA considers that the likely environmental effects of the proposal are not so significant as to warrant formal assessment. The potential key environmental factors can be managed, mitigated and regulated to meet the EPA's objective through the Part V (clearing) of the Environmental Protection Act 1986. Chairman This decision also constitutes authorisation under the Environmental Protection (Swan Coastal Plain Lakes) Policy Approval Order 1992. Officer: Peta Hayward Date Signed^/ ^ ^ Environmental Protection Authority Weekly Record of Determinations for S48A Referrals Scheme Title: Location: Ref ID: Date Received: City of Albany - Local Planning Scheme 1 - Amendment 4 Lot 104 Rocky Crossing Road Willyung CMS15079 23-03-2015 Determination: Scheme Not Assessed: No Advice Given (no appeals) Date Sufficient Information Received: Referror: ( Procedure: Responsible Authority: City of Albany Contact: Telephone: Mr Alex Bott 98419322 Environmental Factors: None C ha i r ma Potential Significant Effects: Management: ( None Not Required Date Signed: /.if./? Environmental Protection Authority Weekly Record of Determinations for S48A Referrals Scheme Title: City of Albany - Local Planning Scheme 1 - Amendment 6 Location: Lot 105 and Portion of Lot 106 Nanarup Road Lower King Ref ID: Date Received: CMS15080 23-03-2015 Determination: Scheme Not Assessed: No Advice Given (no appeals) Date Sufficient Information Received: Referror: Responsible Authority: Contact: Telephone: Environmental Factors: Procedure: City of Albany Mr Alex Bott 98419322 None Chairi^^^fnit^^^ Potential Significant Effects: Management: None Not Required Date Signed: /<c./r Environmental Protection Authority Weekly Record of Determinations for S48A Referrals Scheme Title: Location: RefID: Date Received: City of Albany - Local Planning Scheme 1 - Amendment 7 Lots 1 and 973 Nanarup Road Lower King CMS15081 23-03-2015 Determination: Scheme Not Assessed: No Advice Given (no appeals) Date Sufficient Information Received: Referror: ( Procedure: Responsible Authority: City of Albany Contact: Telephone: MrAlexBott 98419322 Environmental Factors: None Potential Significant Effects: None Management: Not Required Date Signed: Environmental Protection Authority Weekly Record of Determinations for S48A Referrals Scheme Title: Location: Ref ID: Date Received: City of Albany - Local Planning Scheme 1 - Amendment 10 Lot 11 Nanarup Road Nanarup CMS15083 23-03-2015 Determination: Scheme Not Assessed: No Advice Given (no appeals) Date Sufficient Information Received: Referror: Procedure: Responsible Authority: City of Albany Contact: Telephone: Mr Alex Bott 98419411 Environmental Factors: None Chairm^ri^mitiafs: // Potential Significant Effects: Management: None Not Required Date Signed: Environmental Protection Authority Weekly Record of Determinations for S48A Referrals Scheme Title: Location: Ref ID: Date Received: City of Albany - Local Planning Scheme 1 - Amendment 13 Omnibus Amendment CMS15084 23-03-2015 Determination: Scheme Not Assessed: No Advice Given (no appeals) Date Sufficient Information Received: Referror: ( Responsible Authority: City of Albany Contact: Telephone: Mr Alex Bott 98419322 Environmental Factors: Procedure: None Chairman^lfji^ms^// Potential Significant Effects: Management: None Not Required Date Signed: Environmental Protection Authority Weekly Record of Determinations for S48A Referrals Scheme Title: Shire of Capel Town Planning Scheme 7 - Amendment 63 Location: Yelka Road Ref ID: Date Received: CMS15088 24-03-2015 Determination: Scheme Not Assessed: No Advice Given (no appeals) Date Sufficient Information Received: Referror: Responsible Authority: ( Contact: Telephone: Environmental Factors: Procedure: Shire of Capel Mr C Muller 97270222 None Chairman's Initials// Potential Significant Effects: Management: None Not Required Date Signed: _ Environmental Protection Authority Weekly Record of Determinations for S48A Referrals Scheme Title: Location: Ref ID: Date Received: Shire of Carnarvon - Town Planning Scheme 10 - Amendment 70 Lot 290, North West Coastal Highway, South Plantations CMS15096 27-03-2015 Determination: Scheme Not Assessed: No Advice Given (no appeals) Date Sufficient Information Received: Referror: Responsible Authority: Contact: Telephone: Procedure: Shire of Carnarvon Mr Rob Paull 99410000 Environmental Factors: None Potential Significant Effects: None Management: Not Required Date Signed: /. y., fS~ Environmental Protection Authority Weekly Record of Determinations for S48A Referrals Scheme Title: Location: Ref ID: Date Received: Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes - Town Planning Scheme 3 - Amendment 71 Lot 1 Hampton Street, Bridgetown CMS15097 27-03-2015 Determination: Scheme Not Assessed: No Advice Given (no appeals) Date Sufficient Information Received: Referror: Responsible Authority: Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes Contact: Telephone: Mr Scott Donaldson 97611555 Environmental Factors: Procedure: None Ch air Potential Significant Effects: Management: None Not Required Date Signed: vr/, V-./>
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