Académie Ste-ThérèreRosemère

Day Camp Edphy International
Académie Ste-Thérèse
Summer 2015
Welcome to Edphy International Day camp at the
Académie Ste-Thérèse (Rosemere campus).
It is our pleasure to have you with us for the 2015
season, which also marks the 50th anniversary of our
Don’t hesitate to contact us anytime by email at
[email protected] or by phone from
Monday thru Friday, between 7 AM and 6 PM at
(450) 970-2392 to :
report an absence, late arrival or early departure
of your child;
make an appointment with the counselor or
give us your comments and suggestions.
We supply all the necessary equipment to practice
the different sports that are part of the Multisports
program. However, your child’s bag must include
the following items:
Also, we encourage children starting at the age of
9 years old & older to bring their own bikes on the
day of the bicycle activity and those enrolled in
specialized tennis camp to bring their racket.
Happy summer! J
Coralie Beaulieu, Coordinator
Jérémie Beaulieu, Assistant Coordinator
Starting on the Friday prior to your children’s stay, you
will be able to know the number of your children’s team
and the name of their counselor via your “Client
Space”. You can also check out their weekly schedule.
Running shoes (avoid sandals)
Swimsuit (one piece) and beach towel
Sunscreen (cream only)
Hat or cap
Lunch box with 2 snacks (mandatory) and
dinner (if any)
Water bottle
Please note that all other objects (toys, electronic
devices) are strictly prohibited.
We are not
responsible for any lost or stolen objects.
The cleaning of the premises is done nightly.
Parents can go to the cafeteria each day between
4:30 PM and 6 PM to recover lost items.
To insure a secure, harmonious, stimulating, and
respectful environment it is important that each
camper must abide by the rules of conduct in place.
Read it with your children and refer to it as needed. .
THEME 2015
Having heard about us from different media in
recent months, the CRM (world record
committee) contacted Edphy to propose an
unusual challenge for our 50th anniversary :
beat the 1965 record of Alfonse, a man who
travelled around the world in a hot-air balloon
in just 80 days.
In an old trunk full of archives, we found
articles relating to the highlights of Alfonse’s
adventure with enough information to contact
him to ask him to be the mentor of our
adventure, which we will attempt to do in less
than 50 days. Fortunately, Alphonse accepted
to guide and advise us along our trip, which
will be challenging. The CRM will also follow
us closely and will request proof of our visits
each week. It’s the committee members who
will decide, if we can pursue to the next week
So, take out your passports and prepare
yourself because the adventure begins on
June 29th and we will need each child to be
at his or her best!
Week 1 : Antarctica
Because Antarctica is the coldest, driest windiest
continent, you’ll need your hat, scarf and mittens
for our costume day - on Thursday, July 2nd.
Week 2 : Bresil (South America)
Dress up and come join the festivities of the great
Rio Carnaval on Thursday, July 9th.
Week 3 : Tanzania (Africa)
Transform yourself into an explorer and take part in
our safari on Thursday, July 16th
Week 4 : Alps (Europe)
Enjoy the beautiful all-white decor offered by the
Alps to celebrate campers’ Christmas. Grab your
hats and your Santa Claus elves costumes on
Thursday, July 23rd.
Week 5 : India (South Asia)
Enjoy the mysterious, magical and festive
environment offered by India and wear your
Arabian Nights costumes (genie, belly dancer, fireeater, snake charmer, etc.) on Thursday, July 30th.
Week 6 : Japan (Est Asia)
Enjoy our visit to Japan and wear your kimono,
your judogi or even transform yourself into a ninja –
on Thursday, August 6th.
Week 7 : Australia (Oceania)
Since water sports and beaches are really popular
in that part of the world, why not take advantage of
this costume day to become a surfer – be bathingsuit ready – on Thursday, August 23rd.
Week 8 : United States (North America)
This is the last week before our return to Canada
and we will take advantage of our passage to the
United States to visit Hollywood and meet the
biggest stars. On August 20th become a star
yourself, then on August 21th wear your best attire
to the final gala.
At the start of the day, when you arrive in the parking
of Académie Ste-Thérèse (1, chemin des Écoliers)
you will see a sign that indicates the action to follow.
If the sign has a sun (nice weather) then advance
your car and leave your child with our greeting
personnel. Our team will take your children to their
daycare area or to the gathering site. If you need to
talk to someone from our management team, we ask
that you park the car.
If the sign has a cloud (bad weather), park your car
and enter with your child by the cafeteria door. A
member of our staff will greet you once inside.
*The reception is between 7 AM and 9 AM for children
enrolled in daycare service and between 8:30 AM and
9 AM for all others. Children who arrive after 9:00 AM will
need to be taken to the main office located near the
cafeteria (follow the signs inside).
At the end of the day please park your car and
present yourself with your security code to one of our
staff in the cafeteria (*The security code starts with the
letter S - you’ll find it exclusively in your Customer
Space). Regular departure starting at 4 PM to 4:30
PM or at the reception area of the school (daycare
from 4 PM until 6 PM)
* For security reasons please note that no participants can
be picked up between 3:30 PM and 4 PM.
Parents who have not enrolled their children in day
care service and who arrive earlier than 8:30 AM or
who pick up after 4:30 PM will be charged $45 per
child for the week for child care services.
In addition, parents of children enrolled in child care
services who pick up their children later than 6 :00 PM
will pay an additional fee as follows : $1 per minute
from 6 :00 PM to 6 :15 PM, and then $3.00 per minute
as of 6 :15 PM.
Parents whose children are enrolled in these
programs are encouraged to refer to the data sheets
about this topic on their Customer Space. For your
information, we ask that children arrive by 9:00 AM
on MONDAY for their departure to Val-Morin. The
return is scheduled for 4:00 PM on WEDNESDAY
(depending on road conditions).
Children enrolled in these specialized camps must
arrive each morning by 8:45 AM. Their departure by
bus to the recreoquatic center in Blainville and to the
secondary pavilion Ste-Thérèse Academy will be at
9 AM. Parents who do not drive their children in time
will be responsible for their transportation.
Magic à July 14 / Educazoo à July 7, August 18
Children registered for the magic show or for
Educazoo will attend the shows on Tuesdays before
There is still time to register your child if you want to
do so, just contact Management of the day camp.
Healthy and balanced menus approved by a registered dietician, are prepared for the children attending day camp. On
request, we even offer a vegetarian menu. To know more we invite you to consult the menu (available on our website at
Edphy.comà Information à Organization, ressources, information à Day Camp à Health. However, please note that
you must book the meal service no later than the Tuesday before arrival.
Microwaves are also available onsite to warm meals for children who bring their lunch from home.
Please note that any food containing peanut butter or any trace of nuts or peanuts are strictly prohibited in the
camp because of allergies.
So that your children can keep a souvenir of their visit to the camp, nothing better than to offer them a water bottle, a
sweater, a cap or a sweater with the EDPHY logo! Check with management.
We are constantly trying to improve the
services we offer. To this end, we invite
you to answer a short survey which will
enable us to focus our efforts. You will
find this survey in the “Customer Space”
section of our website
See frequently asked questions (available on our website at à Information à Organization, resources,
information à Day camps à FAQs. Or contact without
hesitation the management of the camp. We will be happy
to help you.