Tempo & Metronome Lesson Plan 1. Lesson Title: Tempo and Metronome Use 2. Grade/Age Level: 7th Grade 3. Subject Area: Band 4. Time allo:ed for the lesson: 2-‐3 Class Periods (45 minutes each) 5. Short descrip@on of lesson: a. In this lesson, the learners will conEnue to use the STARS method of sight-‐ reading. They will also learn how to use a metronome in both group and individual pracEce sessions. 6. State Curriculum Standards met in this lesson: 6-‐8.Mu.3.1.3 Use standard musical notaEon to sing/play grade appropriate material 6-‐8.Mu.3.1.4 Formulate a method of consistent musical pracEce 6-‐8.Mu.3.2.1 Sing/play accurately using good breath control, dicEon, arEculaEon and posture both alone and in small groups, following he direcEons of a conductor 6-‐8.Mu.3.2.2 Perform in an ensemble, using appropriate musical technique 7. Instruc@onal Objec@ves: a. Students will review the STARS method of sight-‐reading by sight-‐reading the music for their next concert. b. Students will learn how to use a metronome in their individual daily pracEce as well as in secEonal/group pracEce. 8. Instruc@onal Procedures a. Lesson Set: I will perform a popular piece of music for the class using SmartMusic. b. Techniques and ac@vi@es i. Review STARS ii. Play assigned lines out of the Method Book. iii. Introduce the metronome as a method of keeping a steady tempo while playing out in the method book. iv. Work in secEons, using a metronome to keep a steady tempo. v. Introduce SmartMusic vi. Work in secEons, using SmartMusic to accompany the group. Adjust the tempo accordingly. vii. SecEon should submit their best recording. c. Lesson Closure: At the end of this lesson, I (the teacher) will choose the best recordings by secEons that were submiWed via SmartMusic. Those recordings will be played for the class. 9. Adapta@ons for special learners: AdapEons to this lesson will vary depending on the requirements of each student and their IEP. 10. Supplemental Ac@vi@es: Supplemental acEviEes may include secEonal work, individual pracEce with a secEon leader to help, or assigned individual work to be completed using SmartMusic. 11. Assessment/Evalua@on: This lesson will be informally assessed. Students will be assessed through their weekly pracEce journals. Individual feedback will be given to each student. The recordings submiWed via SmartMusic will be assessed. Feedback will be given to each group based on how well they followed the metronome. 12. Learner Products (What ar@fact(s) or products will result from the lesson? Students will be able to play specific secEons of music or lines from their method book while following the tempo dictated to the via the metronome. Recordings will result from any work completed on SmartMusic.
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