Module Specification 1. Factual information Module title Coronary Heart Disease Level NQF Level 5 Module tutor Linda Edmunds Credit value Module type Distance Learning Optional module Notional learning hours 30 (CATS) 15 (ECTS) 300 2. Rationale for the module and its links with other modules Almost 2.6 million people have heart and circulatory disease in the UK. Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is the most common cause of premature death in the UK, causing 105,000 deaths a year. The Government is committed to reducing the death rate from coronary heart disease and stroke and related diseases in people under 75 by at least 40%, it is therefore important that health professionals understand their role in achieving this. This module fits within the undergraduate long-term conditions programmes. It is underpinned by the principles of evidence based healthcare and incorporates key concepts of the NHS Long-Term Conditions agenda. Its focus on a specific area of care complements and underpins the concepts of the compulsory modules by enabling students to develop skills in a broad range of related subject areas. As such, the module has strong links with the other optional disease focussed modules offered within the programme pathways. 3. Aims of the module This module is aimed at any health care professional who participates in the delivery and management of care of people with coronary heart disease (CHD), their families and carers The module will equip student with a sound, comprehensive knowledge base in the prevention and management of CHD. Successful students will demonstrate appropriate skills and knowledge in the diagnosis, treatment and management of people with CHD and using current clinical guidelines and evidence will be able to suggest, initiate and vary treatment in response to assessment of individual needs. It will enable students to deliver holistic, evidence-based care to patients and will foster a multi-disciplinary approach to care. 4. Pre-requisite modules or specified entry requirements None specified Coronary Heart Disease NQF Level 5 5. Intended learning outcomes A. Knowledge and understanding Learning and teaching strategy At the end of the module, students will be expected to: A1: Discuss the pathophysiology, anatomy and physiology of the CHD and apply this to different clinical presentations Comprehensive distance learning materials supported by interactive activities Further support from student support services including telephone & e-mail support and a comprehensive student guide. B. Cognitive skills Learning and teaching strategy At the end of the module students will be expected to: B1: Evaluate current guidelines and evidence relating to the pharmacological and non-pharmacological management of coronary heart disease to underpin decision making in a range of clinical situations Comprehensive distance learning materials supported by interactive activities Further support from student support services including telephone & e-mail support and a comprehensive student guide. C. Practical and professional skills Learning and teaching strategy At the end of the module, students will be expected to: C1: Discuss the key issues in history-taking and clinical assessment in relation to diagnosis and ongoing management of people with coronary heart disease and evaluate and modify care appropriately in response to such assessment C2: Discuss the psychosocial impact of having coronary heart disease on the individual and their family and suggest strategies to support patients and families in supported self care Comprehensive distance learning materials supported by interactive activities Further support from student support services including telephone & e-mail support and a comprehensive student guide. D Key transferable skills Learning and teaching strategy At the end of the module, students will be expected to: D1: Discuss the role of the multidisciplinary team in the prevention, treatment and management of CHD and evaluate their role within it Comprehensive distance learning materials supported by interactive activities Further support from student support services including telephone & e-mail support and a comprehensive student guide. 6. Indicative content. The subjects covered include: • Epidemiology, anatomy and pathophysiology of coronary heart disease. • Systematic assessment and diagnostics • Treatment and management: Pharmacological and non-pharmacological • Risk factor assessment and lifestyle management • National and local policy and guidelines • Organisation of care- care pathways, multi disciplinary working • Supported self care –cardiac rehabilitation • Communication to influence change Coronary Heart Disease NQF Level 5 7. Assessment strategy, assessment methods and their relative weightings Students are assessed by written assignment. Part 2 – Assignment Students are required to submit a fully referenced assignment of 4,000 words based on an extended case study. This must provide evidence of knowledge and understanding of the management of CHD in clinical practice. The assignment component comprises 100% of the overall module mark. Criteria for a pass The pass mark for the module is 40%. Reassessment is as per the regulations in the Student Guide. Learning Outcome Assignment (100%) A1: Discuss the anatomy and pathophysiology of the CHD and apply this to different clinical presentations B1: Evaluate current guidelines and evidence relating to the pharmacological and non-pharmacological management of coronary heart disease to underpin decision making in a range of clinical situations Discuss the key issues in history-taking and clinical assessment in relation to diagnosis and ongoing management of people with coronary heart disease and evaluate and modify care appropriately in response to such assessment Discuss the psychosocial impact of having coronary heart disease on the individual and their family and suggest strategies to support patients and families in supported self care Discuss the role of the multidisciplinary team in the prevention, treatment and management of CHD and evaluate their role within it C1: C2: D1: 9. Teaching staff associated with the module Tutor’s name and contact details Contact hours Linda Edmunds, Education for Health Mon – Fri 8:30am – 5:30 pm E-mail: [email protected] Coronary Heart Disease NQF Level 5 10. Key reading list Author Handler, C, Coghlan, G Year 2008 Title Publisher Management of cardiac Radcliffe problems in primary care Publishing Ltd Location London Clancy, J, Mc Vicar, A 2009 Anatomy and physiology for Hodder Arnold nurses and healthcare rd practitioners 3 ed London Joint British Societies 2005 Joint British societies BMJ publishing guidelines on prevention of cardiovascular disease in clinical practice [JBS 2] London 11. Other indicative text (e.g. websites) Coronary Heart Disease NQF Level 5
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