UNIVERSITY OF THE FREE STATE BEdHons GENERAL GUIDELINES 2015 FACULTY OF EDUCATION TABLE OF CONTENTS Word of welcome 1 1. BEdHons 2015 Admission requirements 1 2. BEdHons 2015 Mode of Presentation 1 3. BEdHons 2015 Curriculum 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Baccalaureus Educationis Honores (Policy Studies and Governance in Education) Baccalaureus Educationis Honores (Professional Education Management and Leadership) Baccalaureus Educationis Honores (Professional Curriculum Studies) Baccalaureus Educationis Honores (Professional Curriculum Studies in Technology) Baccalaureus Educationis Honores (Psychology of Education: Inclusive Education) 2 3 3 4 4 4. Level descriptors 5 5. Repeaters 6 6. Attendance 6 7. Assessment 7 8. Fees payable 9 9. Contact persons 10 10. General problems that students experience 12 11. Grievance procedure 14 12. Campus map 15 13. Specially scheduled assessment opportunities 16 14. Accommodation 16 15. Postgraduate Diploma in Education 2016 16 16. BEdHons 2017 17 Timetable pp 21 - 24 Die Afrikaanse weergawe van hierdie gids sal beskikbaar wees by 1 WORD OF WELCOME A cordial word of welcome to you as a student at the Faculty of Education. We are honoured that you have chosen the University of the Free State to better equip yourself for the teaching profession by means of the BEdHons qualification. The final intake for the current curriculum in the BEdHons programme will be in January 2015. These candidates will be expected to graduate in 2016. First-year, parttime students will be admitted to the Postgraduate Diploma programme in January 2016 and to the new BEdHons programme in January 2017. The new programmes on NQF level 8 - Bachelor of Education Honours (BEdHons) and Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDip) - will be implemented as follows: BEdHons – new curriculum implemented in 2017 PGDip – implemented in 2016 The new PGDip programme will allow access to the Master’s Degree once the student has successfully completed the supervised research module in the BEdHons programme and has complied with all selection criteria. Due to this phasing in of the new curriculum, no new BEdHons students will be admitted in 2016. New applicants in 2016 will have to consider the PGDip programme, or wait for the new BEdHons curriculum in 2017. Phasing in of new curriculum in postgraduate studies 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Year 1 and 2 (only new full time students were admitted) Year 1 and 2 (new fulltime and part-time students) Year 2 (only part-time and pipeline students) none New PGDip none none Year 1 Only pipeline students who completed 60% of the qualification may enrol for equivalent modules in the new BEdHons/ PGDip programmes Year 1 and Year 2 Year 1 and Year 2 New BEdHons none none none Year 1 (only part-time students) Year 1 and 2 (fulltime and parttime students) Old BEdHons 1. BEdHONS 2015 ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS The institutional rules of the University of the Free State in respect of admission to this degree are applicable. To be admitted to this degree, a prospective student must be in possession of a relevant and completed qualification on NQF level 7 (480 credits) which implies: (a) a Bachelor’s degree or licentiate (360 credits) and a Post-graduate Certificate in Education or equivalent professional Education qualification (120 credits); or (b) a Bachelor of Education degree (480 credits) 2 A selection process is applicable for admission to the BEdHons programme (an average of at least 65% for the preceding degree or PGCE. Please note: Computer literacy (and an email address) is a prerequisite for successful BEdHons studies, as students must submit assignments in typed format and students will be expected to conduct internet searches and use the University’s Learning Management System (Blackboard). No compromises will be made in this regard. 2. BEdHONS 2015 MODE OF PRESENTATION Each semester part-time students will follow the modules indicated in year 1 and fulltime students the modules indicated in year 1 AND year 2. Attendance of workshops is compulsory – 4 (four) weekends per semester: Fulltime students: Thursdays from 15:30 until Saturdays 14:15. Part-time students: Fridays from 15:30 – Saturdays 14:15. 3. 3.1 BEdHONS 2015 CURRICULUM BACCALAUREUS EDUCATIONIS HONORES Study code 7514 POLICY STUDIES AND GOVERNANCE IN EDUCATION OFFERED IN: Bloemfontein Mod. Code YEAR 1* 1 GPS 612 2 GCS 612 3 GPL 612 4 GCU 612 5 PPE 622 6 FOI 622 7 RMA 622 8 FOC 622 YEAR 2* 9 LAC 612 10 PPO 612 11 LAG 612 12 CUL 612 13 14 15 16 RMA 642 FOD 622 FBB 622 RMA 662 Name of module Credits Philosophy of Education Comparative Education and Education System Studies Learning Styles and Self Concept Curriculum Science and Teaching Practice Principles of Education Policy and Governance Ideological Impediments in Education Literature Study for Research in Education Principles of Scientific Critique 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Education Law in South African Context Development of Education Policies Education Management and Governance: Legal Principles Innovative Learner-Centred and Group Orientated Practices Qualitative Research Methods in Education Democracy and Education policy Education Related Structures: Policy and Governance Quantitative Research Methods in Education Total 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 128 3 3.2 BACCALAUREUS EDUCATIONIS HONORES Study code 7508 PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP OFFERED IN: Bloemfontein, Qwaqwa Mod. Code YEAR 1* 1 GPS 612 2 GCS 612 3 GPL 612 4 GCU 612 5 MLP 622 6 MLM 622 Name of module Credits Philosophy of Education Comparative Education and Education System Studies Learning Styles and Self Concept Curriculum Science and Teaching Practice Fundamentals of Education Management and Leadership Management Tasks as Basis of Effective School Management 7 RMM 622 Literature Study for Research in Education Management and Leadership 8 MLC 622 Management of change in Education OR OR MLI 622 Effective Leadership in Instructional Context YEAR 2* 9 LAC 612 Education Law in South African Context 10 MLS 612 The school as Organisation: Theory, Gender and Conflict 11 LAG 612 Education Management and Governance: Legal Principles 12 CUL 612 Innovative Learner-Centred and Group Orientated Practices 13 RMM 642 Qualitative Research Methods in Education Management and Leadership 14 MLH 622 Organisational Management: Human Resources in OR School Context OR MLL 622 Creative and Innovative Learner Leadership 15 MLF 622 Organisational Management: School Finance OR OR MLE 622 Educational Leadership and Community Empowerment 16 RMM 662 Quantitative Research Methods in Education Management and Leadership Total 3.3 BACCALAUREUS EDUCATIONIS HONORES 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 128 Study code 7509 PROFESSIONAL CURRICULUM STUDIES OFFERED IN: Bloemfontein, Qwaqwa Mod. Code Name of module YEAR 1* 1 GPS 612 Philosophy of Education 2 GCS 612 Comparative Education and Education System Studies 3 GPL 612 Learning Styles and Self Concept 4 GCU 612 Curriculum Science and Teaching Practice 5 CUP 622 Part disciplines of Didactics 6 CUB 622 Instructional Design 7 RMC 622 Literature Study for Research in Curriculum Science 8 CUD 622 Power Relations in the Didactic Situation Credits 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 4 YEAR 2* 9 CUC 612 10 CUM 612 11 12 CUO 612 CUL 612 13 14 15 16 RMC 642 CUT 622 CUA 622 RMC662 3.4 Outcomes-based Education in South African Context Multicultural Education in Culturally Diverse South African Schools Orthodidactics Innovative Learner-Centred and Group Orientated Practices Qualitative Research Methods in Curriculum Science Innovation in Instructional Technology Quality Assessment in the Teaching-Learning Situation Quantitative Research Methods in Curriculum Science Total BACCALAUREUS EDUCATIONIS HONORES 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 128 Study code 7510 PROFESSIONAL CURRICULUM STUDIES IN TECHNOLOGY OFFERED IN: Bloemfontein Mod. Code No. YEAR 1* 1 GPS 612 2 GCS 612 3 GPL 612 4 GCU 612 5 TEF 622 6 MLM622 7 RMC622 8 TEM 622 YEAR 2* 9 CUC 612 10 TEC 612 11 TEP 612 12 CUL 612 13 14 15 16 3.5 RMC 642 CUT 622 CUA 622 RMC 662 Name of module Credits Philosophy of Education Comparative Education and Education System Studies Learning Styles and Self Concept Curriculum Science and Teaching Practice Technology as Learning Area: Fundamentals and Teaching Skills Management Tasks as Basis of Effective School Management Literature Study for Research in Curriculum Science Modern Technology and Communication 8 8 8 8 8 Outcomes-based Education in South African Context Creative Design and Professional Ethics Psycho-Motor Skills and Entrepreneurship Innovative Learner-Centred and Group Orientated Practices Qualitative Research Methods in Curriculum Science Innovation in Instructional Technology Quality Assessment in the Teaching-Learning Situation Quantitative Research Methods in Curriculum Science Total 8 8 8 8 BACCALAUREUS EDUCATIONIS HONORES 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 128 Study Code 7524 PSYCHOLOGY OF EDUCATION: INCLUSIVE EDUCATION OFFERED in Bloemfontein only and students start with year 1 if enrolling on part-time basis. Prerequisite: Psychology 1 – Psychology I refers to Psychology as discipline in Human Sciences. If you do not answer to this requirement you may complete the course while doing BEdHons, either at the UFS or any other university. 5 The BEdHons qualification will not be conferred before proof of the completion of the course has been submitted. Mod. No. YEAR 1 Code GPS612 EDU 613 RMM622 EDU 623 POO604 YEAR 2 Core learning EDV613 EDU633 RMM642 RMM662 EDV623 Elective learning EDU 653▪ OR EDU673▪ EDU 643▪ OR EDU 663▪ Name of module Credits Philosophy of Education Foundations of Educational Psychology Literature Study for Research in Education Special Educational Needs This module entails practical work in Support Teaching (16 credits). This is an intensive training in support teaching strategies and procedures and will be offered in Bloemfontein on Saturdays. Didactics Developmental Psychology Qualitative Research Methods in Education Quantitative Research Methods in Education Curriculum Studies 16 16 08 08 16 Teaching Methodologies for Special Needs 16 HIV/AIDS Education Support to Learners with Special Needs 16 16 Sexuality Education and Life Skills Total 4. 08 16 08 16 (16) 16 144 EDU643 and EDU653, as well as POO604 are offered in combination EDU663 and EDU673 are offered in combination. LEVEL DESCRIPTORS (SAQA) In order to provide students with a framework for success, it is necessary to know what is expected from them. The following level descriptors drive this Honours degree [South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA)]. Scope of knowledge: knowledge of and engagement in an area at the forefront of a field, discipline or practice; an understanding of the theories, research methodologies, methods and techniques relevant to the field, discipline or practice; and an understanding of how to apply this knowledge in a particular context. Knowledge literacy: an ability to interrogate multiple sources of knowledge in an area of specialisation, and to evaluate knowledge and processes of knowledge production. 6 Method and procedure: an understanding of the complexities and uncertainties of selecting, applying or transferring appropriate standard procedures, processes or techniques to unfamiliar problems in a specialised field, discipline or practice. Problem solving: an ability to use a range of specialised skills to identify, analyse and address complex and/or abstract problems drawing systematically on the body of knowledge and methods appropriate to a field, discipline or practice. Ethics and professional practice: an ability to identify and address ethical issues based on critical reflection on the suitability of different ethical value systems to specific contexts. Accessing, processing and managing information: an ability to critically review information gathering, evaluation and management processes in specialised contexts in order to develop creative responses to problems and issues. Producing and communicating information: an ability to present and communicate academic, professional or occupational ideas and texts effectively to a range of audiences, offering creative insights, rigorous interpretations and solutions to problems and issues appropriate to the context. Context and systems: an ability to operate effectively within a system, or manage the system based on an understanding of the roles and relationships between elements within the system. Management of learning: an ability to apply in a self-critical manner learning strategies which effectively address own and others’ professional and ongoing learning needs. Accountability: an ability to take full responsibility for own work, decision making and use of resources, and full accountability for the decisions and actions of others where appropriate. 5. REPEATERS Students repeating modules have to register for the particular module(s) again and attend workshops in order to obtain a new CASS mark (See Reg. A 41(e)). 6. ATTENDANCE Attendance of workshops is compulsory. A student forfeits marks if he/she is absent during assessment opportunities. For absence due to medical, psychological or compassionate reasons, see 8.3 below. Assignments handed in late are penalised by 10% per day of the mark which the student obtained for the specific assignment. A module is incomplete if a student takes part in less than 50% of continuous assessment activities. 7 7. ASSESSMENT 7.1 Assessment per module takes the form of continuous assessment (40-60% of final mark) and a summative assessment opportunity either during examinations of during the semester (40-60% of final mark) (also cf. 3 above). 7.2 Continuous assessment of knowledge and skills takes place during the workshops. The proportion according to which the final module mark is determined is: continuous assessment (40 - 60%): final summative assessment (40 - 60%). TAKE NOTE: Since 2012 students need a cass mark of at least 40% to be allowed access to write the examinations. 7.3 Assignments must be handed in during the particular contact session(s). If other arrangements are not conferred with the lecturer, assignments submitted late will be penalised as indicated in 7 above. Cases of absence from assessment opportunities are handled in terms of the internal policy of the Faculty of Education: If a student is absent from any assessment opportunity during contact sessions due to medical, psychological or compassionate reasons, he/she must apply for special permission to submit an assignment within five working days after the scheduled contact session. Such an application must be done on the official application form (see page 17) and submitted with the assignment to Mr Ferreira (Bloemfontein and Clocolan) or Dr Letsie (Qwaqwa campus). This form must be completed by a medical practitioner and the relevant documents must be attached. Assignments handed in after this date, will not be marked! he/she will have to apply for special permission to participate in the one specially scheduled assessment opportunity (test) at the end of the semester (before the examinations). Such an application must be done on the official application form and submitted within seven working days after the scheduled contact session to Mr Ferreira (Bloemfontein) or Dr Letsie (Qwaqwa campus). This form must be completed by a medical practitioner and the relevant documents must be attached. Clarifying information on the specially scheduled assessment opportunity Only one special assessment opportunity will be scheduled per module at the end of the semester. This implies that if a student has been absent from more than one assessment opportunity for a specific module, he/she will have to repeat the module the next year. The specially scheduled assessment opportunity will comprise of a one hour formal paper/assignment per module and the marks will be calculated to the weight assigned to the assessment opportunity in question. This opportunity will be scheduled on the Bloemfontein and Qwaqwa campuses on the dates and times indicated on the timetable and will take place before the formal examinations. (See 13 on p.16) Students not participating in the special assessment opportunities will forfeit the marks. 7.4 If a module requires an examination, students have to participate in the main examination opportunity that is scheduled per module per semester. 8 7.5 First semester BEdHons modules will only be assessed during the end of the first semester and second semester modules will only be assessed during the end of the second semester. Re-assessment: Only students obtaining a final mark of 45% or more but less than 50% during the examination opportunity (whether it be the first or the second semester), may participate in the additional examination opportunity. Students obtaining a final mark of less than 45% during the examination opportunity will not be awarded a re-assessment opportunity and may not participate in the additional examination opportunity. A student must obtain a sub-minimum of 40% for the examination and an average of at least 50% to pass the module. If a student obtained a module average of 50% or more but a summative assessment mark between 30% and 40%, he/she will be allowed to write a re-assessment in the second examination opportunity. In the case of an examination mark being less than 30%, the student will fail that module. In the case of non-examination modules the final mark is calculated according to the weights assigned for the various components (no re-assessment is granted). A special examination may be awarded if you have only one module outstanding to complete your qualification after the main examinations. Special examinations will take place after the formal examination opportunities. Please contact the Postgraduate Directorate in this regard. No re-assessment or special examinations can be awarded to non-examination modules. 7.6 Only students who obtained a final mark of 60% or more during the main examination opportunity may apply to take part in the additional opportunity in order to obtain a better mark. 7.7 A student must obtain a sub-minimum of 40% for the examination and an average of at least 50% to pass the module. If a student obtained a module average of 50% or more but a summative assessment mark between 30% and 40%, he/she will be allowed to write a re-assessment in the second examination opportunity. In the case of an examination mark being less than 30%, the student will fail that module. In the case of non-examination modules the final mark is calculated according to the weights assigned for the various components (no re-assessment is granted). 7.8 Students have the right to request access to their examination papers if they are not satisfied with their obtained marks. Students will have to make an appointment with the lecturer within 5 days after the announcement of the marks. Reg. A27 (c) determines: A student may discuss an examination paper or the result of an oral examination with a lecturer and the head of the school within five working days after the announcement of the results, with a right of immediate appeal to the dean of the faculty. (In the Faculty of Education the appeal has to be made to the Director: Postgraduate Studies and Research if the student is not satisfied with the discussion with the lecturer). If you want your examination script to be remarked, you have to apply on the official form within five days after the announcement of the marks. Contact Mr Ferreira in this regard. 9 7.9 Students absent from the formal examination opportunity must apply to participate in the second opportunity by completing the relevant form and provide valid proof (e.g. serious illness, etc). Detailed information and forms are available on the UFS website: or at the George du Toit Administration Building. The completed forms must be handed in at the George du Toit Administration Building. In exceptional circumstances the completed form may be faxed to 0866917980. The original documents must be handed in at the George du Toit Administration Building before the marks obtained during the additional examination will be released. 7.10 The qualification will be awarded when all modules have been completed successfully. 7.11 To obtain a distinction in a module a final mark of 75% or more has to be obtained. 7.12 Qualification with distinction: For the BEdHons qualification to be awarded with distinction, the student has to obtain an average mark of at least 75% for all the modules combined AND complete the qualification in the minimum prescribed period of time. (Reg. FP10) 8 FEES PAYABLE Class fees will be charged per module and the amount will depend on the number of credits for the specific module. All fees for the first semester are payable on/before 31 March 2015 and for the second semester on/before 31 August 2015. International students have to pay the fees for the second semester by 30 June 2015. NB: FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE ABOVE WILL RESULT IN THE CANCELLATION OF YOUR COURSE. All International students (full-time and part-time) administrative fee: R2 045 per year – Add this to the total fees BEdHons Registration fee: Tuition fees: Study material: Total: Full time (16 modules*) R 950 R 24 000 + R 3 200 R 28 150 Part time (8 modules*) R 950 R 12 000 + R 1 600 R 14 550 Inclusive Education R 950 see below + R 1 800 *Calculation per module: R1 500 (Policy Studies, Management & Curriculum Studies) South African Students: International Students: Amount payable before registration R 6 870 Amount payable before registration R 11 8701 1 The remaining balance must be paid by 30 June 2015 10 INCLUSIVE EDUCATION TUITION FEES 2015 YEAR 1 YEAR 2 GPS612 EDU613 POO604* R 1 500,00 R 2 500,00 R 3 365,00 EDV613 EDU633 EDU653/EDU673 R 2 500,00 R 2 500,00 R 2 500,00 RMM622 EDU623 R 1 500,00 R 2 500,00 TOTAL R11 365,00 RMM642 RMM662 EDV623 EDU643/EDU663 TOTAL R 1 500,00 R 1 500,00 R 2 500,00 R 2 500,00 R15 500,00 FULL-TIME STUDIES (Year 1 and 2) R26 865,00 *Only students specializing in Special Needs Education (EDU653 and EDU643) Fees are payable at ABSA (account number 1570 151 688). Do not use any other number when you pay your class fees. REMEMBER to state the reference: 100 + your student number on the deposit slip at ALL occasions. 9. CONTACT PERSONS A BLOEMFONTEIN CAMPUS 9.1 Administrative matters (registration, change of personal particulars, telephone numbers, addresses, etc.) Mr M Ferreira Tel: 051 4019179 [email protected] Mrs M Lazenby Tel: 051 4019180 [email protected] Fax: 051 4012010 9.2 Financial matters (accounts etc.) Tel: 051 4013003 or 051 4019537 9.3 Edu-Loan 9.4 9.5 Academic matters Program Director: Dr MM Nkoane Tel: Fax: 051-4444892 051-4013574 Tel: Fax: 051-4013057 051-4012010 Graduations and official academic records: Mr H Williams Tel: 051-4013335 11 B QWAQWA CAMPUS: Postgraduate programme co-ordinator Dr CT Tsotetsi Tel: 058-7185344 E-mail address: [email protected] Fax: 058-7185040 Lecturers (Bloemfontein) MODULE LECTURER CUA 622 Dr MP Koen CUB 622 Dr K Junquiera CUC 612 Prof LP Louw CUD 622 Dr K Teise CUL 612 Mr M Tshelane CUM 612 Dr J Palmer CUO 612 Ms T Jita CUP 622 Ms G Daries CUT 622 Dr J Pretorius EDU613 Dr W Nel EDU623 Ms Z Mokobane EDU633 Dr C Beyers EDU643 Dr A van Staden EDU653 Dr A van Staden EDU663 Dr C Beyers EDU673 Dr C Beyers EDV613 Dr MJ Ramabenyane EDV623 Ms P Pillay FBB 622 Dr K Teise FOC 622 Dr A le Roux FOD 622 Dr K Teise FOI 622 Dr A le Roux GCS 612 Dr L Jacobs GCU 612 Ms C Martin GPL 612 Ms Z Mokobane GPS 612 Dr A le Roux LAC 612 Dr L Jacobs LAG 612 Ms DP Larey MLC 622 Dr J Ramohai MLE 622 Mr B Plaatjies MLF 622 Mr P Mdunge MLH 622 Dr J Palmer MLI 622 Mr B Plaatjies MLL 622 Prof LP Louw MLM 622 Dr J Palmer MLP 622 Ms DP Larey MLS 612 Dr ST Brynard POO 604 Dr A van Staden PPE 622 Dr A le Roux PPO 612 Dr K Teise RMA 622 Mr FJ Kruger RMA 642 Dr ST Brynard TELEPHONE (051) 401 3742 (051) 401 9694 (051) 401 2876 (051) 401 3576 (051) 401 3898 (051) 401 3945 (051) 401 3651 (051) 401 3124 (051) 401 3340 (151) 401 9557 (051) 401 9490 (051) 401 3456 (051) 401 2954 (051) 401 2954 (051) 401 3456 (051) 401 3456 (051) 401 2639 (051) 401 3651 (051) 401 3576 (051) 401 2292 (051) 401 3576 (051) 401 2292 (051) 401 3421 (051) 401 3126 (051) 401 3651 (051) 401 2292 (051) 401 3421 (051) 401 3418 (051) 401 9683 (051) 401 2955 (051) 401 3418 (051) 401 3945 (051) 401 2955 (051) 401 2876 (051) 401 3945 (051) 401 3418 (051) 401 3654 (051) 401 2954 (051) 401 2292 (051) 401 3576 (051) 401 3420 (051) 401 3654 E-MAIL [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 12 RMA 662 RMC 622 RMC 642 RMC 662 RMM 622 RMM 642 RMM 662 TEC 612 TEF 622 TEM 622 TEP612 Dr L Jacobs Mr FJ Kruger Dr ST Brynard Dr L Jacobs Mr FJ Kruger Dr ST Brynard Dr L Jacobs Prof GP Combrinck Mr NJP Teis Mr NJP Teis Prof GP Combrinck (051) 401 3421 (051) 401 3420 (051) 401 3654 (051) 401 3421 (051) 401 3420 (051) 401 3654 (051) 401 3421 (051) 401 2524 (051) 401 2693 (051) 401 2693 (051) 401 2524 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 10. GENERAL PROBLEMS THAT STUDENTS EXPERIENCE 10.1 What must I do if my address or cell phone number changes? Inform the Postgraduate Administration Office (Program Director, Faculty of Education, UFS, P.O. Box 339, Bloemfontein, 9300 OR fax 051 4012010) in writing. We use SMS or e-mail as a way of communicating information to our students therefore you must make sure that we have your latest cell phone number. Unfortunately we cannot send an SMS to international cell phone numbers. 10.2 What must I do if I want to change my course? Contact the Postgraduate Administration Office (Program Director, Faculty of Education, UFS, P.O. Box 339, Bloemfontein, 9300 OR fax 051 4012010) in writing. 10.3 What must I do if I want to cancel my course? Inform the Finance section (UFS, PO Box 339, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300) as well as the Postgraduate Administration Office (Faculty of Education) by completing the official form (available from the Postgraduate Administration Office). 10.4 Until which date may I cancel my course? Cancellation before 15 February 2015: liable for a minimum fee. Discontinue studies after 15 February 2015: No credit for first semester modules and 100% credit on class fees for second semester modules. Discontinue studies after 22 July 2015: No credit on class fees. 10.5 What must I do to change modules? Students who want to change elective modules, must inform the Postgraduate Administration Office (Program Director, Faculty of Education, UFS, P.O. Box 339, Bloemfontein. 9300) by completing the official form (available from the Postgraduate Administration Office). Send the form to the Postgraduate Office. 10.6 How do I pay my registration fee or account? Students can pay directly in the bank account of the University (ABSA 1570 151 688). Payments must be accompanied by your student number. 13 10.7 Until which date may I register? Only students who have applied beforehand and received an admission letter as well as all 2nd year students have the opportunity to register until 30 January 2015 (consult the brochure regarding registration for postgraduate students). After 30 January 2015 NO student will be allowed to register. Any student who missed classes due to registration problems, is advised not to register for those modules, as students will forfeit all marks that could have been accumulated during those sessions. This arrangement will be applied rigidly and no exception will be made in this regard. 10.8 May I register for two qualifications simultaneously? No simultaneous registration is possible. 10.9 What happens if I have outstanding fees at the end of a semester? A student who completes a course and whose account is not fully paid up will not receive the certificate for the applicable qualification. A student who has not completed the course and has fees outstanding, will not be allowed to register for the following year. Any student with an outstanding account will not receive results. 10.10 How do I obtain a student card? Student cards are issued during registrations on the campus. If it happens that a student loses his/her card, the second and further cards must be paid for. 10.11 Is class attendance compulsory? Yes. Continuous and summative assessment will take place during formal contact sessions. By not attending classes, a student will penalise himself/herself by not participating in the assessment opportunities and thus have to forfeit the marks. See 8.3 as well. 10.12 How do I obtain an official personalised examination timetable? A printout is obtainable from the Information desk in the George du Toit Administration Building or phone 051 - 401 2505 / 401 3615. 10.13 How do I obtain my results? For the results of the official examinations of the University the student can consult the UFS web site. Go to and follow the links from Student Portal. 10.14 How can I use the Internet for information? Go to and follow the links. 10.15 What do I need to know if I intend doing a Master’s? Students must have obtained a minimum average of 65% for the preceding qualification (e.g. BEdHons) to be considered for selection. 14 Before a student can gain admission to the dissertation of the Master’s degree, he/she has to write a language proficiency test. On top of these two achievements, students also have to prepare an acceptable initial research proposal. As the number of students who can be accepted into the Master’s programme is limited, only the best students get selected. Applications close 31 October of the previous year and application forms can be obtained from the Postgraduate Directorate in the Faculty of Education. 10.16 What is the timeframe within which I have to complete my degree? Take note of the following regulation: Reg. A36 (f) (i) Students who, after the minimum period of study for a specific qualification plus two years, calculated from the date of first registration for the particular field of study, have not yet obtained the qualification, will only be allowed to continue their studies subject to the consent of the Dean/Director Postgraduate Studies and recommendation by the Head of School. (ii) Students will also not be allowed to register more than twice for the same module, which implies that you will not be able to complete the qualification. Where a student needs only ONE module to complete the degree, a special request has to be directed to the Dean/Director Postgraduate Studies in writing and recommended by the Head of School. 10.18 What is the procedure to be followed if I have a grievance regarding one or other academic aspect? Students should follow the following procedure: 11. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE FLOW CHART Student Grievance Lecturer Unsolved P/D or HoS Unsolved Solution Solved Dean Student Dean Solution Solved Solved Grievance register P/D = Programme Director HoS = Head of School 15 12. CAMPUS MAP (WINKIE DIREKO (EDUCATION) BUILDING = 10) 9 10 11 12 19 20 22 23 25 26 26a 43 47 Agriculture Building Winkie Direko (Education) Building Lectoriums A-F Flippie Groenewoud Building HMS (H V/d Merwe Scholtz Hall) South/West/North/East Block UFS Sasol Library Stabilis Building CH (Callie Human Hall) Examination Centre: Rooms 1- 7 Badminton Hall Biology Building Rindl Hall 16 13. SPECIALLY SCHEDULED ASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITIES (Refer to 8.3) FIRST SEMESTER: SECOND SEMESTER: 08 MAY 2015 16 OCTOBER 2015 The completed forms (see p 19 - 20) and documents must be submitted to the Postgraduate Directorate. 14. ACCOMMODATION For accommodation at Unilofts (next to the university) or on campus in a boutique hotel contact: Ilze Nikolova at 0514019689 OR [email protected] / [email protected] Other guesthouses near the university: Rise and Shine Lodge Colonade Lodge Shawu Lodge The Farmhouse College Lodge Palm Lodge 15. 0515221535 0515224440 0515225731 0515227770 0514443837 0514446982 POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION 2016 The Postgraduate Diploma in Education is a qualification focusing on the continued development of working professionals to play a leadership role in the various sectors of education in South Africa. The variety of specialisations within this qualification provide for opportunities to become specialists in one of the following fields: Curriculum Studies Education Policy Life and Counselling Skills in Education Mathematics Education School Leadership and Management Higher Education. Admission To be admitted to this diploma, a student must be in possession of a relevant qualification on NQF level 7 which implies: According to HEQSF an approved and recognised four-year BEd, or a three-year general Bachelor’s Degree capped by a PGCE (or equivalent) / 120 credit Level 7 Advanced Diploma in Education in a cognate specialisation, or a preceding cognate qualification(s) that meet Level 7 exit level outcomes, or a preceding qualification(s) that in exceptional cases are approved by assessment of prior learning, provided that they meet Level 7 exit level outcomes. 17 According to previous NQF (Interim to accommodate students in the current system) an approved and recognised four-year BEd, or a three-year general Bachelor’s Degree capped by a PGCE (or equivalent), or preceding cognate qualification(s) that meet old level 6 exit level outcomes plus an Advanced Diploma preceding qualification(s) that in exceptional cases are approved by assessment of prior learning, provided that they meet Level 7 exit level outcomes. ACE students (without a degree) will need a level 7 qualification for access to PGDip. Only ACE students (School Leadership) will have direct access to the PGDip qualification. A selection process is applicable for admission to the PGDip Programme (minimum of 60% average in preceding degree or 65% in a preceding diploma). The number of students per specialisation area will be restricted. Additional requirements for admission: Students have to be computer and internet literate to be successful in this programme. Duration The duration of the PGDip programme in Education is a minimum of two years part-time. Assessment Continuous assessment activities of knowledge, skills and attitudes will take place, implying that no formal examinations will be written. The final mark of the module will be calculated according to the weights assigned to the various assessment activities over the period of presentation of the module. A mark of 50% is required to pass a module and no re-assessment of a module will be granted. To pass a module with distinction, a final mark of at least 75% has to be earned. The institutional rules of the University in respect of assessment of advanced diploma and degrees (General rules) are, mutatis mutandis, applicable to this diploma/degree. 16.BEdHons 2017 The content of this qualification must still be approved on all levels, but the concepts agreed upon in 2013 are as follows: Only one BEdHons qualification with electives It will be a research focused degree Small numbers of students will be selected due to the limited capacity for supervision (30 credits supervised research) Suggested categories for electives: ~ ~ ~ ~ Curriculum and Instruction Educational Management and Governance Early Childhood Development Philosophy of Education 18 ~ Social Justice Education ~ Educational and School Psychology Admission To be admitted to this degree, a student must be in possession of a relevant qualification on NQF level 7 which implies: According to HEQSF an approved and recognised four-year BEd, or a three-year general Bachelor’s Degree capped by a PGCE (or equivalent) or a preceding cognate degree(s) that meet Level 7 exit level outcomes, or a preceding qualification(s) that in exceptional cases are approved by assessment of prior learning, provided that they meet Level 7 exit level outcomes. ACE students (without a degree) will no longer have access to the BEdHons qualification. A selection process is applicable for admission to the BEdHons Programme (minimum of 65% average in preceding degree is one of the criteria.) Additional requirements for admission: Students have to be computer and internet literate to be successful in this programme. Duration The duration of the BEdHons programme is a minimum of one year full time or two years part-time. (During the first year of implementation, the BEdHons will only be presented on a part-time base.) Assessment Continuous assessment activities of knowledge, skills and attitudes will take place, implying that no formal examinations will be written. The final mark of the module will be calculated according to the weights assigned to the various assessment activities over the period of presentation of the module. A mark of 50% is required to pass a module and no re-assessment of a module will be granted. To pass a module with distinction, a final mark of at least 75% has to be earned. The institutional rules of the University in respect of assessment of advanced diploma and degrees (General rules) are, mutatis mutandis, applicable to this degree. 19 APPLICATION FORM: SPECIALLY SCHEDULED ASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITY SECTION A: To be completed by the student. APPLICATION DUE TO ILLNESS OR PSYCHOLOGICAL REASONS APPLICATION DUE TO COMPASSIONATE REASONS STUDENT NUMBER: FULL NAMES: SURNAME: POSTAL ADDRESS: E-MAIL ADDRESS: TEL. /CELLULAR PHONE NUMBER OF APPLICANT: QUALIFICATION REGISTERED FOR: RELEVANT MODULE(S): MODULE CODE DATE OF ABSENCE FROM ASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITY REASON/MOTIVATION FOR THE APPLICATION (SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS/SWORN AFFIDAVIT FROM THE SAPS NEED TO BE ATTACHED): ................................................................ SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT APPROVED BY: …....................................................................... FACULTY MANAGER/HEAD OF DEPARTMENT ........................................................... DATE 20 SECTION B: To be completed by a registered medical doctor/psychologist/traditional healer AFTER Section A has been completed by the student: NAME OF MEDICAL DOCTOR/PSYCHOLOGIST/TRADITIONAL HEALER (Printed): Practice number: Telephone number: Date on which the above-mentioned student consulted you for the first time in connection with the illness mentioned in Section A: Have you personally examined the student and diagnosed his/her illness? (Mark the applicable block): YES NO If yes, state clearly the nature of the illness, disorder or injury in so for as can be determined, adding brief particulars regarding the progress, characteristics, severity and cause thereof: Additional comments (e.g. concerning patient’s previous medical history, if any): I confirm that the information supplied in this Section B is true and accurate in every respect. ............................................... ............................................... SIGNATURE DATE 21 BEdHons Timetable 2015 First Semester BLOEMFONTEIN QWAQWA SESSION 1 DATE TIME NO MODULE DATE PSYCHOLOGY OF EDUCATION MODULES ARE INDICATED IN GREEN 5 FEB THURS 9 LAC612 15:30-18:00 CUC612 EDU633 NO MODULE 5 FEB THURS 18:15-20:45 11 LAG612 CUO612 TEP612 EDV613 PPO612 MLS612 CUM612 TEC612 EDU653/EDU673 CUL612 6 FEB FRI 09:00-11:30 10 6 FEB FRI 11:45-14:15 12 6 FEB FRI 15:30-18:00 2 GCS612 EDU613 6 FEB FRI 15:30-18:00 2 GCS612 6 FEB FRI 18:15-20:45 1 GPS612 6 FEB FRI 18:15-20:45 1 GPS612 7 FEB SAT 09:00-11:30 3 GPL612 POO604/POD604 7 FEB SAT 09:00-11:30 3 GPL612 7 FEB SAT 11:45-14:15 4 GCU612 POO604/POD604 7 FEB SAT 11:45-14:15 4 GCU612 BLOEMFONTEIN DATE TIME NO QWAQWA MODULE 26 FEB THURS 15:30-18:00 EDU633 26 FEB THURS 18:15-20:45 THURS 15:30-20:45 EDV613 26 FEB SESSION 2 TIME 27 FEB 27 FEB 27 FEB FRI 09:00-11:30 FRI 11:45-14:15 FRI 09:00-14:15 11 LAG612 CUO612 TEP612 EDU653/EDU673 9 LAC612 CUC612 DATE TIME NO MODULE 27 FEB FRI 15:30-20:45 1 GPS612 27 FEB FRI 15:30-20:45 1 GPS612 28 FEB SAT 09:00-14:15 4 GCU612 POO604/POD604 28 FEB SAT 09:00-14:15 4 GCU612 22 BLOEMFONTEIN DATE 12 MARCH 12 MARCH SESSION 3 12 MARCH TIME THURS 15:30-18:00 THURS 18:15-20:45 THURS 15:30-20:45 NO MODULE QWAQWA DATE TIME NO MODULE 13 MARCH FRI 15:30-20:45 2 GCS612 14 MARCH SAT 09:00-14:15 3 GPL612 EDU633 EDV613 10 PPO612 MLS612 CUM612 TEC612 EDU653/EDU673 12 CUL612 13 MARCH FRI 09:00-11:30 13 MARCH FRI 11:45-14:15 13 MARCH FRI 09:00-14:15 13 MARCH FRI 15:30-18:00 EDU613 13 MARCH FRI 18:15-20:45 EDU613 13 MARCH FRI 15:30-20:45 2 GCS612 14 MARCH SAT 09:00-14:15 3 GPL612 POO604/POD604 BLOEMFONTEIN DATE TIME THURS 15:30-18:00 NO 9 9 APRIL THURS 18:15-20:45 11 10 APRIL FRI 09:00-11:30 10 10 APRIL FRI 11:45-14:15 12 10 APRIL FRI 15:30-18:00 2 GCS612 EDU613 10 APRIL FRI 18:15-20:45 1 11 APRIL SAT 09:00-11:30 11 APRIL SAT 11:45-14:15 SESSION 4 9 APRIL MODULE LAC612 CUC612 EDU633 LAG612 CUO612 TEP612 EDV613 QWAQWA DATE TIME NO MODULE 10 APRIL FRI 15:30-18:00 2 GCS612 GPS612 10 APRIL FRI 18:15-20:45 1 GPS612 3 GPL612 POO604/POD604 11 APRIL SAT 09:00-11:30 3 GPL612 4 GCU612 POO604/POD604 11 APRIL SAT 11:45-14:15 4 GCU612 PPO612 MLS612 CUM612 TEC612 EDU653/EDU673 CUL612 23 BEdHons Timetable 2015 Second Semester BLOEMFONTEIN QWAQWA SESSION 6 SESSION 5 Date Time No Module Date PSYCHOLOGY OF EDUCATION MODULES ARE INDICATED IN GREEN 30 July Thurs 13 RMA642 15:30-18:00 RMM642 RMC642 30 July Thurs 18:15-20:45 16 RMA662 RMM662 RMC662 31 July Fri 09:00-11:30 15 31 July Fri 11:45-14:15 14 31 July Fri 15:30-18:00 6 31 July Fri 18:15-20:45 7 FBB622 MLF622/MLE622 CUA622 EDU643/EDU663 FOD622 MLH622/MLL622 CUT622 EDV623 FOI622 MLM622 CUB622 EDU623 RMA622 RMM622 RMC622 1 Aug Sat 09:00-11:30 5 1 Aug Sat 11:45-14:15 8 20 Aug Thurs 15:30-20:45 13 21 Aug Fri 09:00-11:30 21 Aug Fri 11:45-14:15 21 Aug Fri 09:00-14:15 14 21 Aug Fri 15:30-20:45 7 22 Aug Sat 09:00-14:15 8 PPE622 MLP622 CUP622 TEF622 POO604/POD604 FOC622 MLC622/MLI622 CUD622 TEM622 POO604/POD604 RMA642 RMM642 RMC642 EDU643/EDU663 Time No Module 31 July Fri 15:30-18:00 6 MLM622 CUB622 31 July Fri 18:15-20:45 7 RMM622 RMC622 1 Aug Sat 09:00-11:30 5 MLP622 CUP622 1 Aug Sat 11:45-14:15 8 MLC622 CUD622 21 Aug Fri 15:30-20:45 7 RMM622 RMC622 22 Aug Sat 09:00-14:15 8 MLM622 CUD622 EDU643/EDU663 FOD622 MLH622/MLL622 CUT622 RMA622 RMM622 RMC622 FOC622 MLC622/MLI622 CUD622 TEM622 POO604/POD604 24 BLOEMFONTEIN Date 10 Sept 11 Sept SESSION 7 11 Sept 11 Sept 11 Sept 11 Sept SESSION 8 11 Sept Time Thurs 15:30-20:45 Fri 09:00-11:30 Fri 11:45-14:15 Fri 09:00-14:15 Fri 15:30-18:00 Fri 18:15-20:45 Fri 15:30-20:45 No 16 Module RMA662 RMM662 RMC662 EDV623 QWAQWA Date Time No Module EDV623 15 FBB622 MLF622/MLE622 CUA622 EDU623 11 Sept Fri 15:30-20:45 MLP622 CUP622 EDU623 5 12 Sept Sat 09:00-14:15 6 1 Oct Thurs 15:30-18:00 13 1 Oct Thurs 18:15-20:45 16 2 Oct Fri 09:00-11:30 15 2 Oct Fri 11:45-14:15 14 2 Oct Fri 15:30-18:00 6 2 Oct Fri 18:15-20:45 7 3 Oct Sat 09:00-11:30 5 3 Oct Sat 11:45-14:15 8 PPE622 MLP622 CUP622 TEF622 FOI622 MLM622 CUB622 POO604/POD604 RMA642 RMM642 RMC642 RMA662 RMM662 RMC662 FBB622 MLF622/MLE622 CUA622 EDU643/EDU663 FOD622 MLH622/MLL622 CUT622 EDV623 FOI622 MLM622 CUB622 EDU623 RMA622 RMM622 RMC622 PPE622 MLP622 CUP622 TEF622 POO604/POD604 FOC622 MLC622/MLI622 CUD622 TEM622 POO604/POD604 5 12 Sept Sat 09:00-14:15 6 MLM622 CUB622 2 Oct Fri 15:30-18:00 6 MLM622 CUB622 2 Oct Fri 18:15-20:45 7 RMM622 RMC622 3 Oct Sat 09:00-11:30 5 MLP622 CUP622 3 Oct Sat 11:45-14:15 8 MLC22 CUD622
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