and Public Utilities with a mandate to promote efficient use of energy in the country i.e. use less “My energy efficient house” The live painting competition is open to primary school children of Standard V. Students interested in participating in the competition must download a participation form from the website of the EEMO. The participation form should be duly filled-in and signed by the Headmaster of the energy to achieve the same result, or greater school and should be posted, faxed or emailed results from the same amount of energy. The to the EEMO by April 24, 2015 at latest. EEMO also promotes national awareness for the maintain an energy efficient culture in the Objective country. The Energy Efficiency Live Painting Competition 2015 will provide students an opportunity to 2015) for the Live Painting Competition will be communicated to the participating schools at a later stage and maybe held regionwise. • Participation shall be on an individual basis. • Not more than 2 participants are allowed per school. • All paintings shall be on A3 size paper which will be provided by the EEMO on the day of the Live Painting Competition. • Only paper provided by the EEMO shall be used for the painting. • Students will be required to bring their own painting materials including pen, pencil, pastel or water-color and painting tools. complete their painting. Prize Through these, the EEMO aims to create and • The venue and date (tentatively mid May • All participants will be given 3 hours to efficient use of energy as a means to reduce carbon emissions and protect the environment. Rules and Regulations Theme (EEMO) is a department of the Ministry of Energy Registration About EEMO The Energy Efficiency Management Office The theme for the Live Painting Competition is: Winners will receive prizes amounting to: First Prize Rs 15 000 + Shield + Certificate Second Prize Rs 10 000 + Shield + Certificate Third Prize Rs 5 000 + Shield + Certificate demonstrate their understanding of energy efficiency and energy saving, investigate related Moreover, the Headmaster of the school winning issues and propose solutions. the 1st prize will also receive a shield. Rules and Regulations • The painting shall be an original piece of All participation forms should be forwarded to: Ministry of Energy and Public Utilities work of the participant and should reflect the theme selected for the painting. The Director, Energy Efficiency, • Any appropriate medium is allowed provided that the painted work is thoroughly dried before the end of the competition • The name of the participant and his/her school shall be written at the back of the Energy Efficiency Management Office, 8th floor, C&R Court, 49A Labourdonnais Street, Port Louis. E n e r g y painting. LIVE PAINTING • The paintings will be marked by a jury panel and their decision shall be final. • The first twelve best paintings shall become the property of the EEMO. As for the others, Saving energy today for a brighter tomorrow these may be collected from the EEMO within 30 days of the prize giving ceremony which will be communicated at a later stage • Participation in the Energy Efficiency Painting Competition permits reasonable use of participants’ name and photograph; releasing the EEMO from any claim, liabilities and/or damages arising directly or indirectly out of their participation. E f f i c i e n c y Tel: 210 7143 / 210 7345 Fax : 210 6978 Email : [email protected] Website : C o m p e t i t i o n 2 0 1 5
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