EFCOG Annual Meeting – General Session Agenda The Next 5

EFCOG Annual Meeting – General Session Agenda
DOE Forrestal Building, Large Auditorium - 1000 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, D.C. 20585
The Next 5 Years: understanding the strategic context that will shape operational
challenges EFCOG can help overcome.
June 4, 2015 - Thursday
8:00 am
Introduction and agenda review – Bob Cochran, EFCOG Chair
8:15 am
Congressman Mike Simpson, Idaho’s 2nd Congressional District
8:40 am
Joyce Connery, Director of Nuclear Energy Policy, Office of International Economics
on the Nuclear Security Council
9:15 am
9:30 am
Congressman Chuck Fleischmann, Tennessee’s 3rd Congressional District
10:00 am
David Foster, Senior Advisor, Office of the Secretary, U.S. DOE
10:20 am
Wounded Warrior Support Programs
10:30 am
Mark Whitney, EM Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, U.S. DOE
11:00 am
Matt Moury, Associate Under Secretary for Environment, Health, Safety & Security,
11:30 am
Dr. Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, Deputy Secretary of Energy
12:00 pm – 12:50 pm
1:00 pm
General Frank Klotz, Under Secretary for Nuclear Security and Administrator for the
National Nuclear Security Administration, U.S. DOE
1:30 pm
DOE Field Managers‘ Panel
Geoffrey Beausoleil (NNSA Production Office), Johnny Moore (Oak Ridge Site Office)
William Murphie (Portsmouth/Paducah Project Office)
2:30 pm
EFCOG Business Session – EFCOG Member Companies only
3:15 pm
James Dalton, Chief of Engineering and Construction, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
3:45 pm
EFCOG Annual Awards presentation