Attend the full day and earn 7 CPD points including: 2 points in Competency Area 1: Legal Skills and Practice 2 points in Competency Area 2: Ethics or Professional Responsibility 3 points in Competency Area 3: Substantive Law Attend the full day and earn 7 CPD points including: 2 points in Competency Area 2: Ethics or Professional Responsibility 2 points in Competency Area 1: Legal Skills and Practice 3 points in Competency Area 3: Substantive Law 7 CPD 7 CPD POINTS POINTS 153W19 153W20 2ND ANNUAL CRIMINAL LAW SYMPOSIUM ADVANCED LITIGATION CONFERENCE THURSDAY, 26 MARCH 2015 9.00AM TO 5.15PM $810 Perth’s top criminal barristers and solicitors will offer practical advice on conducting sex offences matter, preparing for jury trials, tips on handling the Criminal Property Confiscation Act and a thorough analysis of recent changes in criminal law while you will also fulfil your Ethics or Professional Responsibility and Legal Skills and Practice requirements. Session One: Legal Skills and Ethics for Criminal Lawyers 9.00am to 1.15pm $460 153W19A »» Chair: Natasha Stewart, Barrister, Francis Burt Chambers Competency Area 2: Ethics or Professional $255 Responsibility 153W19AA 9:00am to 11.00am Costs and Crime: Ethical Considerations in Costs and Fees • What are the difficulties you might face when your client is not paying their own fees • How and what are you ethically obliged to communicate to the fee paying parents • Is it ethical to explain to your client that it might not be in their best interest to have their fee paying parents in consultation meetings • Establishing the difference between the fee paying and instructing »» Presented by Terry Dobson, Director, Terry Dobson Legal Common Ethical Issues for Criminal Defence Lawyers: Representing Clients who Dispute the Offence but Want to Plead Guilty and Mentally Impaired Clients • What to do when your client wants to plead guilty but does not accept the offence • What are your obligations when representing a mentally impaired or intellectually disabled client • What to do if your client is incapable of providing instructions • The Court’s power to regulate practitioners acting for persons who cannot provide adequate instructions »» Presented by Mara Barone, Barrister & Solicitor, Barone Criminal Lawyers Competency Area 1: Legal Skills and Practice 11.15am to 1.15pm 2:00am to 5.15pm $460 153W19B »» Chair: Natasha Stewart, Barrister, Francis Burt Chambers Criminal Defences in Western Australia • Automatism, Self-Defence, Duress, Provocation, Honest and Reasonable Mistake, Compulsion, Claim of Right, Mistake of Fact, Ignorance and Mistake of Law • Consent: Consent Must be Real, Belief in Consent, Consent in Rape, Mistaken Belief in Consent, Mistaken Consent, Intimidation, Theft and Consent • Necessity and Impossibility »» Presented by Patrick Mugliston, Barrister, Francis Burt Chambers Criminal Property Confiscation Act 2000: Drug Trafficker Cases • Time frames and necessary skill sets • Taking instructions and preparing your client (including how to get paid) • How to respond to freezing notices (both for an accused, and for a third party) • Brief Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (Cth) »» Presented by Edward Greaves, Barrister, Francis Burt Chambers Recent Changes in Criminal Law • Anti association laws • Mandatory sentencing: the Criminal Law Amendment Bill (Home Burglary and Other Offences) • Anti terror laws »» Presented by Genevieve Cleary, State Prosecutor, Children’s Court Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions for Western Australia 153W19AB • Complexities when a minor is prosecuted • Typical legal issues including previous representation, prior sexual history and confidential communications • Particular issues in historical sex matters • Sentencing considerations including serious sexual offender provisions »» Presented by Linda Black, Barrister, Francis Burt Chambers • Pre-trial issues • Whether to apply for a judge-alone trial • Selecting a jury • Tactical considerations of running a jury trial • Taking and dealing with objections • Transcript management • Preparation of the jury address »» Presented by Tom Percy QC, Albert Wolff Chambers 9.00AM TO 5.15PM $810 Venture beyond the basics and spend a day learning the nuances of litigating that can help you stand apart from the crowd. This panel of experienced litigation experts will give you practical guidance on high level litigation and advocacy strategies and techniques. In addition, you’ll gain valuable legal skills and ethics points while hearing advanced topics specifically tailored to experienced litigators. If you want to become a master litigator or simply broaden your advocacy skillset, this seminar will help you achieve your goals. Session One: Legal Skills and Ethics for Litigators 9.00am to 1.15pm $460 153W20A Competency Area 2: Ethics or Professional $255 Responsibility 153W20AA 9:00am to 11.00am »» Chair: Stephen Owen-Conway QC, Sir Lawrence Jackson Chambers Ethical Issues During Discovery • Tips to avoid allegations of discovery abuse and ‘trial by avalanche’ • Drawing the line between good document management policies involving destruction of documents, and wrongful destruction of documents • Ethical issues with sending junior lawyers and paralegals to review and categorise documents • The pros and cons of outsourcing discovery work overseas »» Presented by Peter Ward, Partner, Ashurst Ethically Managing Experts • Ensuring a report’s worth: admissibility and probative value • Assisting in preparing a report: guidelines and ethical limitations • Navigating difficult privilege issues »» Presented by Philip Clifford, Barrister, Francis Burt Chambers Competency Area 1: Legal Skills and Practice 11.15am to 1.15pm $255 Session Two: Advanced Litigation Update 2.00pm to 5.15pm $460 153W20B »» Chair: The Hon. Ian Viner AO QC, Stone Chambers Trends in Litigation Damages • Recent cases regarding damages, awards and settlements • Trends in assessing and proving damages for plaintiffs and defendants • Torts and contracts: key distinctions and trends • Fees, tax and costs considerations »» Presented by Rick Cullen, Partner, Cullen Babington MacLeod Staying on Top of the Latest Developments in Discovery • Early return of subpoenas and objections under O36B RSC • Third party discovery under O26A RSC • Analysis of recent cases and developments • Practical implications and guidance »» Presented by Craig Slater, Francis Burt Chambers Re-litigating and Abuse of Process: Dealing With Difficult Edge Cases • Managing situations where the line between res judicata and issue estoppel is blurred • Key elements of Anshun estoppel • Applicability of principles to different courts and tribunals • Recent cases and examples »» Presented by Charmaine Holyoak-Roberts, Barrister, John Toohey Chambers 153W20AB Cultivating Successful Negotiation and Mediation Skills $255 Conducting Sex Offence Matters: Preparation and Practice Preparing for Jury Trials Session Two: Current Issues in Criminal Law FRIDAY, 27 MARCH 2015 Very knowledgeable speakers, interesting presentation presented well SEMINARS MAY ALSO BE AVAILABLE AS LIVE WEB SEMINARS OR ON-DEMAND RECORDINGS • Achieving optimal outcomes in negotiations • Types of mediation and choice of mediators • Handling difficult clients, parties and mediators • Negotiating strategies • Strengthening your client’s negotiating position • Moving past roadblocks in the negotiation »» Presented by Chris Williams, Principal, Chris Williams Lawyer & Mediator Finding Success in Tribunals • Tips and potential pitfalls when appearing before a tribunal • Communicating with a tribunal and preparation strategies • Evidence, cross-examination and experts • Presenting your case and written submissions »» Presented by Rayn Wade, Consultant, Ashurst Interesting range of topics presented comprehensively; Excellent SEMINARS MAY ALSO BE AVAILABLE AS LIVE WEB SEMINARS OR ON-DEMAND RECORDINGS 19 REGISTRATION FORM / TAX INVOICE 5 EASY WAYS TO REGISTER: PO Box 971, Bondi Junction, NSW 1355 DX 12072 Bondi Junction [email protected] VENUE: Parmelia Hilton, 14 Mill Street Perth First name Last name Job title EARLY BIRD OFFER! Register and pay for any Seminar(s) by 23 December 2014 to receive the early bird price plus a FREE past paper.* Please refer to our website for list of papers and enter the past paper code e.g. CD133W01 Code(s) _________________ YOUR DETAILS: Title Call: 02 9387 8133 Fax: 02 9387 8711 Organisation Postal address City StatePostcode GROUP BOOKINGS: DXEmail Phone Please contact us on (02) 9387 8133 for information on group booking discounts. FaxMobile PAYMENT DETAILS: All registrations must be paid in full prior to the date of the event. All prices include GST and P&H. This document will be a tax invoice for GST when fully completed and you make a payment that is under $1000. Please take a photocopy for your records. By EFT: For EFT payment please call accounts on (02) 8070 9915 for details. Please email your remittance advice to accounts By Cheque: Please find enclosed a cheque for $_________made payable to Legalwise Seminars Pty Ltd ABN 40 049 329 749 ACN 102 742 843 By Credit Card: $ ________ to my MasterCard Visa AMEX Card Number Expiry Date: __________ / ___________ Security Number: ________________ CCV number for Amex is 4 digits on the front of the card. All other cards last 3 digits on back. Cardholder’s name: Cardholder’s signature: Not valid without signature Please register me for: Please could you indicate which seminar format you would like to attend, either face-to-face or live web seminar. Seminar Name Wills and Estates Conference Session 1: Session One: Estate Litigation Session 2: Estate Planning and Complexities When Drafting Wills Legal Skills and Ethics for All Lawyers (4 March) Competency Area 1: Legal Skills or Practice Competency Area 2: Ethics or Professional Responsibility Director’s Duties: Defences, Obligations, Removal and Breach Code 153W01 EB Std Face -to- Web Price Price Face $710 $810 153W01A $360 $460 153W01B $360 $460 153W02 $360 $460 153W02A $205 $255 153W02B $205 $255 153W04 $360 $460 Seminar Name 2nd Annual Personal Injury Conference Session 1: Current Concerns for the Personal Injury Lawyer Session 2: Workers Compensation Reforms and Practice Government Lawyers Conference Session 1: Current Legal Issues for Government Session 2: Government Contracts Today Legal Skills and Ethics for All Lawyers (10 March) Session 1: Legal Skills and Practice Session 2: Ethics and Professional Responsibility Current Issues in Environmental Law Intellectual Property in Practice Compulsory Land Acquisition and Compensation in WA Workplace Law Symposium Session 1: Legal Skills and Ethics for Workplace Lawyers Competency Area 1: Legal Skills and Practice Competency Area 2: Ethics or Professional Responsibility Session 2: Current Issues for Workplace Lawyers Deconstructing Construction Law Decision Making: Principles and Good Practice Code 153W05 EB Std Face -to- Web Price Price Face $710 $810 153W05A $360 $460 153W05B $360 $460 153W06 $710 $810 153W06A $360 $460 153W06B $360 $460 153W07 $360 $460 153W07A $205 $255 153W07B $205 $255 153W08 $360 $460 153W09 $360 $460 153W10 $360 $460 153W11 $710 $810 153W11A $360 $460 153W11AA $205 $255 1511W11AB $205 $255 153W11B 153W12 153W13 $360 $360 $360 $460 $460 $460 EB Std Face -to- Web Price Price Face Seminar Name Code Evidence and Advocacy Masterclass Session 1: Litigation Skills: An Evidence Masterclass Session 2: Advocacy Mastery Commercial Law Conference Resources Law Conference Session 1: Contracts, Disputes and Insolvency in Resources Session 2: Legal Issues and Updates 153W14 $710 $810 153W14A $360 $460 153W14B $360 $460 153W15 $710 $810 153W16 $710 $810 153W16A $360 $460 153W16B $360 $460 Family Law Conference 153W17 $710 $810 Session 1: Legal Skills and Ethics for Family Lawyers Competency Area 1: Legal Skills and Practice Competency Area 2: Ethics or Professional Responsibility Session 2: Practising Family Law in 2015 Property Law Conference 2015 Session 1: Legal Skills and Ethics for Property Lawyers Competency Area 2: Ethics or Professional Responsibility Competency Area 1: Legal Skills and Practice Session 2: Essential Property Law Updates 153W17A $360 $460 153W17AA $205 $255 153W17AB $205 $255 153W17B $360 $460 153W18 $710 $810 153W18A $360 $460 153W18AA $205 $255 Code Session 2: Current Issues for In-House Counsel 4th Annual Contracts Conference Session 1: Contracts Master Class: Crafting Documents to Deliver Business Outcomes and Minimise Risk Session 2: Contracts in Practice Costsand Billing: Legal Skills and Ethics Session 1: Ethics or Professional Responsibility Session 2: Legal Skills and Practice Ethics: Competency Area 2 Legal Skills and Ethics for All Lawyers (31 March) Session 1: Legal Skills and Practice Session 2: Ethics or Professional Responsibility Bankruptcy and Insolvency: Staying Updated and Getting the Details Right Workplace Health and Safety: Looking Ahead in WA Shareholder Agreements: Drafting and Disputes Workshop 153W21B $360 $460 153W22 $710 $810 153W22A $360 $460 153W22B $360 $460 153W23 $360 $460 153W23A $205 $255 153W23B $205 $255 153W24 $360 $460 153W25 $360 $460 153W25A $205 $255 153W25B $205 $255 153W26 $360 $460 153W27 $360 $460 153W28 $360 $460 153W18AB $205 $255 153W18B $360 $460 153W19 $710 $810 CPD SPECIAL OFFER - SAVE $110 153W19A $360 $460 153W19AA $205 $255 Register and pay for any Legal Skills & Ethics seminar and any other half-day seminar in one transaction for a total price of $810 (Early Bird $710). Please select which Legal Skills & Ethics seminar you would like to attend and indicate in the space provided your other choice. Criminal Law Symposium Session 1: Legal Skills and Ethics for Criminal Lawyers Competency Area 2: Ethics or Professional Responsibility Competency Area 1: Legal Skills and Practice Session 2: Current Issues in Criminal Law Advanced Litigation Conference Session 1: Legal Skills and Ethics for Litigators Competency Area 2: Ethics or Professional Responsibility Competency Area 1: Legal Skills or Practice Session 2: Advanced Litigation Update 5th Annual In-House Counsel Conference Session 1: Legal Skills and Ethics for In-House Counsel Competency Area 2: Ethics or Professional Responsibility Competency Area 1: Legal Skills or Practice EB Std Face -to- Web Price Price Face Seminar Name 153W19AB $205 $255 153W19B $360 $460 153W20 $710 $810 153W20A $360 $460 153W20AA $205 $255 153W20AB $205 $255 153W20B $360 $460 153W21 $710 $810 153W21A $360 $460 153W21AA $205 $255 153W21AB $205 $255 BOOKING CODE: 153W SPK Seminar Name Code Legal Skills and Ethics for All Lawyers (4 March) 153W02 Legal Skills and Ethics for All Lawyers (10 March) 153W07 Costs and Billing: Legal Skills and Ethics 153W23 Ethics: Competency Area 2 153W24 Legal Skills and Ethics for All Lawyers (31 March 153W25 Face Web -toFace Sem My other seminar choice is: Code: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES - PLEASE SEND ME MORE INFORMATION ON CPD Compliance in Cambodia 5th Annual International Family Law Conference Queenstown, New Zealand
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