OUR COMMUNITY LEARNI NG TOGETHER h c e e B e h At T Volume 1, Issue 8 April 2015 Principal: Jennifer Clark Trustee: Louise Clodd Principal’s Message Spring is in the air. After that long cold winter it is certainly great to feel the sun on our faces and see the puddles starting on the ground. We have many exciting events happening at Beechgrove in the coming month. Grandfriends will be invited to view some of the children‟s artwork in our Beechgrove Art Gallery. A small donation is requested to enter the gallery. Donations will go to support our School Council. Our Student Government is planning some initiatives with regards to bully prevention. These activities will culminate with our student body wearing pink on April 8th to show that we are a school that promotes kindness and diversity. One of our school goals this year has been to improve our students„ conceptual understanding and confidence in Math. Our teachers from grades 1-8 have been learning about Spatial Reasoning, Proportional Reasoning and Place Value so that we can better support children to learn these concepts. If you would like to know more, please don‟t hesitate to ask your child‟s teacher. There are some really interesting activities being planned for Earth Week (April 20th24th) to promote environmental awareness with our students including the building of a greenhouse made of plastic water bottles, the planning and eventual planting of a vegetable garden as well as some tree planting. April, May and June are always very busy months at school. We invite you to check out our website to view our many special trips, activities and events happening. As always, parents are welcome to come and be part of all of the great things going on at Beechgrove! Also, we are excited to share that Beechgrove will be having our annual Grandfriends‟ Day on May 15th. Grandfriends are invited to come in for a special assembly and then they will have the opportunity to spend some time in their grandchildren‟s classrooms. In addition, our Jennifer Clark Parent Council Next meeting April 20 @ 3:30pm in the school library, new parents welcome. Day care will be provided. Fun Night! Mark your calendars for Wednesday, June 10th for Beechgrove‟s annual Fun Night! Volunteers are needed to help with rides, games and set up and clean up. Inside this issue: What is EQAO? 2 Character trait 2 Anti-bullying Day 2 What is EQAO? 3 Welcome to Kindergarten 3 Beechgrove Yearbook 3 April Calendar 4 Dates to Remember: April 3– 6 Happy Easter April 8 Wear Pink Anti-bullying Day April 16 Fun Night Committee Meeting April 17 Grade 8– Graduation photos Fun night planning meeting is set for Thursday, April 16th @ 7pm. Please join us and share your ideas or volunteer your time. Additional information will be going home soon This newsletter is available on our website at http://mbs.tldsb.on.ca Stay up-to-date by following us on TWITTER at http://twitter.com/@Muskbeechgrove Call Safe Arrival When Your Child is LATE or ABSENT 705-687-7802 PAGE 2 AT THE BEECH Our Character Trait for the month is Citizenship Spring is here! When it starts to get warm out please remind your child(ren) to bring boots, splash pants and warm jackets to school. (It is always a good idea to have a spare set of clothes as well.) Our drainage in the back of the school is very slow which results in “Lake Beechgrove”. Please remind your child to stay out of the “lake” and puddles. Morning Arrival Just a friendly reminder that our morning playground supervision does not start until 8:20 a.m. Students should not be arriving at school prior to this time. Please don‟t hesitate to stop by the office if you have any questions or concerns. Bully Prevention Day April 8th—Wear PINK! The International Day of Pink was started in Nova Scotia when 2 straight high school students saw a gay student wearing a pink shirt being bullied. The 2 students intervened, but wanted to do more to prevent bullying. They decided to purchase pink shirts, and a few days later got everyone at school to arrive wearing pink, standing in solidarity. The result was that an entire school took a stand and began working together to prevent bullying. Our student goverment has been inspired by these students and are creating some activities to support this bully prevention initiative. Please support their efforts by wearing pink on April 8th. Grade 8 Grad Info! Graduation is fast approaching for our grade 8‟s. Please mark June 23, our Grade 8 Graduation Ceremony on your Calendar! Get your smile on...Graduates! Graduation photo‟s will be held on Friday, April 17th. Citizenship is shown by making responsible decisions, caring about others, and contributing positively to our community. What is EQAO? EQAO stands for Education Quality and Accountability Office. They are an arm‟s-length agency of the provincial government that collects information about student achievement at in grades 3, 6, 9 and 10. In elementary school, students are assessed two times: once at the end of Grade 3 to assess what they‟ve learned throughout the Primary Division; and again at the end of Grade 6, to assess what they‟ve learned throughout the Junior Division. EQAO assessments provide a snapshot of your child‟s achievement in relation to the provincial standard in reading, writing and math. In the end, no one better understands the true measure of your child‟s abilities and knowledge—or is in a better position to assess them—than his or her classroom teacher. When used together, the results of EQAO and classroom tests provide a picture of your child‟s knowledge and skills. EQAO is also an integral piece of information for us when we are deciding the focus of our school improvement plan. If you would like more information, please don‟t hesitate to contact the Principal or your child‟s classroom teacher. Testing Dates! The Grade 3 and 6 EQAO assessment dates are May 25—June 1. Please support us by refraining from making any appointments for your child during this time. Water Bottle Greenhouse! Our Grade 3 class will be making a water bottle greenhouse, made out of recycled water bottles. Please send in your old water bottles as we need 3500! We are collecting 500ml and 2 litre bottles. Please be sure they are not squished! This newsletter is available on our website at http://mbs.tldsb.on.ca Stay up-to-date by following us on TWITTER at http://twitter.com/@Muskbeechgrove Call Safe Arrival When Your Child is LATE or ABSENT 705-687-7802 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 8 PAGE 3 Is Your Child Ready for Kindergarten? Grandfriend‟s Day If you have a child entering Kindergarten for the first time this fall, you will want to attend a Ready for Kindergarten event near you this spring. You are welcome to attend any of the three open houses regardless of where you live and which school you have registered at for the fall. Grandfriend‟s will be invited to join their grandchildren in their classrooms on Friday, May 15. April 9th St Mary Catholic School, Huntsville On this day, we will have an Art Gallery Fundraiser for Parents and Grandparents to view and possibly make a donation . We are always looking for volunteers on Grandfriend‟s Day, if you have some time available to help please call the office. April 22nd Muskoka Beechgrove Public School, Gravenhurst Puttin' Our "O's" Up in Miss Burda's Class May 5th In the world of Grade 3/4 we are learning the importance of puttin' up our "o's" if we want to make a change in the world we live in. Through our discussions about persuasive writing our class is speaking out and sharing their "O"pinions about changes they would like to see happen here at the Beech. Whether it is changing the recess and eating schedule, requesting lockers, or dreaming of an iPads for everyone, the students are creatively coming up with reasons and evidence to support their plans in the hopes that Ms. Clark will side with their proposals. Miss Burda is extremely proud and impressed with all their hard work and drive to bring about change! Monck Public School, Bracebridge At Ready for Kindergarten your child will have the opportunity to have their hearing and vision tested, as well as undergo screening for developmental milestones. You can learn about how to pack healthy lunches, sample healthy snacks, speak to a dental hygienist, learn about immunizations, talk to someone about library and recreation programs, and even go with your child on their first school bus ride. The events run from 4 pm until 7 pm and you will need one to two hours to get through all the activities. Ms. Durocher‟s class and their village! Beechgrove Yearbook! We are excited to share that Muskoka Beechgrove will have a yearbook this year for grades 5-8. It will be a place for students to recognize and celebrate friends, events and shared experiences. Watch for order forms coming home soon, due date for orders is May 8th. This newsletter is available on our website at http://mbs.tldsb.on.ca Stay up-to-date by following us on TWITTER at http://twitter.com/@Muskbeechgrove Call Safe Arrival When Your Child is LATE or ABSENT 705-687-7802 April 2015 Character Education Theme CITIZENSHIP Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 Fri Sat 2 3 4 Good Friday Happy Easter! 5 6 7 Easter Monday 12 8 9 10 11 16 17 18 Wear PINK ! 13 14 15 Fun Night Grad Photos Meeting 19 Parent Council 20 Hep3/HPV 21 22 23 28 29 30 24 @3:30 Earth Week 26 27 Dental Team Cardboard races Milk is sold daily for $1.00 Delivery days for PIZZA This newsletter is available on our website at http://mbs.tldsb.on.ca Stay up-to-date by following us on TWITTER at http://twitter.com/@Muskbeechgrove Call Safe Arrival When Your Child is LATE or ABSENT 705-687-7802 25
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