T HE R OLE OF E LECTRICAL E NERGY S TORAGE IN THE 2020 A LL I SLAND OF I RELAND P OWER S YSTEM U NIVERSITY C OLLEGE D UBLIN S CHOOL OF E LECTRICAL , E LECTRONIC AND C OMMUNICATIONS E NGINEERING I RENE D ANTI L OPEZ Supervision by Dr. Damian Flynn A PRIL 2015 The thesis is submitted to University College Dublin in part fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Electrical Energy Engineering Abstract Traditional power systems were designed for the operation of fully dispatchable generation plant. The large-scale addition of non-dispatchable generation, such as wind and solar power, has brought about technical and economic challenges, spurring interest in electrical energy storage (EES) technologies. The main focus of the study presented is to assess the value of compressed air energy storage and lithium ion battery energy storage in the 2020 All Island of Ireland power system. To do so, the impact of installing EES in the island of Ireland in terms of: system operation, generation costs, electricity prices and wind curtailment is analysed. Moreover, the value of energy storage is compared to the that of a new high-voltage direct-current link from the island of Ireland to France. Economic analyses are conducted to evaluate the feasibility of the technologies considered from system and investor perspectives. A review of the potential revenue streams that may arise in 2020, remunerating the services rendered by electricity storage, is provided for the investor analysis. The technologies considered are found to bring significant benefits to the operation of the All-Island power system in terms of generation cost and electricity price reductions. Electrical energy storage was found to be more effective at the reduction in wind curtailment than the Ireland - France interconnector. Accounting for the capital costs of the assets, indicates the profitability of the different technologies considered depends on the economic scenario and on the generation portfolio. ii Acknowledgements I would like to thank everyone whose help and support contributed to the development of this thesis, there are some without whom this work would have not been possible: Dr. Damian Flynn, for accepting the supervisor role of this project, whose guidance and expertise has been invaluable throughout the project’s development. Ciara O’Dwyer, for her constant support and advice, who has always found time to share her expertise and knowledge of modelling and power systems with me. The Energy Policy Modelling Group at University College Cork, for providing the base model upon which the project’s test system was built. Timothée Hinchliffe and Dr. Xian He, from Électricité de France, for their time, encouragement and insightful ideas. All the occupants of Room 247 over the course of the last year, for creating a great working atmosphere. Finally, I would like to thank my family and friends, whom I value greatly, for their encouragement and constant support. C ONTENTS 1 Introduction 1 2 Literature Review 5 3 Electrical Energy Storage 3.1 Applications 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3.2 Technology options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 3.2.1 PHS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 3.2.2 CAES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 3.2.3 FES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 3.2.4 NaS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 3.2.5 Li-ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 i 3.2.6 Pb-acid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 3.2.7 Redox flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 3.2.8 NiCd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 3.2.9 Supercapacitors and DCLs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 3.2.10SMES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 3.2.11TES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 4 Methodology and Test System 26 4.1 Modelling software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 4.2 Test system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 4.2.1 Base model: Academic North-West European Electricity Market Model 2020 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 4.2.2 Modifications and additions made to the base model . . . . . 34 4.3 Test system limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 5 Results 45 5.1 Analysis from a system perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1.1 System costs, operation and wind curtailment ii . . . . . . . . 46 49 5.1.2 Synergies between sources of flexibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 5.1.3 Net present value analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 5.2 Analysis from an investor perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 5.2.1 Identified potential revenue streams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 5.2.2 Net present value analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 6 Conclusion and Future Work 79 iii L IST OF F IGURES 3.1 Electricity storage applications throughout the electricity value chain (Rastler, 2010) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3.2 Applications of energy storage technologies (Rastler, 2010) . . . . . 13 4.1 Generation mix in 2012 and model predictions for 2020 ((CER, 2012),(EirGrid and SONI, 2014a)) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 4.2 Start-up cost interpolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 4.3 HVDC Interconnection between the island of Ireland and Great Britain 39 5.1 CAES operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 5.2 CAES generation and POR provision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 5.3 BES operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 5.4 BES generation and POR provision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 iv 5.5 AII-FR interconnector flows and electricity price in the AII . . . . . . 56 5.6 Percentage change in generation from EES and natural gas compared to base case: base wind scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 5.7 Break-even capital cost of CAES (Me) from investor perspective . . 74 5.8 Break-even capital cost of BES (Me) from investor perspective . . . 74 v L IST OF T ABLES 3.1 Energy storage applications and descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 3.2 EES technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 3.3 Technical operational parameters of EES technologies (IRENA and IEA-ETSAP, 2012) (Rastler, 2010) (Divya and Ostergaard, 2009) (IRENA and IEA-ETSAP, 2013) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 4.1 Fuel cost with sample CO2 tax of e30 per GJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 4.2 Operating reserve definitions (EirGrid and SONI, 2014b) . . . . . . 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 4.4 Li-ion BES modelling details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 5.1 AII power system scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 5.2 Results 47 4.3 CAES plant modelling details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi 5.3 Percentage decrease in generation and reserve provision . . . . . . 48 5.4 Break-even capital cost (Me) (Base wind) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 5.5 DS3 system service and allocated expenditure pot (EirGrid and SONI, 2013) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 5.6 PHS annual payments for 1 Me spent on system services (EirGrid and SONI, 2013) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 5.7 Calculation of Bother services for CAES and BES scaled from PHS values 77 vii C HAPTER 1 I NTRODUCTION Electricity systems are evolving to incorporate more renewable energy in order to become increasingly de-carbonised. The European Commission Energy Roadmap for 2050, states that the EU aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% below 1990 levels by 2050. To meet these targets, the Island of Ireland is committed to have 40% of its generation come from renewable energy sources (RES) by 2020 (DCENR, 2009). In order to maximise the use of wind generation in the All Island of Ireland (AII), the system non-synchronous penetration ratio (SNSP)1 is expected to increase from 50% to 75% by 2020 (EirGrid and SONI, 2011b). As a result of the highly variable nature of wind generation, introducing high levels of wind power on the AII system may increase the imbalances between demand and generation, leading to issues in the stable operation of the power system. 1 Non-synchronous generation refers to generation sources that do not operate at the system frequency such as wind generation and HVDC. The SNSP is found as the total non-synchronous generation divided over the sum of the system demand plus the synchronous generation at any given time. 1 To compensate for the variability of wind generation, the system flexibility must be increased; that is, the system’s ability to respond sufficiently fast to changes in generation and demand. To do so, technologies that are able to ramp up and down faster than conventional plant are called for. Electrical energy storage (EES), demand-side management, interconnection and flexible generation are all sources of flexibility. The interest in EES has recently increased as a result of speculation regarding growth in the value of the services it is able to provide as the penetration of variable generation rises. Furthermore, EES has been shown to reduce wind curtailment (Tuohy and O’Malley, 2011), deferring investments in renewable energy generation. The EU Renewable Energy Work program (EU Commission, 2014), identifies the need to develop electricity storage, if the penetration of renewable energy in power systems is to increase. Thus, the ambitious European, and in particular Irish, environmental goals, may rely on the research and development of adequate electricity storage options. EES differs from other flexibility options in that it can participate in multiple wholesale markets, and simultaneously provide benefits to different stakeholders along the electrical energy value chain: electric generation and distribution companies, transmission system operators and the end user. The main challenge is that most electricity markets are not designed for electricity storage participation; they are not set up in a way that rewards the many benefits that electricity storage can provide. The absence of design and implementation of revenue streams that remunerate the benefits of EES brought to the different stakeholders, coupled with the high capital costs of energy storage technologies, have 2 acted as barriers, preventing storage from competing economically against other sources of flexibility. Nonetheless, interest in EES has gained momentum in the island of Ireland. Gaelectric, an Irish renewable energy generation company, has been studying the possibility of developing a compressed air energy storage (CAES) plant in Northern Ireland (NI). Gaelectric believes that such CAES facility would maximise the usage of wind energy, reduce the carbon footprint and the overall cost of electricity in NI (Gaelectric, 2014). Similarly, the energy storage company, AES, is currently developing a 100 MW battery grid-integrated storage plant at the Kilroot power station (NI) (AES, 2014). EirGrid, the Irish transmission system operator, has taken a different approach to increase the system flexibility, and has been studying the development of an interconnector between the Republic of Ireland (ROI) and France (EirGrid and SONI, 2013). The study presented aims to assess the impact of installing grid-scale CAES, battery energy storage (BES) and an Ireland-France interconnector on the operation of the AII power system, and to analyse how each technology is operated such that its benefits to the system are maximised from an economic perspective. The study analyses the economic viability of the flexibility investments from a system operation point of view, under different economic scenarios. Furthermore, different revenue streams are considered to assess the cost competitiveness of electrical energy storage from an investor perspective. Analyses are provided at different levels of wind generation. Finally, the results obtained are discussed, 3 assessing the appropriateness of the remuneration schemes proposed for EES, and how these align the interests of the system and of private investors. A detailed cost-minimisation unit commitment and economic dispatch model is employed and solved for each half hour period2 in a 2020 AII system model. Running the simulation through a complete year allows to account for the seasonal dependence of wind generation and system demand. 2 Generation is dispatched on a half-hourly basis in the Irish Single Electricity Market. 4 C HAPTER 2 L ITERATURE R EVIEW The prominence of studies regarding the participation of electrical energy storage in power systems has grown in recent years, reflecting the increased interest in the development of EES. Three branches of research are of relevance to the project, these study: the drivers for the development of EES, the impact of EES participation on power systems and the profitability of EES from an investor point of view. There exist a confluence of factors that drive the interest in energy storage. At the forefront, is the growing deployment of renewable generation, as EES may provide sufficient flexibility to balance the variable output from renewable sources. Moreover, EES can abate the high capital cost of meeting peak loads and postpone investments in grid infrastructure (Rastler, 2010). The International Energy Agency (IEA) published a study on the role of grid-scale energy storage in the de- 5 carbonisation of power systems (Inage, 2009), in which the percentage of electrical energy storage required in electricity systems is calculated as a function of the penetration of variable renewable energy sources. The report’s results indicate that for a 25% worldwide wind penetration1 , the capacity of EES installed must grow by 59 to 175 GW. The European Commission and the International Electro-technical Commission concur in that EES is pivotal in enabling the development of smart grids and in boosting the growth of renewable energy (EU Commission, 2013; IEC, 2011). Sioshansi et al. (2009) conducted a study assessing value of EES on the Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Maryland (PJM) system. It was found that the value that storage can bring to the PJM power system is dependent on: the fuel cost of thermal generators, the fuel mix and the system load profile, as well as the size and efficiency of the storage device implemented. The results indicate that the recent evolutions in the PJM market, in particular the growth of renewable energy, have raised the value of EES to the power system from 60$/kW-year in the early 2000s to 110$/kW-year in 2009. When it comes to assessing the benefits that EES may bring to power systems, a number of relevant studies have been published. A unit commitment cost minimisation model was employed to assess the economic value of compressed air energy storage (CAES) on the German system with significant wind generation (Swider, 2007), the findings indicate that CAES becomes an economically competitive investment option in Germany from 2017, when a greater variable gen1 The worldwide wind penetration at the end of 2014 was 6.6% (GWEC, 2014). 6 eration capacity is expected to be installed, which brings the need for increased levels of system flexibility. Similar results were found on a study conducted on the UK power system (Strbac et al., 2012); significant operational savings can be brought about by EES in scenarios with significant renewable energy generation. However, these studies do not compare EES to alternative flexibility investments, i.e. interconnection, demand-side management or flexible generation. Moreover, the impact of electrical energy storage is assessed merely from a system perspective, with no analyses provided from an investor point of view. Studies regarding the impact of EES have been previously carried out on the AII using cost minimisation unit commitment models. Tuohy and O’Malley (2011) published research regarding the economics pumped hydro storage (PHS) in systems with very high wind penetration. They found that at levels of installed wind below 9 GW, the reduction in cost brought about from a PHS facility of at least 500 MW is insufficient to justify the replacement of an existing gas turbine. However, Tuohy and O’Malley do not address the economic viability of smaller scale, less capital-intensive options, such as CAES or battery energy storage. Research was conducted by Cleary et al. (2013), regarding the economic viability of a CAES plant. The findings point to the fact that the addition of CAES to the AII generation portfolio may result in a 9.05% reduction in CO2 emissions and a modest reduction in wind curtailment. However, the study does not consider the impact of CAES on the system generation cost, not does it provide means of economic justification for its development. Another study was conducted by O’Dwyer and Flynn (2013), assessing the impact of adding CAES or PHS capacity on the 2020 and 2025 AII system, with and without interconnection, at different levels of wind 7 generation. The study found that bulk EES installations can achieve significant generation cost savings, in particular at high levels of wind generation, which are reduced by DC interconnection. O’Dwyer and Flynn however do not provide analysis regarding the economic viability of battery energy storage. Moreover, their model only accounts for one category of reserve provision. It must be noted that, as the public knowledge on compressed air energy storage is relatively poor, the results obtained from the studies in which CAES is considered are highly dependent on the modelling assumptions made; these are stated and justified in Cleary et al. (2013), however due to their confidential nature, they are not as openly put forward in the other studies cited. The studies above offer encouraging results, indicating that substantial benefits may be drawn from energy storage as the levels of wind penetration grow, however they are limited in that analyses are only provided from a system perspective, without accounting for the interests of other stakeholders. It is of essence that EES is economically viable to an investor if it is to be further developed. Suazo-Martinez et al. (2014) published a study, analysing the profitability of electrical energy storage to a private investor, when considering revenue streams from participation in energy arbitrage, and from the provision of primary and secondary reserve in the Chilean Northern Interconnected Power System. The results obtained indicate that the profitability of electrical energy storage doubles when participating in arbitrage and the reserve markets simultaneously, and is further boosted by higher levels of renewable energy generation. Although a direct cost-benefit analysis is not presented in Suazo-Martinez et al. (2014), 8 the results from their work provide grounds to justify the economic evaluation of electrical energy storage in the island of Ireland, when participating in simultaneous power markets. Direct economic analyses of BES in the island of Ireland, from system and investor perspectives, were not found in the literature, nor were analyses of the profitability of CAES from an investor point of view. Considering the intended CAES and BES developments in Northern Ireland, coupled to EirGrid’s potential development of an Ireland-France interconnector, it is of great relevance to study the effect of these flexibility options on the operation of the AII power system and to assess their economic viability from the point of view of the different stakeholders involved. 9 C HAPTER 3 E LECTRICAL E NERGY S TORAGE 3.1 A PPLICATIONS Energy storage has been used for grid-scale operations for decades; traditionally employed to carry out arbitrage and to provide operating reserve. Storage became particularly popular during the 1970’s oil crisis, when the price spread between base and peak load reached unprecedented levels. During such time, electricity storage was employed to displace base generation to peak demand periods, reducing the system cost of operation. With the developments in the efficiency and flexibility of combined and open cycle gas turbines (CCGTs and OCGTs), today many power systems operate with gas-fired plant on the margin, eroding the value of electrical energy storage arbitrage. However, the growth in renewable energy, the rising cost of meeting peak demand periods and the interconnection 10 developments required for grid reliability, have spurred interest and created new opportunities and applications for electricity storage. Unlike other sources of flexibility - interconnection, flexible generation and demandside management - electrical energy storage can provide services along the entire electrical energy value chain, servicing simultaneously: electric generation and distribution companies, transmission system operators (TSO) and the end customer. Although this project is primarily concerned with electricity storage applications on the generation and TSO levels, Table 3.1 identifies the predominant EES applications throughout the full electrical value chain for completeness. Each storage application calls for certain technical requirements. Due to the currently high capital cost of many EES technologies, applications may be aggregated, increasing system benefits and revenues to EES investors. Figure 3.1 illustrates the suitable technology ratings and time frames for EES applications, illustrating how services with similar properties may be stacked. Applications on the customer side require technologies with lower ratings than those on T&D, TSO and generation levels. The provision of ancillary services, including voltage and reactive power support, call for technologies with high power densities, whereas those technologies with high energy density are favoured for services that involve load following, energy arbitrage and adding system capacity. Figure 3.2, matches each specific electrical energy storage technology to the applications presented in Figure 3.1. EES technologies are covered in detail in Section 3.2, throughout which the reader is welcome to refer back to Figures 3.1 and 3.2. 11 Table 3.1: Energy storage applications and descriptions Stakeholder Application Description System operator (100 kW - 1 GW) Energy arbitrage Energy arbitrage, in the context of electricity storage, entails unit charging (purchasing electricity) when electricity prices are low and discharging (selling power) at high electricity prices. Added system capacity - Ancillary services Ancillary services may include frequency regulation, provision of operating reserve, ramping and black-start capability. Generation (5 MW 100 MW) Renewable integration and smoothing Renewable smoothing involves balancing the fluctuations in the generation output from variable generation by time shifting generation. Distributed and centralised ancillary services may be provided by EES, such as voltage support and ramping. T&D (10 kW - 10 MW) Investment deferral Addition of system flexibility may lead to lower interconnection investment requirements. T&D support Distributed EES units with a fast response may be used along the T&D system to provide voltage and reactive power support. Energy ment Time shifting of home energy usage in order to reduce time-of-use costs. Customer (1 kW 10 kW) manage- Reliability power quality and 12 EES used to provide backup power for non-interruptible loads. Figure 3.1: Electricity storage applications throughout the electricity value chain (Rastler, 2010) Figure 3.2: Applications of energy storage technologies (Rastler, 2010) 13 3.2 T ECHNOLOGY OPTIONS A variety of EES technologies exist, those that have proven future potential are displayed in Table 3.2, classified based upon the form of energy that they store. Table 3.2: EES technologies Mechanical Electro-chemical Electrical Thermal Pumped hydro storage (PHS) Sodium-sulphur batteries (NaS) Supercapacitors and double layer capacitors (DCL) Thermal Energy Storage (TES) Compressed air energy storage (CAES) Lithium-ion batteries (Li-ion) Superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) Flywheel energy storage (FES) Lead acid batteries (Pb-acid) Redox-flow batteries / vanadium redox (VBR) Nickel-cadmium (NiCd) The wide variety of technologies in existence can cater for a range of applications and stakeholders. On one end of the spectrum, lie pumped hydro and compressed air energy storage, with large storage capacities and power output, used for bulk energy management and grid-scale power provision. On the other end of the spectrum lie flywheels, supercapacitors and SMES, with small storage capacities (although specific values are yet to be determined) and relatively low power outputs, whose compactness and fast response is ideal for end-users and 14 the distribution system, and may play roles such as voltage support or emergency power supply. Batteries lie in between, and may be tailored to the specific needs of the application. Table 3.3 presents values of the technical parameters that play a central role in deciding which technology is employed for a given application, these include: power output, storage capacity, efficiency, lifetime, response time and capital and operational expenditures (CAPEX and OPEX). CAPEX and OPEX may be extremely variable and site-dependent, in particular for PHS and CAES, for which costs directly depend upon the site’s geographical features. An individual description of each of the technologies considered is presented, assessing the benefits and drawbacks of each technology, background and potential for future developments. The values in Table 3.3 will be referred back to throughout the analysis. There are new energy storage concepts under development that are not analysed, owing to their immaturity or low predominance, including: underground PHS, non-fuel and isothermal CAES, liquid air batteries, iron-chromium flow batteries, liquid metal batteries, lithium-air batteries, zinc-air batteries and hydrogen energy storage. 15 3.2.1 PHS Pumped hydro storage is the most widespread and mature storage technology. According to the EIA, there are approximately 132,000 MW of PHS installed worldwide, representing over 99% of the capacity of all installed grid energy storage technologies, and 3% of the worldwide electricity generation capacity. PHS is implemented by operating two water reservoirs at different elevations. During off-peak demand periods, PHS units pump the water from the lower reservoir into the upper one. During high demand periods, the water is discharged from the higher reservoir into the lower one, driving a turbine which generates electricity to be fed into the grid. The typical efficiency of PHS ranges from 70 to 85%. PHS is the EES technology that can provide the largest storage capacity, which is only limited by the size of the unit’s upper reservoir. Furthermore, PHS plant very long lifetimes, low operation and maintenance costs and fast response times. The combination of their large storage capacity and fast response enables them to provide frequency and voltage regulation as well as carry out energy arbitrage and contribute significantly to the system capacity. However, the installation of PHS requires certain geographical features and large capital investments. 16 3.2.2 CAES The operation of CAES is similar to conventional gas turbines, the main difference is that compression and expansion take place during two different periods. During off-peak periods, electricity from the grid is used to power the compressor, which drives air into a high pressure storage reservoir. Air can be stored in either underground caverns or in above-ground vessels. During peak electricity price periods, air is expanded and used to drive the natural gas plant turbine, generating electricity that is fed into the grid. It is estimated that CAES uses only 33% of the natural gas that is normally required for a conventional gas-fired generator (EPRI-DOE, 2003) to generate power. There are currently two CAES units in operation; a 290 MW plant owned by ABB in Huntorf, Germany, and a 110 MW unit in Macintosh, Alabama, developed by Alabama Electric Power. CAES plant have large storage capacities and fast response times, enabling them to take part in a range of grid services: frequency/voltage regulation, energy arbitrage, renewable energy smoothing and capacity provision. However, the efficiency of conventional (diabatic) CAES plant can be as low as 40%, owing to the dissipation of the heat generated when the air is compressed. Adiabatic CAES systems are currently being developed, in which the heat released from the compression process is stored and re-used during expansion, boosting the plant efficiency. 17 3.2.3 FES Flywheels work by storing electrical energy from the grid in the form of rotational energy. The speed of the flywheel is raised to increase the rotational energy stored, and decreased to release stored energy into the grid. Energy is stored in a spinning rotor, charged and discharged by a generator. FES devices have a very fast response, smaller than 4 ms in some cases, and 5 to 10 times the power density of BES (Rastler, 2010), making them of great value for frequency regulation applications. Moreover, they have long lifetimes and high efficiencies. However, their storage capacity is limited. FES technologies have been traditionally used to provide back-up power for noninterruptible loads. However, commercial FES plant have been developed in recent years for the provision of grid frequency regulation services. An example is the plant developed by Beacon Power in Hazel, PA, which has been in commercial operation since 2014. 3.2.4 NAS Sodium-sulphur batteries are made up of a molten sulphur positive electrode and a molten sodium negative electrode, separated by a ceramic electrolyte. To keep the electrodes in their liquid states, the battery must be maintained at a temperature of 300 to 350 C. 18 NaS batteries have a high energy density and a fast response time, used for time shifting of renewable energy and for grid power quality and support. Japan is a pioneer in NaS technology, where the largest NaS storage plant is found: a 34 MW plant in Rokkasho used for wind integration, which has been in commercial operation since 2008. The main drawback of NaS batteries is their high temperature requirement; the battery uses its own energy to maintain such temperatures, lowering its performance. 3.2.5 L I - ION In lithium-ion batteries, the anode is made of graphitic carbon and the cathode of lithiated metal oxide, separated by an electrolyte of lithium salts. The production cost of li-ion remains high, and the batteries suffer significantly from deep discharge. Nevertheless, li-ion is one of the leading emerging battery technologies as it offers the highest energy density and efficiency of all battery technologies; ideal candidates for the provision of reserve and for frequency regulation. In the recent years, more and more companies are betting on li-ion BES, which accounted for 90% share of the proposed BES developments in 2014 (Pennwell, 2015). 19 3.2.6 P B - ACID Lead-acid batteries consist of a lead oxide positive electrode, a sponge lead negative electrode, separated by a sulphuric acid electrolyte. Pb-acid batteries are the most mature and well researched battery technology, and are of relatively low cost. Pb-acid storage applications include renewable energy power smoothing and emergency back-up power provision. However, the energy density of Pb-acid batteries is lower than that of other battery technologies available, and their usable capability decreases at high discharge powers, making them unfit for large-scale storage requirements. There is ongoing research on advanced lead-acid battery designs, using materials that would improve their performance. 3.2.7 R EDOX FLOW Vanadium redox is the most common type of flow battery, where energy is stored as charged ions in two electrolyte tanks, one for the positive and one for the negative electrode reactions. Redox batteries require large volumes of electrolyte liquid for efficient operation and are therefore typically used for large-scale applications. The main advantages of redox flow batteries are their long life time and capability to have high number of discharge cycles compared to other BES options. However, the design of flow batteries is complex, which may increase maintenance 20 costs. Moreover flow batteries have a lower energy density than other battery technologies. Redox flow batteries can be used for applications including time shifting, reserve provision and frequency regulation. There are several proposed and operating grid-connected redox flow batteries around the world. An example is a 275 kW installation in Hokkaido, Japan, where the battery is used for renewable energy integration. 3.2.8 NICD Nickel-cadmium batteries have been in use since the early 1900s; they are a well proven and established technology. NiCd batteries have relatively high power and energy densities, however, they are not a popular battery choice due to the toxicity of cadmium. Nickel-metalhydrate (NiMH) batteries have been later developed to substitute NiCd, however NiMH technology is not as proven as NiCd on grid-scale. One of the major advantages brought by NiCd batteries, is that their performance is the best of all BES technologies at low temperatures (down to-50 C). A successful commercial NiCd installation is found in Fairbanks, Alaska. The battery provides reactive power and voltage support, operating reserve and frequency regulation. NiCd technology was decided upon primarily due to its adaptability to low temperatures. 21 3.2.9 S UPERCAPACITORS AND DCL S The principle of operation of supercapacitors is the same of regular capacitors; energy is stored in the electrical field between the two capacitor plates. The main difference between superpacitors and regular capacitors lies in the scale of the technologies; supercapacitors can provide significantly more power and store more energy. Supercapacitors have a very high power density, about 10 times of a conventional battery, and can charge and discharge in less than one millisecond. Their energy storage capacity is limited, and usually have relatively high self-discharge rates. Supercapacitors are therefore best suited for short term applications that requiring fast bursts of power. Due to their large power density, supercapacitor units can be compact yet powerful; well suited to use on the customer side and on the distribution network. Moreover, supercapacitors have a long lifespan and require little to no maintenance, as they have no moving components. Supercapacitors remain a very high cost technology, however there exists a large development potential as their cost/performance characteristic is improved. 3.2.10 SMES The main components of superconducting magnetic energy storage units are a coil made of superconducting material and a refrigeration system. Energy is stored in the magnetic field in the coil, which is maintained below its supercon22 ducting critical temperature (around 100 K) by the refrigeration system. The main advantages of SMES are: quick response time (below the millisecond range), large round-trip efficiency and high power density. Although SMES has no moving parts, its lifetime, reliability and maintenance costs are determined by the refrigeration system. Furthermore, the energy demand of the refrigeration system limits the economically viable period of time for which energy can be stored in the coil. The applications of SMES in power systems are similar to those of supercapacitors. Some SMES units have been commercially deployed, employed for power quality control of uninterruptible power loads. However, SMES remains too expensive and too complex to be deployed on a large scale. 3.2.11 TES Thermal energy from renewable energy, waste heat or surplus energy production can be stored for later use in industrial and residential applications. Although the end user of TES is always the customer, such installations may be centrally managed by utilities. The most common medium of energy storage for TES is water, however such facilities have low energy density, limited by the specific heat of water. Phase change materials (PCM), such as molten salts, can store thermal energy in the form of the latent heat of the phase change, offering a higher energy storage ca- 23 pacity than water TES. PCM TES is currently used for concentrated solar power plant. An example is the two-tank PCM TES developed by Andasol in Southern Spain. Thermo-chemical storage is also a TES possibility, offering higher capacities than PCM and water heat storage, however, at higher costs. TES has seen modest growths in the last years; high costs are the main barrier preventing it from further deployment. 24 25 Commercial 0.01 - 10 Commercial > 30 R&D R&D, Demo R&D, Demo Redox flow NiCd Supercap. SMES TES 0.001 - 10 0.1 - 10 0.1 - 10 > 50 Mature Commercial 0.1 - 100 Pb-acid NaS Commercial 0.01 - 10 FES Commercial > 10 Commercial 100 - 300 CAES Li-ion 250 1000 Mature PHS - Typical power output (MW) Technology Maturity 0.1 - 50 na na 1 - 10 20 - 50 > 300 4 - 24 < 40 1 - 25 1400 3600 1680 14,000 Typical storage capacity (MWh) - - 50 - 90 > 90 90 - 95 70 - 78 70 - 80 75 75 - 90 72 - 78 > 85 40 -60 70 - 85 Efficiency (%) 20 yrs 20 yrs 106 500 2000 > 16,000 3000 9000 500 4000 200 2000 > 20,000 > 25 yrs > 25 yrs Lifetime (cycles) - - - - > sec < ms < ms sec sec sec sec sec ms sec sec Response time na 700 2000 1500 2500 1500 2100 2000 3100 2000 3500 1500 6000 1800 5000 700 1800 400 2000 1700 2000 CAPEX ($/kW) - - - - - - - - - - - 0.1 - 100 > 20,000 > 25,000 400 - 600 > 500 400 - 800 > 1200 < 300 800 2200 10 - 100 15 - 150 OPEX ($/kWh) Table 3.3: Technical operational parameters of EES technologies (IRENA and IEA-ETSAP, 2012) (Rastler, 2010) (Divya and Ostergaard, 2009) (IRENA and IEA-ETSAP, 2013) C HAPTER 4 M ETHODOLOGY AND T EST S YSTEM Analyses of the impact of electricity storage on the operation of the future All Island of Ireland electricity system are carried out throughout this project. Therefore, a tool that allows the simulation of the operation of the All-Island electricity system is required. 4.1 M ODELLING SOFTWARE PLEXOS 7.0 R01 is a commercially available power system simulation tool developed by Energy Exemplar, which is used throughout this study. The objective of the simulations is minimising the cost of operating the system (⇧), subject to a series of generator (N ) and system constraints, over time (T ). The cost of operating a generator is dependent on the fuel cost (C), the operating 26 power (P), plus the start-up costs (S), which may be incurred during the operating period. The start-up costs are dependent on the binary variable (u), which indicates whether the unit is off or on-line at time t. ⇧= T X N X (Cn Pn (t) + Sn (un (t))) (4.1) t=1 n=1 PLEXOS operates over various planning and scheduling horizons. For the purposes of the study, three optimisation horizons are considered: project assessment of system adequacy (PASA), medium-term (MT) schedule and short-term (ST) schedule. During the PASA planning horizon, the maintenance needs of the generation plant are calculated, and the planned generator outages scheduled. The information found during the PASA simulation is fed into the subsequent simulation phases: MT and ST schedule. The MT schedule horizon is tightly linked to the ST schedule; run after the PASA simulation to optimise the dispatch of the available units, while accounting for long-term generation constraints. Finally, the data found in the PASA and the MT horizons is fed into the ST solver. The ST schedule makes use of mixed-integer programming, finding the least-cost solution for the given horizon at the specified resolution i.e. 1 year in 30 minute intervals. PLEXOS was chosen as the modelling software, as it provides the user with flexibility to define the operating parameters and constraints. Furthermore, in Ireland, the Commission for Energy Regulation (CER), EirGrid and many other market participants make daily use of PLEXOS for modelling and forecasting 27 purposes. 4.2 T EST SYSTEM Studies are conducted on the AII 2020 system, as the AII is a world leader in renewable energy integration, and is expected to have a 40% RES penetration by 2020 (CER, 2012), presenting conditions for electricity storage to bring potential value to its operation. The Academic North-West European Electricity Market Model (ANWEEM), developed by the Energy Policy and Modelling group at University College Cork, was used as a base upon which the test system was built. Some modifications were made to the UCC model to fit the purposes of the study, these are outlined in Section 4.2.2. The final test system represents the AII and its interaction with Great Britain and France, including greater detail in terms of system operation and constraints than the original UCC model. 4.2.1 B ASE MODEL : A CADEMIC N OR TH -W EST E UROPEAN E LEC TRICITY M ARKET M ODEL 2020 G ENERATION AND DEMAND The generator dataset is built on that published by the CER (CER, 2012), which contains detailed information regarding the technical and operational param28 eters of the AII generation portfolio from 2011 to 2012. The dataset was then modified by the experts in UCC to account for the changes in generation that are expected to take place in 2020. The ANWEEM model bases its generation for 2020 on the predictions published in the All-Island Generation Capacity Statement 2012-2021 (EirGrid and SONI, 2011a). As a part of this project, these values were updated to account for the later figures published in EirGrid and SONI (2014a). From 2014 to 2020, the AII power system is expected to see a decrease in 1220 MW from thermal plant, mainly distillate and gas-fired units, while wind generation is expected to grow by 3400 MW. The All-Island 2020 model is composed of 72 generators, an installed generation capacity of 13,864 MW and a fuel mix as shown in Figure 4.1. Note that embedded generation refers to distributed generation. The wind generation profiles are synthetically generated based on EirGrid’s and SONI’s publicly available historical wind generation data (2009), and scaled according to the National Renewable Energy Action Plan (DCENR, 2009), in which the contribution required from renewable energy to meet the AII 2020 renewable energy targets is determined. The test system allows for curtailment of wind generation when either the system non-synchronous penetration ratio1 is exceeded, or the system can be operated at a lower cost when a percentage of wind is curtailed (the logic behind such scenario is discussed in the Results Section). The demand profiles are based on the gross final consumption of electricity from the EU additional efficiency scenario in DCENR (2009), which predicts that the 1 More information in Section 29 Figure 4.1: Generation mix in 2012 and model predictions for 2020 ((CER, 2012),(EirGrid and SONI, 2014a)) gross final consumption of electricity in the island of Ireland will have increased by 5% from 2009 levels. The fuel prices are based on the data published in the 2011 World Energy Outlook (IEA, 2011). Added to the fuel cost is the carbon tax. Table 4.1 shows the price for the fuels under consideration and the carbon tax on each of these fuels. A carbon tax of e30 per GJ was applied, based on the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU Commission, 2013), and in accordance with previous studies carried out on the 2020 AII power system: Tuohy and O’Malley (2011) and Philips and Grant (2011). 30 Table 4.1: Fuel cost with sample CO2 tax of e30 per GJ Fuel Fuel price (e/GJ) Carbon tax (e/GJ) Total (e/GJ) Hydro 0.00 0.00 0.00 Wind 0.00 0.00 0.00 Biomass 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00-2.00 0.00 0.00-2.00 Waste 2.00 0.00 2.00 Peat 2.00 3.05 5.05 Coal 2.76 2.81 5.57 Natural gas 7.03 1.68 8.71 13.09 2.21 15.30 Embedded Distillate The unit start-up costs are obtained performing a linear interpolation based on the fuel type and on the size of the plant. The values for the basis of the start-up calculations are obtained from data published in (CER, 2012), where warm plant starts are assumed. To illustrate the linear-interpolation process, the example of the calculation of start-up costs for coal-fired plant is demonstrated. The published CER values relating the plant capacity to its start-up cost are plotted in orange in Figure 4.2. A linear interpolation is carried out on the start-up cost data data (grey line). The start-up cost for a coal-fired plant of any capacity is then calculated as per (4.2), where the slope and the intercept of the interpolated line are employed. 31 SU cost (eur) = capacity (MW) ⇤ 258.19 (eur/MW) + 2775.9 (eur) Figure 4.2: Start-up cost interpolation 32 (4.2) E LECTRICITY STORAGE MODELLING In Ireland, the Electricity Supply Board (ESB) operates a 292 MW pumped hydro storage (PHS) facility at Turlough Hill, consisting of four 73 MW units. In the past, PHS has been a significant contributor to the provision of operating reserve in the Irish power system (Lalor, 2005). PHS is more flexible than conventional thermal plant; it is able to ramp up and down its dispatch faster, facilitating a quick response in case of system contingency. Each PHS unit can operate in four distinct modes: minimum generation (min gen), generation (gen), spin and pump. When operating in gen mode, the units discharge water from the upper reservoir into the lower reservoir, driving a turbine that generates electricity. It is assumed that the range of operation for the gen mode lies between power outputs of 30 and 73 MW. In reality, the efficiency of the units is proportional to the power output. However, for the test system, it is simplified to a constant value of 77% (CER, 2012). PHS is generally operated below its maximum generation limit to provide operating reserve. In min gen mode, the unit is primarily concerned with the provision of reserve, generating between 0 and 30 MW of power. In pump mode, 73 MW are consumed by each unit to pump water from the lower reservoir into the upper one. If required for system stability, the PHS units may be tripped during pump mode, reducing the system load by 73 MW per unit. During spin mode, the water valve is closed and the turbine spins in air consuming 1 to 2 MW of power. The units can go from spin mode to generation at full power almost instantly. Spin mode is not accounted for in the test system, enabling PHS units to ramp up to full power with no delay, 33 even when previously off-line. As a part of the project, a constraint on the PHS units was implemented, such that no unit can operate in gen or min gen mode when the rest of the units are in pump mode, and vice-versa, reflecting the real operation of the Turlough Hill units. 4.2.2 M ODIFICATIONS AND ADDITIONS MADE TO THE BASE MODEL The Academic North-West European Electricity Market Model models the power systems of all the countries in the European Union. Such magnitude is accompanied by a lack of detail when it comes to representing the systems of individual countries. Since the main interest for this study is the island of Ireland, some modifications had to be made to make the model more representative of the AII power system. S YSTEM NON - SYNCHRONOUS PENETRATION The system non-synchronous penetration, or SNSP, is a measure of the nonsynchronous generation (generation decoupled from the system frequency) on the system at a given time. In the case of the test system used for this project, non-synchronous generation includes wind generation and HVDC imports. The SNSP is calculated as: 34 SN SP = W ind generation (M W ) + HV DC imports (M W ) Demand (M W ) + HV DC exports (M W ) (4.3) SNSP limits are enforced, since high amounts of non-synchronous generation may compromise the frequency response and the dynamic stability of the electricity system (EirGrid and SONI, 2010). Currently the SNSP limit is 50%. However, with the expected developments of the T&D system, and growth in the generation portfolio that complements variable generation, the SNSP limit is expected to rise to 75% by 2020 (EirGrid and SONI, 2011b). Thus, in the test system an SNSP limit of 75 % is assumed. T RANSMISSION CONSTRAINT GROUPS Transmission constraint groups, or TCGs, are constraints placed on generation to ensure the secure operation of the All-Island power system, preventing overloading of the transmission network and promoting voltage and dynamic stability. The TCGs have been implemented on the test system according to the Operational Constraint data published in EirGrid and SONI (2014b). The TCGs are set according to the Irish Single Electricity Market in 2014, and have been adapted to the 2020 generation portfolio as a part of the project. The modifications made to the TCGs are outlined below. • Hydro Smolt Protocol: the Hydro Smolt protocol is an environmental con35 straint placed on hydro generation dispatch such that it has a minimum impact on aquatic wildlife. It is put in place during spring and early summer. There is a lack of detailed public information concerning how the protocol impacts the dispatch of hydro generation in Ireland, therefore it was not included in the model. Furthermore, since the Hydro-Smolt constraint is limited to particular seasons and hydro generation constitutes a small portion of the full 2020 generation portfolio, not having the constraint in the test system is not expected to have a big impact on the modelling results. • Turlough Hill Generation: there is currently a constraint placed on the PHS station at Turlough Hill to ensure that it charges at night time and discharges during the day time. The PHS constraint has been purposely not implemented such that Turlough Hill can maximise its value to the system by taking advantage of the increased variability of electricity generation, resulting from the increased wind penetration in 2020. • Cork Generation: there exists a generation restriction that is placed on the Aghada, Marina and Whitegate units in the Cork area. The sum of their output must be less than 1100 MW. The exact limit on the Cork generation is determined in a week-ahead basis. For the purposes of the model, it is assumed that this limit is maintained at 1100 MW. • Ballylumford Generation: There are seasonal limitations on the generation from Ballylumford due to circuit rating constraints. The public data available does not offer concise information on the nature of these limitations, 36 and therefore they are were not accounted for in the modelling. The TCGs involving: system stability, voltage stability, replacement reserve, reactive power support and load flow control were implemented directly as per (EirGrid and SONI, 2014b). O PERATING RESERVE The provision of operating reserve brings value to the operation of electricity storage (O’Dwyer and Flynn, 2013; Suazo-Martinez et al., 2014). Therefore to provide an accurate analysis of the value of electricity storage, operating reserve was modelled in the test system. There exist three categories of operating reserve in the island of Ireland; primary (0 - 15 s), secondary (15 - 90 s) and tertiary (> 90 s) operating reserve (POR, SOR and TOR). In the AII, the dominant influence on reserve targets is the loss of the largest infeed. The data regarding the reserve provision times and power is shown in Table 4.2. The system POR, SOR and TOR are included in the model as defined by the Commission of Energy Regulation in (CER, 2012). There are two sources of reserve, both of which are included in the model, they are: • Static reserve: interruptible load, non-synchronous generation and interconnection 37 Table 4.2: Operating reserve definitions (EirGrid and SONI, 2014b) Delivered by Maintained until All Island requirement (% of largest infeed) Primary (POR) 5s 15 s 75% Secondary (SOR) 15 s 90 s 75% Tertiary 1 (TOR1) 90 s 5 min 100% Tertiary 2 (TOR2) 5 min 20 min 100% • Dynamic reserve: reserve from synchronised generating units I NTERACTION WITH NEIGHBOURING COUNTRIES The island of Ireland is connected to the Great Britain system via two HVDC links: the Moyle Interconnector and the East-West Interconnector (EWIC), as illustrated in Figure 4.3. The Moyle Interconnector came into full commercial operation in 2002, connecting Ballycronan More in Northen Ireland to the Auchencrosh station in Scotland. The interconnector is made up of two monopole 250 kV DC cables each with a rated transmission capacity of 250 MW (Atkinson et al., 2002). The East-West Interconnector (EWIC) came into operation in September 2012, connecting the Woodlands substation in the ROI to the Deeside substation in Wales. The EWIC link has a rated power of 500 MW and is composed of two DC cables operating at ±200 kV. 38 Figure 4.3: HVDC Interconnection between the island of Ireland and Great Britain , The Moyle and East-West interconnections, as well as the Great Britain (GB) generation, were modelled as specified by the CER (CER, 2012). GB is represented by a single unit with 12 different heat rates and 12 different variable operation and maintenance (VO&M) values. Each of the heat rates and VO&M charges is assigned to a 4 hour period of the day for the summer (March to October) and winter (October to March) seasons. The maximum power flow in either direction of the interconnectors is specified as per EirGrid and SONI (2014b). The wheeling charges, charge per MW power flow through the interconnector, are implemented 39 in the same manner as the VO&M charges; 12 wheeling charge values applied depending on the season and on the time of the day. The fuel costs in GB were calculated based on the predictions made by the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC, 2013). Based on the DECC data, a simplified assumption is made that the fuel cost in the GB is 5.4 e/GJ. When interconnection is modelled in the test system, Ireland becomes a net importer of electricity. The model results give that net imports meet 2% of the system load. In 2013, net imports accounted for 8.8% of the load. A possible explanation for the reduction in electricity imports from GB from 2013 to 2020 is the increase in the SNSP limit and in the installed wind capacity; allowing the system demand in the AII to be met at a lower cost. CAES The CAES model is composed of a gas turbine connected to a compressor and an air storage cavern. The technical operation parameters of the plant are shown in Table 4.3, these were designed to approximate the intended Gaelectric developments in Larne (Gaelectric, 2014). Ramp up/down limits are not implemented, reflecting the flexibility of CAES. Similar to PHS, during compression mode CAES can be tripped from the system, shedding 100 MW of load. 40 Table 4.3: CAES plant modelling details L I - ION Parameter Value Units Maximum compression 100 MW Minimum compression 65 MW Maximum generation 134 MW Minimum generation 26 MW Base heat rate 33 GJ/hr Incremental heat rate 7 GJ/MWh Compressor efficiency 80 % BATTERY The BES facility is modelled as an idealised pump storage unit with specifications as shown in Table 4.4, in line with the expected developments by AES (AES, 2014). The capacity of the facility was calculated by assuming an energy density of 360 W/kg and a power density of 150 Wh/kg as per Rastler (2010). The li-ion battery’s ability to ramp up/down is assumed to be unconstrained, reflecting the flexibility of li-ion energy storage. The central similarities between the BES and CAES models are: the compressor (charging) power and the charge to discharge efficiencies. 41 Table 4.4: Li-ion BES modelling details Parameter Value Units Explanation Maximum power 100 MW - Minimum stable level 0 MW No minimum Pout required Storage capacity 42 MWh - Pump load 100 MW - Pump efficiency 80 % Battery round-trip efficiency End effects method recycle - Simulates that the battery must be recharged every day, enabling the unit to provide reserve on the following day. AII-FR INTERCONNECTOR The All Island of Ireland-France interconnector is modelled as two, 600 km, 250 MW, HVDC cables. To model generation in France, a unit with 12 different heat rates is implemented, accounting for seasonal price fluctuations and price variations at different times of the day. The heat rates and fuel price of the generation in France were designed to reflect the lower marginal electricity prices in France compared to the island of Ireland and Great Britain, the modelled fuel price is 4.2 e/GJ. 42 4.3 T EST SYSTEM LIMITATIONS Test system limitations arise as a result of modelling simplifications, these are identified and explained below. A deterministic approach is taken, assuming foresight of the system demand and wind generation, as accurate stochastic modelling of the 2020 AII power system is a highly intricate task, lying outside the scope of the project. Nonetheless, Tuohy and O’Malley (2011) assessed the impact of deterministic versus stochastic modelling on the dispatch of electricity storage on the AII system. It was found that the same dispatch trends are seen with both approaches, however the deterministic modelling provides more conservative results in valuing electrical energy storage from both system and investor perspectives. The demand profiles employed for the model are based on 2009 data, indicating that the All-Island demand is expected to grow by 5% from 2009 to 2020. As the economic climate in Ireland has gone through significant change in the last few years, the validity of such data may be questioned. However, the values were checked against the more recently published system demand predictions in the 2014 - 2023 All-Island Generation Capacity Statement (EirGrid and SONI, 2014a), in which the predictions for growth in demand in the AII from 2009 to 2020 range from 5.5% in the median growth scenario to 10% in the high growth scenario. The predicted values in the median growth scenario show only a 0.5% discrepancy from the values employed for the model. 43 The construction of the AII model involved using inputs from various different sources including: EirGrid and SONI, the Commission for Energy Regulation and the Irish Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources. However, it was found that these sources were relatively consistent with each other, alluding to each other’s work throughout the documents considered. For verification purposes, the trends from the simulations obtained with the completed model, in terms of generator dispatch and system costs and prices, were compared to previous studies carried out on the future AII system with high levels of wind penetration. The overall system behaviour observed in the developed model is in accordance with the studies carried out by Tuohy and O’Malley (2011), O’Dwyer and Flynn (2013) and Cleary et al. (2013). 44 C HAPTER 5 R ESULTS The analyses carried out aim to assess the impact of installing grid-scale CAES, battery energy storage and an Ireland-France interconnector on the operation of the AII power system, and to analyse how each technology is operated such that its benefits to the system are maximised from an economic perspective. Moreover, the economic viability of the flexibility investments, from a system operation point of view, is analysed under different economic scenarios. Furthermore, different revenue streams are considered to assess the cost competitiveness of electrical energy storage from an investor perspective. To do so, eight system scenarios are considered, at two different wind generation levels, illustrated in Table 5.1. Scenario BASE will be referred to as the base case throughout the analysis. 45 Table 5.1: AII power system scenarios 5.1 Scenario CAES BES AII-FR BASE No No No CAES Yes No No BES No Yes No CAES+BES Yes Yes No IC No No Yes CAES+IC Yes No Yes BES+IC No Yes Yes CAES+BES+IC Yes Yes Yes A NALYSIS FROM A SYSTEM PERSPECTIVE The results obtained for each scenario considered, regarding the operation and economics of the AII power system, are displayed in Table 5.2. The scenarios are run at: Base wind and High wind, with 5900 MW and 6300 MW of installed wind generation capacity respectively. To fully understand the effect that the technologies introduced have on the system costs, operation and wind curtailment, it is important to analyse the way the model carries out the generator dispatch and reserve allocation for each of the scenarios. The percentage decrease, with respect to BASE, in the generation output and reserve provision of coal, distillate, natural gas and PHS plant, which 46 High wind Base wind Table 5.2: Results Scenario Total gen. cost savings (Me) Wind curtailed (%) Avg. elec. price (e/MWh) Thermal unit start-ups BASE - 2.53 83.60 3192 CAES 14.82 2.28 82.02 2049 BES 26.88 2.08 79.96 1293 CAES+BES 31.06 1.89 80.4 1113 IC 206.08 3.05 81.55 2728 CAES+IC 217.91 2.72 80.96 1661 BES+IC 221.62 2.42 78.40 1088 CAES+BES+IC 224.01 2.19 78.64 970 BASE - 3.36 82.72 2412 CAES 6.53 3.18 80.84 1795 BES 8.90 2.95 79.08 1249 CAES+BES 21.93 2.77 78.77 1125 IC 203.55 3.98 80.30 2055 CAES+IC 203.72 3.74 80.01 1698 BES+IC 206.32 3.28 77.33 1092 CAES+BES+IC 209.75 3.11 76.28 1008 Thermal units refer to natural gas, distillate, peat and coal-fired plant. are the units that show the most significant variations in the way they are operated when interconnection or EES are added to the system, can be found in 47 Table 5.3. Table 5.3: Percentage decrease in generation and reserve provision High wind Base wind Scenario % decrease in gen. % decrease in reserve prov. Coal Dist. NG PHS Coal Dist. NG PHS BASE - - - - - - - - CAES 17.71 47.44 12.04 -9.62 7.51 0.11 10.61 0.73 BES 33.96 95.96 -9.24 -8.44 38.46 6.90 26.51 18.93 CAES+BES 41.32 96.42 4.03 -15.44 35.01 2.09 24.23 20.31 IC 10.77 16.72 12.93 -5.27 -11.39 0.42 -0.29 0.6 CAES+IC 17.05 47.44 12.05 -9.62 7.51 0.11 10.61 -0.73 BES+IC 41.32 96.42 4.03 -15.44 35.01 2.09 24.23 20.32 CAES+BES+IC 41.55 98.84 4.80 -9.67 37.38 1.81 27.07 23.82 BASE - - - - - - - - CAES 21.51 29.87 -3.72 -5.56 19.47 0.28 22.60 -12.04 BES 22.99 98.05 -5.41 -1.06 24.78 4.59 33.56 33.09 CAES+BES 23.02 99.65 -4.86 8.91 25.37 5.16 35.54 38.82 IC -6.34 -13.24 16.96 -2.91 -30.88 -0.10 7.42 -2.23 CAES+IC 28.24 15.50 9.49 -12.44 10.69 0.13 20.98 -11.96 BES+IC 32.08 100.00 7.04 -6.77 18.58 5.57 29.07 38.78 CAES+BES+IC 31.87 100.00 9.86 0.73 19.80 6.23 30.60 44.93 Dist. = Distillate, NG = Natural Gas, PHS = Pumped Hydro Storage 48 5.1.1 S YSTEM COSTS , OPERATION AND WIND CUR TAILMENT The findings indicate that, under all scenarios considered, the addition of an extra unit of flexibility, in the form of BES, CAES or interconnection, will always bring about a reduction in the system operation costs, compared to the base case scenario: the generation cost savings shown in Table 5.2 all show positive values. Moreover, the effects of added flexibility also favour customers by lowering the average price of electricity. Both EES and interconnection decrease the number of thermal units started up throughout 2020, reducing the unit start-up costs incurred, and therefore the overall cost of generation. The generation costs savings achieved by the addition of interconnection are significantly larger than those rendered by EES, which can be attributed to the greater capacity of the interconnector. It is found that the incremental generation costs savings are decreased with the addition of each subsequent flexibility technology. EES technologies have a positive impact on wind curtailment, bringing reductions of up to 0.9%, while the addition of interconnection increases the levels of wind curtailed. In the High wind scenario, more wind is curtailed in all scenarios than in the Base wind scenario, as the SNSP ratio is reached more often. Greater wind generation capacities installed on the system bring down the average electricity price and the average cost of generation, lowering operational 49 costs saving potential of the flexibility technologies considered. However, when the system is operated with relaxed TCGs implemented, the operational costs savings brought about by interconnection and EES are increased, indicating that in a highly interconnected system, with less transmission constraints, EES and interconnection become more valuable. Below, an analysis is provided, relating the way in which the different flexibility technologies operate, to the effects in terms of costs of generation and wind curtailment that they have on the system. The generation costs savings are not compared directly between technologies, rather, a net present value is carried out in Section 5.1.3. CAES CAES operates by performing electricity price arbitrage, as illustrated for a sample 12 hour period in Figure 5.1. The unit is in pump mode at times when the electricity price is low (high generation and low demand), and generates during periods of high electricity price (low generation and high demand). The reduction in operational costs savings brought about by CAES is driven by two factors: the marginal cost of generation of CAES is lower than most thermal plant, as it is only partially powered by fuel. Moreover, CAES has no ramp up/down limits or minimum up/down times, making it significantly more flexible than conventional plant, and therefore suited for wind power integration. The unit commitment model takes advantage of the CAES unit’s significantly 50 Figure 5.1: CAES operation , lower generation cost and flexibility, displacing more expensive generation plant. The decrease in dispatch from thermal plant, added to the lower number of unit start-ups, is what brings about a decrease in the system generation costs. Furthermore, CAES participates in the provision of operating reserve, displacing the reserve requirements from thermal units, allowing them to operate more efficiently. To illustrate the way in which CAES contributes to the system operating reserve, the generation and POR provision are plotted in Figure 5.2 for a sample four day period. The plant contributes reserve when generating, however its reserve provision is constrained when in compression mode, when it can either provide the full compression capacity (100 MW) or no reserve. As seen in Table 5.3, with CAES on the system, distillate-fired units see the 51 Figure 5.2: CAES generation and POR provision , largest reduction in generation out of all thermal generation plant, due to their high cost of generation. Distillate-fired generators are employed as peak-demandmeeting units, however CAES can provide such service at a lower cost. BES In many ways the effect of BES on the AII system is similar to CAES, however, there are some fundamental operational differences that must be outlined. The more apparent difference between the two EES technologies is that BES has no fuel cost, while CAES relies on natural gas, increasing the generation cost 52 savings brought about by BES compared to CAES. Nonetheless, the operational parameters of each technology also impact their dispatch. Figure 5.3 illustrates the charge and discharge profiles of the li-ion battery during a sample 12 hour period. Similar to CAES, it performs electricity price arbitrage. In Figure 5.4, the primary operating reserve provision of BES is plotted for a four day period. Unlike CAES, the li-ion battery is unconstrained in the provision of operating reserve, as such, it is able to provide reserve to the system at all times at zero marginal cost, which is exploited by the unit commitment model, making BES a base reserve provider. Comparing Figures 5.2 and 5.4, it can be observed that CAES provides more generation, while BES, although dispatched at peak demand periods, is mostly concerned with the provision of operating reserve. Referring back to Table 5.3, it can be seen that BES displaces a significantly larger reserve capacity from thermal plant and PHS than CAES, reducing the number of plant started and increasing the operational efficiency of on-line plant, which translates into overall generation cost savings that can be 12 Me higher than CAES. AII-FR I NTERCONNECTOR Figure 5.5 illustrates the operation of the AII-FR interconnector throughout a sample three day period. When the cost of generation in France is lower than the cost of generation in the island of Ireland, plus the fee charged per MW flow 53 Figure 5.3: BES operation , through the interconnector (the wheeling charge), power is imported from France to Ireland; the conditions in equation 5.1 are met. The opposite must be true for power to be exported from Ireland to France (5.2). Import : Cost of gen.F R < Cost of gen.AII + IC wheeling charge (5.1) Export : Cost of gen.F R + IC wheeling charge > Cost of gen.AII (5.2) Throughout the 2020 simulation, the AII is importing over 400 MW (out of the rated 500 MW) of power from the French system 83.5% of the time at base wind generation, and 81.3% of the time at high wind generation. The power exports are zero in both wind generation scenarios. The results indicate that AII-FR line becomes base-load generation to the AII system. 54 Figure 5.4: BES generation and POR provision , The fundamental difference between the way EES and interconnection are operated, is that the AII-FR interconnector does not contribute to operating reserve. From a technical perspective, interconnection is perfectly able to provide system reserve, however it is more profitable to use the full capacity of the interconnector for power supply. The AII-FR HVDC link does not reduce the thermal plant start ups to the same extent as EES, as its lack of contribution to operating reserve increases the reserve requirements from the system units. The way that the AII-FR link affects the system dispatch is different in the base and high wind scenarios. In the base wind scenario, the percentage decrease in 55 Figure 5.5: AII-FR interconnector flows and electricity price in the AII , generator dispatch from coal, distillate and natural gas-fired plant is directly proportional to their cost of operation. Distillate-fired plant are most expensive units to operate, as such, they see the largest reduction in dispatch. Coal-fired units, the least expensive thermal plant, are favoured in terms of reserve provision. At base wind, the AII-FR interconnector can provide low-cost system flexibility that would have otherwise been supplied by natural gas or distillate plant, further justifying the reduction in their dispatch. The availability of more wind generation (high wind scenario) allows the system to further displace thermal plant. As interconnection can provide similar services to gas turbines in terms of flexibility provision, the overall dispatch of gas-fired plant is reduced by 16.96% or 2300 GWh, accounting for the greatest part of the reduction in thermal unit start-ups between the base and high wind IC scenar- 56 ios. The dispatch of coal plant is increased by 6.34% or 250 GWh, compensating for part of the reduction in on-line gas plant, and making efficient use of the system on-line units. The dispatch from distillate-fired plant is increased by 13.24%, however, this corresponds to a modest 151 MWh increase per annum. Distillate plant are more flexible that natural gas-fired units, and are employed to follow the load during periods of high wind generation variability, when the available interconnectors are unable to do so. When EES technologies are installed on the system with the AII-FR link, their potential to decrease the generation cost savings is lower than when the AIIFR connection is not present, as both technologies compete to provide similar services. Wind curtailment is increased when the AII-FR link is added to the system, with respect to the base case, owing to the fact that the interconnector displaces the system flexible generators, and as it is operated at almost full load during all periods, it does not fully compensate for the load-following characteristics of flexible generation. Nonetheless, a sensitivity analysis was carried out, reversing the fuel costs of natural gas and coal. In such scenario, interconnection favours natural gas over coal plant, and the wind curtailment is 2.4% on the base wind scenario; interconnection spurs a reduction in wind curtailment compared to the base case. The results obtained indicate that effect on wind curtailment of interconnection is highly dependent on the fuel mix and fuel prices. 57 5.1.2 S YNERGIES BETWEEN SOURCES OF FLEXIBILITY Alignments in the operation of the flexibility options considered, and the existing ones in the system arise. Two categories are identified: • Synergies between CAES, BES and PHS • Synergies between BES and flexible natural gas-fired plant Figure 5.6 illustrates the percentage change in dispatch from PHS, natural gas (NG) plant, CAES and BES, compared to the base case. For CAES and BES, the base cases are taken as scenarios CAES and BES respectively. Similar trends are observed for the high wind scenario and for the system with interconnection. CAES, BES AND PHS Figure 5.6 shows that the dispatch from PHS increases under all scenarios considered with respect to the base case. The Turlough Hill unit cannot provide sufficient capacity on its own to justify displacing thermal plant. Therefore, when no additional EES is present on the system, it is more profitable to make full use of the on-line thermal plant, at a lower PHS dispatch. However, when CAES or BES are installed on the system, the sum of the overall EES capacity lessens the requirement for on-line thermal plant, leading to an increased dispatch from the available EES units to compensate for the displaced thermal generators. 58 Figure 5.6: Percentage change in generation from EES and natural gas compared to base case: base wind scenario , When the li-ion battery and CAES are both added onto the system, the combined dispatch from EES is limited by the system transmission constraint groups, which caps the number of thermal plant that may be turned off-line. The dispatch of BES and PHS is increased while the dispatch of CAES is decreased, owing to the fact that CAES is the most expensive EES option, as it consumes natural gas. BES AND CCGT S The li-ion battery, unlike CAES, boosts the dispatch from CCTGs. The reason behind such behaviour draws back to BES operating as a constant reserve provider. 59 When BES is added to the system, it lowers the reserve provision from natural gas-fired plant by 16% (or 600 GWh) more than CAES. The unit commitment model takes advantage of the reserve-providing capabilities of BES to increase the operational efficiency of gas-fired plant, increasing the dispatch of the later to compensate for the displaced coal and distillate plant, allowing for higher levels of wind generation. 5.1.3 N ET PRESENT VALUE ANALYSIS The economic evaluation of CAES and BES on the AII system is carried out using a net present value (NPV) analysis: a standard analysis for the appraisal of longterm projects. The NPV is calculated as shown in (5.3); where t is the lifetime of the technology, Bt is the yearly cash inflow (equated to the generation cost savings), i is the interest rate and CO is the capital cost of the investment. A positive NPV indicates positive returns on the investment. NP V = n X t=1 Bt (1 + i)t CO (5.3) Throughout the lifetime of the technologies under consideration, changes in fuel price, carbon tax, wind penetration and the generation portfolio development will directly affect the yearly generation cost savings (Bt ) that the asset will bring to the system. To assess the sensitivity of the EES assets over their operational lifetimes to the changes in the value of the technology, we consider the cases 60 in which Bt increases or decreases by 2% per annum, and the case when the value remains constant. A value of 2% is chosen based upon the fact that the factors affecting the value of the assets are expected to show relatively slow1 changes, owing to the lengthy processes associated with policy and generator development. The analysis is carried out for two interest rates (i): 2% and 4%, reflecting the trends in the Irish interest rate over the last years. The NPV analyses are conducted separately for EES and the AII-FR interconnector. The cost of building CAES is extremely variable and site specific, a range of capital investment costs from 200 to 610 Me is examined2 . For the battery, a capital expenditure (CAPEX) from 180 to 690 Me is considered3 . The ranges in the CAPEX costs for both technologies are obtained from Akhil et al. (2013). A lifespan of 20 years is assumed for the EES technologies. Table 5.4 displays the break-even capital cost for the EES technologies (within the CAPEX ranges considered) obtained through NPV analysis. N indicates that the technology is not viable in that scenario within the range of capital costs considered. Table 5.2 indicates that, when used in combination, compressed air energy storage and li-ion battery storage can spur generation cost savings of up to 31 Me 1 Due to political instabilities, new technological breakthroughs or new fuel reservoir discoveries, fuel price fluctuations may be significant from one year to another. These phenomena prove challenging to predict, and are therefore not accounted for in the analysis. 2 The CAES range of CAPEX costs correspond to 1.49 Me/MW to 4.53 Me/MW. 3 The li-ion range of CAPEX costs correspond to 1.84 Me/MW to 6.94 Me/MW. 61 Table 5.4: Break-even capital cost (Me) (Base wind) Interest rate i=0.02 i=0.04 Yearly change in investment value (%) 2% 0 -2% 2% 0 -2% CAES 250 210 N N N N Ba 430 360 305 300 260 200 C (IC) N N N N N N Ba (IC) 265 210 170 160 N N (IC) = Interconnector present, = Not viable within CAPEX range per annum. Nonetheless, the net present value analysis illustrates that the cost savings may not justify the high capital expenditure costs of EES in many scenarios. In Table 5.4, it can be seen that capital costs above 250 Me are never justified for CAES. The two economically justifiable scenarios for CAES, in terms of generation cost savings, are when the interest rate is low (2%), the value of the CAES plant shows either an annual growth of 2% or remains constant, and neither the AII-FR interconnector nor BES are present in the system. Moreover, the justifiable capital investment lies at the lower end of the range of CAPEX considered. The results therefore indicate that CAES is a risky investment from a system perspective. Li-ion battery storage, on the other hand, shows significantly more encouraging 62 results. As seen in Table 5.2, the generation costs savings brought by BES can be up to 12 Me higher than those spurred by CAES, justifying the installation of BES in a greater number of scenarios than CAES. When neither CAES not the AII-FR interconnector are present in the system, installing BES is justified under all economic cases considered, in the most favourable scenario, a capital cost of up to 430 Me may be justified. Similar to CAES, there is no economic case for installing BES when CAES has already been installed in the system. Overall, the NPV results indicate that BES is, by far, the wiser investment EES option for the AII system in 2020. However, it must be considered that the lifetime of batteries is highly dependent on their cycling. In the analyses carried out as a part of this study, low battery cycling was observed, as the li-ion storage facility was, for the most part, involved in providing operating reserve. However, previous studies have shown that the lifetime of batteries can decrease by over 5 years is they are significantly cycled throughout their lifespan (Rastler, 2010), a factor that must be accounted for when investing in BES. A similar NPV analysis is conducted for the AII-FR interconnector investment. EirGrid estimate that the construction of a new interconnector line from Ireland to France would cost approximately 650 Me (1.3 Me/MW) (EirGrid and SONI, 2013). To allow for flexibility CAPEX range from 600 to 800 Me is considered, and an expected lifespan of 35 years. The results indicate that a capital cost of up to 800 Me can be justified for the construction of an interconnector from Ireland to France under all scenarios considered. The cheaper capital cost per MW of interconnection, coupled with its large capac63 ity brings about significantly larger generation costs savings than EES technologies, resulting in very encouraging results for the investment in interconnection with France. However, some limitations of the NPV analysis carried out must be acknowledged. It is assumed that the technologies considered are only valued in terms of generation costs savings from a system perspective. Nonetheless, other factors such as reduction in wind curtailment may also be decisive in the validity of different investments, particularly if these are of political relevance. It was found that 37% of the system demand was met by wind generation when the AII-FR was added to the system, a value below the Irish 2020 renewable energy targets, while 40.5% of the yearly demand was met by wind generation with battery energy storage on the system, and 41.2% with CAES and BES on the system. Moreover, one of the main drivers for the development of renewable energy in the island of Ireland, is reducing the island’s dependence on foreign fuel imports. The AII-FR interconnector achieves the opposite, it increases the island’s dependence on foreign generation, making the AII vulnerable and sensitive to generation availability and price fluctuations in France. EES on the other hand boost the utilisation of the Irish wind resource, reducing the island’s dependence on electricity imports and on foreign fuel. A paradox arises when evaluating flexibility technologies in high wind scenarios. Table 5.2 illustrates that the potential for sources of flexibility to bring about generation costs savings to the system at higher levels of installed wind is decreased. However, it is exactly at higher levels of wind generation that the system will require the ancillary services provided by EES and interconnection: fast frequency response, ramping and load following. It follows that at higher levels of 64 wind generation, the economic valuation of sources of flexibility must account for the value of the ancillary services provided by sources of flexibility to the power system, on top of the generation costs savings. EirGrid and SONI are aware of such challenge, and are currently developing a new range of system products in their DS3 program (EirGrid and SONI, 2013), valuing specific ancillary services that will boost the transition to higher renewable energy penetrations. 5.2 A NALYSIS FROM AN INVESTOR PERSPECTIVE The economic value of the investments considered cannot be equally assessed from an investor and from a system perspective; private investors will unlikely be remunerated the generation cost savings that their asset brings to the system. The sources of potential income to a private investor are identified, and a net present value analysis is carried out for the CAES and li-ion energy storage investments, as interconnection will most probably be state owned and operated. 5.2.1 I DENTIFIED POTENTIAL REVENUE STREAMS The literature reviewed agrees in that only performing electricity arbitrage does not provide the maximum value from EES to the system, nor does it make EES an attractive investment option. Therefore, the economic viability of the CAES and BES investments for a private investor is evaluated by accounting for several potential revenue streams that may arise in the 2020 AII power market. 65 The first revenue stream considered is the income from electricity arbitrage, calculated as per (5.4); where the revenues from arbitrage (Barbitrage ) are equal to the sum through optimisation intervals (t), of the energy provided (Edischarge,t ), remunerated at the system regional marginal cost (SRM Ct )4 , minus the energy purchased at the electricity price to charge the storage unit (Echarge,t ). When calculating Barbitrage for CAES, the production fuel costs are subtracted from the unit’s revenues. Barbitrage = T X t=1 (Edischarge,t ⇤ SRM Ct + Echarget ⇤ Elec. pricet ) (5.4) With the increase in non-synchronous generation in the island of Ireland, new challenges have arisen, requiring change in the composition of the system ancillary services, and in the way that these are remunerated. EirGrid and SONI (EirGrid and SONI, 2013) propose a new range of system products, the DS3 products, addressing the challenges associated with achieving the government’s renewable energy targets. Several of the DS3 products have been identified as potential sources of income for electrical energy storage owners, including the provision of: primary, secondary and tertiary operating reserve, ramping, fast post-fault active power, synchronous inertia and dynamic reactive power. The value of the DS3 system services can be calculated employing a capability based approach, remuneration per MW installed, or a dispatch-dependent approach, remuneration per MW contributed to service. EirGrid and SONI have stated their 4 The SRMC is the marginal (incremental) cost of generation; the variable cost associated with providing the next megawatt of power. 66 preference for the later remuneration technique, which will be the method employed in this study. Table 5.5 displays the expenditure "pot" allocated to each of the services that EES may provide, obtained from a total system service available expenditure of 355 Me. Table 5.5: DS3 system service and allocated expenditure pot (EirGrid and SONI, 2013) Product Allocated expenditure (Me) POR 39 SOR 24 TOR (1&2) 56 Dynamic reactive power 35 Fast post-fault active power 62 Ramping margin 46 Synchronous inertial response 8 The revenues obtained from the provision of primary, secondary and tertiary operating reserve are calculated by taking two different approaches: 1. Revenues calculated directly from the PLEXOS simulation results, from which the system value of reserve provision for each half-hour period is given. The income from the provision of POR, SOR and TOR (Breserve ) is found as per equation 5.5, where the sum through all optimisation periods (t to T ) of the reserve provision (Preserve,t ), is multiplied times the price of 67 reserve. Breserve = T X t=1 Preserve,t ⇤ reserve pricet (5.5) 2. Revenues calculated from the DS3 expenditure pots by remunerating the storage unit a percentage of the reserve pot in proportion with the services it provides, as shown in equation 5.6. Breserve = Reserve expenditure ⇤ Reserve provided by storage unit T otal reserve provided (5.6) The purpose of calculating the income from reserve provision services through both methodologies is to allow comparison between the value that EirGrid and SONI place on reserve in EirGrid and SONI (2013), and the value of operating reserve found through the cost minimisation, unit commitment model. A final revenue stream is considered, Bother services , accounting for: • Dynamic reactive power: to maintain voltage within its rated operating range throughout the system, the generation and consumption of reactive power must be balanced. Dynamic reactive power response is required to balance the system reactive power in the case of a contingency. In the DS3 document, the dynamic reactive power service is defined as: the capability of a generator to deliver a reactive response proportionate to the magnitude of the voltage dip. The reactive power response shall be supplied with a rise time no greater than 70 ms, a percentage overshoot of no greater than 20%, and a settling time no greater than 500 ms. 68 • Post-fault active power: to prevent active power imbalances, the post-fault active power service remunerates units that are able to quickly recover their power dispatch following a fault in the transmission system: to at least 90% its pre-fault value within 250 ms of the voltage recovering to at least 85% of its pre-fault value. • Ramping margin: the rate of change in output required from a centrally dispatched unit. Required to manage imbalances between generation and demand over longer time frames than operating reserve (minutes to hours). The ramping margin service is defined as: the unit’s ramp up capability throughout a given horizon. • Synchronous inertial response (SIR): the system inertia is directly related to the strength and stability of the power system. At high levels of nonsynchronous generation, the ability of the system synchronous units to provide inertial response becomes increasingly valued. The SIR product is expected to be remunerated in proportion to the kinetic energy of a synchronous generation multiplied times the SIR ratio: ratio of kinetic energy to the lowest sustainable MW output at which the unit can operate at while providing reactive power control. EirGrid and SONI (2013) employ a 2020 AII model to calculate the level of remuneration from each of the DS3 services considered. A separate PLEXOS simulation was run for each service, assuming a 200,000 e pot per service. The dispatch-dependent remuneration of PHS was found as displayed in Table 5.6, which will serve as the basis for the calculation of Bother services for CAES and BES. 69 Table 5.6: PHS annual payments for 1 Me spent on system services (EirGrid and SONI, 2013) Product Dispatch-dependent payment (e/MW installed) Dynamic reactive power 26 Fast post-fault active power 6 Ramping margin 77 SIR 5.2.2 132 N ET PRESENT VALUE ANALYSIS The net present value analysis is calculated as shown in equation 5.7, where the cash inflow per year, B, is subtracted from the asset annualised capital cost (ACC). The ACC is found as displayed in equation 5.8, where CO is the capital cost of the investment, i is the interest rate and N is the lifetime of the investment in years. NP V = B ACC = 1 (5.7) ACC CO ⇤ i (1 + i) N (5.8) An annualisation of net present value analysis is carried out, as the value of the assets over their lifetimes is directly dependent on the remuneration policies in place, which are of extremely uncertain nature and challenging to predict. 70 Nonetheless, the break-even capital expenditures calculated, may be compared to those found from a system perspective when assuming that the value of the asset remains constant over its lifetime (Table 5.4). The same values as for Section 5.1.3 are employed regarding the capital costs of CAES and BES: 200 to 610 Me and 180 to 690 Me respectively. The lifetime of the technologies is taken to be 20 years, and an interest rate of 4% is selected. The net present value analysis is carried out for CAES and BES in all possible scenarios from Table 5.1. To analyse the impact of each revenue stream on the profitability of EES, Barbitrage , Breserve and Bother services are each subsequently added to the NPV calculation in the given order; revenues from arbitrage are ensured, revenues from reserve provision are likely, while income from other DS3 services is still only a future possibility. Initially the NPV is calculated accounting solely for the asset revenues obtained through arbitrage. N P V = Barbitrage ACC (5.9) The minimum annualised capital cost that must be covered to justify investment in CAES is 14.72 Me, corresponding to a CAPEX of 200 Me. The maximum revenue obtained by the CAES unit through arbitrage is 5.48 Me per annum, 9.24 Me below the an annual income that would justify the construction of the least expensive CAES plant within the CAPEX range. Moreover, the income 71 from arbitrage lessens when either BES or the AII-FR interconnector are on the system, further deteriorating the economic case for CAES. Accounting only for the revenue streams from arbitrage, makes BES an even less attractive investment option than CAES. As seen in Section 5.1.1, the maximum benefits from a system operation point of view are drawn from BES when it is primarily involved in the provision of operating reserve. Therefore, due to its low energy dispatch, the maximum revenue obtained from arbitrage is 1.79 Me, in a base wind and no-other-flexibility-options-installed scenario, which is 11.45 Me below the minimum justified ACC: 13.24 Me, corresponding to a 180Me CAPEX. As seen in Section 5.1, higher levels of wind generation reduce the overall system cost of generation, resulting in lower SRMCs and slightly decreased Barbitrage values. The results obtained indicate that, as outlined in the literature, investment in EES is not profitable when just considering the arbitrage revenue stream. It is therefore of essence that other EES services are remunerated if storage is to become an attractive option to investors. The next step involves accounting for the income stream from the provision of primary, secondary and tertiary operating reserve (5.10). Two values of Breserve are considered: the income from reserve obtained from the PLEXOS unit commitment model, and the reserve remuneration according to the DS3 financial statement. Figures 5.7 and 5.8 show the break-even capital costs for CAES and BES respectively, for the two reserve remuneration models, at base wind (5900 72 MW) and high wind (6200 MW) generation. Technologies between parentheses indicate their existence in the system when either CAES or BES is installed i.e.: CAES (BES,IC) indicates that CAES is included in a system already containing a li-ion storage facility and an AII-FR interconnector. N P V = Barbitrage + Breserve ACC (5.10) It is observed that revenues from reserve provision must be accounted for for the EES technologies considered to become economically viable. As seen in Section 5.1.1, CAES is less involved in reserve provision than BES, and therefore its income from reserve services is lower. When basing the reserve income calculations on the values found through the cost minimisation PLEXOS model, the sum of Barbitrage and Breserve is not sufficient, in any of the scenarios considered, to justify investment in CAES. However, when the DS3 reserve income is applied, an economic case for the development of CAES arises in scenarios in which BES is not already present in the system. The highest CAPEX for CAES (350 Me) is justified at 5900 MW of wind installed, with no other new flexibility sources on the system. When the AII-FR interconnector is present, the break-even CAPEX is lowered, as revenues from Barbitrage drop. In high wind generation scenarios, the flexibility of BES is favoured over CAES to provide operating reserve, displacing a larger percentage of the reserve provision and lowering the break-even CAPEX for CAES. As illustrated in Figure 5.8, the li-ion unit shows a stronger economic viabil73 Figure 5.7: Break-even capital cost of CAES (Me) from investor perspective , Figure 5.8: Break-even capital cost of BES (Me) from investor perspective , 74 ity than CAES. BES is found to be a feasible investment option in all scenarios considered, except in the high wind generation scenario, when calculating the reserve income through PLEXOS. As the li-ion unit provides a significant percentage of the overall system reserve, when applying the DS3 remuneration scheme, the profitability of BES is boosted. Moreover, a greater percentage of the system reserve is provided by BES at higher levels of wind generation, further increasing the justifiable CAPEX of a new li-ion development. When Breserve is calculated through PLEXOS, 91% of the BES revenues, on average, are obtained through the provision of operating reserve, compared to 42% for CAES. However, when calculated through the DS3 proposal, 97% of the unit’s revenues are obtained through its reserve services (56% for CAES). In the PLEXOS cost minimisation model, the average price of operating reserve drops from 3.3 e/MW in the base wind scenario, to 1.6 e/MW in the high wind scenario, indicating that a purely cost minimisation-based remuneration of reserve is insufficient to boost wind generation, particularly at high wind levels. The DS3 system services were developed to reduce wind curtailment, and compensate the technologies that may enable such goal. In Section 5.1, it was found that BES is unparalleled when it comes to the reduction of wind curtailment, out of the flexibility options considered. The DS3 financial products strongly incentivise the development of BES, particularly at high levels of wind generation, fulfilling their purpose. Finally, an estimate of the revenues that may be obtained through Bother services is calculated. The PHS revenues, in e/MW installed, published for the provision 75 of the new DS3 products (Table 5.6), are scaled to the capacities of the BES and CAES plant, and calculated according to the allocated expenditure pot per service (5.5). Bother services for CAES and BES is estimated as shown in equation 5.11. The results obtained are displayed in Table 5.7. Bother services = BP HS ⇤ Capacity installed ⇤ Expenditure pot (5.11) Note that the calculations provided are by no means precise; they are conducted to give the reader an idea of the range within which the revenues from the new DS3 products may lie. CAES generation is synchronised to the system frequency, and is expected provide services similar to PHS, as identified in Section 3. BES on the other hand is unable to provide inertial response (revenues from SIR = 0), may provide more and faster post-fault active power and ramping services, due to is greater dispatch flexibility, and the provision of dynamic reactive power is likely to be lower than that for CAES and PHS, depending on the control scheme employed. The approximate revenues from Bother services are given as 0.482 Me/annum for li-ion energy storage and 0.788 Me/annum for CAES. The estimated income from Bother services is up to two orders of magnitude lower than the revenues from Barbitrage and Breserve . In none of the scenarios considered, does the addition of Bother services into the NPV analyses make or break the case for the development of EES. Rather, accounting for the extra revenue stream may justify the investment in EES assets with higher capital costs. 76 Table 5.7: Calculation of Bother services for CAES and BES scaled from PHS values Product Calculated PHS revenue (e/MW installed) Expenditure pot (Me) Approximate 100 MW BES revenue (Me) Approximate 134 MW CAES revenue (Me) Dynamic reactive power 26 35 0.091 0.142 Fast post-fault active power 6 62 0.037 0.050 Ramping margin 77 46 0.354 0.475 SIR 132 8 0 0.142 0.482 0.788 Total The results point to the fact that there is a moderate alignment in the economic interests of the system and of private investors; both NPV analyses indicate that battery energy storage is of greater interest to both the system and investors than CAES. More cases in which the development of EES are justified from an investor rather than from a system perspective, particularly when the DS3 revenue streams are accounted for, owing to the fact that DS3 values ancillary services that are not accounted for in the system economic analysis. It was also found that the DS3 products are effective at achieving the goals for which they were developed; they encourage the development of the more flexible technologies, particularly at high wind generation levels, allowing for greater levels of wind integration. Some final notes on the analysis provided must be made. The model employed 77 for this thesis was developed based on EirGrid and SONI’s predictions of the generation portfolio and system constraints in 2020, it is therefore assumed that the 2020 AII model employed in EirGrid and SONI (2013) is in line with the one used for this project. Nonetheless, some limitations of the methodology must be acknowledged. The revenue values published for the new services in the DS3 proposal have been met with reservation: separate simulations were run to calculate the remuneration levels obtained from each of the new services proposed, failing to account for the interaction between these, potentially resulting in their over valuation. However, it was found that the revenues obtained from the new DS3 services, Bother services , only make a marginal contribution to the overall EES income streams. Moreover, the calculation of Bother services should be taken with a grain of salt; it calculated only to provide the reader with a ballpark value of the revenues that may obtained through the new DS3 products. 78 C HAPTER 6 C ONCLUSION AND F UTURE W ORK The impact on the operation of the All-Island power system, and economic viability of the intended flexibility developments in the island of Ireland were assessed. Eight different scenarios were analysed, in which all the possible combinations of the technologies considered (compressed air energy storage, li-ion battery storage and Ireland - France interconnection) were studied. The findings indicate that, the addition of an extra unit of flexibility to the AII power system, will always spur a reduction in the system operation costs. Moreover, flexibility investments favour the end-user by lowering the average price of electricity. It was found however, that the incremental generation cost savings are decreased with the addition of each subsequent flexibility option. Electrical energy storage technologies were found to bring reductions in the system wind curtailment, enabling the attainment of the AII renewable energy 79 targets. However, wind curtailment was increased in the system as a result of installing an AII-FR interconnector. The studies conducted indicate that the increase in wind curtailment brought about by the Ireland - France interconnector is highly dependent on the system generation portfolio and fuel mix. Analyses were carried out to assess the profitability, from a system point of view, of the flexibility options considered. To do so, technologies were valued in terms of the generation cost savings brought to the power system. CAES was found to be the riskier investment, with justifiable capital expenditures at the lower end of the CAES capital cost range, and showing high sensitivity to changes in the economic climate. The li-ion storage facility presents a much stronger economic case, indicating that its development could likely be beneficial for the operation of the AII power system. The cost savings brought about by both storage technologies was not high enough to justify the development of both from a system perspective. The construction of interconnection presents the strongest economic argument, and is justified from a system perspective under all scenarios considered. Nonetheless, the economic analysis carried out only values the generation cost savings that the assets bring to the system. In reality other factors such as reduction in wind curtailment, and lowering the dependence on foreign imports may also be decisive in the validity of different investments, particularly if these are of political relevance. Analyses from an investor perspective were then conducted. It was found that when only accounting for revenues through arbitrage it is never profitable to 80 invest in energy storage for the system under consideration; other services must be remunerated for electricity storage to become an attractive investment option. The economic viability of EES, in particular BES, is boosted when the income from the provision of operating reserve is accounted for. Out of the flexibility options considered, BES is unparalleled when it comes to the reduction of wind curtailment. The DS3 financial products strongly incentivise the development of BES, particularly at high levels of wind generation, successfully fulfilling the purpose for which they are being developed: facilitating the growth if wind generation in the island of Ireland. Overall the interests of the system, from a cost minimisation and wind promotion perspective, and the interests of a private investor align: battery energy storage is the preferred investment option for both parties, over compressed air energy storage. The role of electricity storage on the 2020 All Island of Ireland power system will depend on the system priorities. From a purely cost minimisation perspective, the most profitable options are either to install both an interconnector from Ireland to France and a BES unit, or just to install the AII-FR interconnector. However, the development of the Ireland - France link results in higher levels of wind curtailment, a higher dependence on foreign imports and a greater exposure of the Irish electricity system to changes in the French power market. The results found suggest that the development of EES and interconnection has a significant impact on the dispatch of conventional thermal generation, poten- 81 tially discouraging plant owners from remaining connected to the AII power system. Further studies will analyse how the reduction in available thermal generation may affect the system operation, and whether policy should be put in place to prevent high-inertia units from leaving the system. Moreover, further analyses will study the possibilities of counter-trading wind generation though the AII-FR interconnector and of allocating a certain volume of its capacity for the provision of operating reserve. Such modifications may abate the high wind curtailment brought by the development of the interconnector. At higher penetrations of wind generation, it is likely that wind plant will have to provide frequency reserve. Such scenario will be assessed to determine the effect that the provision of frequency reserve from wind generation has on the value of electrical energy storage. To further develop the economic valuation of EES from the perspective of private investors, revenue streams from capacity payments will be considered. Finally, future work will study the impact on system operation and investor revenues arising from the participation of electrical energy storage in sequential electricity markets: day ahead, intra-day and balancing market. 82 A CRONYMS ACC, Annualised Capital Cost, 70 EWIC, East-West Interconnector, 38 AII, All Island of Ireland, 1 FES, Flywheel Energy Storage, 14 ANWEEM, Academic North-West European Electricity Market GB, Great Britain, 39 Model, 28 HVDC, High Voltage Direct Current, 1 BES, Battery Energy Storage, 3 IEA, International Energy Agency, 5 CAES, Compressed Energy Storage, Li-ion, Lithium-ion Battery, 14 14 CCGT, Combined Cycle Gas MT, Medium-Term, 27 Turbines, 10 NaS, Sodium-Sulphur Battery, 14 DCL, Double Layer Capacitor, 14 NG, Natural Gas, 58 DECC, UK Department of Energy NiCd, Nickel-cadmium Battery, 14 and Climate Change, 40 NiMH, Nickel-metalhydrate battery, 21 EES, Electrical Energy Storage, 2 ESB, Electricity Supply Board, 33 OCGT, Open Cycle Gas Turbine, 10 83 PASA, Projected Assessment of Penetration, 1 System Adequacy, 27 SOR, Secondary Operating Reserve, Pb-acid, Lead-acid Battery, 14 38 PCM, Phase Changing Materials, 14 SRMC, System Regional Marginal PHS, Pumped Hydro Storage, 14 Cost66 PJM, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and ST, Short-Term, 27 Maryland, 6 TCG, Transmission Constraint POR, Primary Operating Reserve, 38 Group, 35 RES, Renewable Energy Source, 1 TES, Thermal Energy Storage, 14 ROI, Republic of Ireland, 3 TOR, Tertiary Operating Reserve, 38 TSO, Transmission System SIR, Synchronous Inertial Operator, 11 Response, 69 SMES, Superconducting Magnetic VO&M, Variable Operation and Energy Storage, 14 Maintenance, 39 SNSP, System Non-Synchronous VRB, Vanadium Redox Battery, 14 84 B IBLIOGRAPHY AES (2014). 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