HISTORICAL PERIODICALS - Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli

Descriptive overview of the rare periodicals
held at the Library
Library of the Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation – Historical periodicals
Noteworthy on the age of reform, and Italy during the Jacobin and Napoleonic
periods: Giornale patriottico di Corsica (1790); Il Caffè (1764-1766); Annali dell'Agricoltura
del Regno d'Italia (1809-1814); Corriere letterario (1765-1768); La Decade cisalpina
(1798); Foglio officiale della Repubblica italiana (1802-1805); Gazzetta toscana (18011808); Gazzetta del Metauro (1809-1815); Gazzetta universale (1783-1804); Giornale de'
letterati (1745-1757); Giornale democratico(1798-1799); Giornale italiano (1804-1815);
Monitore di Roma (1798-1799); Monitore napolitano (1806-1807); Opuscoli lunari (1798);
Raccolta di opuscoli scientifici, e letterarj di ch. autori italiani (1779-1786).
From the period of the Risorgimento: Atti della Real società economica di Firenze ossia
de' Georgogili (1791-1870); Giornale agrario toscano (1827-1865); Gazzetta di Genova
(1811-1877); Antologia (1821-1832); L'Ape delle cognizioni utili (1833-1837); Apostolato
popolare (1840-1843); Biblioteca italiana (1821-1840); Il Conciliatore (1818-1819); L'Eco di
Savonarola (1847-1854); Foglio di Modena (1841-1848); Gazzetta della Associazione
agraria (1843-1848); Gazzetta di Milano (1816-1853); Gazzetta piemontese (1828-1857);
Guida dell'educatore (1836-1844); L'Indicatore genovese (1828); L'Indicatore livornese
(1829-1830); Il Lucifero (1839-1847); Il Politecnico (1839-1844; 1860-1868); Il Progresso
delle scienze, delle lettere e delle arti (1832-1846); Il Fischietto (1848-1874); Il Pasquino
(1856-1901); L'Italia del popolo (1849-1851); L'Italiano (1848-1871); Il Lampione (18481865).
There is a special section for the journals dating from Italy's 1848. It includes 200 titles,
amongst which may be mentioned: L'Apostolato (Palermo, 1848); L'Arlecchino (Napoli,
1848-1849); Un Bajocco (Roma, 1848); Il Barbiere (Palermo, 1848); Belfagor arcidiavolo
(Firenze, 1848); Il Birichino (Firenze, 1848.-1849); La Bonissima (Modena, 1848); Il
Calambrone (Livorno, 1848); Il Casotto dei burrattini (Roma, 1848); Il Censore (Palermo,
1848-1849); Chiarivario del popolano (Firenze, 1848); Il Cittadino (Palermo, 1848); Il
Conciliatore (Firenze, 1848-1849); Il Don Pirlone (Roma, 1848-1849); Fatti e parole
(Venezia, 1848); Il Folletto (Napoli, 1848); La Fratellanza de' popoli (Venezia, 1849); La
Frusta (Bastia, 1848); Il Gastigamatti (Venezia, 1848); Gazzetta di Palermo (Palermo,
1848); Gazzetta privilegiata di Venezia (Venezia, 1848-1849); Giornale del Circolo
popolare (Palermo, 1848-1849); Giornale della Guardia nazionale (Venezia, 1848-1849);
La Guardia civica (Venezia, 1848); La Guardia nazionale (Milano, 1848); L'Inferno
(Livorno, 1849); L'Italia del popolo (Milano, 1848); Letture politiche (Firenze, 1848-1849); Il
Lombardo (Milano, 1848); Pio IX (Milano, 1848); Il Popolano (Firenze, 1848-1849); Il
Precursore (Venezia, 1848-1849); Il Risorgimento (Torino, 1848-1851); Lo Spirito folletto
(Milano, 1848); Stenterello (Firenze, 1848-1849); Il 22 Marzo, (Milano, 1848); La Vespa
(Firenze, 1848-1849); La Vipera (Palermo, 1848).
The Library holds an especially rich collection of periodicals from the first 80 years of the
unified Italy, including the twenty years of fascism. To a large degree the expression of
the various tendencies of the workers', socialist and trade union movements, this collection
consistutes the most complete overview of the political journalism of these movements
available at a single institution. Particularly worthy of mention is a complete collection of
Avanti! (1896-1993), including the foreign editions, the various clandestine editions from
the fascist period and the Resistance, and the two editions from the period of
Library of the Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation – Historical periodicals
"fuoriuscitismo", or political exile (Milan, Paris and Zurich). Also, the complete collection of
l'Unità (1924-....), including the four diverse editions from the period following WWII Milan, Turin, Genoa and Rome -, as well as the numerous clandestine editions from the
fascist period and the Resistance.
Other fundamental periodicals of similar type may be highlighted, such as: La Plebe (18681883); Fanfulla della domenica (1882-1891); La Favilla (1883-1884); Il Fascio operaio
(1884-1890); Rivista internazionale del socialismo (1880); Lotta di classe (1892-1898);
Rivista critica del socialismo (1899); Cuore e critica, poi Critica sociale (1886-1926);
L'Utopia (1912-1914); La Giustizia (1886-1925); La Confederazione del lavoro (19061918); Problemi del lavoro (1918-1922; 1927-1940); L'Asino (1892-1925); Il Comunista
(1921-1922); Sempre Avanti (1900-1916); L'Ordine nuovo (1919-1925); Comunismo
(1919-1922); Coenobium (1906-1919); Pagine libere (1906-1922); La Squilla (1912-1922);
L'Internazionale (1908-1923); Il Divenire sociale (1905-1910); Germinal (1898-1903); Il
Soviet (1918-1922); L'Avanguardia (1907-1922).
Amongst the periodical collections that do not express socialist, communist or
avowedly anti-fascist views, mention may be made of: La Civiltà cattolica (1850 - ....); La
Riforma sociale (1894-1935); La Critica (1903-1951); Energie nuove (1918-1920);
Rivoluzione liberale (1922-1926); Il Baretti (1924-1928); Il Popolo d'Italia (1914-1943);
Gerarchia (1922-1943); Critica fascista (1924-1943); La Difesa della razza (1938-1943);
Razza e cultura (1940-1943); Geopolitica (1939-1942); Primato (1940-1943); La Voce
(1908-1914); L'Illustrazione italiana (1873-1933); Giornale d'Italia (1901-1937); Cultura
sociale (1898-1906); Rivista municipale (1904-1906); L'Autonomia comunale (1902-1903;
Particularly vast is the collection of publications by political exiles in France, North and
South America, and Tunisia during the twenty years of fascism. Amongst them are: Il
Mondo (1938-1942); Stato operaio (1927-1943); Rinascita socialista (1928-1930); La
Libertà (1927-1934); Quaderni di Giustizia e libertà (1927-1935); Giustizia e libertà (19341940); Problemi della rivoluzione italiana(1931-1934; 1937-1939); Azione popolare (19341935); La Bandiera dei lavoratori (1934); L'Operaio italiano (1926-1939); Battaglie
sindacali (1928-1932; 1932-1936); Il Becco giallo (1924-1931); La Giovine Italia (19371940); Guerra di classe (1927-1932); L'Idea popolare (1935-1936); L'Italia del popolo
(1927-1930); La Lega (1932; 1934-1939); Liberissima (1930-1935); Il Merlo (1934-1937);
Politica socialista (1933-1935); Soccorso rosso (1927-1929); La Voce degli italiani (19371939); Informazioni sociali (1922-1937); L'Adunata dei refrattari (1928-1945); Nazioni unite
(1942-1946); Risorgimento (1930-1931); Studi sociali (1930-1939); La Difesa (1927-1934);
Prometeo (1928-1938); L'Italiano di Tunisi (1936-1939); Gioventù comunista (1929-1934).
The library holds, either in the original or on microfilm, the largest existing collection of
periodicals from the Italian Resistance. There are 550 titles for a total of 1600 items
(many are single issues).
Amongst the publications dating from the post-WWII period may be mentioned: Nord Sud
(1954-....); Il Politecnico (1945-1947); Quaderni rossi(1961-1965); Classe operaia (19641967); Società (1945-1961); Tempo presente (1956-1968); Il Mondo (1949-1968); Passato
e presente (1957-1960); Tempi moderni (1958-1977); Quaderni piacentini (1962-1984);
Problemi del socialismo (1958-1991); Rivista storica del socialismo (1958-1967); Rivista di
storia contemporanea (1972-1993); Classe (1969-1988); Ragionamenti (1955-1957);
Rinascita (1944-1991); Il Ponte (1945-....); Mondo operaio (1948-1993); Mondo nuovo
Library of the Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation – Historical periodicals
(1959-1972); Il Giornale degli economisti (1951-1985); Rivista internazionale di scienze
economiche e commerciali (1954-....), Noi donne (a. V, 1950-1964); Rassegna sindacale
(1955-1985), Rassegna sindacale. Quaderni (1963-1985), Dibattito sindacale (1964-1972),
Bandiera rossa poi Quotidiano dei lavoratori (1974-1982), Lavoro (1948-1962), Lotta
continua (1972-1981), Mondo economico (1948-1990); Vie nuove (19461968). Furthermore, there is an abundant holding of leaflets from factory and occupational
trade unions and vast amounts of printed documentation on minor, local and branch
groupings and bodies.
For the period between the Ancien Régime and the Restoration we note the following
titles: Journal de l'agricolture, du commerce et des finances (1765-1783); Recueil de
mémoires concernants l'oeconomie rurale (1760-1762); Ephémérides du citoyen (17651772); Journal oeconomique (1751-1757); Bibliothéque ancienne et moderne (1714-1730);
Révolutions de Paris (1789-1794); L'Accusateur public (1793-1798); Annales des arts &
manifactures (1800-1817); Le Publiciste parisien (1789); L'Ami du peuple (1789-1793); Le
Publiciste de la révolution française (1792-1793); Journal de la Haute-Cour de Justice
(1796-1797); Journal de la Conféderation (1790); Journal de la liberté de la presse poi Le
Tribune du peuple (1794-1796); Le Junius français (1790); Révolutions de France et de
Brabant (1789-1792); La Tribune des patriots (1792); Le Vieux cordelier (1793-1794);
Journal du Club des Cordeliers (1791); Journal d'instruction sociale (1793); La Bouche de
fer (1790-1791); La Sentinelle (1792).
For the period of the Restoration and the Orleáns monarchy: La Phalange (18361849); L'Éco de la fabrique (1831-1834); Le Conservateur (1818-1820); Le Producteur
(1825-1826); Revue encyclopédique (1823-1833); Le Catholique (1826-1829); Le Semeur
(1831-1849); La Revue indépendente (1841-1847); Revue européenne (1831-1833);
L'Atelier (1840-1850); Bulletin phalansterien (1846-1850); Revue du progrès politique,
social et littéraire (1839-1842); Le Globe (1824-1830 e 1830-1832); L'Intelligence (18371839); Le Nouveau monde (1839-1843); Le Populaire de 1841 (1841-1851); La Tribune
lyonnaise (1845-1851); La Glaneuse (1831-1834); La Femme libre (1832-1834).
The collection of periodicals from the French 1848, most of which published in Paris, is
particularly rich. There are 426 titles in all. Of these, the following, at least, may be
mentioned (dates within round brackets; the place of publication is Paris is not specified
otherwise): Le Nouveau monde (1849-1851); Le Mois (1849-1850); Le Conseilleur du
peuple (1849-1851); L'Ordre (1849-1852); La Réforme (1847-1850); L'Ami du peuple
(1848); L'Organisation du Travail (1848); La Commune sociale (Lyon, 1848-1849); La
Commune de Paris (1848); Le Peuple constituant (1848); Le Censeur (Lyon, 1849); Le
Peuple souverain (Lyon, 1848);
Dating from the Second Empire are: Journal des économistes (1842-1925); Le
Rationaliste (1861-1868); La Libre recherche (1855-1860); La Liberté (1867-1873); La
Tribune du peuple (1861-1869).
Of great importance is the well-stocked collection of periodicals from the Paris Commune
(160 titles). For a catalogue of these as well as of the documents and periodicals of the
Library of the Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation – Historical periodicals
Commune held at the library, please refer to Giuseppe del Bo, La Comune di Parigi Feltrinelli (Milan, 1957).
Amongst the journals dating from the Third Republic are: Le Monde économique (18911903); L'Association catholique (1876-1907); Le XXme siècle (1891-1899); La Critique
religieuse (1878-1885); Revue philosophique (1876-1913); La Critique philosophique
(1872-1889); La Rénovation (1894-1922); La Science sociale (1886-1894); La Societé
nouvelle (1884-1912); L'Année sociologique (1896-1909); Affaires étrangères (19341939); Bulletin de l'Office du Travail (1894-1929); Le Prolétaire (1878-1893); Le Prolétariat
(1884-1889); Revue du mouvement social (1880-1885); La Question sociale (1885-1897);
La Philosophie de l'avenir (1875-1902); Le Socialiste (1885-1915); Le Populaire (19161940); Le Mouvement socialiste (1899-1914); L'Ere nouvelle (1893-1894); Le Devenir
social (1895-1898); La Revue Socialiste (1885-1914); L'Humanité (1905-1990); La Bataille
socialiste (1927-1935); La Vie socialiste (1926-1935); Monde (1928-1935); L'Atélier pour
le plan (1935-1936); Esprit (1932-....); La Guerre sociale (1906-1912); La Vie ouvrière
(1909-1914); Le Cahiers du bolchévisme (poi Les Cahiers du communisme ) (1924-1939;
1944-1992); Europe (1923-1939); Que faire? (1934-1939); La Phare (1919-1921); Clarté
(1919-1927); Bulletin communiste (1920-1933); Critique social (1932-1934); L'Etudiant
socialiste (1926-1937); Syndicats (1936-1940); La Révolution prolétarienne (1925-1939);
Commune (1934-1938); Nouveaux cahiers (1937-1940); Le Musée social (1903-1927);
L'Homme réel (1934-1938); La Revue anarchiste (1922-1935).
The library holds 271 periodicals from the French Resistance and 110 periodicals
published in Vichy France. Amongst the former are: La France libre (London 1941-1942);
Cahiers antiracistes (Alger, 1943-1944); Libération (1940-1944). Tra i secondi si
segnalano Effort (1940-1944); Le Rouge et le Bleu (1941-1942); Compagnons (19401942); France (1942-1944).
The most complete collection of periodicals regarding Spain is that concerning the
Spanish Civil War: La Batalla (1936-1937); Adelante (1937-1938); Frente rojo (19371939); Milicia popular (1936-1937); El Socialista (1936-1939); Nueva era (1936);
Solidaridad obrera (1936-1939); Boletin de informacion (1936-1938); Juventud (19361939); Hora de España (1937-1938); Claridad (1936-1938); Treball (1936-1939); El Sol
(1937-1938); C.N.T. (1936-1939); Euzko deya (1936-1939); Nuestra bandera (1937-1939);
Verdad (1936-1937); Las Noticias (1937-1939); Juventud comunista (1936-1937); Frente
libertario (1937-1939).
Other important Spanish periodicals include: Comunismo (1931-1933); Euzkadi obrera
(1961-1970); La Federacion (1869-1872); Octubre (1933-1934); Tierra y libertad (19361982); F.E. (1933-1934); Renovacion (1928-1931); La Solidaridad (1870-1871); La
Emancipacion (1871-1873).
Library of the Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation – Historical periodicals
This section includes both German and Austrian periodicals. Amongst the most prestigious
collections are: Die Neue Zeit (1883-1923), Sozialistische Monatshefte (1897-1930), Die
Gesellschaft (1924-1933); Der Kampf (1907-1940).
Also in this section is a fairly extensive collection of periodicals from the year 1848.
Particularly noteworthy are: Die Neue rheinische Zeitung (1848-1850); Volksblatt für Stadt
und Land (Halle, 1848), Die Hornisse (1848-1850); Politisches ABC fürs Volk (Wien,
1848); Die Constitution (Wien, 1848); Die Verbrüderung (Leipzig, 1848-1850); Das Volk
(Berlin, 1848); Freiheit, Arbeit (Köln, 1849); Vossische Zeitung (Berlin, 1848-1849).
A particularly extensive collection is that of the German workers' and socialist
movements from the unification of Germany (1871) until Hitler's rise to power.
Worthy of attention are: Der Vorbote (1866-1871); Der Volkstaat (1869-1876); Neuer
Sozial-Demokrat (1873-1875); Der Sozialdemokrat (1879-1890); Freiheit (1879-1910); Die
Internationale (1915, 1919-1932); Die Rote Fahne (1918-1931); Die Arbeit (1926-1932);
Die Weltbühne (1918-1933); Der Klassenkampf (1927-1932); Sozialistische Politik und
Wirtschaft (1923-1928); Kommunismus (1920-1921); Die Linkskurve (1929-1932);
Arbeiterpolitik (1916-1919); Jugend Internationale (1915-1935).
Furthermore, the library possesses 95 collections of periodicals by German and Austria
anti-Nazi political exiles. These were published in Czechoslovakia, France and the
United States between 1933 and 1945. Titles include: Deutschland-Bericht der SOPADE
(Prag-Paris, 1935-1940); Sozialistische Warte (Paris 1934-1940); Das Wort (Moscau,
1936-1939); Heute und Morgen (Zürich, 1938-1940); Europäische Hefte (Prag-Paris,
1934-1935); Sozialistische Revolution poi Zeitschrift für Sozialismus (Karlsbad, 19331936); Austria libre (Mexico City, 1942-1945); Die Internationale Klassenkampf (Paris,
1936-1938); Die Internationale (Amsterdam, 1934-1935); Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung
(1932-1941); Neue Beginnen (Karlsbad, 1935-1937); Die Neue Tagebuch (ParisAmsterdam, 1933-1940); Freie Tribüne (London, 1942-1946); Freies Deutschland (Mexico
City, 1941-1946); Die Zukunft (Paris, 1938-1940); Austrian Labor Information (New York,
Among the radical journals are: Cobbett's Annual Register (1802-1835); The Black Dwarf
(1817-1824); The Gorgon (1818-1819); The Republican (1819-1826); The Economist
Of particular interest are the periodicals of the Owenite and Chartist movements. Titles
in this section include: The New Harmony Gazette (1825-1835); The Crisis (1832-1834);
The New Moral World (1835-1845); Robert Owen's Journal (1850-1851), Robert Owen's
Millennial Gazette (1856-1858); The Reasoner and Herald of Progress (1846-1872); The
Moral Reformer (1831-1837); The Chartist Circular (1839-1842); The Northen Star (18451850); The Democratic Review (1849-1850); The People's Paper (1852-1858); The Friend
of the People (1850-1851); The People (1848-1851); The Labourer (1847-1848).
Library of the Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation – Historical periodicals
Various periodicals from the First International were published in England. Amongst
them the library holds: The Working Man (1861-1862, 1866-1867); The Commonwealth
(1866-1867); The Pall Mall Gazette (1870-1871); The Workman's Advocate (1865-1866);
The Eastern Post (1871-1872); The International Herald (1872-1873).
Periodicals from the British workers', socialist and communist movements include:
The Bee-Hive (1862-1874); The Labour Standard (1881-1884); Justice (1885-1904); The
Communist Review (1921-1927); Socialist Commentary (1948-1964); Peace Freedom and
Socialism (poi World Marxist Review) (1958-....); The Socialist Review (1908-1924); The
Social-Democrat (1897-1911); The British Socialist (1912-1913); New Statesman and
Nation then New Statesman then New Statesman and Society (1948-....); The Herald of
Revolt (1910-1914); The Workers' Friend (1911-1914); Freedom (1886-1911); The New
Left Review (1960-....); The New Reasoner (1957-1959).
United States
Among the First International periodicals published in the United States may be
mentioned: The Workingman's Advocate (1864-1877); The National Workman (18661867); Weekly American Workman (1869-1872); Arbeiter-Zeitung (1873-1875); The
National Standard (1870-1871); Woodhull and Caflin's Weekly (1870-1876); Le Socialiste
Of great interest are the political and trade union publications, which include: The
Journal of United Labor poi Journal of the Knights of Labor (1880-1917); Knights of Labor
(1886-1889); The Labor Standard (1876-1881); The American Federationist (1902-1927);
New Yorker Volkszeitung (1878-1900); The International Socialist Review (1900-1917);
Solidarity (1909-1931); The New Review (1913-1916); The American Socialist Quarterly
(1934-1937); Partisan Review (1934-1979); The Communist (1928-1937); New Masses
(1936-1938); Political Affairs (1948-1965); The Militant (1952-....); Science & Society
(1936-....); Monthly Review (1949-1986); Telos (1977-....); Dissent (1958-....); The Socialist
Review (1978-....); Social Research (1934-1939; 1954-1965; 1977-....); L'Unità del popolo
(1939-1951); The New Leader (1924-1958); Politics (1944-1949); Workers Vanguard
Latin America
Covers collections of periodicals concerning political and social movements in Central and
South America, especially during the course of the 20th century.
The main titles for each country include:
Argentina Nueva Era (1956-1959); Revista socialista internacional (1908-1910);
Economica (1955-1962); Militancia (1973-1974); Cristianismo y sociedad (1974-1987);
Reconstruir (1947-157); La Correspondencia sudamericana (1926-1930); C.G.T. (1934-
Library of the Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation – Historical periodicals
1955); La Internacional (1923-1929); La Organizacion obrera (1915-1922); Accion obrera
(1924-1930); La Antorcha (1921-1932); La Obra (1936-1949).
Bolivia Aquì (1979-1980).
Brazil Problemas (1947-1956); Visao (1971-1974); Voz Operaria (1971-1978); Novos
rumos (1959-1963); A Voz do trabalhador (1908-1915).
Chile Punto final (1967-1984); SEPA (1970-1973); De Frente (1971-1973); Trabajo social
(1971-1972); Pensamiento socialista (1976-1985); Paginas sindacales (1977-1983);
Revolucion (1977-1981); Contacto (1977-1981); El Rebelde en la clandestinidad (19741984); Ercilla (1972-1984); Que pasa (1972-1984); Analisis (1979-1991); El Pueblo (19741977).
Colombia Principios (1958-1961); Cruz del Sur (1952-1959).
Cuba Obra revolucionaria (1960-1965); Vanguardia socialista (1934-1937); Islas (19621974); Politica internacional (1963-1970); Pensamiento critico (1967-1971); Casas de las
Americas (1963-1989); Cuba socialista (1961-1967); Tricontinental (1967-1982); Boletin
tricontinental (1967-1980); Ediciones Or (1966-1970); Cuba (1963-1972); Verde olivo
(1961-1975); El Caiman barbudo (1969-1976); Granma (1967-1982).
Mexico Cuadernos americanos (1959-....); Cooperativismo (1934-1936); Revista de
historia de America (1941-1971); Regeneracion (1946-1969); El Mensajero mutualista
(1954-1959); Ruta (1940-1943).
Nicaragua Somos (1983-1984); Pensamiento proprio (1983-1985); La Cruzada en
marcha (1980); Revista del pensamiemto centroamericano (1978-1985); Encuentro (19761984); Envio (1981-1985); Monéxico (1982-1985); Barricada (1979-1987).
Peru Socialismo y partecipacion (1977-1980); Que hacer (1979-1981); Marka (19751981).
Uruguay Estudios (1956-1983); Cuadernos de marcha (1967-1974); Cuestion (19821986); El Taladro (1956-1958); Tempos nuevos (1955-1958); Voluntad (1953-1962);
Marcha (1965-1972); El Popular (1958-1959).
Russia, USSR and former Soviet-bloc
Amongst the foreign periodicals of the Russian emigration we note the following: Kolokol
(London 1857-1867); Poljarnaja Zvezda (London-Genève 1858-1868); Sovremennik
(1836-1866); Vperëd (Zürich-London 1873-1877); Obscina (Genève 1878); Vestnik
Narodnoj Volii (Genève 1883-1886); Nakanune (London 1899-1901); Ozvobozdenie
(Moskva 1901-1905); Vestnik Russkoj Revoljucii (Paris-Genève 1901-1905); Rabocee
Delo (Genève 1899-1902); Revoljucionnaja Rossija (Paris 1900-1905); Znamja Truda
(Paris, 1907-1914); Socialist-revolucioner (Paris, 1910-1912).
Library of the Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation – Historical periodicals
The principal periodicals held that deal with Russian social democracy are: Socialdemokrat (London-Genève 1890-1902); Iskra (Genève 1900-1905); Zarja (Stuttgart 19011905); Socialdemokrat (Genève 1904-1906); Vperëd (Genève 1905); Proletarij (Genève
1905; Moskva 1906-1907); Dnevnik Socialdemokrata (Genève 1905-1911).
Concerning the socialist revolutionaries: Kommuna (Paris 1905); Trud (S. Pietroburgo
1906-1907); Trudovoj Narod (S. Pietroburgo 1906-1907); Za Narod (Moskva 1907-1914);
Zemlja i Volja (Paris 1907-1912); Russkie Zapiski (S. Pietroburgo 1914-1917); Volja (New
York 1915); Volja Naroda (Pietrogrado 1917); Delo Naroda (Pietrogrado 1917); Nase
Znamja (Baku 1918); Vperëd (Pietrogrado 1920); Za Narod (s.l., 1921).
Particularly well-stocked is the section of periodicals relative to the post-WWII period:
Krokodil (Moskva 1949-1965); Voprosy Ekonomiki (Moskva, 1948-1992); Pravda,
(Moskva, 1950-...); Novyj Mir (Moskva, 1952-1965; 1987-....); Istoriceskij Archiv (Moskva,
1955-1962); Voprosy istorii, Voprosy Istorii KPSS (Moskva, 1957- 1991).
Furthermore, the library holds 346 opposition periodicals that appeared whilst
Gorbachov was Secretary of the CP, during the period known as Perestroika. A detailed
list and the index-cards for each periodical can be found in La rinascita della società
politica in Russia, edited by Oleg Davydov and Francesca Gori, Quaderni della
Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, no. 47, 1994.
Apart from the Russian periodicals, the library also offers a vast array of other journals,
both legal and illegal, from the other former Eastern Bloc countries, including:
Czechoslovakia Politicka Ekonomie (1953-1967); Prispevki K Dejinam KSC (1957-1967);
Socialni Revue (1926-1937); Spartakus (1923-1925); Czechoslovak Democracy (19461947); Proletarka (1924-1925).
Yugoslavia Komunist (1957-1964); Radenik (1871-1872); Rad (1874-1875); Ekonomist
(1950-1962); Pregled (1953-1963); Informativni Pregled (1958-1960); Le Nouveau Droit
Yougoslave (1950-1963); Godisn'ak (1950-1962); Istoriiski Zapisi (1961-1979); Praxis
Poland Polityka (1957-1964, 1979-....); Nowe Drogi (1947-1981); Nowy Przeglad (19221925); Zagadnienia Ekonomiki Rolnej (1957-1964); Z Pola Walki (1958-1974); Ekonomista
(1957-1963); Bulletin officiel du Parti socialiste polonais (1895-1897); Persectives
polonaises (1958-1981); Aneks (1973-1989); Uncensored Poland News Bulletin (19801991); Polskie Wiadomosci (1983-1986); Archipelag (1983-1987); Trybuna Ludu (19751990); Tygodnik Solidarnosc (1981, 1989-1991); Trybuna (1990-1992). Especially
noteworthy is the vast collection of periodicals, single issues and bulletins concerning
Polish dissent and Solidarity, especially in its initial phase (1979-81). There is a total of
210 titles. An analytical description of this collection has been published in La Polonia e i
sedici mesi di Solidarnosc, edited by Francesco M. Cataluccio and Francesca Gori and
published in the Quaderni della Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli series (no. 22, 1982).
Romania Lupta de clasa poi Era socialista (1952-1985); Analele (1957-1985); Revue
Roumanie d'Histoire (1962-1985); La Roumanie (1972-1980); La Roumanie nouvelle
Library of the Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation – Historical periodicals
Hungary Huszadik Szazad (1900-1949); Szazadunk (1926-1939); Tarsa Dalmi Szemle
(1946-1963); Szazadok (1945-1962); Törtenelmi Szemle (1958-1988); Szocialismus
(1906-1947); Nouvelles danubiennes (1935-1939).
In total the collection of journals published in China, both in Chinese and European
languages, numbers 62. Amongst these may be mentioned: Shijie Zhishi (1962-1966);
Hongqi (1960-1988); Peking Review (1958-1980); Renmin Ribao (1986-1988); Jingji
Yanjiu (1960-1966); Hsinhua (1965-1975); Gong Ren Ri Bao (1962-1966); China
Reconstructs (1952-1975); China Literature (1951-1980); People's China (1950-1957).
To this section may be added the valuable collection of documentation regarding Chinese
dissent and the student democracy movement of 1989 gathered by Luigi Tomba (cf.
"Se io fossi il governo". Documenti del movimento democratico cinese 1989, edited by L.
Tomba, Quaderni della Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, no. 43, 1993).
Third International (Communist
This section includes 42 publications, official periodicals, single issues and bulletins
published on the occasion of the Communist International congresses.
Noteworthy among them are: Correspondance Syndicale Internationale (1932-1933); Die
Rote Gewerkschaft Internationale (1921-1933); Die Kommunistische Fraueninternationale
(1921-1925); The Communist International (1934-1940); Russische Korrespondenz (19201922); Pod Znameniem Marksisma (1922-1944); Internationale Press Korrespondenz
(1922-1933); La Correspondance Internationale (19223-1939); Die Kommunistische
Internationale (1919-1941); L'Internationale Communiste (1919-1939); Unter dem Banner
des Marxismus (1925-1936).
International Organizations
A total of 72 periodicals are included in this section. The most valuable are those edited by
or associated with the International Labour Office (ILO)/Bureau international du travail:
Informazioni sociali (1922-1937); Bulletin de l'Office internationale du travail (1902-1916);
Bulletin officiel B.I.T. (1919-1921); L'Anné sociale (1930-1939/1940); Série législative
(1922-1934); International Labor Conference (1919-1950); Chronique de la Securité
industrielle (1925-1927); Bibliographie d'igiène industrielle (1923-1936); Annuaire des
statistiques du travail (1935-1958); Informations BIT (1970-1975).
Library of the Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation – Historical periodicals
Amongst the materials concerning the League of Nations we may mention: Journal
officiel Societé des nations (1932-1939); Bulletin mensuel de statistique (1922-1939);
Revue de la situation économique mondiale (1935-1942); Annuaire statistique de la
Société des nations (1930-1941).
Regarding the Council of Europe: Compte-rendu des débats (1958-1961); Documents
Working Papers (1951-1962); Orders of the Day Minutes of Proceedings (1951-1961);
Texts Adopted by the Assembly (1952-1962).
Publications by United Nations bodies include: Revue des Nations Unies (1959-1963);
Économies et Statistiques Agricoles (1952-1962); Chronique des Nations Unies (19741985); Objectif: Justice (1972-1978).
Reference may also be made to the EFTA Bulletin (1974-1984) and the Courier de la paix
(1974-1987), published by the World Peace Council.