D E PA R T M E N T O F LA R G E A N I MA L S C I E N C E S UN IVE R S ITY O F C OPE NHAGE N Higher piglet mortality in designed farrowing pens compared with traditional farrowing crates Hales, J.1, Moustsen, V. A.2, Nielsen, M. B. F. 2, Hansen, C. F.1 1Department of Large Animal Sciences, University of Copenhagen; 2Danish Pig Research Centre, SEGES Email: [email protected] INTRODUCTION Loose housed systems for farrowing and lactating sows can only be considered a realistic alternative to farrowing crates if equal or better production results can be obtained. The aim of this study was to compare piglet mortality in Free Farrowing pens (FF-pens) and farrowing crates in commercial pig farms. Figure 1. Examples of farrowing pen for loose housed sows (left) and farrowing crate (right) used in the study. MATERIALS AND METHODS Herd × housing: P=0.107 The study was conducted in three commercial herds (A, B, and C) that had both farrowing crates and FF-pens in their farrowing units. Piglet mortality was analysed by use of linear models in two periods: before litter equalisation and after litter equalisation. RESULTS • Average number of total born piglets per litter was 17.0 in Herd A, 17.3 in Herd × housing: P=0.03 Herd B and 16.1 in Herd C. • Piglet mortality before litter equalisation was higher in FF-pens (13.7%) than in crates (11.8%) (P<0.001). • Piglet mortality increased before (P<0.001) as well as after (P<0.001) litter equalisation with increasing parity. • Larger litter size at birth increased mortality before equalisation (P<0.001). • Larger equalised litter size increased mortality after equalisation (P<0.001). CONCLUSION Piglet mortality was higher in FF-pens compared with traditional crates. Some sows in pens were able to deliver the same level of mortality as sows in crates, but the proportion was too small to consider FF-pens a robust type of housing. Part of these results previously published as: Hales et al. (2014) Animal 8:1, pp 113-120 Proportion of high mortlaity sows before equalisation, % Crate Pen Crate Proportion of high mortlaity sows after equalisation, % Figure 2. Piglet mortality in crates and pens in Herds A, B and C. Top: mortality before equalisation, bottom: mortality after litter equalisation. Colomns with different superscripts differ (P<0.05). 100 * 80 60 40 20 0 Herd A Herd B Herd C Pen 100 * *** Herd A Herd B 80 60 40 20 0 Herd C Figure 3. Percentage of high mortality sows in crates and pens in Herds A, B and C. Left: before litter equalisation (high mortality>11%); right: after litter equalisation (high mortality>7%). ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Funding for this project was provided by Danish Pig Research Centre, SEGES, and The Danish Rural Development Programme 2007 -2013/The European Agricultural fund for Rural Development.
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