FLOW MARINE ENIA FLOWbyMARINE by ENIA Optimization on your side! www.enia.hr www.enia.hr FLOW MARINE by ENIA ▫ TWO-‐CHANNEL FLOW METER PROCESSING UNIT ▫ RS485/RS232 COMMUNICATION ▫ EASY AND RELIABLE CALIBRATION ▫ DISPLAYS THE CURRENT AND TOTAL CONSUMPTION ▫ OPTIONAL CONNECTION TO LCD SCREEN OR GSM FLOW MARINE MAIN DISPLAY GSM MODUL BRIDGE MAIN ENGINE RETURN SENSOR INPUT SENSOR FUEL TANK FLOW MARINE PROCESSING UNIT Flow Marine 22 was designed to monitor fuel consumpOon on commercial boats, yachts and on bigger merchant marine ships, but can also be incorporated in industrial faciliOes, wherever it is necessary to control the consumpOon and flow. Flow Marine 22 system was designed to monitor the current consumpOon, average consumpOon per minute or hour, and the total consumpOon over a prolonged period of Ome. The device measuring range, or the flow range, stretches from 0.17 L/min up to 1000 L/min (depending on sensor type), in special-‐purpose built measuring range is low as 0.008L/min. Sensor construcOon and their technical specificaOon allow fluid measuring like D.O. fuel and also HFO (to 120℃), thereby are suitable for measuring media like fresh or salt water and some chemically aggressive liquids. The system consists of two sensors, first one mounted at the engine fuel inlet and the other one on the engine's fuel return line (measuring the difference of consumed fuel), plus the central processing unit with a built-‐in screen for visual consumpOon monitoring. If there's a need to control more engines, there is an opOon to install the central LCD screen which displays the consumpOon parameters for several engines or devices, with the addiOonal capability to connect a GSM module that sends the fuel consumpOon informaOon to a mobile applicaOon. The purpose of fuel consumpOon monitoring is to save the fuel with a minimal impact on the vessel's performance. www.enia.hr FLOW MARINE by ENIA BASIC OPERATING PRINCIPLE OF FLOW MARINE 22 The system's operaOon relies on the sensors that measure the flow of media. Sensors uOlize a paddle wheel with a built-‐in permanent magnet that uses the HALL Effect, without fricOon surfaces. The pulse is transmibed to a built-‐in electronic sensor which outputs the signal depending on the type of sensor and flow rate, the NPN and PNP transistor outputs, as needed by the system. The voltage required for the sensor operaOon is 4.5 VDC – 24 VDC, protected from overvoltage and reverse polarity. Maximum flow rate depends on the sensor inlet diameter. Sizes stretching from DN06 to DN65 (DN50), meaning 0.17 to 1000L/min (special construcOon sensors can range from 0.008 L/min), meeOng a wide range of measurements. SENSOR SELECTION CHART CORRECT SENSOR POSITION SENSOR INPUT DIAMETER www.enia.hr FLOW MARINE by ENIA Contact VAT ID: HR41666256021 Straža 110 51216 VIŠKOVO CROATIA P: +385 51 263 409 F: +385 51 264 505 E: [email protected] www.enia.hr
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