Michigan NAPNAP 2014-2015 BOARD MEMBERS: President: Joanne Howard President Elect: Kristen Upton Past President: Kim Fenbert Treasurer: Andrea Kline Tilford Secretary: Donna Marvicson Legislative Chair: Nicole Boucher Constitution & Bylaws: Lydia McBurrows Program Chair: Marissa DaSilva Logo Wear Chair: Mary Targosz INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Legislative Highlights 1 Calendar of Events 2 Inside Story 2 Special Recognition 2 Your Board Members 3 Student Representatives 4 Our Chapter Mission 4 V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 2 W I N T E R I S S U E 2 0 1 5 Legislative Highlights The one and only thing that stopped SB from passing during lame duck session was Chairwoman Gail Haines. The last night of session Governor Snyder got personally involved and asked the Speaker to discharge SB 2 from Rep. Haines committee and take a vote on the floor. In the end, the Speaker held to his belief that he will not discharge a bill that isn’t supported by a committee chair. Although SB 2 did not pass the House of Representatives during this year’s lame duck session, the relationships that were built with external organizations, nursing advocates, and legislators is something to be very proud of. For the first time, these collaborative efforts showed through not only to legislators, but in the media as well- with editorials and stories written by Dr. Potempa, Dr. McCurren (2), Dr. Nancy George, Nurse Practitioners, Dr. McMurtie (physician in support of SB 2), the president of AARP, and the President of the Economic Alliance of Michigan. Many organizations, including AARP, MPCA, MONE, MACN, School Community Health Alliance of Michigan, and the APRN Coalition sent several call to actions at our request to their membership that also made a difference and a huge impact. Lobbyists for several organizations, including major health systems, also came to our aid and per- sonally asked for lawmakers support of SB 2. This shows the diversity in the support of APRN scope of practice to legislators and will be critically important in the next term. There were thousands of calls/emails/letters sent to Rep. Haines, the Speaker, and state representatives in the last few months. Many reached out to their State Representative(s) for the first time to educate them on SB 2, and were successful in garnering their trust and their support. Advocacy works. Because of this, we had the majority of votes to pass the legislation in both the House Health Policy Committee and on the House Floor. Legislators on both sides of the aisle and both chambers worked tirelessly to urge Rep. Haines for a vote in committee, and tried to convince the Speaker for a discharge. Even though the Michigan State Medical Society endorsed the Governor (historical move by their organization) and provided him with a war chest for his reelection, the Governor still got involved and in the end, committed to seeing a reintroduced version of SB 2 through by the Spring of 2015. That speaks volumes! Some of our strongest advocates were term-limited (Senator Jansen and Majority Leader Richardville). The new legislative year begins in January with new leadership and many freshman lawmakers in both the House and Senate. Although it is uncertain as of yet who the new Speaker of the House will appoint as Chair of the House Health Policy Committee, I am happy to report that the new Senate Majority Leader Meekhof, who is a very strong supporter of APRNs, has appointed Senator Mike Shirkey as the Chair of the Senate Health Policy Committee. Mike Shirkey (previous state rep) was our champion on SB 2 in the House, especially during the lame duck session. He has already requested SB 2 be drafted for his sponsorship. Advocates will need to build a strong relationship with him in the months to come. There are also 2 physicians joining the Michigan House as freshman lawmakers (as well as one RN). I have been told by several insiders to be prepared to be on the defense this upcoming legislative session (in the House). The good news is that MSMS lost their #1 advocate- Rep. Haines was term limited! As we move forward to the new year, I believe we will be stronger and more mobilized than ever! From: Monika Miner PAGE 2 Calendar of Events NAPNAP Annual Conference being held in Las Vegas March 11-14, 2015. Michigan NAPNAP Annual Spring Conference being held at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Lansing on April 17, 2015. Some highlights of the Spring Conference include: Anxiety/Depression, Urology issues, Screening for Congenital Heart Defects, Sudden Cardiac Death, Technology and the Family, Health Policy Update and more!!! Inside Story Headline—New MICNP President Dr. Ann Sheehan is a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner with over 20 years of experience working with children and families in both private practice and community settings,and she currently works in a private pediatric practice in Portage, MI. Ann was a member of the GVSU faculty from 2010 to 2014, where she served as the Asst. Dean for Practice and was the director of the GVSU Nurse-Managed Health Center. She is an experienced advocate working on APRN and other health care issues at both the state and national levels. We are also proud that Ann is a member of MI NAPNAP! Special Recognitions Special recognition to President-Elect, Kris Upton, for setting up an information booth at the Children’s Hospital of Michigan Evidence-Based Nursing Conference back in September. She also put together two gift baskets that were given as door prizes to conference attendees. This was a great way to inform nurses about our Michigan NAPNAP organization! Thank you, Kris! MICHIGAN NAPNAP VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 PAGE Your Board Members President:: Joanne Howard, CPNP “No one can do everything, but everyone can do something” President Elect: Kristen Upton Past President: Kim Fenbert Treasurer: Andrea Kline Tilford Secretary: Donna Marvicson Health Policy Chair: Nicole Boucher Constitution & Bylaws: Lydia McBurrows Membership Chair: Vicki Trabucchi Program Chair: Marissa DaSilva Logo Wear—Mary Targosz 3 Our Mission: Please LIKE us on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/MichiganNAPNAP? ref=aymt_homepage_panel Please FOLLOW us at our new website via: https://minapnap.enpnetwork.com The Michigan Chapter of the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (MINAPNAP), is committed to improving the quality of health care for infants, children, adolescents, and young adults. We believe that the Pediatric Nurse Practitioner has a vital role in the health care community and as such, can have a definite impact on health care. To this end, Michigan NAPNAP provides pertinent educational programs for its members and other Advanced Practice Nurses and strives to promote the Pediatric Nurse Practitioner role. We’re on the Web! https://minapnap.enpnetwork.com Student Representatives: Amanda Indrei—U of M Ashley Eggleston—GVSU Andrea Hill—U of M Michael Mooney-WSU Claudia Turkson-Ocran– GVSU Esther Asika– WSU
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