Saitama University International Symposium March 27 (Fr.), 2015, Saitama University A Conference Room, Faculty of Liberal Arts, 2nd floor The Faculty of Liberal Arts, Saitama University will organize an international workshop to discuss issues and challenges in the globalization of higher education. We invite speakers from Arkansas State University (ASU) to share their insights into professional development in the increasingly internationalizing academic environment in Japan. The presentations by the ASU faculty members will address the role of professional development at Arkansas State University and the issues and challenges faced by early career faculty members in relation to work-life balance in academia. The presentation by Saitama University faculty member will discuss the present situation and problems in the globalization of Japanese universities with particular focus on the achievements and challenges of Saitama University’s ongoing globalization project. This workshop will offer an interactive forum which encourages active discussions and debates among scholars and professionals with diverse backgrounds and expertise. It will be open to all Saitama University faculty members and staff as well as scholars and administrators outside of the University. No translation provided. 13:30-13:40 Welcome by Dean of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Saitama University (Takagi Eiji) 13:40-13:50 Introduction by the organizing committee (Nonaka Susumu, Nomura Nao) First Session: How Can We Empower Early Researchers? Facilitator: Nomura Nao (Saitama University) First Session: How We Can Empower Early Researchers? 13:50-14:30 Edward Salo (Arkansas State University) “The Adjustments from Entering Academia after years in the Private Sector” 14:30-15:10 Annette E. Bednar (Arkansas State University) “A Survivor Toolkit for New Faculty Members” 15:10-15:30: Coffee Break Second Session: What Does it Mean to Globalize Higher Education? Facilitator: Nonaka Susumu (Saitama University) 15:30-16:10 Nagasawa Makoto (Saitama University) “Trends of Internationalization of Higher Education in the World and Japan: Some Impacts on Saitama University” 16:10-16:50 Nomura Nao (Saitama University) “Achievements and Challenges of Increasing International Experiences for Liberal Arts Students” 16:50-17:00 Closing Speech by Nagasawa Makoto (Saitama University) Organizing committee Takagi Eiji (Saitama University; [email protected]) Nonaka Susumu (Saitama University; [email protected]) Nomura Nao (Saitama University; [email protected]) This symposium is part of the University’s “Project for Promotion of Global Human Resources” funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology.
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