ENUMATH 2015 Monday 14th September (Morning) Registration 07:30- 08:50 Opening 08:50-09:00 Mark Ainsworth 09:00-09:50 Desmond J. Higham 09:50- 10:40 Multigrid at Scale? Models and Algorithms for Dynamic Networks Coffee Break 10:40- 11:10 COSYM DGMFEM NONLOC Computational Modeling of Multi-Physics Phenomena in Advanced Engineering Applications Numerical and theoretical study of nonlocal problems Numerical analysis for systems with symmetry and cosymmetry Recent trends and applications in discontinuous Galerkin and mixed finite element method Kaya-Merdan, John Göktepe, Gürses Aksoylu, Beyer Tsybulin, Govorukhin Bause, Kumar Gallistl Adaptive nonconforming finite element approximation of eigenvalue clusters John Aspects of reduced order models for convectiondominated problems and incompressible flow problems Temizer Homogenization of soft interfaces in time-dependent hydrodynamic lubrication Novicki Spectrum analysis of the weighted finite difference scheme for the wave equation with the nonlocal integral boundary conditions Tsybulin Porous media convection, cosymmetry and numerical schemes for cylindrical coordinates Henning Multiscale Approximations for Mixed Finite Element Methods Sebestova Lower bounds for principle eigenvalues of symmetric linear elliptic operators Matthies Higher order variational time discretisations for the Oseen equations Partl Numerical solution of gas flow and NAPL vapor transport in soil Skucaite Eigenspectrum analysis of the Sturm-Liouville problem with nonlocal integral boundary condition Shevchenko On selection of equilibria in Lapwood convection Wagner Higher order time discretization for simulation and optimization of water supply networks 12:10- 12:40 Gastaldi Adaptive FEM for approximating clusters of eigenvalues of the Laplace problem in mixed form Knobloch Analytical and numerical results for algebraic flux correction schemes Kolar Numerical solution of constrained curvature flow Aksoylu Local boundary conditions in nonlocal theories Frischmuth Cosymmetry approach to modeling of species coexistence in a heterogeneous habitat Ern Arbitrary-order mixed methods for heterogeneous anisotropic diffusion on general meshes 12:40- 13:10 Ovall Cluster-robust error estimates for non-self-adjoint eigenvalue problems Barrenechea New positivity preserving discretisations for the convection-diffusion equation Govorukhin Numerical analysis of Darcy convection problems near cosymmetric Situation Findeise Parallel and Adaptive spacetime Computation of Maxwell’s Equations Minisymposia Organizers APEIG CONVDOM MULPHY A posteriori error estimates for linear and nonlinear eigenvalue problems Finite element methods for convection-dominated problems Maday, Stamm, Vohralik Chair 11:10- 11:40 11:40- 12:10 13:10- 14:30 Henlein Domain-Decomposition-Based Beyer fluid structure interaction On a class of nonlocal wave methods equations from applications using nonlinear anisotropic arterial wall models Lunch ENUMATH 2015 Monday 14th September (Afternoon) APEIG Minisymposia Organizers MULPHY TIMEPAR ITADR Fast solvers for PDEconstrained optimization Iterative solvers for higher order or time-parallel methods in parabolic PDEs Iterative methods for advection-diffusion-reaction problems MATMAN PDEOPT A posteriori error estimates for linear and nonlinear eigenvalue problems M Matrix Manifolds and Applications C Computational Modeling of Multi-Physics Phenomena in Advanced Engineering Applications Maday, Stamm, Vohralik Zimmermann, Huang Göktepe, Gürses Stoll, Takacs Krause, Weiser Manguoglu, Boonkkamp Dusson A Posteriori error estimates for nonlinear Schrödinger equations Zimmermann Local parametrization of reduced order subspaces on matrix manifolds via derivative information Gürses Finite Element modeling of three dimensional spherulite microstructures Dolgov Low-rank solution of optimization problems constrained by fractional differential equations Weiser Adaptive inexact spectral deferred correction methods for long-time Integration Krukier Numerical solution of steady convection-diffusion equation in compressible medium Dal Computational modeling of multi-physics phenomena in Lithium-Ion battery electrodes Takacs All-at-Once Multigrid methods for optimal control problems with inequality constraints McDonald A proposal for parallel computation over time of an evolutionary process with implicit time stepping Gijzen The induced dimension reduction method applied to advection-diffusion-reaction problems Mishra Metric tuning in Riemannian optimization Yalçınkaya Micromechanically motivated cohesive zone formulation for ductile Fracture McDonald A parallelizable preconditioner for all-at-once solution of time-dependant PDEconstrained optimization problems Neumüller Parallel multigrid solvers for space-time problems Sivas Discretization and iterative schemes for advectiondiffusion-reaction problems Angst Low-Rank Models for 3D reconstruction and image retrieval Göktepe Multi-Physics approaches to computational cardiology Funke Data assimilation in timedependent blood flow simulations Krause Applications of Parareal for diffusive problems with strongly jumping coefficients Chair 14:30 - 15:00 15:00 - 15:30 15:30 - 16:00 16:00 - 16:30 16:30 - 17:00 Rannacher Duality-based a posteriori error analysis of discretized eigenvalue problems with application to stability analysis Hu Constructing both lower and upper bounds of eigenvalues by nonconforming FEMs Huang A Riemannian BFGS method for nonconvex optimization problems Coffee Break ENUMATH 2015 Monday 14th September (Late Afternoon) Contributed Talks Chair Kadir An adaptive mass algorithm for CarParrinello and Ehrenfest ab initio molecular dynamics Bozkaya DRBEM solution of the double diffusive convective flow 17:30 - 18:00 Kůs Mesh Adaptivity for Domain Decomposition Method Alsoy-Akgün A Numerical Solution of Natural Convection Flow of Water-Based Nanofluids with DRBEM 18:00 - 18:30 Lee Adaptive finite methods for the simulation of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell cathode Oğlakkaya Natural convection of nanofluid flows in a semicircular annulus using DRBEM 17:00 - 17:30 18:30 - 19:00 Unger Boundary element methods for Maxwell’s eigenvalue problems Fialko On the calculations of thermodynamic quantities in semiclassical Holstein model Ašeris Computational Modelling of Wire Biosensor with Competitive Substrates Conversion Considering Discontinuous Concentrations Doronov Numerical solutions of inverse problems for systems of ordinary differential equations illustrated by pharmacokinetic models Gökgöz Küçüksakallı Multistationarity, Hybrid Dynamical Systems with Memory and Tumor-Immune Interaction Moghrabi ExtraUpdateMultistepSkip pingMethodsUpdatesforU nconstrainedOptimization Sorgentone An integral equation method based on discretization of deformable drops by spherical harmonics Halla Convergence of Hardy Space Infinite Elements for Helmholtz Scattering and Resonance Problems Festa Reconstruction of independent sub-domains for a class of Hamilton-Jacobi equations and application to parallel computing Dan Efficient 3D-Scan Planning with Mathematical Optimization Kormann Solving the 6D Vlasov equation in tensor train format Ahlkrona Ice Sheet Modelling Dynamically coupling the non-linear Stokes equations with the Shallow Ice Approximation Šíp CFD Optimization of Near-Road Vegetation Barrier Enkhbat Applications of Semidefinite Quasiconvex Programming in Economics and Engineering Augustin A New Approach to Computing Poroelastic Stresses Arjmand A Time Dependent Approach for Removing the Cell-Boundary Error in Elliptic Homogenization Problems Alveroglu Convective instability of the BEK flows over rough rotating disks Topkarcı A Numerical study of the small dispersion limit of the long wave-short wave interaction equations Mukanova Accounting for the impact of ground surface relief during the solution of direct problems of electrical prospecting Valášek Numerical Approximation of Interaction of Fluid Flow and Elastic Structure Vibrations ENUMATH 2015 Tuesday 15th September (Morning) 08:20-09:10 Kaisa Miettienen Examples of Latest Interactive Method Developments in Multiobjective Optimization 09:10- 10:00 Coffee Break 10:00- 10:30 DGMFEM SING PLASMA SADDLE Minisymposia Recent trends and applications in discontinuous Galerkin and mixed finite element method EMAG Numerical Analysis and Methods for Problems with Singularities (SING) Structure preserving schemes for fluid and plasma flows Fast solvers for saddle-point problems with applications in fluid dynamics Recent Advances in Numerical and Computational Electromagnetics Organizers Bause, Kumar Wick, Wollner Ern, Gerritsma Wohlmuth, Rüde, John Ergül, Carpentieri Wollner Finite element error analysis for elliptic and parabolic optimization problems with gradient state constraints Cantin Compatible discrete operator schemes for transport equations Yuri Vassilevski ILU preconditioners for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with applications in haemodynamics Stefanski Parallelization of the discrete Green’s function formulation of the FDTD method: progress on graphics processing units Carpentieri Symmetric inverse-based multilevel ILU preconditioning for solving dense complex non-hermitian systems in electromagnetics Chair 10:30- 11:00 Codina Linear waves in mixed form: functional settings, stabilized finite element approximation and time integration 11:00- 11:30 Bause Continuous and Discontinuous Space-Time Approximation of Parabolic and Hyperbolic Transport Vidotto A priori error estimates for parabolic problems with Dirac right-hand side Manzini Spectral/Discontinuous Galerkin discretization of the Vlasov-Poisson system 11:30- 12:00 Kumar Mixed method for a reactive flow model involving precipitation-dissolution processes Çelikler The block-hexagonal grid method for the solution of the mixed boundary value problem of Laplace’s equation on staircase polygons Sonnendrücker Preserving the divergence constraint in time domain simulations of the Maxwell or Vlasov-Maxwell equations Zulehner On the smoothing property of Uzawatype methods for saddle point problems Stadler Scalable solvers for highly heterogeneous nonlinear Stokes flow discretized with adaptive high-order finite elements 12:00- 12:30 Larson Cut Composite Mesh Methods Rukavishnikov Numerical method without loss of accuracy for the Lam´e system in domains with reentrant corners Pagliantini Computational MHD with discrete differential forms John Robust parallel multigrid methods for the Stokes equations 12:30- 14:00 Lunch Tuchkin Analytical regularization method: state of art and perspectives Cools Efficient iterative solution of systems arising from the BEM modelling of scattering by grounded targets ENUMATH 2015 Tuesday 15th September (Afternoon) Contributed Talks Chair 14:00 - 14:30 Adem Kaya Finite Difference Approximations of Convection-Dominated Nonlinear ConvectionDiffusion-Reaction equations on a Special Grid Milovanović Radial Basis Functions generated Finite Differences (RBF-FD) for Solving High-Dimensional PDEs in Finance Syam An Efficient Method For Solving Fractional Boundary Value Problems Using Bernstein Polynomials Merabet Mixed DG method for linear shell theory with little regularity Kaliche Applications of Inverted Finite Elements Method in solving some PDEs in unbounded domains Braack Finite elements for NavierStokes with outflow condition Aydın Adaptive Mesh Generation Using Stabilized Finite Element Method 14:30 - 15:00 Wang High order finite difference methods for the second order wave equation with non– conforming grid interfaces Bastani A Multilevel Numerical Scheme Based on RBF Collocation to Solve Nonlinear PDEs Arising from BCG Stochastic Volatility Models Dosiyev Highly accurate finite difference solution of a multilevel nonlocal problem for the Laplace equation May Spacetime discontinuous Galerkin methods for convection-diffusion systems Piñeiro Mathematical and Numerical Analysis of a T, _ ф-ф Formulation Based on Edge Finite Elements Lube On subgrid modelling for inf-sup stable FEM for the incompressible Navier-Stokes problem Güney Structure Preserving Integration of SkewGradient Reaction Diffusion Systems 15:00 - 15:30 Kreiss On the accuracy of Boundary Closures for Finite Difference Methods Tagami Error Estimates of a Generalized ParticleBased Method for Elliptic Boundary Value Problems Sahu An efficient filtered scheme for some first order Hamilton-JacobiBellman equations Yücel Space-Time Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Approximation of Optimal Control Problems Siqueira A hp finite element space of Hdiv type for nonconformal meshes Nafa Convergence of stabilized equal-order finite element methods for coupled Stokes-Darcy problem Voronin A new approach to constructing splitting schemes in the mixed finite element method for heat transfer problem 15:30 - 16:00 Su-Cheol Yi Compact finite difference schemes with high accuracy for solutions to the 1D nonlinear Schrödinger equation Boulmezaoud A new spectral-like method for approximating elliptic problems in the whole space Ashyralyev On source identification problem for delay parabolic differential and difference equations with the Dirichlet condition Karakuş An Adaptive Fully Discontinuous Galerkin Level Set Method for Incompressible Multiphase Flows Kim New Finite Element Method to compute accurate solution for Poisson Equation with Corner Singularities using Stress Intensity Factor Utku Kaya Numerical simulation of the time-dependent magnetic induction equation with nodal-based finite elements Kaya-Merdan Ensemble Based Turbulence Modeling 16:30 - 17:30 17:30 - 18:30 Public Lecture: Willi Freeden Priciples in Geomathematically Reflected Numerics and Their Application to Inverse Potential Methods in Geothermal Exploration Reception ENUMATH 2015 Wednesday 16th September (Morning) Anders Szepessy On global and local error with application to adaptivity, inverse problems and modeling error 08:20 - 09:10 Mario Ohlberger 09:10- 10:00 Localized Model Reduction for Multiscale Problems Coffee Break 10:00- 10:30 SING DGNPDE EMAG PLASMA SADDLE Minisymposia Numerical Analysis and Methods for Problems with Singularities (SING) Discontinuous Galerkin methods for nonlinear PDE's Recent Advances in Numerical and Computational Electromagnetics Structure preserving schemes for fluid and plasma flows Fast solvers for saddle-point problems with applications in fluid dynamics Organizers Wick, Wollner Feistauer, Karasözen Ergül, Carpentieri Ern, Gerritsma Wohlmuth, Rüde, John 10:30 - 11:00 Artina An efficient anisotropic mesh adaptation strategy for crack path detection in numerical simulation of quasistatic brittle fracture Balazsova Unconditional stability of the spacetime discontinuous Galerkin method in the ALE framework Wilton Accelerated Numerical Evaluation of 4-D Reaction Integrals in the Method of Moments Gerritsma Mimetic discretization of the Lie derivative Mardal Comparison of preconditioners for the coupled Navier-Stokes equations 11:00 - 11:30 Shapeev Atomistic simulation of crystalline defects Zivcakova Semi-implicit DGM applied to a model of flocking Gervang Modelling non-equilibrium flashing flow through refrigeration valves using structure-preserving methods Wieners Multilevel preconditioning for a novel substructuring method and the application to the Stokes problem Feistauer Discontinuous Galerkin method for the solution of elasto-dynamic and fluid-structure interaction problems Polimeridis A fast volume integral equation method for modeling electromagnetic fluctuations in complex media Andriulli On some graph Laplacians based boundary element methods for stable solutions of radiation and scattering problems in Electromagnetics Palha Helicity-, Energy- and Massconserving discretization for the 3D Euler equations Gaspar An efficient multigrid solver for poroelasticity equations Vlasak A posteriori error estimates for nonstationary problems Eller A broadband low-frequency stable formulation of Maxwell’s Equations Turek Newton-Multigrid techniques for flow problems with complex rheology Landesa Fast solution of periodic electromagnetic problems using surface integral equations Kahn Numerical approximation of multiphase Penrose-Fife systems Chair 11:30 - 12:00 12:00 - 12:30 12.30-13.00 Kumar Convergence of iterative multirate schemes for coupled flow and geomechanics in a fractured reservoir Wick Error analysis and mesh adaptivity for phase-field fracture evolution Problems 13:00 - 14:00 Lunch 14:00 - 18:30 City Tour 19:00 Conference Dinner ENUMATH 2015 Thursday 17th September (Morning) Yvon Maday 08:20 - 09:10 Towards a Fully Scalable Balanced Parareal Method: application to Neutronics Assyr Abdulle 09:10 - 10:00 Reduced basis multiscale methods Coffee Break 10:00 - 10:30 DIVFREE LAMOR BEMMHD DGNPDE Adaptive Finite Elements New concepts, analysis and practical aspects for realizing the divergence-free constraint in computational flow models Local and adaptive model reduction for partial differential equations Boundary Element Method and Applications in Magnetohydrodynamics Discontinuous Galerkin methods for nonlinear PDE's Kreuzer, Diening Turek, Schieweck Smetana, Haasdonk Tezer-Sezgin, Sellier Feistauer, Karasözen 10:30 - 11:00 Stevenson Convergence and Optimality of hpAFEM Ern Discontinuous-Skeletal Methods for Stokes Equations Urban Reduced basis methods with adaptive snapshots Sellier A new boundary approach for the 2D viscous MHD flow about a solid particle Tian A local discontinuous Galerkin Method for (non-) isothermal flows with phase transitions 11:00 - 11:30 Demlow Convergence of adaptive FEM for computing harmonic forms Matthies Local projection type stabilisation applied to inf-sup stable discretisations of the Oseen problem Buhr ArbiLoMod: a localized reduced basis approach to handle arbitrary local modifications Tezer-Sezgin DRBEM solution of MHD flow and electric potential in a rectangular pipe with a moving lid Roskovec Convergence behaviour of the time discontinuous Galerkin method and its connection to Runge-Kutta methods 11:30 - 12:00 Haberl Adaptive BEM for optimal convergence of point errors Lube Grad-div stabilized inf-sup stable FEM for incompressible flows and Beyond Peherstorfer Online adaptive model reduction with dynamic models and sparse sampling Power Approximated particular solution meshless method for the numerical solution of transient twodimensional large Reynolds number Magnetohydrodynamic viscous flows in channels with strong flow separation Karasözen Energy preserving discretization of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation by interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin method 12:00 - 12:30 Karkulik Convergence of adaptive FE/BE coupling methods Stamm Improvement of cheap approximations by a postprocessing/reduced basis rectification method Carabineanu The application of the boundary elements method to the theory of MHD Faraday generators Zivcak Algebraic systems arising from the discontinuous Galerkin discretization of PDEs numericaly solved by p-multigrid technique. AFEM Minisymposia Organizers Chair 12:30 - 14:00 Lunch ENUMATH 2015 Thursday 17th September (Afternoon) DIVFREE LAMOR BLOOD SENS Adaptive Finite Elements New concepts, analysis and practical aspects for realizing the divergence-free constraint in computational flow models Local and adaptive model reduction for partial differential equations Numerical methods for blood flow simulation Sensitivity based error estimation and optimization for complex coupled problems Kreuzer, Diening Turek, Schieweck Smetana, Haasdonk Sequeira, Vassilevski, Volpert Hoffman, Janssen, Richter 14:00 - 14:30 Tantardini On quasi-optimality of parabolic Galerkin methods with variable spatial discretization Linke On the discrete curl operator in mixed discretizations for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations Gallistl Multiscale Petrov-Galerkin finite element method for acoustic scattering Gamilov Validation of CT image segmentation algorithm with the 1D-0D blood circulation model Wick A posteriori error estimation and mesh adaptivity using a weakly-localized DWR applied to fluidstructure interaction 14:30 - 15:00 Gaspoz H1-Stability of the L2-Projection on adaptively refined meshes and Applications Turek Numercial studies regarding accuracy, robustness and solver efficiency of special ”divergencefree” finite element discretizations Iapichino Reliable reduced-order models in PDE constrained multicriterial optimization Kafi On the mathematical modeling of monocytes transmigration Failer Optimal control of an unsteady fluidstructure interaction problem Jecker An optimization based heterogeneousto-homogeneous coupling Method Tosenberger DPD-PDE model of platelet-fibrin interaction and clot formation in flow Degirmenci Adaptive unified continuum fluidstructure interaction simulation of human vocal folds Smetana Optimal local approximation spaces for component-based static condensation procedures Sequeira Blood flow simulations in patientspecific cerebral aneurysms Richter Time-Step control for coupled flow problems AFEM Minisymposia Organizers Chair DGNPDE Discontinuous Galerkin methods for nonlinear PDE's Feistauer, Karasözen 15:00 - 15:30 Vohralik Polynomial-degree-robust a posteriori estimates for elliptic PDEs Soukup Numerical method based on DGM for solving the system of equations describing motion of viscoelastic fluid with memory 15:30 - 16:00 16:00 - 16:30 Chernyshenko Adaptive octree mesh unfitted finite element methods for PDEs posed on surfaces Smears DGFEM approximation of parabolic HJB equations with Cordes coefficients Coffee Break ENUMATH 2015 Thursday 17th September (Late Afternoon) Contributed Talks Chair 16:30- 17:00 Sun Wavelet Based Adaptive Separation Algorithm for Risk Management and Portfolio Selection Franck Well balanced Finite volume scheme for Euler equations with external forces on unstructured meshes Eker Free vibration analysis of a nonuniform piezoelectric rod by complementary functions method Klinteberg A fast and accurate integral equation method for particles in viscous flow using QBX. Chakir Reduced basis methods for fluid dynamics problems arising from water network modelling 17:00- 17:30 von Sydow Fast and accurate option pricing using adaptive finite differences Thije Boonkkamp Modification of the complete flux scheme for conservation laws containing a linear source term Bradji Note on a new second order finite volume approximation for the linear Schr¨odinger equation in one space dimension Holmgren Accurate Modeling of Moving Contact Line in Two-Phase Immiscible Flows Şimşek Stable–Time Scheme for Energy Dissipative Quasi– Incompressible Two–Phase Diffuse– Interface Flows 17:30- 18:00 Shcherbakov On different techniques of pricing American multiasset options using radial basis function methods Aboiyar A Non-Oscillatory Finite Volume Method Based on Matern Functions Trdlicka A Numerical Study of Finite Volume Method on Dynamically Adaptive Grid for 2D Discharge Motion Sara Pǻlsson Highly accurate simulations of two dimensional Stokes flow with insoluble surfactants Furmánek Numerical Simulation of Flow over Profile Considering Flow-Induced Vibrations with 2 Degrees of Freedom Kumar Finite-Volume CompleteFlux Scheme for the Incompressible NavierStokes Equations Ceylan Derivation and finite volume approximation of the relativistic Burgers equation on a de Sitter background Tabata A Pressure-stabilized Lagrange-Galerkin Scheme for an Oseentype Peterlin Model Keslerová Numerical Simulation of 3D Flow of the Viscous and Viscoelastic Fluids in T-Junction Channel Title 18:00- 18:30 Kılıç Wavelet Analysis of Financial Time Series: a case study on S&P500 Şahin The Numerical Simulation of theWing Kinematics Effects on Aerodynamic Performance in Hovering Drosophila Flight Türk Chebyshev spectral collocation method for natural convection flow of a micropolar nanofluid in the presence of a magnetic field Tugluk Drag Reduction via Phase Randomization In Turbulent Pipe Flow Talaei An operational approach for solving a specific type two-dimensional Fredholm–Volterra integral equation Al-Mdallal An efficient numerical algorithm for solving fractional integro-differential equations Sarıaydın Adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method for Non-Local Allen-Cahn Equation Ahmadabadi A meshless method for solving nonlinear twodimensional Volterra-Fredholm integral equations of the second kind using radial basis functions with error analysis ENUMATH 2015 Friday 18th September (Morning) Contributed Talks Chair Gangl Topological Derivative for Nonlinear Magnetostatics Martynenko Robust Multigrid Technique: components, convergence analysis, parallelisation and applications Kolb On the Full and Global Accuracy of a Compact Third Order WENO Scheme Lang Higher Order Time Integrators of PEER type for Parabolic Problems Öz Multi-level Monte-Carlo Method in Optimal Control Problems of Stochastic Differential Equations with RungeKutta Methods 08:50 - 09:20 Fumagalli Reduced basis approximation and a posteriori error estimates for parametrized elliptic eigenvalue problems Qiu Multilevel Sequentially Semiseparable Preconditioners and Applications to Wind Farm Control Principe Multilevel domain decomposition at extreme scales Kieri Discretised dynamical low-rank approximation in the presence of small singular values Boffi Finite element Immersed Boundary Method with distributed Lagrange multiplier Redmann Singular Perturbation Approximation Applied to SPDEs 09:20 - 09:50 Colciago Reduced order models for fluid-structure interaction problems in haemodynamics Enkhbat Applications of Semidefinite Quasiconvex Programming in Economics and Engineering Andreev Parallel wavelet-in-time multigrid-in-space preconditioning of parabolic evolution equations Algarni PadéTime Stepping Method of Rational Form for Solving Diffusion Equations Chatterjee Computing with large time steps in time-domain electromagnetics Malenová Uncertainty Quantification for High Frequency Waves 09:50 - 10:20 Akman Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Solution of Time Fractional Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations Evcin Nonlinear Model Order Reduction in PDE Constrained Optimal Control Problems Göçmen Parallel Implementation Of The Finite Element Method On Graphics Processors For The Solution Of Incompressible Flows Bolaji Fractional Multi – Step Method for the Numerical Integration of Initial Value Problems of Third Order Ordinary Differential Equations 08:20 - 08:50 Hess Primal-Dual Error Estimates in ReducedBasis Methods for Time-Harmonic Maxwell’s Equations 10:50 - 11:40 11:40 - 12:30 Reemi Abgrall Altıntan Hybrid Models for MultiScale Processes : Error Bounds and Simulation Algorithms Recent progress on non oscillatory finite element methods for convection dominated problems Eugene Tyrtyshnikov Tensor Decompositions and Low-Rank Matrices in Mathematics and Applications 12:30 - 12:50 Closing 12:50 - 14:20 Lunch Aziz An efficient numerical algorithm based on Haar wavelet for solving a class of linear and nonlinear nonlocal boundary-value problems Merkert FFT-based homogenization of elasticity using composite voxels and accurate local fields Shamshirgar The Spectrally Fast Ewald method with different periodicities and a comparison with Smooth Particle Mesh Ewald in Electrostatics
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