F. No. A. 120121212014-P.l Government of lndia Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change lst Floor, Prithvi Block, Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh Road, Ali Ganj, New Delhi-'l '10003 -+, Dated: March 26. 2015 CIRCULAR Subject: Filling up the post of Technical Officer (Forestry) Gr.l and Research Officer (Environment) Gr.ll in the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change on deputation basis rThe undersigned is directed to say that this Ministry intends to fill up following posts on deputation including short term contract basis: Name of the post Technical Officer (Forestry)Gr. No. of post(s) I Research Officer (Environment) Gr.ll 1',I the . Pay scale PB-2, Rs. 9300-34800 with crade Pay of Rs. 4800/PB-2, Rs. 9300-34800 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4600^ The details of the eligibility criteria for each of the post is given in Annexures-l and ll. 2. Only such applications as are accompanied by the personal data (in triplicate) in the proforma given in Annexure-lllwill be considered. 3. Departmental Officers in the feeder category who are in direct line of promotion will not be eligible for appoinlment on deputation. Similarly, deputationists will not be eligible for promotion. 4. Period of deputation including period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organistation/department of Central Government shall not exceed three years. The maximum age limit for appointment on deputation shall not be exceeding fifly six years as on the closing date for receipt of applications. 5. lt is requested that the names of the eligible officers, who are willing and can be spared immediately in the event of selection may be fonvarded so as to reach this Ministry by 12.05.2015. 6. While forwarding the applications, it may please be confirmed disciplinary/vigilance case is either pending or contemplated against application must be accompanied by the following documents:- (i) (iD (iii) (iv) that the officer. no The CR Dossiers/Pholocopies of ACRS/APARs of last five years duly attested by Group 'A' Officer VigilanceClearance IntegrityCertificate Major/Minor penalty statement for the last 10 years Contd...2/- 7. The circular and annexures are avaibble on the website of the Ministrv of Environment. Forest & Climate Change. L All the Ministries/Departments are also requested to circulate this O.M. in thetr Recognized Research Institutions/Universities/Public Sector Undertakings/Semi-Government, Statutory or Autonomous Organizations. UNDER SECRETARY To THE GoVTISoP 1. lffig; All Ministries/Departments of the Govt. of India including aftached and subordinate offices/state Govts/Union Territories. lt is requested that this circular may also be widely circulated among Research Institutions under your control. All Sections/Divisions in the Ministry of Environmenl attached/subordinate offices/Autonomous Organizations/pSUs & Computer Cell for inserting the above circular on Ministry,s website. Forest includinq Annexure-l Name of the Post. Scale of Pav & No. of Posts Eliqibilitv conditions Technical Officer (Forestry) Gr.l in PB- Officers under 2, Rs. 9300-34800/- plus Grade Pay of /State Rs. 4800/- 03 oosts with All India Service liability Dehradun (01 post), Ranchi (01 post), Nagpur(01 post)) the Central Government Governments/ Union Territories/U niversities/Recog nized Research Institutions/ Public Sector Undedakings/Semi-GovernmenVStatutory or Autonomous Organisations:- (a) (i) Holding analogous posts on regular i basis in the parent cadre/Department ; or (ii) With two years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in posts in the Pay Band-2 of Rs. 9300-34800 Plus Grade Pay of Rs. 4600 or equivalent in the Parent cadre/department, and (b) possessing the following educational qualification and experaence - (i) Master's degree in Statistics or Operations Research or Forestry or Economics( with Statistics) or Commerce (with Statistics) or Mathematics ( with Statistics) or Agriculture (with Statistics) or two years' Post-Graduate Diploma in Forestry Management from a recognized institute/u niversity. (ii) Three years' experience in collection or compilation or analysis of data including data in Agriculture or forestry wor!- Annexure-ll Name of the Post. Scale ofPav & No. of Posts Eliqibilitv conditions Research Officer (Environment) Gr.ll Officers under the Central Governmeni in PB-2, Rs. 9300-34800/- plus Grade /State Governments/ Union Pay of Rs. 4600/- 13 posts with Atl India Service liability Institutions/Universities/ Public Sector Undertakings/Semi-Government, Statutory or Autonomous Organisations:New Delhi (06 posts), Bangatore (01 (a) (i) Holding analogous post on regular po$Q , Bhopal (01 post), Shiilong (01 basis in the parent cadre/Department : or post), Chennai (01 post), Dehradun (01 post), Nagpur (01 post), Ranchi (01 (ii) With five years' service in the grade post)) rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in posts in pay Band-2; 930034800 Plus Grade Pay of Rs. 4200 or equivalent in the parent cadre/department: ano (b) possessing the following educational qualification and experience - (i) in Environmental Sciences/Earth Sciences/Botany/Zool ogy/Chem istry/BioChemistry/Bio-Technology Bachelor,s Master's degree or Degree in Engineering/Technology in Environmental Sciences/Bio-Technology from a recognized University/lnstititute. (ii) Two years' experience in collection and analysis of data on Environmental subiects. Annexure-lll CURRICULUM VITAE PROFORMA Name and Address (in block letters) Date of Birth (in Christian era) Date of retirement under Central/State Government Rules Whether Educational and other qualifications required for the posts are satisfied. (if any equivalent to the one Drescribed in the Rules, state the authority for the same) Qualifications/ Experience Required Qualifications/ Experience possessed by the officer (1) (2) (3) (1) \2) Please state clearly whether in the light of entries made bY You above' you meet the requirement of the i@er. Enclose a separate sheet duly authenticated by your signature' if the space b"]9t it Office/ lnstitution Nalure of present employment i.e. Ad-hoc or Temporary or QuasiPermanent or Permanent tn case tne present employment is held on deputation/contract basis please state:The date of initial aPpointment Period of appointment on deputation/contract ilgyX't'"! 10. Name of the Darent office/organization to which you belonq Additional details about oresent employment. Please state whether working under (indicate the name of your employer against the relevant column) Central Government State Government Autonomous Organizations Government Undertaking Universities Others 11 12. 13. 14. Please state whether you are working in the same Department and are in the feeder grade or feeder to feeder grade Are you in Revised scale of Pay? lf yes, give the date from which the revision took place and also indicate the pre-revised scale Total emoluments per month now drawn Additional information, if any, which you would like to mention in support of your suitability for the oost. (This among other things may 15. 16. 17. provide information with regard to (i) additional academic qualifications (ii) professional training and (iii) work experience over and above orescribed in the Vacancy Circular/Advertisement) (Note: Enclose a separate sheet, if the space is insufficient). Please state whether you are applying for deputation (ISTC)/ reemployment Basis. Candidates of non-Government organizations are eligible only for Short Term Contract). Whether belongs to SC/ST Remarks (The candidates may indicate information with regard to reports and special Projects (ii) Awards/ Scholarship/Ofiicial Appreciation (iii) Affiliation with the Professional bodies/institutionslsocieties and (iv) any other infomation (Note: Enclose a separate sheet if the space is insufficient) Ihavecarefu||ygonethroughthevacancycircu|arladvertis€rnentandIamws||aware assessed that the Cuniculum Viiai Outy supfurted by docu:men6 submifted by me will also be for the of selec{ion at the time Posl' by the Selec{ion Committee !. SignaturE of Candidates Address........... Date... ... ... ... ... . Countersigned (By Employer with Seal)
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