EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.4 (2015) Study of the prevalence of depression among students Rodríguez Ríosc1, Martín Gaviriab*2 1 2 Servicio de Psiquiatría, Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada, Fuenlabrada, Madrid, Spain Servicio de Medicina Interna, Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada, Fuenlabrada, Madrid, Spain *Corresponding author: [email protected] ABSTRACT Mood disorders including mental disorders are a large group of pathological emotional states. (Creating higher and lower than normal), vegetable actions associated with them and other mental disorders are the main clinical picture movement. In between types of depression, mood disorders, especially major depression, a large group of which may be a single episode or recurrent episodes are pretenders. Patients who are depressed mood By reducing energy and interest, difficulty concentrating, loss of appetite Feelings of worthlessness or guilt, and thoughts of death or suicide encountered it causes the destruction of much of the intellectual force and energy efficient society. Students examine the importance of basic and applied it to the attention of many psychologists, counselors and religious education and mental health professionals and others who have been involved in some way with students. Since the psychological Students in their academic status is important to the ultimate results of this research can address many of the problems associated with education, training centers are located. KEY WORDS: prevalence, depression, religious education Introduction Depression is a syndrome consisting of signs that a specific cause cannot be found for the symptoms of this condition include: depressed mood most of the day, reducing the apparent Interested in any activity in life, Weight loss, insomnia, fatigue and loss of energy, Feelings of worthlessness and guilt and Concentration and decision-making and thinking Death and suicide without having a plan for it. Anxiety is the most common mental illness after considering the high prevalence of HIV among youth such as trauma and 1 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.4 (2015) massive extra depressed patients and the community, the deactivation efficiency and reduces the bulk of the active force and the negative impact on others and the social and economic losses, the need for research on this issue is crucial. Another factor is the importance of this research can be We know that the majority of Statistics and Information The incidence of depression from Information and research in other communities in Western societies, especially given that the factors affecting depression in each community is different, so we need to Information about this disease in our society are both factors And its causes in our community know and we will fix it .Research on the prevalence of depression among high school students intelligent analysts of community needs For these students, the future of our society and the solemn responsibility of the students are expected more. So you have any comments, whether mental or physical, are high that the future can be good for the country Authorities and society should try to reduce and eliminate the disease in their students. Lack of administrators, teachers and parents of personality and psychological status of students, especially students who have special abilities. The lack of Providing opportunities to flourish in their capabilities and the absence of special assistance in this regard are all factors that inhibit expression of these features will be. Certainly, many of the victims of this lack of understanding of the process that brought them other physical and mental disorders will follow. Thus, any society that considers itself to be gifted to survive and thrive in the spotlight. Above the need of accurate and detailed studies of individual needs characteristics Character and reveal their mental illness. With regard to the outcome of the investigation, to pay more attention to the suggestions they offer. Most of what we know today about the problems created by the Romans and ancient Greeks has been described. 450 BC Plato's first term to describe depression and mania Lee Koo new public works. Jules in 1954 by French Special Forces madness of form (folic double form) in which the patient is suffering from deep depression to define perplexed. Around 100 BC, Cornelius De Medicine in black bile introduced the term depression induced by other doctors such as Aristotle (120 to 180 AD) and Galen (129 to 199 AD) and Alexander Thralls also used in the eighth century. In 1854, Jules Filth described periodic insanity. Such patients frequently experience Aalst mood and depression therapy. In 1882, German psychiatrist Karl Kalb is using the term “cycle Time” Manny depression and describes the 2 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.4 (2015) different stages of a disease. Emil in 1899, the concept of manic - depressive diagnostic criteria and are described, including the majority of psychiatrists they are used for the diagnosis of also depression Regression (Evolutional melancholia) explained that in postmenopausal women, and late Adult men and starts since then, the equation is considered late-onset mood disorders. Creation of man may be normal, high or low Depression, creating a continuous fall down with energy and passion, guilt, difficulty concentrating, loss of appetite and suicidal thoughts appear and not limited to a specific time and place and reaction to stress. The identification and treatment of mood disorders in children and adolescents are more. Kopek depressed children often develop in older age is a less common sign. These symptoms include auditory hallucinations in tune with your mood, somatic complaints, and retiring sad appearance and selfesteem Low esteem. There are signs that regardless of the age and developmental status in patients appear to be identical and include suicidal thoughts, depression or irritability, insomnia, and decreased ability to concentrate. However, growth issues will affect the appearance of all symptoms. For example, teens sad that frequently develop suicidal thoughts, suicide or become generally able to plan for their minds to be true. People, especially young people from several factors. Chronic social stress such as family conflict, abuse and neglect and academic failures vulnerable. The majority of adolescents and young adults with major depressive disorder has been the victim of abuse or neglect. Young people with depressive disorders may reduce stress in toxic environments or out of the environment symptoms improve. When you lose a loved teen, bereavement, even in the absence of depression is often the focus of psychiatric treatment Takes. Mood disorders There is a mood disorder characterized by abnormalities in the regulation of mood, behavior and emotion. As stated mood disorders can be divided into: 1. Depressive Disorders 2. Bipolar Disorder 3. Depression with medical illness or abuse alcohol or other substances. Mania or hypomania episodes of depressive disorders with loss of differentiation of bipolar disorder find. 3 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.4 (2015) Depression (Depression) Depression in depressed mood on a daily basis for at least two weeks described (Table A) are characterized by an episode of sadness (sadness) indifference or apathy (Patty), or nervousness (irritability), usually with a change in a number of neural functions... Vegetable is the sleep patterns, appetite, weight gain, slow motion or agitation, fatigue, difficulty concentrating and making decisions, or I feel guilt and thoughts of death or dying. Patients with endogenous depression in the deep feelings of joy are all enjoyable activities, Are an early riser, quality feel sad mood with a different motivation and boredom often notice changes in their creations are daily (morning worse). It features a strong yet paradoxically predicted better response to treatment with antidepressants. Almost 15% of the population when an episode of major depression in their lifetime experience, And 8% -6% of all outpatient clinics, diagnostic criteria for this disorder are common. However, often not diagnosed and treated appropriately be even more. If your doctor suspects there are episodes of depression, His first task is to determine which depression unipolar or bipolar is, or as 15% -10% of cases of secondary General medical condition or substance abuse is. Physicians also should assess the risk of suicide with a direct question, because if you do not have the patients are reluctant to talk about these thoughts. Different cultures, different studies have shown that depression protests outside, but the symptoms are similar. Depression with aging increases. Regardless of age, the prevalence in women is almost twice that of men. It was previously believed that the difference between the two sexes Reflection of socio-cultural factors. But recent longitudinal studies of twins show It is an adult female vulnerability to major depression is largely hereditary origin and effect of environmental factors on the incidence of temporary and does not affect lifelong relationship between pressure Psychological, negative life events and the onset of depression is unknown attacks. Sure, negative life events can precipitate depression and contribute to its development but depression can experience the high pressure source (stressful) is. Unipolar depressive disorder usually begins in early adulthood and risk of recurrence in their lifetime. The best predictor of future risk of disease, number of previous episodes, but not reliable forecasts after a single attack, 60% -50% of patients with the first Attacks has at least one or two will be the next attack. Some patients experienced several attacks that over time become more intense and more frequent during a Untreated attacks vary greatly, ranging from a few months to at least one year. A pattern of recurrence and Clinical progression is 4 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.4 (2015) variable created in one attack. In a small number of patients, the severity of the symptoms of psychotic episodes of depression may develop. The seasonal pattern of depression, called SAD (seasonal affective disorder) is called, May the onset and remission of attacks occur at predictable during the disorder is more common in women and symptoms include lack of energy, fatigue, Weight gain and oversleeping. The prevalence increases with distance from the equator of the earth and exposed Chronobiology change the mood improves. Diagnosis of major depressive disorder in adolescents and Youth with severe protests and without previous psychiatric symptoms is easy But in many cases the onset is gradual and occurs in childhood years hyperactivity problems, separation anxiety disorder or depressive symptoms were intermittent Is. According to DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder, at least 5 symbols in a two-week period there was a change in the previous function to create. Major depression in children before puberty may be physical complaints, psychomotor stimulation and illusions created to coordinate with the protesters. Lack of pleasure is common, but Lack of pleasure, hopelessness, psychomotor retardation and delirium in adolescents and adults with major depressive episodes is more common than small children with. Appetite and sleep problems in children and young adults are more likely than depressed. Behavior in adolescents may be hidden or openly conservative Antisocial and alcohol or drug trafficking is seen as an additional diagnosis confrontational defiant disorder, conduct disorder and substance abuse or dependence justify. Feelings of restlessness, irritability, aggression, reluctance to cooperate in family proceedings, Withdraw from social activities and tend to leave home, they are common in depressed adolescents. Academic problems may also occur. Adolescents may be attributed to their appearance without attention and stimulate their appetite has increased, particularly in relation to the rejection of love and kindness sensitive. Early onset of mood disorder in childhood and adolescence may be the most severe form of mood disorder and is often seen in families in which the incidence of mood disorders and alcohol abuse is high. These children may have secondary effects, such as conduct disorder, alcohol and other substance abuse and antisocial behavior are. Dysfunction related to depression Children virtually all psycho - social child expands Academic performance and behavior, relationships with peers and All affect family relationships are only children and They are very intelligent and studious teen depression than Average is less able to spend more time and energy to compensate for their difficulties in learning In other cases, without exception, by the combination of academic performance, trouble concentrating, slowed thinking, lack of interest and motivation, fatigue, sleepiness, depression and 5 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.4 (2015) rumination damaged preoccupations. Depression in children and adolescents may be mistakenly diagnosed with a learning disorder. Learning difficulties secondary to depression, even if they are long-lasting improvement of depression then quickly disappears. Adolescents and young adults with major depressive disorder may experience hallucinations and delusions. In most cases, the symptoms of psychotic subject area are coordinated with depressed mood, depression can occur during the period, (usually at the worst time) and containing certain types of for schizophrenia, such as hallucinations, voices that talk to each other or to refer a patient, they are not. A hallucination, depression, usually in the form of voice that speaks to the patient and the tone is offensive or suicide. Delusions about issues of guilt, depression, physical illness, death, nihilism, justified punishment, personal inadequacy and sometimes harm’s way are these delusions are rare before puberty at an early age, probably due to cognitive immaturity, but in Half of adolescents with psychotic depression are observed. If an adolescent with mood disorders to self-medicate with alcohol or other illegal substances is a mood disorder can be very difficult. A recent study was done in 17% of adolescents with mood disorder first Substance abuse were considered as medical And only after a period of detoxification symptoms of psychological assessment and diagnosis of the right mood disorder was possible. Epidemiology of Depression The prevalence of depression is difficult and one of the reasons for the definition of different diagnostic that various researchers have used mood disorders, particularly depression, unipolar common mental disorders in adults, the risk of depression, unipolar lifetime is around 15%, perhaps in the ratio of women to 25 per cent is estimated that only 50% of those who meet criteria for a diagnosis of major depression are being treated. Bipolar I disorder is less than major depressive disorder. (With a prevalence of about 1% Lifetime). Gender Unipolar depression in women than men, although causes 2 Research has clearly shown that this disorder is not known It can be associated diagnostic procedures fanatical This difference may be different causes of stress, childbirth, Learned helplessness (Learned helplessness) and hormonal effects Lie opposite major depressive disorder, bipolar I disorder outbreaks in men and women is approximately equal. 6 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.4 (2015) Marital status Generally, unipolar depression in people who have no close relationship between the individual or his wife divorced or separated are more likely to be seen. Social and cultural considerations The relationship between social class and unipolar depression has not been established. Although some research suggests a relationship between social class and depression previously thought Many- depressive disorder is a disease of the upper middle class And the community. But recent research has not found this association. The prevalence of depression is more common in illiterate. The prevalence of mood disorders varies from race to race but apparently professionals tend to mood disorders in people who have different cultural and ethnic backgrounds are less common diagnosis. Physical diseases Some physical illness started with depression and depression is some of the resonator. The prevalence of depression in patients with chronic respiratory disease and knows more than the other patients in the course of the disease and the treatment is effective Cause of Depression In any etiology of bipolar disorders have genetic factors, biological, environmental stress and life events, psychological factors and social factors in the calculation of the dynamics involved. Genetic factors: Approximately 50% of patients with bipolar mood disorder at least one of their parents, often suffering from bipolar depression have one. If one of the parents with bipolar disorder have a 27% chance of developing each child if both parents are likely to affect 75-50% increase. Biological factors: 7 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.4 (2015) Norepinephrine and serotonin, the neurotransmitter that reduces their Overall the physiopathology of mood disorders is discussed Found that serotonin levels in people who have committed suicide Increased dopamine activity in reducing depression Finds some researchers have reported that the concentration of 5 HT (5- hydroxyl trip taming) in the lower brain stem, but the amount of cortisol in depressed patients Depressed patients increases. Psychosocial factors: A) Psychological factors dynamics: Studies have shown that people with any diagnostic pattern under appropriate conditions may be depressed. B) Cognitive theory: This theory was proposed in 1967 by Beck and the thought disorder as the main cause of depression is noted. Dependent personalities, obsessive, compulsive and hysterical are at greater risk for depressed people believe that the environment cannot do anything. C) Life events and environmental stress: The stress of life events, physical illness, can trigger depression in many ways the physical conditions can cause depression, cancer and endocrine disorders such as Cushing's syndrome, Addison's disease, and diabetes, infections, brain tumors, SLE, uremia and cardiovascular disease. Signs and symptoms Almost all depressed patients (97%) of energy which leads to difficulty in completing assignments, academic and professional dysfunction and reduce the incentive for new projects about 80% of these patients will complain of sleep disorders, especially getting up early Frequent nocturnal awakening from sleep while thinking about the issues themselves suffer some patients with anorexia and weight loss, and a few also increased appetite, weight gain, and are oversleeping. Mental disorders as depression, delirium and hallucinations may occur in severe cases of psychotic depression called... Course and prognosis of depression: Necessarily a disorder of personality, Babble major depression in patients half of the patients were not depressed before the first attack 40. If you do not experience a period of depression Treatment takes about 6 to 13 months, while the treatment It takes about 3 months with time duration greater, Less is more distance between them and the severity of the patient may Over 20 years of 8 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.4 (2015) experience, about 6.5 to 10.5% of patients I have found that in the first year after diagnosis of major depressive disorder. 6 to 10 years of experience mania which after a period of 2 to 4 Depressions occurs Depression Sire is a benign disease but a chronic and recurrent disease is considered. Depression: Important factors in the success of treatment depend on the diagnosis, duration of illness, and treatment of the disease, the diagnosis is more important. First and foremost, the physician, necessary or There is no need for hospitalization risk Suicide and suicide, the marked reduction in the ability In the care of different aspects, diagnostic tests, patients need to stay weak support system specifies. Treatment methods include: 1. Psychosocial treatments: The most effective way to treat the disease with medication therapy is appropriate. 2. Cognitive therapy versus medication do some work this way. Benefits include: the absence of adverse drug reactions and facilitate long-term followup of patients 3. Interpersonal therapy: (Interpersonal Therapy) Ambulatory and nonpsychotic depression and severe depression in combination with other methods used. 4. Behavior therapy is used to treat mild depression and short term. 5. Analytic Psychotherapy: in this way we aim to make a change in the character of a person is depressed non tick. 6. Family Therapy: when a depressed person's life is put in danger or when the patient's family He is a good way to put at risk. 7. Drug therapy: the best drug for each patient response to the drug in history or the patient's family if it was not primarily based on treatment protocols and clinical depression, medication side effects and choose. Pharmacotherapy of first symptoms begin to recover Sleep and appetite disturbances, and symptoms in later recover include lack of energy, restlessness, 9 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.4 (2015) anxiety, despair and then to symptoms such as difficulty concentrating, fatigue and loss of libido can be recovered. It is the latest sign that heals depression. Classical tricyclic antidepressants, including polycyclic Fore and Forex (TCAS) amine oxidase inhibitors and non-classic menu including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, bupropion, , alprazolam and imitator of Spam tick is like amphetamines. Today, mental health is the most important health issues. With the advancement of medical science Remarkable success in maintaining overall health, lowering mortality rates and life expectancy has been raising much. However, ignorance of mental health, mental health issues has caused the rise and the number of cases of mental disorders increased significantly In France and other countries in Europe and America Valuable studies on youth Is, unfortunately, in countries Development of desirably about teenagers and youth studies There have been many scientific and since the onset of disease. Mental health in childhood and adolescence is of particular interest to this group Is important because the costs are not too high The desired effect is achieved in the shortest time. Disability and disability that mental disorders are looking very hard, persistent and annoying are. Also, mood disorders, especially depression, in case of successful treatment of short and long-term complications develop. Which include suicide, substance abuse as self-emergence of behavioral disturbances, interruption or delay in the development of mental models -? Social, lack of adequate progress in school and ... well, the list of diseases that are caused by the inability of the ten major disease, four patients for mental disorders. These diseases include depression, bipolar affective disorder, schizophrenia and obsessive-compulsive states, that is to say that depression is a disease of the top ten lists. Study of adolescents and youth mental states could help in early diagnosis Prevention of disease and the potential consequences of It is responsible for planning and basic infrastructure to create a more favorable environment for the growth of talent and capital, will help resolve the conflict and to a healthy society. Prevalence of depression in the community may depend on several factors. A range of factors can be named. (1), such as age, sex, occupation, income, social status, educational status, marital status, family size, housing, geography and physical and...... Epidemiologic studies support the various factors and their impact on the assessment of the disease and ways to prevent the disease, and they applied. Reference 1- Antony’s faucet- et al- Harrison s- principles of Internal Medicine- 4 the end- VOL 1. MC Grew Hill U.S.A 1998, 1125- 1300 10 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No.4 (2015) 2- Baker. 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