INVESTIGATIONS ON VECTOR CONTROLLED INDUCTION MOTOR DRIVE by B. N. SINGH Department of Electrical Engineering THESIS SUBMITTED IN FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY to the INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, DELHI INDIA DECEMBER, 1885 DEDICATED TO MY PARENTS CERTIFICATE Certified that the thesis entitled "Investigations on Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drive" which is being submitted by Mr. B. N. SINGH for the award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Electrical Engineering of the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, is a record of the student's own work carried out by him under our joint supervision and guidance. The matter embodied in this thesis has not been submitted for the award of any other degree or diploma. (Dr. BHIM SINGH) Associate Professor Department of Electrical Engineering I. I. T. Delhi New Delhi-110 016 (INDIA) (Prof. B. P. SINGH) Department of Electrical Engineering I. I. T. Delhi New Delhi-110 016 (INDIA) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to express his profound gratitude to Dr. Bhim Singh and Prof. B. P. Singh, for their invaluable guidance and inspiration in carrying out the work and their immense help in the preparation of this thesis. The author thankfully acknowledges Prof. S. S. Murthy for his generous help and providing facilities during this work. The author is also thankful to the authorities of the IIT Delhi, for providing research facilities. Special thanks are due to Messers R.P.Sharma, R.N.Singh, Meharban Singh, Arjun Singh, Deep Chand and G.S.Negi, of the Department Workshop and Post Graduate Machines and Drives Laboratory for their sustained help and cooperation during the stay of the author in the institute. The author extends his thanks to his colleagues Messers. Dr. L.Shridhar, C.L.Putta Swamy, K.R.Rajgopal, L.B.Shilpkar, Ms. Anuradha Srivastava, V.K.Sharma, M.Srinivas Rao, Amit Khare, Amit Jain, Sanjeet Gupta, Mukesh Pathak and M.O. Vaishya for their help and cooperation. The author appreciates the ready cooperation, help and encouragement received from his friends Messers Man Mohan Agarwal, K.C.Agarwal, Ramesh Garg, Dilip Kumar, Ravindra Singh, Rajesh Kumar Singh, Vijay Gupta, Rakesh Chaudhary, Akhilesh Kumar Tiwari, Sanjeev Gupta and Pravin Kumar Singh. The author also wishes to thank to his hostel mates Messers C.D.Singh, Pravin Singh, Arvind Kumar Tomar, Veer Singh, D.K.Singh, Yashveer Singh, B.K.Pradhan, Sujeet Chaudhary, Mahaveer Jain and Suneel Khizwania for their encouragement at the critical time of need. The author wishes to record his appreciation for the responsibilty shared by his younger and elder brothers Santos1 Kumar Singh and H.N.Singh at home, during the course of this project. New Delhi - 110016 14th December, 1995 B. N. SINGE SUMMARY The induction motor, ever since its development, has been used as the main work-horse in applications requiring constant speed operation. This is so because the cage motor has the advantage of simpler but robust construction, maintenance free operation and higher torque/weight ratio. Numerous attempts have been made in the past to extend its use in variable speed mode also, which used to be the exclusive domain of dc motors. In all these efforts, the main objective has been to marry the inherent structural advantages of former with the flexible characteristics of latter. Advances in solid-state devices had paved the way for the development of controllers which have made it possible to provide the induction motor with some of the desirable features of dc motors and consequently the cage motor drives are increasingly being used and are in the process of replacing dc drives in many applications. Since, the induction motor with a variable frequency solid-state controller results in a highly non-linear multivariable control plant, no standard solution has so far emerged which could facilitate the straight forward control of an induction motor. Field oriented control goes a long way in providing answer to this problem. This helps in using the cage motor in applications requiring faster dynamic response both during starting and speed reversal, apart from the ability to regenerate. The cage induction motor drive with vector or field oriented control offers a high level of dynamic performance and the (xvi) closed loop control associated with this drive provides the longterm stability of the system. The vector control is also called as an independent or decoupled control wherein the torque and flux current vectors are controlled in a manner similar to what is done in a fully compensated separately excited dc motor. Hence, the control plant of the cage motor drive is linearized and it behaves like a fully compensated separately excited dc motor. In this investigation an indirect vector control scheme with rotor flux orientation is used and current controlled voltage source inverter is used as a source of excitation. The major contribution of present investigation is summarized as follows. (1) The main thrust of this work addresses to a comprehensive analysis of a vector controlled induction motor drive (VCIMD) system using real variables (currents and voltages) of the motor in place of field variables (reference currents and voltages). The analysis carried out is helpful for the design of vector controlled induction motor drive. To simulate the performance of the closed loop drive a dynamic model of the system is developed. The model of the drive system uses speed controller and field weakening block. Below the base speed, the rated flux in the motor is maintained to achieve the characteristics of drive similar to that of a separately excited dc motor, while beyond the base speed, the flux weakening is considered. It is found that the dynamic response of drive is fairly dependent upon the regulation of the torque component (igs) of stator current vector is. The current iqs (real torque component of stator current vector) is pegged with the reference current iqs* (field current) derived from reference torque T* , (output of speed controller after a limiter) which is given as input to the vector control structure. Therefore, the dynamic response of the drive is fairly dependent upon the type of speed controller being used. In this investigation the controllers used are namely, PI (proportional plus integral), PID (proportional, integral plus derivative), SMC (sliding mode controller), Adaptive SMC (ASMC), Fuzzy SMC (FSMC) and Fuzzy PID. The very reason of using these many speed controllers is to verify the viability and versatility of the developed model. Among the speed controllers being used in this investigation PI, PID and SMC are conventional type while ASMC, Fuzzy PID and Fuzzy SMC are advanced type. Mathematical models of all type of speed controllers are developed. With the help of developed model of VCIMD (vector controlled induction motor drive) system, a comprehensive performance analysis of the drive system is made. It is observed that the existing drive has enough scope of improvements in its performance in terms of energy conservation, reactive power management and suppression of harmonics in ac mains by having an arrangement of current controlled converter-inverter to feed power to the motor. Apart from this, the cost of drive can be appreciably reduced by replacing the speed sensor with the flux model and reducing the number of current and voltage sensors being used. (2) The vector controlled cage induction motor drive is normally fed from a diode bridge rectifier-current controlled voltage (xviii) source inverter link. The diode bridge rectifier is known t inject harmonics into the ac mains and has low power factor Apart from this, the regeneration of energy is not possible wit this arrangement. As a solution to all these problems, the diod bridge rectifier is replaced by a current controlled converter The current controlled converter is switched at a high frequency therefore, it draws sinusoidal current at its input whil maintaining the power factor at unity. In addition to this, us of current controlled converter provides the inherent capabilit of regeneration to the drive system. Moreover, it results in a ideal constant voltage dc link even under the condition when th voltage and frequency of input ac mains are found to fluctuate Therefore, the current controlled converter-inverter link give rise to the four-quadrant operation of the drive with th facility of energy conservation and reactive power management The comprehensive analysis of CC-CONY-INV fed vector controlle drive is carried out. In the current controlled converter (fron end converter) a feedforward control of dc link power is als incorporated along with the dc link voltage feedback. It is show that as a result of feedforward control of the dc link power, th input ac currents to the converter are made fast changing durin transients and these currents are therefore, controlle instantaneously. This helps in maintaining a close correspondence between converter input currents and inverte output currents. The feedforward control of the dc link powe makes the currents input to the converter closer to sinusoida during transients while maintaining the sinusoidal shape durin (xix) the steady state. It is also observed that the feedforward control of converter improves the response of the system and therefore, the regenerated energy is quickly pumped back to the ac mains, which is considered as a highly desirable feature from the energy conservation point of view. (3) In the vector control of an induction motor, fast dynamic performance is accomplished through quick regulation of the rotor flux vector. The regulation of the rotor flux vector is possible by quick control of the stator currents whichrequires an accurate knowledge of the position of the rotor flux vector. In the indirect vector control of cage induction motor, the rotor flux position is ipdirectly estimated. For this accurate estimation of the rotor flux vector position a high resolution speed sensor is required. The speed sensor is a costly component and its use causes an increase in the cost of drive system. Therefore, an attempt is made towards the elimination of mechanical speed sensor. For this purpose, a hybrid vector control scheme, which uses the flux model of the direct vector control and the slip frequency control of the indirect vector control, is proposed. The flux model uses motor terminal conditions in terms of currents and voltages and it estimates the rotor speed which is used as a feedback signal in the indirect vector control scheme. The estimated speed of the rotor is added with the slip speed computed in vector control structure and this yields the speed of rotor flux vector. From this the position of the rotor flux vector is obtained. After knowing the position of the rotor flux vector the stator currents of the motor can be controlled in accordance with the requirements of the vector control. The validity of developed flux model has been examined. In addition to this, algorithms are developed which help in reducing the number of current and voltage sensors used. This further reduces the cost of the system and makes it simpler. (4) In order to ensure validity and viability of algorithms developed for the purpose of performance simulation of vector controlled induction motor drive (VCIMD) system, an experimental verification of some of the algorithms is carried out. For this purpose, a laboratory prototype of VCIMD system is developed which uses 80486 processor based digital data control system. Once, a scheme is verified practically it could be easily extended to other control algorithms which vary in terms of speed controller and the type of the source being used to feed power tc the motor. CONTENTS Page No LIST OF SYMBOLS X LIST OF FIGURES XV SUMMARY CHAPTER IINTRODUCTION 1.1 General 1.2 Concept of Vector Control in Cage Induction Motor Drive 1.3 Classification of Vector Control Technique 1.4 High Performance Drives 1.5 Excitation Sources and Controllers for Vector Controlled Drives 1 1.5.1 Emerging Trends in Converter Technology 1 1.5.2 Controllers 1 1.6 Some Important Aspects of This Investigation 1 1.7 Chapter Outlines 2 CHAPTER IILITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 General 2 2 2.2 Significant Development in VCIMD2 2.3 General Review of Literature on VCIMD3 2.4 New Trends in VCIMD 4 2.5 Conclusions 4 CHAPTER IIIDESCRIPTION OF VECTOR CONTROLLED CAGE MOTOR DRIVE SYSTEM 3.1 General 4 4 3.2 Vector Control Method 4 3.2.1 DC Motor Analogy4 3.2.2 Basic Model of the Drive System4 3.3 Classification of Vector Control Schemes4 3.3.1 Direct Vector Control Method4 (i) 3.3.2 Indirect Vector Control Method 3.3.3 Use of Reference Frame 3.4 Proposed Vector Controlled Drive System 3.4.1 Control Strategy 3.4.2 Basic Equations of Vector Control 3.4.3 Derivation of the Equations Used in Vector Control Structure 3.4.4 Realization of Proposed Drive System and its Working 3.5 Conclusions CHAPTER IVMODELING AND SIMULATION OF VECTOR CONTROLLED CAGE MOTOR DRIVE 4.1 General 4.2 Working of Proposed Vector Controlled Drive System 4.3 Description of a VCIMD System 4.4 Modeling of the Drive System 4.4.1 Speed Controllers 4.4.2 Modeling of the Field Weakening Control 4.4.3 4.4.4 4.4.5 Modeling of Drive Control Structure 8 Modeling of Current Controller and Current Controlled Inverter 8 Modeling of the Induction Motor 8 4.5 Simulation of the Drive Performance 8 4.6 Results and Discussion 8 4.6.1 Response of the 0.75 kW Drive 8 4.6.2 Response of the 22.0 kW Drive 9 4.7 4.6.3 Sliding Mode Contour ofthe 22.0 kW Drive 9 4.6.4 Response Under Field Weakening 9 4.6.5 Response Under Disturbancein Input Supply 10 Conclusions 10 (i) CHAPTER V PERFORMANCE WITH IMPROVED EXCITATION SOURCE107 107 5.1 General 5.2 Advantages of CC-CONV-INV Fed VCIMD108 5.3 Principle of Operation of UPF Converter 5.4 Modeling of CC-CONV-INV Fed Drive System 112 5.4.1 Converter Side Modeling112 5.4.2 InVerter Side Modeling117 5.5 Simulation of CC-CONV-INV Fed Vector Controlled Drive 117 5.6 Results and Discussion118 5.6.1 Motor Starting 118 5.6.2 Speed Reversal Response of the Drive System 120 5.6.3 System Response During Load Perturbation 121 5.6.4 System Response to Supply Side Disturbances 123 5.6.5 Suitability for Four Quadrant Operation 127 5.6.6 Effectiveness of Feedforward Control Loop 128 5.7 Conclusions 129 CHAPTER VISENSOR REDUCTION IN VCIMD SYSTEM132 6.1 General 132 6.2 Requirement of Sensors in VCIMD132 6.3 Elimination/Reduction of Sensors133 6.3.1 Elimination of Speed Sensor136 6.3.2 Reduction of Voltage Sensors139 6.3.3 Reduction of Current Sensors141 6.4 Modeling of Drive System144 6.4.1 Modeling of Cage Induction Motor145 6.4.2 Flux Model 145 6.4.3 Speed Estimator146 6.5 Simulation of VCIMD With Reduced Number (iii) of Sensors 147 6.6 Results and Discussion148 6.6.1 Response of VCIMD148 6.6.2 Response of Estimators149 6.7 Conclusions CHAPTER VII 153 PRACTICAL IMPLEMENTATION OF VCIMD154 7.1 General 154 7.2 Description of Hardware of VCIMD System 154 7.2.1 Control Circuit155 7.2.2 Power Circuit 157 7.3 Software of VCIMD 158 7.4 Testing of the VCIMD 163 7.4.1 Testing of Power Circuit163 7.4.2 Testing of Control Circuit164 7.4.3 Testing of the Algorithm164 7.5 Performance of VCIMD System166 7.5.1 Response of Drive System167 7.5.2 Speed Reversal Response of Drive System at Different Valuesof' Reference Speeds169 7.5.3 Response of PWM Current Controller 171 7.6 Conclusions CHAPTER VIII MAIN CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER WORK 173 174 8.1 General 174 8. Main Conclusions 174 8.3 Suggestions for Further Work178 BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDICES 181 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 204 (iv) 196
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