4 WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1913 B1BKAB0K DAILY TOBUm VEVEW Gee! But They're Tight With Their Money crnno THE CUB D^UUr REPORTER By "HOP" 5 r in : F6€FI MI5T«R- XVE o o r "TWENTY TUST ORO ACROSS THE. ~RH£. STREET IT THE. BAMK AN' TE\-L_*EM r SENT COMlNCr 8V W(R6.T& ME AT O^CUJCIC- IT!5 ONL* N3V/-CAN ^OU I X T M6. UW&.TEM rr TMt TV FIVE. CreT5 HERE.7 OP TILL. 5fV<- THE. LAD ll-A THE. "TtV-tCrRAPH 1 OFFICE. A(RO*S j S T K t e r i^MD luRt^UET^^ HAVE TtH DOLLARS' DOLLAR* •you! " EMTY Hi TO TELL. YOU RO ME. HAVEJ t N DOLLARS: m I Z O Xr Test "the Want), Ad \Aifay" of Rentir»g That Reel! Prbpertv! < ; 0 x I w i t h running spring water all the Fast half of t h e Southeast Qimrt h e year in the yard. Also milk house i t e r of Section I!'), Township 111 north, with running water, and a root house i Range 7.S west, ."itli I'rlneipal Meridl12xlS; fifty acres of pasture with riin-jan, and a s grounds lor his contest lu lling water: fifteen acres under eulti- alleges t h a t Joseph L. McCiure, who vation; good hay meadow, will c u t "lade said homestead entry, died about t h e fall of li'iiii, thai sniil Jo tons of hay. seph L. McCiure was an un For t e r m s apply to married man at the time oi JAMES C. THOMPSON. Ills d e a t h ; lliat (Jeorge Mci'lure, L'ismarck, X. Dak Ills father, was his sob: heir; I'hone 4(14 L. that said Geoige MeClure, said heir, o r anyone else has not resided on ELECTRICAL CONTRS. SUP-1 said land since the death of said JoPLIES. | s e p h I.. MeClure, about t h e fall 1 WALPER & WOODRUFF. Electri of in' !!; t h a t there is no dwelling house on said laud; that, said George P e r Word cians. Ill Third St. I'hone 2!lii. | MISCELLANEOUS WANTS MeClure, said heir, or anyone else, each sub** lias not culthat'-rl or improved said quent Inter, WANTED Breaking a mi" plowing land for more than two years last CARD ENGRAVING tlon with horse power engine. (!uarCalling and busn.ess cards, a o . i l ami iliitl said defaults continue anteed good work and price right. invitations, color work and high class to this date. You a t e , therefore, further notified Address Ottis Shirbe, llurdslieid, X. printing o r engraving of all kinds. that the said alleg.V'ons will be tak Dak. Fine.'-t work. Rest prices, Bismarck en by tills office a s having been con FARM LAND—$1 l..~>u a n acre, choice Tribune Co. I'hone ;;2. Broadway at fessed hy you, and your said entry HID acres; level; 11-"> ai res plowFourth Hi. ACCOUNTANT will be caii'eied thereunder without land near Baldwin. Forced sale. your f u r t h e r right to lie heard there Harvey Harris Co., J . P Jackson, in, either before this oflice or on ap PRINTING manager. peal, if you fail to file in this olli'-e FOR - SALE—1 stiiriiave s o m e of those •> Let us supply your perfect printing, within twenty days ariei the Expert Accountant •> .".'•-foot lots left for $20.00 cash and •> Bismarck, No. Dakota. •> delivered "on time". Forty years ex FOI'RTH publication of Ibis notice, per month, but they a r e go perience . S o job too big, o r small. as shown below, your answer, under ing fast. You had oetter ask about Tribune oath, specifically meeting and re (July highest grade work the.ii before they a r e all gone. F . sponding to these allegations of '-onCo.. Risrnarck, No. Dak. K. Young. test, or if you fail within that time ABSTRACTING to file in this oflice djie proof that LEGAL NOTICES you have served a copy of your an MISCELLANEOUS—FOR SALE TTlK lil'RLEIGM COUNTY Altswer on t h e said contestant either in STHACT CO Legal Abstractors for TREASURY DEPARTMENT person o r by registered mail. If this FOK SALE—$25.00 guitar ror S10.U0; Kurleigh county. Under bond of $10,Office of Supervising Architect, service is made by t h e delivery of a learn detail a t Tribune a d oflice. 0o0. City National Hank Iildg. W. V. Washington, L>. ('., May 12, Ktl.!. <'"!>>' " f your a n s w e r to the contesfFOR SALE—Two boys' bicycles. Ot jKIEL'ERT- General Insurance. City Scaled proposals will be received ant in person, proof of such service I National IJank lildg. t o Dirlam, 110 Main S t . a t this oflice until o'clock p. in. on w i s t be either the said contestant's FOR SALE—25 barrel tank, a s good j the lull day of June. 1S1C, and tben written acknowledgment of his re a s new. A. C. Hinckley. ! opened fo. the installation coinplfclr! f : ( ! ''.''"f 'he. copy, showing the d a t e AUTOMOBILES (-OR SALE—-Cheap, for c a s h ; late of a n electric passenger elevator in "f receipt, or t h e affidavit of the edition Americana Encyclopedia— the I ' n i t d S t a t e s post office and " " r ; ; o n >'>' *''«»> '*"• delivery was ! V/e have the full Studebaker line, volumes; o r exchange for dining made, s t a t i n g when and where the ' a l s o Fords. Autos and supplies. S e e (court house a t Bismarck, X. D., in ac copy was delivered; if made by reg loom f u r n i f i e ; 4R, c a r e Trioune. I *13. Bismarck Implement Co. Bertsc-ii c o r d a n c e with the drawing and ape- istered mail, proof of such service FOR SALE—Adam S c h a t Piano, al 1 c'.fication. copies of which may be /.'ros. 714 Thayer St. Phone )3i. most new. Bargain for quick sale. had a t this office a t t h e discretion of must consist of the affidavit of the I person by who.n t h e copy was mailed Phone 113. the supervising architect. ' stating when and t h e postolfice to FOR SALE CHEAP—O n e eight foot SHOE REPAIRING O WEXDEROTH, . . ' . 1 which it. was mailed, and this aflidaSampson windmill, complete with S u p e n . s m g Architect. , v j t bf: accompanied by the postforty foot, four post steel tower. Bis ! FOR SHOE REPAIRING >master's receipt for the letter. marck Hardware Co. ' g o t o L. E. Larson, a t Ryan's s h o e NOTICE O F SCi-iGC-L ELECTION , You should s t a t e in your answer the ^R SXLE~ O e w r e x t r a learge bear- j s t o r e . All work neatly done (Special District—Annual Election) ! name of the postoffice ,o winch you itie age, Compass Cherry Trees. Notice is hereby given that on t h e ' desire future notices to lie sent, to John W. Millett. first Tuesday in June, being J u n e X.j)""PIANO TUNING A. D„ lid8, an annual election willIt. N. .iTEVLNS, Regut'-r. j PIANO TUNING: Resident tuner. be held a t the court house in tiie ! Date of first publication, May t;th, ROOMS FOR RENT I Call Peck's Music House o r phone Special School District of Bismarck, j county of Burleigh, s t a t e of North j Dale of secondpublication Mav l.'Jth, A- S . Hoffman. FOR RENT—One large room, in tliej t ) "->'Dako:a, for i h e jiufpo.-e of electing 1 I Hare Block. MISCELLANEOUS Tribune Want Ads Cent Strictly Order Cent Do not be dissatisfied if your ad is not inserted; if you fail to send money with order. . Pep word first Insertion Minimum Charge 25c ANSWER BY CORRESPONDENCE ALL BLIND ADS using a number, box, o r initial for ad dress. Do not a s k this office who t h e advertiser is. W e won't tell you. Dont waste time, but write t o t h e address printed in t h e a d . AGENTS graphic work and a c c u r a t e in de tails. Young man preferred. Lady acceptable if willing to do general oflice work and quick with pen. An unusual opportunity to young men willing to make good. Those hunt ing a temporary job not wanted to reply. Give experience a n d refer ences in first l e t t e r a n d sign n a m e in full with pen. Address No. 44 care Tribune. WANTED—Solicitors tor Daily and Weekly Tribune. Goo 1 money and ! FIK ST^CUASS PHINT"tK WAN! cu steady employment, for reliable a t once. Middle-aged married people. Inquire of J . K. Doran, man preferred. Good wages ami Tribune office. permanent employment assured £ood all around man, who must be a good compositor a n d job printer, AUTOMOBILES after over six y e a r s service with FOR SALE—•l-ive passenger Case out •omplaint. S t a t e experience touring car, repainted and in good and salary desired an' 1 furnish condition, looks like new. Only reierence with first letter. The 1750. AI 1012 Ford 5-passenger, Homestead, Napoleon, X. 1J. overhauled and first c l a s s a t £400. men. F o u r o t h e r used c a r s a t bargains. SALESMEN WANTED Two good for flad p e r month, pius Bismarck Implement Co. expenses. Old Reliable Factory; FOR SALE—Four passenger high operating northern s t a t e s in sum wheel automobile. In perfect con mer. southern s t a t e s in winter In dition- H a s not r u n 100 miles. A your section now. Give a g e and good f a r m e r s c a r o r for delivery experience. Willing workers make purposes. Will sell cheap. Bis good. Address 47, Daily Tribune. marck H a r d w a r e Co. SJ .UO HOUSES FOR RENT EXCHANGES FOR OR EXCHANGE SALE—1 would like t o exchange my residence on Third street for a larger lot and a s large o r larger house. O r would Bell. Exceptionally good location— only two blocks from new Federal building. Good house, modern and i n good repair. J . K. Doran. FOR SALE—FURNITURE FOR SALE^-ConibTiia tioFf~hook ease a n d writing desk, $12.oO; $30.00 mounted d e e r head 15.00; large frappe bowl, 10 c u p s and stand, $."i; a l s o o t h e r household goods. Call 20U 3rd St. furniture; FOR SALE—Household 52X Sixth St. FOR SALE—Good second hand piano, for sale o r trade. Peck's Music Mouse. FOR SALE—Latest model refrigerator 10x12 ft with side door. b ! g mirror a n d two windows in front; suitable for butcher shop r r hotel, firs' claf.s condition. Also bh: buffalo chopper a n d rocker very cheap. Geo. Gussn c r , B'smarck, N. I). HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED—Wa I' reiiww. Lr'l.tnd Ho tel, Minot, D. OifcL WANI t B " T^n T ~g<'nerar~lious<e work. -Mrs. Angus McDonald. 10*/ Eighth girl for general" house work. I'hone 120K. W A N T E D - KTiTriTTTinriri a t Homati'ti Cafe. A' gI?T~7or general Housework. Family of two. I'hone 112. HI WANTED- A WANTED— HELP WANTED MALE _ WANTED A good bookkeeper, by old established corporation. Ad dress No, 4'K care Tribute, WAWT^O"-2<y> wi'ii7 l<o vMi I KirlCf'n barber it hop a t o n e ; . (;lfy Na'lotinl tfank Rulldlfi/. Phone, WANTED—An o?d minines* house riee'dtf saleftmen and of fice men ami )*>offerliig excellent inducement, to young men of ab|jliy and integrity. The plan l» to train and d«;veiope a utrong orgmtisatlon. Young man junt out. of high xchool or college preferred Toung mm willing to work f yp will find thin an unumial opportunity. Adrtretut No. 4L Care Trll/unfl. tlie "oW^X corporation* of the state, additional ofBee btlp. Must I/O good ill _ r W A N T E D ^ f w o ~ furnished rooms | suitable for light housekeeping. Rooms to be occupied hy lady a n d ; maid. Address No. 41, Tribune. \\ e make loans on i Xcirtfi Dakota Farms. Capital ?3IIO,OUO. Cor respondence Invited. Farm Security Company, Northwestern Bank Build ing, Minneapolis, Minn. .lanes A. Johnson. Pres. SAVE HALF T h e cost of want adR by paying in ldvance. When hilled a n d collected t h e r a t e is double j •> F. K. LUEIIE $1<>.Q0 IS | lis cuplial slock for t h e benefit of its policylioldciH. ORDER FIXING HEARING ON AP PLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT OF APPRAISERS. It appearing to the Court t h a t T h e Prudential Insurance Company of Am erica h a s heretofore filed Its duly verHied petition, from which It appear* that the said petitioner is a stock life. Insurance corporation, incorporat ed by i h e State of New Jersey, and thai the Board of Directors of said company have determined t h a t it would be conductive t o the welfare of the corporation and in Ihe i n t e r e s t s of t h e policyholders thereof to change Ihe corporation from a stock life In surance corporation t o a mutual life insurance cot poralion. and said cor poration now applying to t h e Chan cellor t o appoint two o r more disin terested persons to appraise t h e value of t h e capital stock of t h e said cor poration, and also to appoint o n e o r more counsel to represent Ihe |tolicyholders before such appraisers, and In such further proceedings as may be. taken under or in pursuance of said petit ion, It is therefore, oti tills twenty-sec ond day of April. A. D. litl.'i, on mo tion of Edward I). DuHield, .Solicitor of said petitioner, ORDERED t h a t paid application be heard by the Chan cellor at t h e Stale House in the. City of Ticnton on the tenth day of J u n e , liiFi, at ten thirty o'clock in t h e fore noon, o r a s soon thereafter a s coun sel can he heard, at. wlii'-h time and place the Chancellor will h e a r all |«irl|es in interest who may then appear. It is further ordered lliat notice of such l i ' a r i n g shall be given to the <'ommissioner of Banking and Insur ance of this state hy serving a copy of t h i s o r d e r upon hi.n within fifteen days from the making thereof, and that notice of said application be given to t h e stockholders of said corI oration by mailing a copy of this or der to each of said s t o -kholders a t his post-office address, a s t h e s a m e appears upon t h e hooks of t h e said corporation, within fifteen d a y s from the d a t e hereof; and that notice of said application be given to t h e pol icyholders of t h e said corporation by publishing a copy of t h i s o r d e r in one or more newspapers printed and published in the capital of each and e v e r y s t a t e of t h e United S t a t e s In which t h e cori»oratioii does business, and in a newspaper printer) and pub lished in the cities of Edmonton, Alherta; Vi-toria. British Columbia; • .innipeg, Manitoba; Frederi'-ton, New Brunswick; Halifax. Nova Scotia; Toronto, Ontario; Quebec, Que bec; and Regina, Saskatchewan, in t h e Dominion of Canada, once a week for at least four we«-k«, t h e first pub lication t o be made within fifteen days from the flute hereof. In ease no newspaper is published in t h e caje ital of said s t a t e s of t h e United States, then said publication may be. made in a newspaper having a gener al circulation within said s t a l e s . E. It. WALKER, C I I ZO; II, 21, 2 H.) FOR RENT—Modern 8 room house, centrally located. Phone Geo. W. Little, 132X. c u h K t N T — 9 room residence. Mod ern. Ave B a n d 5th S t . A. C, Hinckley. FOR RENT —S-room iuodern house; ' M e m bers'' ^ i f the Board of Kdtica- \ ^ May 2-th, G. W. Little, 610 Sixth s t r e e t . FOR RENT-F u r n i s h e d rooms Dakota j Block; for sleeping- o r li^ht house-i A ;jt S(,ton,i s , t.ion: two members to serve for ti j H* 1 -J. 1 :12 J. kt?p!ng. Pnor.e .iOJ. j • t e r m of t h r f e years, for the city of j _Lale of fourth publication May t-uK aALfc OR RENT—My house a t Bismarck. N. D. B»i:. the river. Good place to r a i s e chick F °oo Teml. T *"hone'53I'ln'U""' ''' ^ PAINTING-PAPER HANGING T h e ik>! I< will be opened a t it o'clock r ens, coops to hold chickens.' I. a. m.. and closed a t f o -lock p. '"-J FOR RENT—Nice cozy rooms; a i l j P. Raker. i of t h a t day. FINAL ACCOUNT AND DIS modern. Phone 17 o r 4S1Kj CLEAN WALL PAPtH I.IKE NEW. FOR RENT—Swell modern house, TRIBUTION OF ESTATE Dated a t Bismarck. X D.. tllii liiS.ll Material in every home. Process, of X »rili ''oiJMy of I:-j,•furnished; SO!) Fifth S t . Phone 242L. FOR - RENT— A - m o d e r n house. Phone I 25 cents. E. .S. ( iawson, Lockland, day of May A. D. I'.'l.', ., . , . .. . teifc'li. i f f . I ','oMity I'o.Jit, t.it.ire l i n t . 52S. McGLHis. I l'v o r d ' r of t h e Board of Education. j. u> imi". Ohio. FOR RENT—Six-room house, furnish RICHARD PEN WARDEN, I in tli«- matter of t Ur. >-.t or it.ii.,. FOR RENT—Large front room, f o r i ed. Inquire 713 Third St. • •> v •> <• •! ••• PforV '!<•< < a-o.rf. gentleman. 402. s t h S t . F(5R~RENT—Four room modern flat GEO. LaLOXE K It. C'-rrelt. ;in adrninixtrutor of i.-»tate. jKrtitio/ier. VH Ix, J.HC IIo<li SIGNS with heat a n d bath. Inquire G r a m b s j FOR RENT- - L a r g e front room, fot <• . . . r- i Mr^. i -'ara Y Ur'n-kiin. if" b A gentlemen; 402 Eighth St. Paper Hanging, Paintitig t'c Peet. ; ' r "' Stat'' H"'!^ PHONE »41 FOR RENT—A house of t h r e e rooms FOR RENT—Two rooms, unfurnished. Mtf.. in p . u n t y (V/jr!. iK-fore Hon W. < u t , of N„rth („ Five Blocks From High Prices. i ' th*; Tridt rr-r.lf t * !<'*•< if !#. I .'lir ' You /iarncJ lUnffjri'l'-tiU.. BIDS WANTED. I.a .*r orI 'iT.* * <A lun »atfi Ismi**- S H y i tA. • <• •> <• f .' v •> FOR RENT— Furnished rooms for water. No 312 First St. Street Sprinklirfg. per mm. J F Van liir^klln. £rJ V housekeeping in modern house. S07 Tii«odwr»: Klliol < > n t ui.'l, i/Ot.tii/ii'-r. vs I a.P'l fviroy i ' Sealed bids will be received by Ihe Lillian Ontiunri, rer^r.dem Fourth S l i are her<-t ,y that U;»- fiii.il 'it; auditor up to eight o'clock p. rn. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER HOUSES FOR SALE .Votif; is hxr*hy Riven t!>at under au a'.courit of tr.'• .\'l.-rittii)".rator of !t,'f-OR RENT—Modern furnished room th o r i t y "of a n Or<J*r o f r f a i e Krarit<-,j i , y tat«- of Frank 1, Hodge*, .ate of the of Monday, May 20, 15)13, for sprin For careful, accurate stenographic f tlie FOR SALE— My residence property Hon. W. i ' . '"osteilo. .Judge of tt»- town of I J<;Uep!alne, In th<- C-,ijr,ty of kling the Ktreets of the city of Bis at 422 1th St. Count,. Court of the County of J!ur- rftan.'t-y aiel .State of riouth I/akota. 'ieon Thayer street. C. L. Vigness. marck during the season of li»13, un FOR RENT—Furnished rooms for leigh. iri tlic State of North I>afc'>ta, cease tui.~ tr+i-u rendered V- ;r.;/ ''ouri, FOR SALE-Modern eight room house 'latf-d the ith day of May. 1'>\Z, tli- un- tlierein ^!io*in« that tt.e «nai" of housekeeping and lodging. Phone '. der the direction of the commission 'I»-n«ign<r<I. the K'^ardian of tiie exUit< hi 10'iC Fourth St. D. K Brightbill. er of streets of said city. 303. North IntkoUi of fallen fwtluii'l, an in- deceased 1 n rfH'ty for final M-ttlerfi'-nt an-1| The eity sprinkling carts will be WELDING AND FOUNDRY '•orjii^rfnt iK-r?i<ri, of the Couety of (.'lay , (l;*iritiijtlor». ari'l frfrtifioninx that his n> - j FOR RENT—Furnished room, suita count be alio 'Ae 'l. ti;»_• re-i'Iue of ya.'i < furnished by the city. Teams work in t!ie ."tate of > , w i l l wli at ble for married couple, or one or Oxy-acetylene welding of all metals iZ \ . V * T T * ' * ing on said carls must weigh not lens LIVE STOCK t\" two ladies. 21" Ninth St. j All kinds Of gray iron and b r a s s cast- ! caifji or on xu'-h t/»rrns and deferred i»ay- tK . r .urito rnt ,t!e). l .is -'lrnin.jitrat.ofi ari'l he >"• ilirvhargi' 4 ,: M<.n- ; '.ban "Mt'i [Kinnds. FOR SALE—Horse, age 4 years, Automobile i a.« tr> t!aid guardian may *e»ir; lay, th<-Oh RENT—Ciedo. warm rooms; 2nd day of .June. A. I> i Bids will be opened by the board of v/flght 1200 lbs.; also two horses buy s c r a p iron. ( wHo board at Dun raven Piac*. 212 j city commissioners on Monday even 4 and '> years old. double set of har 3rd Street. 1 S3, 1- ront Street, j ing. May If,. l!«13. ness and Concord runabout. Call • -9. The board of city com nis.-tioner* rj:i Third St. <> FOR RENT—To gentleman <•', reserves the right to reject any and FOR SALEr-One gentle pony, broke North lyakota. only, large front room, every < a r : > ' ; '" r " I a'l bids. UNDERTAKING The sale will be made oa or after the j 'n a f l r to ride and drive; $35.00, cash. Bis •> *!*• f'a- r,' Miv ist-» ! *<' mterwstw in «U'J estate may ap«> thing modern and nicely farA bond in the xum of One Hundred marck Htearn Laundry. UNDERTAKING i: EMBALMING " AU Wd B "muit be in writing ar.d may ! • nished. Very reasonable. <t\ account d frtrtftion ar d I tll'Kf; Dollars, with two residents, AF WANTED—A combination saddle and & taxpayers of the city, as sureties, con 46S First St. Phone 275 X. 4] tc driving horse, pentle and well broke. ditioned for tlM! faithful performance n In'Mil re, H. 15. Bergeson & Son. WKBB BROS. of the work should the contract be nzsri: <b*v:sVhT rk %^ ^ !. warded to the bidder, must accompa in.ted this 5th day of Ma<'7 1»1. 'lyi1' * " ' 'i ""T LOST AND FOUND j FARM LANDS TUVA I. HLLKrT <i~Ti.VSi>. i C Ji «! i H "--ount »ho»j.d not- ny eacn old. LOTS FOR SALE Guardian of the Folate in North , , " r "^" i ", "V^* 1 P * 'V For farther information apply lo fHY—Is everyone wanting correct f-akr^a of Utliar. 'wtlur^, 'aid I F0R 8XLE Jlo ft. lot on 4th sreet. LOST—Girl's bracelet probably on j Hinckley, corn|«->.Ute ck«4*»J ar.d *^id H. fr. i>rr,'h, <•! ( '"ommissioner A. Tnconri[*Ient f'erivifi. inforrna'irrn aboit Burleigh County $100 down, balance If the month. i f t w r n a r r f e . N o r t h l » a k o t a . a « j u w h A d * I ;ris«!orer of struts for safd et'y. Ave. C. nnder please leave at. lands »ltr»:et.ed to the i t . 21. I rriirii*Uat'>r ut K -«»a»e, (»*• di«' harj;«-d j By ord"r of the board of city com It, D. Coonan, Tribune office. j ! I "ated the 2nd day of May. A IJ. !'>U. ( FOX LAND COMPANY? NOTICE OF CONTEST. missioners. } \v. i- fy'rXTY.iji/j. Serial No. 011377. Contest No. 882. i J lug lots. Very easy terms. I«o»s It. H. THLSTLKTHW'AITB, SITUATIONS WANTED | FOR TRADE—14 loom modDepartment of the Interior. United of the Cwm >• Coart. all parts of the city; many o.' them City Auditor. I R ern resldecce oa Third street • j States Land Office, Bismarck, N. L>. on monthly payments. R. D. Coon- WANTED—Work by the day. WasS- ' Or 21. 23. 2t) I-^t the forego:rig citatU,r. it* nfrrved ! will trade lor -arm property. «> | j fry ptiWfratiAn for fo«r *-!<•.eerwiye «re*k* J en, Tribune Blk. Phone, 172. April 30. YH%. ing or house cleaning. Enqaire s Tribune, a r,e**(fcper ; R. D. COON2N. Tribune Bik. 1r j To George McCiure. the sole heir o:• in ^the ^ Bismarck a u/ Lots fH'iU for I/O ft,; east front; Mrs. Companion, 21 West Broad * ' printed at BS*.ua.rcfc. North f/akota. by i Joseph L. McCiure, deceased, Con-I posting and by re^iAtered rnaii addren?!fed water mid nnwer. 2'/ z blocks from way. testee: , to eat;, and ai: of the atx»ve and forehigh school. Ilarvey Harri» & Co., WANTED—Washing done at home. If you want read;'2 matter you can ^--ned T^mA^uu. ^ land Titb running water. Forced j Yoa are hereby notified that John J. I', Jacknon, manager- . get anything ycra want from a paper Phon? 24"). 216 Mandan Ave. sale. Harvey Harris tc. Co., J. P- j Enzdahi. who gives SUnsarck. N. l)J t 'judge of th- cinty Coon, FOff SXtE If yo'i have not been in WANTED—Position by first back 5c novel a? to the latest copy class Jackson. Manager. as b!i postoffice address, did on April ( « « Itlvwrvlew Addition this spring you rights. Any of these books may be cook. Can give best of rfeerenc-e. 2nd. 1313. file in this office his duly! ' — ought lo lake a walk over there and exch2nsr<»d. Fifth Street Stationery Address No 4S. Care Tribone. I desire to exchange my quarter sec- e«rroborat»>d application to contest i In Chancer of New Jersey pee the Improvements being male. Store. ('. F. Iflexr*"id. Prop—Air and sec-Tire the cancellation of yoarjln the matter of the application of Thtil I N fust becoming the nicest WANTED—By young woman, office cleaning or washing; any kind of homestead , Entr> r»o. 4001*', Serial ( The Pradentlal Iasarance Company p«rt of town, Our prices and terms work by day or hoar. Phone 97. No March lot of to the acquireaient of Fargo is to bare a corset' factor/. aro right, V, IS, young, Agent, SEWING MOTICE OF CITATION, HFARING OF II D. J. c AKir I <-J. ^ >'T TH* OFFICE OF VEA-FON LMIIUM • *R. . CONTENT K NEW BOOKS. LAND FOP SALE. / . 411377, MADE 19, ISTFS, I AMERICA R , .
© Copyright 2025