JJI)1~Jlosting 2nd Conference on Campus sustainabilitv

Wednesday April 8, 2015
commitment to establishing
an eco- campus, University
Malaysia Sabah (UMS) is
leading the' way forward in
strengthening academic coop­
eration for developing sus­
eco-friendly environment for
"Universities and institutes
of higher learning can play a
leading role in environmental
stewardship by instilling
awareness, education and
forging cooperation in devel­
oping sustainable local and
global solutions and strategies
to address key environmental
New Sabah Times
2nd Conference on Campus sustainabilitv challenges,"
"UMS remains committed
Vice-chancellor Prof Dr. in our endeavour in enhancing
Harun Abdullah.
initiatives towards the goal of
a full-fledged
Leading the initiative, UMS becoming
is hosting the 2nd Regional Eco-campus by 2018," he
Conference on Campus Sus­ said. The text of his speech
tainability this year, with the was delivered by UMS
collaboration of University of Deputy vice chancellor (Stu­
Malaya (Malaysia), including dent Affairs and Alumni) As­
Palawan State University and . sociate Professor Dr Ismail
Adamson University of the Ali.
According to Hamn, the
Philippines. .
Further, he highlighted university strives to become a
growing concerns over envi­ leading example in environ­
ronmental issues such as glob­ mental stewardship while pro­
al warming poses serious risks viding innovative solutions to
to natural systems and com­ incorporate sustainable ap­
throughout the pro aches through the univer­
world, underlining the uni­ sity's teaching, research, man­
versity's commitment to ex­ agement and operational prac­
pand research in developing a tices.
better understanding of cli­
"Beingthe only anchor uni­
mate change and its long-term versity in the state, we recog­
nise the crucial .importance of
conserving Sabah's abundant, .students to exchange ideas,
priceless biodiversity which insights, and expertise in lead­
continues to sustain the state's ing transformation towards an
primary industries, riamely eco-friendly campus.
The three-day conference is
agriculture and tourism which
are much dependent on our attended by over 250 partic­
ipants and featured keynote
natural resources," he added.
Harun affirmed the univer­ speakers on a wide range of
sity's commitment in research topics on sustainability, con­
and education towards deve1­ sisting of notable academics
oping more sustainable man­ and researchers from National
agement of the State' s rich University of Singapore and
natural heritage.
The occasion also wit­ Japan.
nessed the Memorandum of
Earlier during his speech,
Understanding (MOU) sign­ Harun noted the university is
ing ceremony between UMS continually expanding collab­
and Adamson University of oration in research, expertise
and innovation in the local and
the Philippines.
Meanwhile, UMS Ecocam­ global arena.
pus Director Prof Dr. Justin
"We are bringing the ideas
Sentian hopes the conference and spreading the message of
would provide a great op­ sustainable development to
portunity for researchers and the wider community by en­
gaging our stakeholders and
global benchmarking," he
said. '
For instance, he noted the
university's noting the uni­
versity's Tropical Biology In­
stitute, Borneo Marine Insti­
tute and Biotechnology Re­
search have been making out­
standing contributions in pro­
moting sustainable develop­
ment locally and globally.
"UMS continue to broaden
its frontiers in research col­
laboration, expertise and in­
novations by working closely
with renowned sustainability
think-tanks such as the Unit­
ed Nations Sustainable De­
velopment Solutions Net­
work (SDSN), International
Sustainability Campus Net­
work(ISCN) among others,"
he said.
Prof Dr. Ismail representing Harun (second from left) exchanging MOUs with representative of
Adamson University from the Philippines at the 2nd Regional Conference on Campus '
Sustainability yesterday.
The 2nd Regional Conference on Campus Sustainability witnessed the MOU signing cer.emony .
between UMS represented by Dr. Ismail ( seated second from left) and representative( seated far
right) of Adamson University from the Philippines.