Malaysian Technical Universities International Conference on Engineering B Technology (MUiCET 201 1) Wireless Mobile Robot with Live-Feed Video using PIC 16F628A Microcontroller Jiwa ~bdullah',*,Hairulazwan Hashim and Mohd Rizal ~ h a i r i ' "2'3~aculty of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 86400 Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor. *Corresponding email: [email protected] Abstract The unprecedented number and scales of natural and human induced disasters in the past decade has urged the emergency search and rescue community around the world to seek for newer, more effective equipment to enhance their efficiency. Search and rescue technology still rely on old technologies such as search dogs, camera mounted probes and technology that has been in service for decades. Hence, Wireless Mobile Robot with LiveFeed Video using PlC16F628A Microcontroller will create an alternative solution for rescue purposes which is recognized as a risky mission. In this project, a prototype mobile robot with simple locomotion mechanism and also network camera has been developed to support the rescue team. This prototype includes Wi-Fi router as a platform to communicate between mobile robot and computer and facilitate a network camera attached to the mobile robot. The mobile robot can be made to move around remotely by using GUI command on computer as well as live-feed video will be displayed on the computer. The control range of this mobile robot is up to 140m in a straight line of sight in open space. Keywords: Wireless, mobile robot, P1C16F628 Microcontroller. . Malaysian Technical Universities International Conrerence on Engineering & Technology (MUiCET 201 1) replacing manual excavation. The application of the robot is not limited for rescue application but it also can be used in security where the mobile robot will navigate and guard the building replacing human. In additional, the robot can be upgraded if required to apply in complex situation. Some of the appropriate suggestions are listed as below. These suggestions can be continued in future research to build a better design. User can add more function such as a microphone and a spotlight which there are a few available ports in MCU. Then, wheels with high grips and efficiency are recommended for the mobile robot. Besides that, implementing the robot with microphone so the user can hear sounds around the mobile robot while navigating will improve the performance of the robot. REFERENCES [I] Fred Eady (2005). ''Implementing 802.1 1 with Microcontrollers". Oxford UK: Newnes.377. [2] Karl Lunt (I 999)"Built Your Own Robot". united State of America: AK Peters LTD. 574. [3] Frank Orthman, Konrad Roeder (2003)."Wi-Fi Handbook, Building 802.11b Wireless Networks". New York: McGraw Hill Networking. 363. [4] Anand R. Prasad (2005). "802.1 1 WLANs and 1P Networking". Boston, London: Artech House. 3 1 8. [5] Microcl~ip Technology Inc.(2003). "PIC16F628 Data Sheet". United State Of America. [6] Seung-Hun Kim, Chi-Won Rohl, Sung-Chul Kang, Min-Yong Park (2006). "Teleoperated Strategy for Reliable Mobile Robot Outdoor Navigation". Institute of Science and Technology: Seoul, Korea, [7] Je-Goon Ryu, Hyeon-Min Shim, Se-Kee Kil, Eung-Hyuk Lee, Heung-Ho Choi, Seung-Hong Hong (2006)." Design and implementation of Real-Time Security Guard Robot using CDMA Networking". Intelligent Healthcare System Research Center: Korea Polytechnic University, Korea. [8] Heikki Rissanen, Jukka Mahonen, Keijo Haataja, Markus Johansson, Jamo Mielikainen, Pekka Toivanen (2009)." Designing and Implementing an Intelligent Bluetooth-Enabled Robot Car". Department of Computer Science: University of Kuopio, Finland. [9] Gow Moh Kee (2006)." Design and Development PJC-Based Autonon~ous Robot". Faculty of Electrical & Electronics Engineering: Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia. [lo] Tse Min Chen and Ren C. Luo (1997)." Multisensor Based Autonomous Mobile Robot Through Internet Control". Intelligent Automation Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering: National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan.
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