the NEW DIGITAL MAGAZINES FOR PEOPLE WHO LOVE TO CREATE NOR THRIDGE PUBLISHING MEDIA KIT :: SUMMER 2013 the NEW DIGITAL MAGAZINES FOR PEOPLE WHO LOVE TO CREATE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 24, 2013 NORTHRIDGE PUBLISHING ANNOUNCES DIGITAL ISSUES In response to current market trends and a radical shift in the media industry as a whole, Northridge Publishing is excited to announce the development of their new and exclusively digital publications. On par with top media providers, Northridge’s new publications will feature cutting edge technology that allows for an enhanced experience that is only available with digital publications. Features include: • in-issue video & video • slideshow and animation capabilities • the ability to search issues, bookmark favorite pages, and add notes, along with other digital magazine industry standards The digital magazines will initially be offered online, via their newly redesigned website,, and for iOS, via an app for iPad, iPad Retina, and iPad Mini, with plans for developing issues specifically for Android in upcoming months. The magazines will be viewable through additional devices with a flash-enabled web browser and an HTML5 version will be released at the end of the year. Beginning with the August 2013 issues, all of their publications will be converted to the new format, replacing traditional print issues. The June and July 2013 issues are available to subscribers in their standard online format. Along with the change to all-digital content, Northridge Publishing has announced that July 2013 will be the final issues of Simply Handmade and Bead Trends. Jeff Stephens, Director of Operations, describes the new direction and consolidation of titles as a “drive to return to the heart of what built Northridge, while leveraging up-to-date technology to continue to provide the most current crafting inspiration in the highest quality delivery.” Pam Baird, Editor-in-Chief, states, “We started our company over fifteen years ago with a desire to promote the preservation of memories and the creativity of paper crafting, and that continues to be our passion and the mission of our company. We celebrate the talent of our readers as we share ideas to help you create your own scrapbook layouts, cards, mini books, projects, and more. Over the past few years we have noticed a dramatic change in the way consumers are choosing to receive our publications – digital is now the preferred method of the majority of readers. To fulfill our desire to deliver our readers with the best possible content in the best possible way, we have made the decision to discontinue traditional print publishing and focus all of our efforts on providing fresh and exciting digital magazines.” Northridge Publishing, a division of Octavo Media, LLC, is the leading publisher of a wide variety of consumer magazines including Scrapbook Trends, Cards, Cricut Magazine®, Cricut Magazine® Idea Books, Create: Idea Books, Signature Series, and Creative Retailer. For more information, visit N O R TH R I D G E PUB L I S H IN G. ON LY TH E BE S T. ON LY ON LIN E . Everyone is online! It’s where people gather to socialize, learn, and shop. Put your products in the forefront of their conversations by being part of our magazines, our email blasts, and our social media. Your customers look to us for inspiration, and they will look to you to get them excited about new products and creative solutions. You’ll not only be on their computer, their tablet, and their phone, you will be right there with them as they are seeking inspiration for creativity, and only a click away when they need supplies to create with. All of a sudden, your advertising opportunities are endless! The Online Publishers’ Association predicts that 47 percent of Internet-using Americans will own a tablet by next year, up from 12 percent last year. And 61 percent of tablet users have purchased digital content. 1 In 2012, about 39% of respondents got news online or from a mobile device, up from 34% in 2010, when the survey was last conducted. About 43% of those aged 50 to 64 get some form of digital news yesterday compared with 60% of the younger age groups. What stands out more, when it comes to age, is the degree those under 30 are moving away from traditional delivery systems altogether. 2 1. Hybris AG 2. Sasseen, Jane; Olmstead, Kenny; Mitchell, Amy. “Digital: As Mobile Grows Rapidly, the Pressures on News Intensify.” The Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism “The State of the News Media 2013”. the NEW DIGITAL MAGAZINES FOR PEOPLE WHO LOVE TO CREATE S CRAPBO O K T R ENDS MAGAZINE After 15 years as a top-selling print publication, Scrapbook Trends has been redesigned as a digital magazine that will inspire you more than ever! Dedicated to helping you capture the memories of special events and everyday moments, Scrapbook Trends is a collection of layouts submitted by talented readers with a variety of styles and tons of great ideas. 315,588 YEARLY CIRCULATION, AUG 2013 CA RDS M A GAZINE Card-makers’ favorite publication, CARDS Magazine, will continue to deliver the best ideas for creating the most beautiful cards. You’ll love the variety of styles represented, and with the new online options, you will be able to see more of the card ideas you love, for every occasion you want to celebrate! 326,760 YEARLY CIRCULATION, AUG 2013 CREA TE: IDEA B OOKS Create: has the best of scrapbooking and card ideas, all compiled into specialty-themed idea books. Titles include perennial bestsellers like Christmas Cards, Holidays, and Mini Albums, along with other favorites like Vintage, Embellish, Stamping, and more! 311,268 YEARLY CIRCULATION, AUG 2013 S IGN A TURE SER IES Top industry designers now have the opportunity to show off even more winning personality in their books. With added features like video and audio available, you’ll feel like you are sitting down and creating with your favorite crafting icons! 308,472 YEARLY CIRCULATION, AUG 2013 the NEW DIGITAL MAGAZINES FOR PEOPLE WHO LOVE TO CREATE CRICUT M AGAZINE ® Cricut Magazine features the best and brightest of Cricut® creations. We’ve gathered ideas for layouts, cards, mini albums, fabric, home décor, vinyl projects, and more. With your Cricut machine the possibilities are endless, and with Cricut Magazine, the results will be fabulous! 434,052 YEARLY CIRCULATION, AUG 2013 CRICUT M AGAZINE ® IDEA B OOKS Our Cricut Magazine Idea Books will gear you up for a whirlwind of Cricut® crafting. Themed titles include Cricut Birthdays, Cricut Cards, Cricut Holidays, Cricut Home Décor, Cricut Families, and Cricut Quick & Easy. 315,060 YEARLY CIRCULATION, AUG 2013 CREA TIVE RET AILER You can expect to find the newest products, the latest trends, and the hottest industry news in each issue. Our business experts provide business education, thought-provoking tips and ideas, and most of all, invaluable inspiration! 368,652 YEARLY CIRCULATION, AUG 2013 S E E MO R E ! We would love to show you sample issues of our publications! Please contact Jenni Guynn at 801-225-9988 x140 or [email protected]. M A G AZIN E A DVE RTIS IN G One click and our readers will be on your website. Instant sales and immense opportunity await! We’d love to help you take advantage of our full spectrum of available features to help you reach new customers in fresh and exciting ways. 1. SFP ( ST R AIGHT FR OM PR INT ) ADS Non-interactive ad built for print and proportionally scaled to display on device in portrait mode, with one URL link. Zoom feature enabled at request. 2. DFT ( DESIGNED FOR T AB LET ) ADS Non-interactive ad designed specifically for portrait display at 100% on tablet devices, with one URL link. Ads should be sized at 300 ppi at 768 px W x 1024 px H. All text should be 16 pt or larger. 3. EFT ( ENHANCED FOR T AB LET ) ADS Non-interactive ad designed specifically for portrait display at 100% on tablet devices, with interactive capability that may include video, audio, and slideshows with up to three hotspots. Ads should be sized at 300 ppi at 768 px W x 1024 px H. All text should be 16 pt or larger. N E E D D E S IG N H E LP? We have an in-house design team that can help prepare your ad. Please contact us for rates and deadlines. I T’ S A L L A BOUT TH E E X PE RIE N CE Through interactive ads, your target market will be able to experience your products and your brand like never before. Incorporate video, audio, slideshows, hot spots, animation, and web content right into your ad. One click and you are talking directly to your customer, demonstrating your latest products, and putting your best foot forward! EF T A D S P E C IFICA TIO N • Ad must be delivered as an InDesign file. Ads should be sized at 300 ppi at 768 px W x 1024 px H. All text should be 16 pt or larger. • Each ad may contain 3 hotspot layers and/or a total of 3 interactive elements, each designed on their own layer. Combined file size not to exceed 10 MB. • Elements must be within safety area, a minimum of 50 px from all sides. • Each ad submission must include a pdf storyboard and/or rich text document identifying interactivity placement and specifying all URLs. • All ads are locked in portrait orientation. HOTSPOTS Additional information or interactivity displayed when rolled over. • Each hotspot must be built on a separate layer. • The base ad must include advertiser logo. • Close button required in top right corner of all hotspots. • Hotspot pages may contain video, slideshow, audio, or web elements. V ID E O Video is streamed (not downloadable). Run time limited to 2 minutes. • Format: .MP4; H.264; Frame Rate: 29.97 fps; Max file size 10 MB. • Preferred size: 4X3 ratio: 480 px W x 360px H (no letterboxing). • Variable Bit Rate: Target Bit Rate: .6 mbps (600kbits); Maximum Bit Rate: .8 mbps (800kbits) • Start and end video on image frame, not a blank frame. Northridge will add play button. • Auto-play 30-second video without audio may be embedded. Max file size 1 MB. S L ID E S H O W May include up to 10 photos supplied as 300 dpi jpegs. • Images must be provided as 300 dpi sRGB JPEG files, all the same size. • Name images according to play order. • Please specify whether slideshow should be auto-play or user-activated (via tap or swipe). • All slideshows will feature a fade transition with a default duration of 3 seconds unless otherwise specified. AUD I O Embedded audio file, maximum of 1 minute • Format: MP3; 32 kbps, 22 kHz, Mono (sound level normalized to -6dBDS) UR L A C T I VAT I O N & W EB ELEM ENTS • Text links in artwork will be activated. Any additional links must be requested. • Incompatible links may not be activated. • In-app content from your website can be viewed on your ad, but any links that close the app and go directly to the browser will not be accepted. Web content should be optimized to display on in-app browser frame for optimal user experience. • Web content is only available to users with an online connection. • Flash sites are incompatible with iPad and Kindle Fire. Sites should be HTML-based. • Advertiser is legally responsible for all content. WHA T’S SO GREA T ABO UT EFT ADS? A Nielsen survey found that iPad owners were more likely than other connected device owners to be intrigued by advertising, especially new and interesting types of ads that took advantage of their device capabilities. The same survey found iPad owners were more apt to make a purchase based on such ads as well. US magazine readers’ response to magazine advertising on iPads is highly positive, according to a study of iPad satisfaction, usage and response to advertising by UM and Time Inc. Asked what elements get them to pay more attention to ads, 86% of respondents said they noticed “striking photos and bright visuals,” while interactive features caught the eyes of 82%. They had the greatest desire to see ads that played video, showed more product information, featured photo galleries or slideshows, or allowed readers to get a 360-degree view of products advertised. All these types of ads take advantage of iPad capabilities that could not be offered in a print edition, but also could not be offered as seamlessly even in a traditional online magazine. (eMarketer, December 2010) D I G I TA L M AGA ZIN E A DVE RTIS IN G RA TE S SFP (Straight from Print) Ad Includes link activation for one URL. $ 999 $ 129 9 DFT (Designed for Tablet) Ad Includes link activation for up to three URLs. $ 149 9 EFT (Enhanced for Tablet) Ad Includes up to three hotspot layers and link activation for up to three URLs. + $ 1 0 0 for VIDEO featured in ad or on a hotspot layer. + $ 1 0 0 for SLIDESHOW featured in ad or on a hotspot layer. + $ 1 0 0 for AUDIO featured in ad or on a hotspot layer. + $ 1 0 0 for ANIMATION featured in ad or on a hotspot layer. E M A I L & S O CI A L M E DIA A DVE RTIS IN G RA TE S DEDICATED CONSUMER EMAIL BLAST 480,000+ opt-in customers, half rates apply for 3 or more blasts. $ 750 - $ 1 4 9 9 DEDICATED RETAIL EMAIL BLAST 2000 retail stores. $ 700 NEWSLETTER COMPANY FEATURE 480,000+ opt-in customers, includes advertorial copy and 125 px x 125 px image. $ 400 FACEBOOK GIVEAWAYS & BLOG ADVERTORIALS Facebook combined reach of 129,458. Please call for pricing. N E E D D E SIGN H E LP? We have an in-house design team that can help prepare your ad. Please contact us for rates and deadlines. AD V E R TI S I NG S UBM IS S ION & DE A DLIN E S AD S U BMI S S I ON REQU I REM EN TS • SPF & DFT ADS: File formats allowed: jpeg, tiff, psd, eps, indd. If file is not flattened and rasterized, please include all necessary support files (fonts + links), organized and clearly named. Include a rich text document specifying URLs. • EFT ADS: File formats allowed: InDesign (indd or idml) only. Include all necessary support files (fonts + links) Include a pdf storyboard and/or rich text document identifying interactivity placement and specifying all URLs. • Name folder according to company name, issue name, and issue date and compress before loading. Files must be under 50MB. • Please email a low res JPEG or PNG for reference to our Advertising Department along with notification that you have uploaded all ad materials. Changes to ads must be reuploaded via the web form and require prior approval. UP L O A D I N S TRU CTI ONS Upload your file using the form at this URL: HTTP://NOR THR IDGEPUBLISHING.COM/FORMS/ADVER TISEMENT-UPLOAD AD D E A D L I N ES ( Additional deadlines apply if requiring design assistance.) ISSUE AD DUE JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC NOV 15 DEC 15 JAN 15 FEB 15 MAR 15 APR 15 MAY 15 JUN 15 JUL 15 AUG 15 SEP 15 OCT 15 Q U E S T IONS ? Please contact Jenni Guynn at 801-225-9988 x140 or [email protected]. CON TA CT US Our readers want to see what’s fresh and new in the world of crafting, so get in touch with us today about how we can put the spotlight on your latest and greatest! JEN N I GU YNN Director of Advertising t: 801-225-9988 x140 e: [email protected] A M Y JUSSEL Advertising Sales t: 801-225-9988 x128 e: [email protected] PA M BAIR D Editor-in-Chief Editor of Scrapbook Trends, Signature Series t: 208.356.4234 e: [email protected] TAM M Y CHENAU LT Editor of CARDS, Create: Idea Books e: [email protected] RO RE E R U MPH Editor of Cricut Magazine® e: [email protected] N A N CY NALLY Editor of Creative Retailer e: [email protected]
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