ESOC 2015 CME Disclosure Form Results Last Name First Name Roles Relationships Alexandrov Alexandrov Andrei V. Anne No No Algra Ale Al-Shahi Salman Amarenco Rustam Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Scientific/Education Planning Committee Session Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Moderator/Chair/Coordinator Board of Directors Yes Pierre Anderson Craig Arenillas Juan Arnold Marcel Audebert Auricchio Azevedo Baracchini Baron Barrick Bartels Bath Heinrich Angelo Elsa Claudio Jean-Claude Jon Eva Phillip Consulting/ Advisory Board Funded Research Royalties/ Patent Stock Options Ownership/ Equity Position Employee Other Off Label Product Use Chief Investigator of STEPS trial Chair Data Monitoring Boards of PISCES-1/2 studies Glyceryl trinitrate No Yes Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Moderator/Chair/Coordinator Yes Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Poster/Oral Presenter Board of Directors Honoraria/ Expenses No Scientific/Education Planning Committee Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Company Name Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes Bayer Boehringer-Ingelheim Boston Scientific Bristol-Myers Squibb Pfizer Daiichi Sankyo AstraZeneca Merck GlaxoSmithKline Sanofi-Aventis Takeda Covidien Pfizer The Medicines Company Bayer Boehringer-Ingelheim Pfizer St. Jude Medical Bayer Boehringer-Ingelheim Covidien Bristol-Myers Squibb Pfizer Shire plc Nestle Health Science Bristol-Myers Squibb Pfizer Ever Neuropharma Roche Diagnostics Bayer Medtronic Bayer X X X X X X X X Phagenesis X ReNeurone X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Glyceryl trinitrate Berge Eivind Bernhardt Julie Biessels Geert Jan Biscoito Bonati Luisa Leo Bornstein Bousser Brady Brainin Bray Broderick Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Moderator/Chair/Coordinator Board of Directors Committee (CME Research Scientific/Education Planning Committee Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Scientific/Education Planning Committee Invited Speaker/Faculty Natan Invited Speaker/Faculty Poster/Oral Presenter Marie-Germaine Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Marian Invited Speaker/Faculty Poster/Oral Presenter Michael Scientific/Education Planning Committee Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Benjamin Invited Speaker/Faculty Joe Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Moderator/Chair/Coordinator Poster/Oral Presenter Brouwers Brown Cameron Canhão Carolei Bart Martin Jill I. Patricia Antonio Caso Valeria Chabriat Hugues Chamorro Angel Christensen Cobley Cognard Compter No No Yes Boehringer-Ingelheim X Pfizer X X No No Yes No Yes Genentech X No 3M Pharmaceuticals No Yes Research support for role on Executive Committee for PRISMS Study Genentech Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Moderator/Chair/Coordinator Scientific/Education Planning Committee Invited Speaker/Faculty No No No No Yes Bayer Boehringer-Ingelheim X X X X Yes Boehringer-Ingelheim Bristol-Myers Squibb Medtronic X X X X Yes Johnson&Johnson Lundbeck X X X X Louisa Christine Christophe Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Scientific/Education Planning Committee Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Annette Invited Speaker/Faculty No No No No Yes uric acid administration in acute stroke Codman Stryker Covidien X X X During my presentation I will, amongst others, discuss vertebral artery stenting. Some of the stents used are off-label. Cordonnier Charlotte Czlonkowska Davalos Anna Antoni Davis Stephen De Keyser Jacques Demchuk Andrew Dennis Dichgans Martin Martin Scientific/Education Planning Committee Session Session Invited Speaker/Faculty Poster/Oral Presenter Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Scientific/Education Planning Committee Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Moderator/Chair/Coordinator Invited Speaker/Faculty Scientific/Education Planning Committee Invited Speaker/Faculty Yes No Yes Yes Bayer Pfizer AstraZeneca X Covidien X investigator investigator Boehringer-Ingelheim X Covidien X X Travel support No Yes Yes Yes Covidien Bayer Boehringer-Ingelheim Bristol-Myers Squibb Daiichi Sankyo Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH Ever Neuro Pharma GmbH Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversität EU FP7 DFG/DLR BMBF DZNE Fondation Leducq Vascular Dementia Research Foundation Wellcome Trust Jackstaedt Foundation Corona Foundation Friedrich-Baur Foundation Josef-Hackl-Foundation Intramural funds LMU Alzheimer Forschung Initiative e.V. (AFI) Georg Thieme Verlag KG, UpToDate, Kohlhammer GmbH Lundbeck GmbH Sanofi-Aventis Shire plc Eisai Essex Pharma GmbH Ferrer International, S. A. ICON Clinical Research GmbH X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Diener Díez-Tejedor Hans-Christoph Exuperio Session Moderator/Chair/Coordinator Invited Speaker/Faculty Yes Yes Abbott Laboratories Allergan AstraZeneca Bayer Boehringer-Ingelheim Covidien Daiichi Sankyo GlaxoSmithKline Johnson&Johnson Medtronic Novartis Novo Nordisk Pfizer Sanofi-Aventis Schering-Plough Servier Laboratories Solvay Group Wyeth BMS CoAxia Corimmun D-Pharm Fresenius Janssen-Cilag Knoll Lilly MSD MindFrame Neurobiological Technologies Paion Syngis Talecris Thrombogenics WebMD Global Yamanouchi GSK Lundbeck Bayer Pfizer Boehringer-Ingelheim Novartis Biogen Idec X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Diomedi Dirnagl Marina Ulrich Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Moderator/Chair/Coordinator No Yes Donnan Geoffrey No Düring Ebinger Marco Martin Scientific/Education Planning Committee Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Poster/Oral Presenter No No Eisai Daiichi Sankyo Genzyme Medtronic Bristol-Myers Squibb X X X X X Sanofi-Aventis Shin Poong MSD X X X X Ferrer Ever Neuro Pharma Endres Engelter Matthias Stefan Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Moderator/Chair/Coordinator Yes Bayer Boston Scientific Bristol-Myers Squibb Boehringer-Ingelheim GlaxoSmithKline Merck Novartis Pfizer Roche Sanofi X X X X X X X X X X X Urs Marc Rebecca Vijeya Zsolt Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty No No No No Yes In my talk, I will crtically review a study using NOACS in cervical artery dissection, which I identified by literature search X In my talk, I will crtically review a study using NOACS in cervical artery dissection, which I identified by literature search X Pfizer Fischer Fisher Fisher Ganesan Garami In my talk, I will crtically review a study using NOACS in cervical artery dissection, which I identified by literature search X Covidien No Yes Yes In my talk, I will crtically review a study using NOACS in cervical artery dissection, which I identified by literature search X Bristol-Myers Squibb Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Moderator/Chair/Coordinator X Yes Boehringer-Ingelheim Valery Jose Jens X X X Bayer Feigin Ferro Fiehler X In my talk, I will crtically review a study using NOACS in cervical artery dissection, which I identified by literature search X Boehringer-Ingelheim Codman Covidien Stryker Microvention Penumbra Sequent Medical Acandis Philips Siemens X X X X X X X Philips Cardiox X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Gerloff Christian Invited Speaker/Faculty Yes Grefkes Hacke Christian Werner No Yes Hankey Graeme Heiss Henon Hill Wolf-Dieter Hilde Michael Hubert Iadecola Gordian Costantino Ingall Jansen Timothy Olav Poster/Oral Presenter Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Session Moderator/Chair/Coordinator Session Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Poster/Oral Presenter Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Jensa Johnsen Jelka Søren Paaske Session Invited Speaker/Faculty No Yes Joutel Jovin Anne Tudor Invited Speaker/Faculty Scientific/Education Planning Committee Session Moderator/Chair/Coordinator No Yes Yes No No Yes Bayer Boehringer-Ingelheim GlaxoSmithKline Pfizer Sanofi-Aventis UCB Merck X X X X X X X X X Boehringer-Ingelheim Covidien Bayer X X X X X X X rtPA Covidien X No No No Yes Stryker Covidien Boehringer-Ingelheim X X X X Bristol-Myers Squibb Pfizer X X X X Silk Road Medical Air Liquide X X Covidien Stryker Jüttler Eric Invited Speaker/Faculty Yes Kaste Markku Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Moderator/Chair/Coordinator Yes X X Bristol-Myers Squibb Boehringer-Ingelheim X X Lundbeck A/S X Siemens AG Mitsubishi Pharma Europe Ltd. ICE Pharma hf./Bayer AG Boehringer-Ingelheim X X X X X X Travel expenses only Travel expenses only DIAS-4 Steering Committee member Khatri Pooja Invited Speaker/Faculty Poster/Oral Presenter Yes Iv tPA for mild stroke Payment to Dept of Neurology for research efforts as Neuro PI of THERAPY Trial Penumgra Payment to Dept of Neurology for research efforts as PI of PRISMS Trial Payment to Dept of Neurology for DSMB member efforts Genentech Biogen Idec Klein Klijn Knox Kokubo Isabelle Catharina J.M Megan Yoshihiro Korv Krarup Christensen Janika Hanne Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Moderator/Chair/Coordinator Poster/Oral Presenter Committee (CME Research Invited Speaker/Faculty Scientific/Education Planning Committee Invited Speaker/Faculty No Yes No No No Yes Krebs Hermano Igo Invited Speaker/Faculty Yes Krieger Derk Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Moderator/Chair/Coordinator Committee (CME Research other) Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Yes Langhorne Lansberg Peter Maarten No No Boehringer-Ingelheim X Bayer Bristol-Myers Squibb Boehringer-Ingelheim Bayer Portola Gore Intuitive Surgical Interactive Motion Technologies Boehringer-Ingelheim Bristol-Myers Squibb Medtronic St. Jude Medical Pfizer X X lecture fees investigator investigator investigator investigator X X X X X X X X X X X X Iv tPA for mild stroke Iv tPA for mild stroke Lees Kennedy Scientific/Education Planning Committee Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Moderator/Chair/Coordinator Yes Boehringer-Ingelheim use of iv alteplase within guidelines but beyond labelling for some countries. use of iv alteplase within guidelines but beyond labelling for some countries. use of iv alteplase within guidelines but beyond labelling for some countries. use of iv alteplase within guidelines but beyond labelling for some countries. use of iv alteplase within guidelines but beyond labelling for some countries. X Novartis Nestle X Ever Liesz Arthur Lindgren Arne Lindley Richard Liu Lorenzano Lyden Liping Svetlana Patrick Malojcic Branko Mas Jean-Louis Massaro Ayrton Mattle Heinrich Invited Speaker/Faculty Poster/Oral Presenter Session Moderator/Chair/Coordinator Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Moderator/Chair/Coordinator Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Scientific/Education Planning Committee Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Session Moderator/Chair/Coordinator Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Scientific/Education Planning Committee Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Moderator/Chair/Coordinator Lundbeck X Boehringer-Ingelheim Bristol-Myers Squibb Boehringer-Ingelheim Covidien Pfizer X X X X No Yes Yes X No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes therapeutic hypothermia is a research procedure that is investigational. Boehringer-Ingelheim Bayer Bayer Boehringer-Ingelheim Bristol-Myers Squibb Pfizer Daiichi Sankyo Daiichi Sankyo Ferrer Bayer Boehringer-Ingelheim Covidien Daiichi Sankyo Biogen Idec Genzyme Merck Novartis Pfizer St. Jude Medical Sanofi-Aventis Neuravi X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X McCabe Dominick Invited Speaker/Faculty Yes Bayer X Biogen Idec X Roche Unrestricted educational grant funding from company taken over by Roche to support supply of reagents and instrument for Multiplate platelet function analysis Elitech UK Unrestricted educational grant funding to support supply of instrument for VerifyNow platelet function analysis Pfizer Medeiros de Bustos Meretoja Michel Elisabeth Invited Speaker/Faculty No Atte Invited Speaker/Faculty Yes Patrik Middleton Mijajlovic Sandy Milija Mikulik Minnerup Robert Jens Scientific/Education Planning Committee Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Moderator/Chair/Coordinator Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Moderator/Chair/Coordinator Poster/Oral Presenter Committee (CME Research Session Invited Speaker/Faculty Yes No No No No X Unrestricted educational grant Unrestricted educational grant X Novartis X Siemens X X Unrestricted educational grant in past to support early stage of research programme at AMNCH Support to attend AAN annual meeting Off-label use of alteplase for ischaemic stroke Bayer X Boehringer-Ingelheim X Covidien Stryker Pierre Fabre Group AstraZeneca Pfizer X X X Speaker fees Speaker fees; travel support Speaker fees Speaker fees Speaker fees Montaner Joan Moulin Muir Thierry Keith Municinó Muresanu Nedeltchev Annamaria Dafin Krassen Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Moderator/Chair/Coordinator Poster/Oral Presenter Invited Speaker/Faculty Scientific/Education Planning Committee Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Scientific/Education Planning Committee Session Moderator/Chair/Coordinator No No Yes No No Yes Niewada Maciej Invited Speaker/Faculty Yes Ntaios Olivot George Jean-Marc Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty No Yes Ovbiagele Paciaroni Paik Pandian Pantoni Bruce Maurizio Nam-Jong Jeyaraj Leonardo Pendlebury Sarah Pezzini Poppert Alessandro Holger Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Scientific/Education Planning Committee Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Poster/Oral Presenter Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty No Yes i will show the final results of a clinical trial with simvastatin in ischemic stroke Covidien X Codman X Boehringer-Ingelheim Bayer Biogen Idec Genzyme Medtronic Novartis Pfizer Shire plc St. Jude Medical X X X X X X X X X X X X X Abbott Laboratories Alexion Pharmaceuticals Allergan Amgen AstraZeneca Biogen Idec Boehringer-Ingelheim celgene Bristol-Myers Squibb GlaxoSmithKline Medtronic Novo Nordisk Pfizer Sanofi-Aventis Servier Laboratories Takeda Shire plc X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Boehringer-Ingelheim Bristol-Myers Squibb Boston Scientific X X X Bayer Boehringer-Ingelheim Daiichi Sankyo Pfizer X X Bayer Boehringer-Ingelheim Bristol-Myers Squibb Daiichi Sankyo X X X X X X X No No No No No Yes X X X X Quinn Terence Raabe Andreas Ribo Ringleb Marc Peter A. Rinkel Gabriel J.E. Rodgers Roos Rosand Röther Helen Yvo Jonathan Joachim Rothwell Peter Russell Sacco David Simona Sandercock Sandset Peter Else Charlotte Invited Speaker/Faculty Poster/Oral Presenter Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Session Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Scientific/Education Planning Committee Session Invited Speaker/Faculty Board of Directors Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Session Invited Speaker/Faculty Poster/Oral Presenter Yes Bayer Boehringer-Ingelheim Bristol-Myers Squibb Genentech Merck Pfizer X X X Boehringer-Ingelheim Bayer Covidien Daiichi Sankyo UCB X X X X X X X X No No Yes X X X X X No No No Yes No Boehringer-Ingelheim X Acumed Yes No No No No Bayer X Thromolysis in patients on anticoagulants Santalucia Santilli Saver Paola Ignazio Jeffrey Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Scientific/Education Planning Committee Invited Speaker/Faculty Poster/Oral Presenter No No Yes University of California Dr. Saver is an employee of the University of California. The University of California, Regents receive funding for Dr Saver’s services as a scientific consultant regarding trial design and conduct to Medtronic/Covi dien, Stryker, BrainsGate, Pfizer, Boehringer Ingelheim (prevention only) and St. Jude Medical. Dr Saver has served as an unpaid site investigator in multicenter trials run by Lundbeck for which the UC Schellinger Peter Schroth Gerhard Schulz Schwab Shinohara Stam Ursula Stefan Yukito Jan Steinlin Stibrandt Sunnerhagen Maja Katharina Scientific/Education Planning Committee Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Moderator/Chair/Coordinator Poster/Oral Presenter Board of Directors Committee (CME Research other) Scientific/Education Planning Committee Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Yes No No No No No No No Biogen Idec X Bayer X X Boehringer-Ingelheim X X Bristol-Myers Squibb X Covidien X Medtronic X Novartis X Sanofi-Aventis X X Cerevast X X ImRAx X X Merck-Serono X Genzyme X X off label and other uses for thrombolytic therapies and recanalization devices off label and other uses for thrombolytic therapies and recanalization devices off label and other uses for thrombolytic therapies and recanalization devices off label and other uses for thrombolytic therapies and recanalization devices off label and other uses for thrombolytic therapies and recanalization devices off label and other uses for thrombolytic therapies and recanalization devices off label and other uses for thrombolytic therapies and recanalization devices off label and other uses for thrombolytic therapies and recanalization devices off label and other uses for thrombolytic therapies and recanalization devices off label and other uses for thrombolytic therapies and recanalization devices off label and other uses for thrombolytic therapies and recanalization devices off label and other uses for thrombolytic therapies and recanalization devices Tanne David Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Moderator/Chair/Coordinator Poster/Oral Presenter Yes Pfizer X Boehringer-Ingelheim Tatlisumak Turgut Thiel Thomalla Alexander Götz Toni Danilo Touzé Emmanuel Tsiskaridze Alexander Tsivgoulis Georgios Valls-Sole Josep van Oostenbrugge Veltkamp Roland Vicenzini von Kummer Robert Edoardo Rudiger Scientific/Education Planning Committee Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Moderator/Chair/Coordinator Invited Speaker/Faculty Scientific/Education Planning Committee Invited Speaker/Faculty Poster/Oral Presenter Yes No Yes Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Moderator/Chair/Coordinator Invited Speaker/Faculty Yes Scientific/Education Planning Committee Session Scientific/Education Planning Committee Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Invited Speaker/Faculty Yes Invited Speaker/Faculty Poster/Oral Presenter Board of Directors Yes Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Yes Would mention onoing Phase III RCT in stroke prevention such as IRIS, POINT, SOCRATES, RESPECT ESUS, NAVIGATE ESUS X Would mention onoing Phase III RCT in stroke prevention such as IRIS, POINT, SOCRATES, RESPECT ESUS, NAVIGATE ESUS X Bayer Boehringer-Ingelheim Orion Pharma Pfizer X X Bayer Boehringer-Ingelheim Bristol-Myers Squibb Covidien Acandis GlaxoSmithKline Boehringer-Ingelheim Bayer Pfizer Bristol-Myers Squibb Boehringer-Ingelheim Pfizer Daiichi Sankyo Takeda Biogen Idec Servier Laboratories X X X X Bayer Biogen Idec Boehringer-Ingelheim Daiichi Sankyo Bristol-Myers Squibb Pfizer Medtronic X X X X X X X Lundbeck Penumbra Inc Boehringer-Ingelheim Brainsgate Covidien X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Alteplase Alteplase Alteplase Alteplase Alteplase Alteplase X X X X No No No No Yes X X X X X X X X X X X Desmoteplase Desmoteplase Desmoteplase Desmoteplase Desmoteplase Walker Marion Walker Marion Wang Warach Yongjun Steven Wardlaw Joanna Webb Alastair Weimar Christian Invited Speaker/Faculty Scientific/Education Planning Committee Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Session Moderator/Chair/Coordinator Poster/Oral Presenter Committee (CME Research Invited Speaker/Faculty Yes Allergan Lecturer, European Stroke Organisation ESO Masters, Danube University, Krems, Austria X X No No Yes Genentech Merck X X Alexion Pharmaceuticals X Bayer X No No Yes Biogen Idec X Boehringer-Ingelheim X Bristol-Myers Squibb Daiichi Sankyo X X X X Janssen Pharmaceuticals X UCB Wermer Werring Marieke David Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty X Sanofi-Aventis X Penumbra X No Yes unrestricted educational grant for conference Allergan Wieloch Wong Tadeus Lawrence KS Invited Speaker/Faculty Invited Speaker/Faculty Session Moderator/Chair/Coordinator No Yes Clopidogrel plus aspirin in the acute phase of stroke Clopidogrel plus aspirin in the acute phase of stroke Clopidogrel plus aspirin in the acute phase of stroke Clopidogrel plus aspirin in the acute phase of stroke Clopidogrel plus aspirin in the acute phase of stroke Clopidogrel plus aspirin in the acute phase of stroke Clopidogrel plus aspirin in the acute phase of stroke Clopidogrel plus aspirin in the acute phase of stroke Clopidogrel plus aspirin in the acute phase of stroke Clopidogrel plus aspirin in the acute phase of stroke Bayer X AstraZeneca Boehringer-Ingelheim Bristol-Myers Squibb Pfizer Bayer X X X X X X X X X X X
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