Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit #15490 Waltham, MA Inside this issue: Espousal News Winter/Spring 2015 Espousal Retreat & Conference Center // 554 Lexington St., Waltham, MA 02452 // (781) 209-3120 // [email protected] // Fill the New Year with Blessings by Fr. Bob Masciocchi, CSS Fill the New Year with Blessings (page 1) A truly spiritual person is one who gives his or her life away by blessing others and blessing the world as God blesses our world. As we begin a new year, aware of the challenges and struggles throughout our country and especially throughout the world, we can bring positive, hopeful and loving energy into our own lives and into the lives of our loved ones. We can be a source of blessing. But what is a blessing? Programs That Help (inside) A Request for Prayers and Financial Assistance from Fr. Bob Masciocci (below) “To bless” takes it’s meaning from the Latin word Benedicere, which means to speak well of someone. A biblical example of God’s blessing is the story of creation, when God looked at all he had done and said, “It is indeed very good.” Another is at the baptism of Jesus, when God’s voice said, “This is my beloved on whom my favor rests.” Beloved is best translated as “blessed.” Jesus constantly heard this voice. Jesus knew his blessedness and could operate out of a blessed consciousness and could see others and the world as blessed. The way we perceive and judge is deeply influenced and colored by our own interiority. As the philosopher says, “Whatever is received is received according to the mode of its receiver.” How we perceive speaks volumes about what is going on inside of us. Jesus, knowing his father’s blessing, was able to operate out of a positive, blessed consciousness. Dear Friends of the Espousal Center: We want to thank you all for the help you have given us over the years with your financial assistance and prayers. We are striving to stay open as a center for the ministry we do to help people in their spiritual, emotional and relational challenges. We ask for your help in our present need. The increase in electrical energy and a major replacement to our heating system is costing $40,000.00. We ask you to pray and reflect on what you may contribute to this present challenge that we face. We have a true need. Thank you for your help, prayers and support. God bless you, Fr. Bob The three components of a blessing are (1) to see and admire that person, (2) to speak well of him or her, and (3) to give away some of our life so that the other may have more life. In the gaze of true recognition, there is a deep blessing. We are blessed when someone sees us in such a way that he or she, in word or body language, says “I am glad you are here; you bring something special into my life.” We see this when a child says, “Mommy, look at what I am doing.” A good friend blesses you by seeing you in this way. We are blessed by being seen and we bless others by seeing them. We bless others when we speak well of them, when we feel their presence and energy as a gift. Blessings need not be articulated in words, though ideally they should be. We bless greatly with our body language and our attitudes. These can be more powerful than our words. To bless another fully is to give some of one’s life so that another might be more resourceful in his or her life. To fully bless we give some of our life, time or help to enrich the life of the other. As Jesus says, “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:13). Good parents and good friends do this in joy to feed others. We look forward to the new year with the hope that each of us can bless our families, friends and strangers. Few of us have been sufficiently blessed. When was the last time someone said to you, in words or actions, “I take delight in you”? In blessing, we are blessed. With the power of the Holy Spirit we can be a source of great blessings. Come to the Espousal Center and be blessed. Through our programs, adoration and prayer community, you will be blessed. Happy and Blessed New Year! Hold your next meeting at The Espousal Conference Center Comfortable and affordable space available for 25 to 200 people. Overnight accommodations and meals available. Call (781) 209-3120 for more information. Page 1 Programs that help All programs are held at the Espousal Retreat House at 554 Lexington St., Waltham, MA 02452 3 Ways to Register: Call (781) 209-3120 // Mail in the form at right // Go online to Winter/Spring 2015 Discovering God’s Will What shall I do? Discovering the best choice February 15, 2015 (Sunday) Registration at 9:30 a.m. Program 10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Christian Psychology Approaches to emotional problems March 8, 2015 (Sunday) Registration at 9:30 a.m. Program 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Day of Blessing for Married Couples Experience growth and healing March 15, 2015 (Sunday) Registration at 11:30 a.m. Program 12:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m. Day of Healing Healing anxiety and depression April 12, 2015 (Sunday) Registration at 9:30 a.m. Program 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. What Am I On Earth For? What drives my life? April 19, 2015 (Sunday) Registration at 9:30 a.m. Program 10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Page 2 More at the Espousal Day Retreats for Women Presented by Jerri Lou Buffo and Sue Gormley Espousal Prayer Community Serving the Church and Community with prayer, teaching, and guidance since 1977. Every Tuesday 7:00 p.m. Rosary 7:30 p.m. Praise & Worship 8:15 p.m. Teaching 8:30 p.m. Mass 9:30 p.m. Prayer Teams 2nd Wednesday of the Month 10:00 a.m.–2:30 p.m. // Offering: $15 Bring a bag lunch // Registration not required 2015 The day will focus on how we can discern what God’s will is in our own life. We will learn principles and a plan that will help us make decisions as we try to live a full and vital life. We will discover how this gives us true freedom and will reduce stress and pressure in our lives. It will allow us to experience God’s love and goodness and free us from the negative past that may inhibit our growth and freedom. Presented by: Fr. Bob Masciocchi, CSS Depression and anxiety cripple millions of Americans and prevent millions more from reaching their full potentials. Christian psychology offers several different approaches to dealing with these problems that can help restore the fullness of life. This day will present powerful techniques from Christian Psychology including 12 Step, Positive Psychology, Forgiveness, Centering Prayer, and Mindfulness. Presented by: Dr. Michael Murphy, Christian Psychologist The day will help couples grow in communication, acceptance, empathy and encouragement. As you reflect and share with your spouse, you will experience compassion, joy, hope and true love. Allowing the Lord to love, bless and heal you opens new opportunities for intimacy and deep joy. As we respect the Sacrament of Matrimony, we know that the Lord wants to bless and heal married couples. Presented by: Fr. Bob Masciocchi, CSS, and a married couple Whether mild or severe, anxiety and depression affect both mind and spirit and can be a significant barrier to health and wholeness. This day will focus on a better understanding of anxiety and depression, on alleviating symptoms through psychological means, and on healing root causes through prayer. Teaching, inner healing prayer, refelction and small group time will be included. Presented by: Dr. Joseph Coyle, Christian Psychologist We will focus on the factor(s) that drive our lives and how we can grow in freedom and joy. As we reflect on what really matters, we seek those realities that can transform our lives so we can live with a clear purpose and healthy balance. By transforming the negatives to positives, we can live in true peace and gratitude. We shall see how God’s love, truth and grace can empower us to live a full and joyful life. Presented by: Fr. Bob Masciocchi, CSS Offering: $45 (includes lunch) Mass included Offering: $45 (includes lunch) Mass included Jan. 14 Living the Challenge — Saints for Everyday Feb. 11 Prayer — Every Divine Encounter Holds the Possibility of Transforming Us (Joyce Rupp) March 11 Renew Us in Your Love April 8 The Power of Perseverance May 13 Mary Mother of Jesus — Who Heard the Call of God and Answered “Yes” June 10 More Than a Feeling Offering: $45 (includes lunch) Mass included Come in silent worship before the Blessed Sacrament in the Adoration Chapel. Tuesdays 10:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. (Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3:00 p.m.) Wednesdays 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Thursdays 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Marriage Preparation Since 1995, the region’s most highly acclaimed Catholic program for engaged couples. Programs fill fast, so sign up early. Register at 2015 Classes Feb. 7–8, Mar. 7–8, Mar. 28–29, April 11–12, May 2–3, May 30–31, June 6–7, July 11–12, Aug. 1–2, Sept. 12–13, Oct. 3–4, Nov. 7–8, Dec. 5–6 Mass included Mass included Eucharistic Adoration **In the event of incliment weather, the program will be held the following Wednesday. Call the Espousal office at (781) 209-3120 for more information.** Offering: $70/couple (includes special dinner) Offering: $45 (includes lunch) Healing Service Last Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. Participation on both days of the program is required. Register for a Program To register for a program, mail this form and a deposit of $15 to The Espousal Retreat House, 554 Lexington St., Waltham, MA 02452. Checks can be made payable to Espousal Retreat House. The full program balance is due upon arrival. For more information visit or call (781) 209-3120. Program Title: Program Date: Your name: Address: City:State:Zip Code: Phone Day:Phone Evening: Email: The Espousal Retreat House is a non-profit organization run by the Stigmatine Fathers and Brothers. We depend on the generosity of people like you to maintain our facilities and to provide the community with a variety of services. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today. We thank you for your generosity! Donation enclosed Page 3
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