This Is the Day That God Has Made #175 This is the da

St. Andrew’s United Church – Eston
DLM – Barb MacNaughton (phone: 962-3656, cell: 583-9040)
Organist – Doris Etter
Pianist – Brenda Ormsby
Choir Director – Ed Jackson
Ministry – The Whole Congregation
Sunday May 3, 2015 ~ 5thof Easter
The Community Gathers
Welcome and Announcements
♫Introit♫: This Is the Day That God Has Made #175
This is the day that God has made!
Rejoice! Rejoice, and be exceeding glad!
This is the day that God has made!
Rejoice! Rejoice! Hallelujah!
Lighting the Community Candle
~As we light this candle today, let us be reminded that in our times
of darkness a small spark is all it takes to help us remember that we
are never alone.
Gathering Words:
We come to this place a community of faith.
We come to share in singing, praying and listening.
We come to share all that we are with one another.
May all that we are and all that we can be make us a
community of faith where the spirit is alive and working in
and through us. May we be filled with a peace that only a
sense of being supported in community can fill. Amen.
Passing the Peace
No matter who you are or where you are on Life’s journey, you are
welcome here in this safe and sacred place. So let us greet one
another as a sign of God’s peace…the peace and presence of God is
here…to stay.
Thanks be to God.
You are invited to share the peace with your neighbours.
♫Hymn♫: For the Beauty of the Earth
Theme time for Children of all ages
♫Hymn♫: In Christ There Is No East or West #606
The Community Explores
Prayer of Illumination: During this season of Easter, we come to this
place with our minds and hearts open to see and appreciate the
ancient words of our sacred scriptures. Amen.
1 John 4: 7-21
Psalm 22: page 746 parts 3 & 4
John 15: 1-8
The Community Celebrates
Minute for Mission
♫ Offertory Hymn♫ “Joy Comes with the Dawn” #166
Joy comes with the dawn;
joy comes with the morning sun;
joy springs from the tomb,
and scatters the night with her song, joy comes with the dawn.
We will give thanks;
we will share all that we have,
so that all may feel the love.
Joy comes with the dawn;
joy comes with the morning sun;
joy springs from the tomb,
and scatters the night with her song, joy comes with the dawn.
(Chorus & music by Gordon Light; ©Common Cup Company; adapted with
verse by Barb, used with permission.)
Offering Prayer:
May all that we are and all that we have be offered this day.
As a community of faith in this place, we present our
offering. May it be used to help others in our world. Amen.
Lighting the candle of caring:
In caring for one another
May we be untiring.
In sheltering one another
May we be strong.
In holding one another
May we be tender.
And so we take this flame and light our special care candle. In all
our joys and in all our concerns, may we be ever mindful of the
present-ness of God among us.
Prayers for the People & Lord’s Prayer
♫Hymn♫: We Are Pilgrims
The Community Goes Forth
♫ Strathdee Choral Amen
#974 (x3)
License #605751
~ We have Lodge service on Thursday May 7th at 3:30 p.m.
~ Session meeting on Tuesday May 12th at 7:30 p.m.
Properties & Manse is responsible for the month of May.
~ Family Sunday is on Sunday May 17th. Don’t forget a non-
perishable item for food bank.
~ Last Bible Study until fall is on Wednesday May 20th at
9:30 a.m.
~ Our final day for Sunday School is Sunday June 7th. The
children will participate in the whole service.