Name : Chandra Kumar Johari Profession : FORENSIC CONSULTANT & CRIMINOLOGIST Academic Qualifications : B.Sc., M.A.(Sociology), LL.B.(Law), Diploma in Labour Law, Post Graduate Diploma in “CRIMINOLOGY” All from the Lucknow University, Lucknow, (U.P.)(India) Advocates Enrollment : Bar Council of Uttar Pradesh, High Court (Lucknow) Membership : Member, International Association for Identification, USA Member, National Association. of Document Examiners, Inc, USA Member, Canadian Identification Society, Canada X-Member, Forensic Science Society, England Member, Indian Academy of Forensic Sciences, Calcutta Member, Indian Science Congress, Calcutta Member, Central Bar Association, Civil Courts, Lucknow Articles Published Abroad : An Unusual Thumb Print published in the Magazine IDENTIFICATION CANADA, Vol.13,Issue-1, Jan, Feb, March,1990 issueonpage-14. Articles Published Inland ‘FORENSIC SCIENCE AND LAW’ published in the Criminal Law Journal, March, 1993 issue at page-43. : ‘INDIA WHERE FINGER PRINT SCIENCE DAWNED’ published in the Criminal Law Journal, Sep, 1993 issue at page-130. ‘THE SCIENCE,SCIENTIFIC METHODS AND SCIENTIFIC WITNESS’ published in the Criminal Law Journal, Nov, 1993 issue at page-165. ‘ANGULIKA VIGYAN BHARTIYA AVISHKAR’ (Hindi) published in Monohar Kahaniyan, June, 1993 issue at page-74. ‘ANGUL CHINAH EK BISHLESHAN’ (Hindi) published in the Judicial Officers Magazine Nyayak Sewa Samachar, April/June, 1993 issue at page-33. ‘BALL POINT PEN AND FORGERY - THE HIDDEN CONNECTION’ published in the Criminal Law Journal, June,1994 issue at page-33 and 34. ‘EXAMINATION OF SIGNATURES IN DIFFERENT LANGUAGES ……An Experts Perespective’ published in the Judicial Training & Research Institute, Journal April/June, 1994 issue. ‘THE SCIENCE OF FINGER PRINTS’ published in the Judicial Officers Magazine Nyayak Sewa Samachar, April/June, 1994 issue at page-71. ‘FORGER’S delight, forensic nightmare’ published in “The Daily Telegraph”, Calcutta, 10th Jan,95. ‘NOISE - A RISING MENACE published in the Criminal Law Journal, Nov, 1995 issue at page-143. ‘IDENTIFICATION OF FINGER PRINTS & LAW’ published in the Judicial Training & Research Institute, Journal, April/June’95 issue at page-103. ‘HANDWRITING AS MEANS OF IDENTIFICATION’ published in the Judicial Training & Research Institute, Journal, March, 96, issue at page-109 Titles of Papers Read : ‘IMPORTANCE OF RIDGES, RIDGE CHARACTERISTICS AND THEIR MEASUREMENT IN IDENTIFICATION OF FINGER PRINTS’ in the International Seminar Finger Print Science & Law, organized by the Institute of Judicial Training and Research (U.P.), Lucknow,on 12th and 13th Sept, 1992. ‘INVESTIGATING TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS - A CURTAIN RAISER’ in the Seminar Tragic Roads, organised by the Institute of Judicial Training and Research (U.P.), Lucknow, on 30th and 31st Oct, 1993. Visiting Lecturer : Institute of Judicial Training & Research, Government of U.P., Lucknow (India) Participants include Munsifs, Civil Judges,Chief Judicial Magistrates, Additional District Judges and District Judges. University of Lucknow, U.P. (India) Central Command Liason Unit, Lucknow, U.P. (India) Participants Military Officers Lecture Topics : Identification of Finger Prints (Dactyloscopy), Identification of Handwriting and allied matters. Experience : Since 1965 practicing as a Forensic Science Expert and Consultant dealing Identification of Finger Prints, Handwriting and allied matters. Laboratory : Have a well equiped laboratory Reference : The Director, Institute of Judicial Training & Research, U.P. Vineet Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow-226010 INDIA Address : Flat No: 001, Coronation Solitare Appts., 1-C, Wala Qadar Road, Lalbagh, Lucknow-226001 (U.P.) INDIA Telephone No. : 91-522-2617417, Mobile - 91-09335232044 Mobile . 91-o9648507660 E-mail : [email protected] Firm : M/s G. P. Saxena & Son, Forensic Consultants Award The Indian Academy of Forensic Science {Lucknow Chapter}, Government Forensic Science Laboratory, (F.S.L.) Mahanagar, Lucknow (U. P. Govt.) has awarded me the M.M.N. Saxena Memorial Award year 2011, for my significant contribution in Forensic Sciences. Patents Copyright of my latest technique for Identifying Finger Prints entitled ---JOHARI’S PINOSCOPY Book Published Anguli Chinha Vigyan aur Vidhi (In Hindi) {Finger Print Science & Law} (Published by Malhotra Publishing House, Law Publishers, 282/1, K. L. Keetganj, Allahabad. Phone: 558193) Paper Published Abroad Ball Point Pen & Forgery -- The Hidden Connection published in Volume - 3, April/June, Number-2 (1997) at pages 146153Magazine published by Shunderson Communications, P.O.Box 42057, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1K 4L8 LATEST RESEARCH WORKS PINOSCOPY --a revolution in the field of finger print identification COMPUTERIZATION --of the movement of pen in executing a signature or writing IDENTIFICATION OF a dead body by matching it with a live photograph by comparing specific marks e.g. Moles, Nasolabial Grooves, Eye Brows, Shape of Lips, Nose, Chin etc. Drawing of Isometric figeures of the important features. Achievements Invited by the various Bar Associations and the Police Department of the various countries including (Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Johore) MALAYSIA, (Jakrta) INDIONESIA, SINGAPORE, (Bangkok) THAILAND and MAURITIUS, etc., to give Lectures on the Research Work on Finger Prints, Handwriting Identification and allied matters. Case Work Have given reports in Malaysia, Thailand etc. ONLY CONSULTANT IN FORENSICS WHO PRESENTS HIS OPINION AND DEMONSTRATION ON COMPUTERS INCLUDING SUBMITTING OF A CD-ROM FOR THE PERUSAL OF THE COURT ______________
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