Heading Subhead Subhead Date Date 00.00 – 00.00 (text) Keynote Speaker: Name COUNTRY 00.00 – 00.00 (text) Keynote Speaker: Name COUNTRY Title Title Nice 15th EURETINA Congress 17–20 September 2015 Preliminary Programme Nice 15th EURETINA Congress Letter from the President Dear Colleagues, It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the 15th EURETINA Congress, which will take place at the Acropolis, Nice, from 17-20 September 2015. To build on the enormous success of last year’s congress in London, the Programme Committee of EURETINA is delighted to provide an exciting scientific programme for Nice. The meeting will once again host many of the popular traditional features of the EURETINA programme, such as the Kreissig Lecture and EURETINA Lecture. Furthermore, the 15th Congress will once again host the 2nd World Retina Day. With the input of leading national societies from around the Globe, the World Retina Day will offer delegates a thoroughly international insight into medical and surgical retina. I personally feel that this level of international involvement will enhance the EURETINA programme and bring the next Congress an extraordinary opportunity for global networking. As usual the latest developments in retina will be presented at 10 Main Sessions, while the Instructional Courses and two days of Surgical Skills will accompany the all-day Uveitis and Retinal Detachment Courses for delegates who prefer a more didactic approach to learning. Free Papers, Electronic Posters and Video Presentations will once again feature with awards for the latter being presented at the Opening ceremony. For the fifth year running, the EURETINA Innovation Award will showcase this year’s final shortlist of innovative and creative applications to be reviewed and graded for their market potential. The overall winner will be announced at the Innovation Award Session at the Congress and further information on how to apply is available on the EURETINA website. On behalf of the Board and Programme Committee of EURETINA, I encourage you to join us in Nice for what promises to be a most stimulating and memorable Congress. Yours sincerely, Francesco Bandello President of EURETINA and Chairman of the Programme Committee Nice 15 th EURETINA Congress Boards & Officers President Francesco Bandello ITALY Co-Opted Board Members Borja Corcóstegui SPAIN Morten la Cour DENMARK David Pelayes ARGENTINA Vice-President Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth AUSTRIA Programme Committee Francesco Bandello ITALY Frank Holz GERMANY Alistair Laidlaw UK Gisbert Richard GERMANY Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth AUSTRIA Ramin Tadayoni FRANCE Jan van Meurs THE NETHERLANDS Sebastian Wolf SWITZERLAND General Secretary Sebastian Wolf SWITZERLAND Immediate Past President Gisbert Richard GERMANY Vice-President Elect Jan van Meurs THE NETHERLANDS Board Members José García Arumí SPAIN Frank Holz GERMANY Alistair Laidlaw UK Anat Loewenstein ISRAEL Stefan Seregard SWEDEN Ramin Tadayoni FRANCE Past Presidents Bill Aylward UK José Cunha-Vaz PORTUGAL Borja Corcóstegui SPAIN Rosario Brancato ITALY August Deutman THE NETHERLANDS Delegate Registration Fees* Pre Registration Deadline: 30 June Late Registration Deadline: 15 September Onsite Registration Member €300 €350 €400 Non-Member €400 €450 €500 Trainee Member €145 €190 €240 Trainee Non Member €170 €210 €260 Healthcare Professional €150 €175 €225 Nurse / Technician €100 €150 €200 €1,100 €1,300 €1,500 Corporate Rate *Please see website for description of registration categories and to register. Prices are in Euro and are listed without VAT. Current VAT rate is 20% and is subject to change. Hotel Bookings Hotel information is available at www.euretina.org. Nice 15 th EURETINA Congress General Information Congress Venue Secretariat 1 Esplanade Kennedy 06300 Nice France European Society of Retina Specialists (EURETINA), Temple House, Temple Road, Blackrock, Co. Dublin, Ireland Website: http://www.nice-acropolis.com Tel: +353 1 210 0092 | Fax: +353 1 209 1112 Email: [email protected] | Web: www.euretina.org Keynote Lecture & Symposia Kreissig Lecture EURETINA Lecture Keynote Speaker: Bill Aylward UK Keynote Speaker: Alain Gaudric FRANCE A Logical Approach to Retinal Detachment The Broad Range of Cystoid Maculopathies Main Sessions Imaging and Biomarkers in Retinal Disease Innovation and Technology Chairperson: U. Schmidt-Erfurth AUSTRIA Chairpersons: R. Tadayoni FRANCE J. García Arumí SPAIN Regeneration – Degeneration Neovascular AMD Chairpersons: G. Richard GERMANY R. MacLaren UK Chairperson: S. Wolf New Insights into Dry AMD: where do we stand? Diabetic Retinopathy SWITZERLAND Chairperson: F. Bandello ITALY Chairperson: F. Holz GERMANY Geographic Atrophy – Imaging Progression, Potential Treatment Chairperson: A. Loewenstein ISRAEL The World of Uveal Melanoma Biopsies Chairpersons: S. Seregard SWEDEN D. Pelayes ARGENTINA This is a Preliminary Programme and content is subject to change Nice 15 th EURETINA Congress Disorders of the Vitreoretinal Interface Chairpersons: J. van Meurs THE NETHERLANDS A. Laidlaw UK What to do? Decision Making in Challenging Cases Chairpersons: A. Gaudric FRANCE B. Corcóstegui SPAIN
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