10th European Annual Symposium EU Funds 2015

Symposium Brochure
10th European Annual Symposium
EU Funds 2015
Delivering Smart Performance and Results
through ESI Funds 2014-2020
Under the patronage of Iskra
March 23rd – 25th 2015, Berlin, Germany
Mihaylova, Member of the European
Parliament, Chair of the Committee
on Regional Development of the
European Parliament
Welcome to the European Knowledge Network!
The European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law is delighted to announce the
10th European Annual Symposium EU Funds 2015
Under the patronage of Iskra Mihaylova, Member of the European Parliament, Chair of the Committee on
Regional Development of the European Parliament
This annual forum brings together around 500 EU Funds experts from all over Europe and promotes an exchange of knowledge, experience and best practice
between EU Institutions and Member States with regard to the correct management and control of the ESI Funds 2014-2020 as well as the beneficiaries are
facing challenges such as:
With its unique character this European Symposium provides an insight in red-hot EU Funds issues from a strategic as well as from a programme and management
“Growth is the crucial European issue – economic, political and social. We must seize the opportunity to build a more competitive European economy, characterised by broad-based growth, innovation, efficient use of resources and sustainable job creation. To this end, the greatest challenge now is to fully
develop the Cohesion policy potential through the adopted Partnership Agreements and Operational Programmes, as well as to successfully manage to
ensure synergy and complementarity between the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) and the new European Fund for Strategic Investments
(EFSI). The European parliament will be vigilant to ensure that all the potential for growth enshrined in the new Cohesion Policy is fully used. Both institutional capacity building and investment in skills are essential.
I believe that the 10th European Annual Symposium EU Funds 2015 will help you in acquiring and exchanging as much knowledge as possible and will
contribute to handling our common task.
Iskra Mihaylova, Member of the European Parliament, Chair of the Committee on Regional Development of the European Parliament
“Excellent information platform for EU Member States.”
Robert Simon, ERDF Managing Authority of Luxembourg
Meeting the Challenges of the Programming Period 2014-2020
In the beginning of 2015, the most Member States will commence with the implementation of the new generation of programmes and will focus on how to overcome
the remaining obstacles for a smooth implementation of the Operational Programmes and to ensure a high absorption capacity of the annually available funds.
In order to achieve these goals, they need appropriate management structures for the funds, adequate management and control systems and must expend their
administrative skills and capacity. Although the European Commission has already issued several implementing acts and guidance, the authorities involved in
the implementation, management and control of the ESI-Funds 2014-2020 as well as the beneficiaries are facing challenges such as:
• How to ensure effective and efficient management and implementation of the Operational Programmes 2014-2020 from the very beginning?
• How to meet the management and control requirements specified in the Regulations and the additional implementing acts?
• How to make best use of the newly introduced implementation instruments?
• What problems may arise in the beginning of the Operational Programmes and how to overcome these?
• How to reach the objectives and realise the priorities stipulated in the Operational Programmes?
• How to introduce effective measures for detecting irregularities and fraud?
• How to achieve synergies among the different EU, national and private resources and stakeholders?
The 10th European Annual Symposium EU Funds 2015 will address the key issues related to management, implementation and control of the European
Structural and Investment Funds 2014-2020. It will furthermore tackle practical issues and concerns that arise with the commencement of the current programming
”Excellent platform to see what is going on regarding EU Funds! The Symposium that EU Member States
professionals should not miss!”
Todor Chilov, Head of Regional Sector, Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism, Bulgaria
“Very well organised with many pleasant and skilled experts.”
Tomas Palecek, Financial Manager of EU Funds, Ministry of Transport, Czech Republic
What do you learn at the
10th European Annual Symposium EU Funds 2015?
The “10th European Annual Symposium EU Funds 2015” disseminates the essential know-how on a multitude of issues surrounding EU Funds. It features
essential expertise from the relevant European Commission Directorates, European Court of Auditors, Managing, Certifying and Audit Authorities as well as
European Networks. Strategic discussions mingle with issues concerning the implementing level in the EU Member States and thus provide a unique European
forum for an exchange of knowledge, experience and best practice. The European Annual Symposium offers numerous individual sessions and practical
workshops. In the individual session you can choose from a number of parallel lectures dealing with the most demanding issues related to the implementation
of ESI Funds 2014-2020. In doing so you can design your individual timetable.
Your Benefits
• Become familiar right on time with the practical challenges of management and financial control of ESI Funds 2014-2020
• Benefit from the experience of the authorities that are well advanced in the implementation of the Operational Programmes 2014-2020
• Learn how to meet the monitoring and evaluation requirements, achieve results and increase the performance of ESI Funds
• Receive practical advice on how to use delivery flexibilities and the potentials of the new instruments
• Prepare for the new tasks regarding the auditing of ESI Funds
• Acquire confidence in the new auditing requirements and tasks
• Use the crucial opportunity to improve the closure procedure of the Operational Programmes 2007-2013
• Learn how to improve the sampling methodologies of ESI Funds
• Receive more insight on changes in the European State aid and public procurement law and the implications for ESI Funds
• Increase the administrative capacity of your authority by learning from the experiences of other authorities
• Develop networks and contacts with experts, members of European Institutions and partners of European importance at this all-encompassing EU Funds event
• Take part in the European discussion on the optimal management of the new ESI Funds 2014-2020!
“A practical approach to better face EU Funds practice”
Florian Schramm, Auditor, Bavarian Ministry for Environment and Health, Germany
Target Group
The 10th European Annual Symposium EU Funds 2015 is a must-attend event for public officials such as Directors, Heads of Units, Managers, Auditors and
other experts dealing with the management, certification and control of all EU Funds, especially from:
• Managing Authorities
• Certifying Authorities and Bodies
• Audit Authorities
• Intermediate Bodies
• Paying Agencies
• National Public Authorities
• Regional and Local Governments, Municipalities
• National and Regional Courts of Auditors
• Regional Development Agencies
• Public Banks and Private Banks
• Beneficiaries of EU Funds
• Consulting Companies, Advisory and Audit Services and other institutions and stakeholders dealing with management and control of EU Funds
You are welcome to contribute to this very unique
EU Funds Symposium
Please do not hesitate to send us questions or specific topics you would like the speakers to address during the Symposium.
For this, we encourage you to contact our Head of Conference Management: [email protected].
“Very good opportunity to exchange information and have fruitful discussions!”
Pia Ovik, Agency for Marine and Water Management, Sweden
“The symposium delivered today the knowledge of tomorrow! Very good opportunity to choose
among many interesting subjects! I am satisfied. Thank you very much!”
Haralds Beitelis, Deputy Head, EU Structural Funds Department, State Chancellery of Latvia
Programme Day 1 March 23rd 2015
Registration and Hand Out of Symposium Material (Please arrange final check-in preferably on Sunday, March 22nd 2015)
Sunday, March 22nd 2015 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. & Monday, March 23rd 2015 from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.
Welcome Note from the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law
European Experts Panel:
New Start for the ESI Funds 2014-2020: Concentration, Result-Orientation and Verification
How can the Operational Programmes 2014-2020 deliver more concrete and measurable results?
Selection of new projects: Ensuring a greater integration to unlock the performance reserve
Multi-fund approach – Additional administrative burden or key innovation in delivering better results?
Involving beneficiaries in delivering results: Can it be done with result-based management?
Financial instruments: Achieving more with less?
CLLD and ITI in the OP: How to combine the territorial and sectoral approach in practice?
Michel Servoz, Director-General, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission (tbc)
Dirk Ahner, DG Regional Development, Director-General, European Commission (off-duty)
Aldo Longo, Director, General Aspects of Rural Development and Research, DG Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission
Marie Donnelly, Director, Renewables, Research and Innovation, Energy Efficiency, DG Energy, European Commission
Dr Carol Sweetenham, Head of Policy, Strategy and Coordination, Department for Communities and Local Government, United Kingdom
Moderator: Carl Henrik Josephson, Senior Communications Expert and European Programme Communications Manager, Denmark
Refreshment Break
11.30-12.30 | Session I
How to Reach Social Inclusion
and Treat Poverty with the
ESI Funds 2014-2020
Building Synergies between ESI Funds
2014-2020 and Horizon 2020 on Innovation
The New Instrument Community Led Local
Development: From Establishing
to Implementation & Control
• Defining priorities regarding social inclusion and
combating poverty
• Creating strategies
• Enabling mobility of EU workers
• Better coordination of actions for EU and
non-EU citizens
• Criteria and project selection
• Best practices from projects implemented in
programming period 2007-2013
• Pre-Commercial Procurement and Public Procurement
of Innovative Solutions
• Horizon 2020 support to Innovation Procurement
• Innovation Procurement in the European Regional
Policy context
• Possible scenarios on the synergies between the ESIF
and Horizon 2020 on Innovation Procurement
• The special role of the European Groupings of
Territorial Cooperation
• Key issues in operationalising CLLD
• Role of local action groups in selection of projects
• Role and responsibilities of Managing Authorities
working alongside local action groups
• Arrangements for management and monitoring
• Implications for the control and audit activities
• Necessity of clear division of responsibilities
• Capacity building
Louis Vervloet, General Director,
ESF Agency Flanders, Belgium
Dr Vasileios Tsanidis, Unit Innovation,
DG Communications Networks, Content
and Technology, European Commission
Dr Carol Sweetenham, Head of Policy, Strategy and
Coordination, Department for Communities and
Local Government, United Kingdom
14.00-15.00 | Session II
State of Play in Designation of Authorities
and Auditing the Designation
ESI Funds in the Fields of Climate
Change, Energy Efficiency and
Preparing the Implementation of EAFRD
Programmes 2014-2020
• Designation procedure
• Description of Management and Control Systems
• Designation of authorities
• Auditing the designation by independent body
• Dealing with the obstacles in designation process of
• Priorities and objectives in 2014-2020
• Supporting “green” infrastructure with innovative
projects and solutions
• Meeting climate and energy challenges by innovative
financial instruments
• Selection criteria and procedure
• Lessons learnt with London Green Fund
• New challenges in relation to partnership and
• Interaction with CAP Pillar 1 and the other ESI Funds
• Present experience with the approval process
• Programme structure and implementing the measures
Dr Balázs Dencső, Director General, Directorate
General for Audit of European Funds, EU Funds
Audit Authority, Ministry of National Economy,
Alex Conway, European Programmes Director,
European Programmes Management Unit,
Greater London Authority, United Kingdom
Markus Hopfner, Head of Unit, Coordination of Rural
Development and Fisheries Fund, Federal Ministry
of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water
Management, Austria
Questions, Answers & Discussion
15.00-15.30 Refreshment
15.30-16.30 | Session III
Reviewing the Management Declaration
and Auditing Closure of Accounts
New Monitoring Challenges Ahead
Implementing Urban Development
Initiatives under ESIF Funds 2014-2020
• Necessity for reviewing the Management Declaration
• Reviewing the audit opinion
• Planning the audits with regard to closure of accounts
• Procedure and methodologies for auditing the
• Commission´s guidance
• Are indicators’ target values really smart?
• Limits of use of monitoring information for multiple
- To plan, to control, to evaluate, to promote, to
learn, to motivate…
• Monitoring implementation
• How to measure internal processes of MA/IB?
• Structuring Operational Programmes to invest in urban
• Setting priorities according EC Country Position
• Main differences with period 2007-2013
• Low carbon economy initiatives in urban environments
• Cooperation between Managing Authorities and
Intermediate Bodies
Kaur Siruli, Head of Financial Control Department,
Ministry of Finance, Estonia
Vladimír Kváča, Director, Partnership Agreement,
Evaluation and Strategy Department, Ministry of
Regional Development, Czech Republic
Juan Viesca, General Director for European Funds
and Projects, Ministry of Finance and Public
Questions, Answers & Discussion
16.30-17.30 | Session IV
Sampling Methods and Coordination of
Audit Activities for 2007-2013 and 20142020 Programming Periods
Evaluation of Operational Programmes
with Focus on Outputs and Results
Challenges in the Implementation of
Integrated Territorial Investments
• Choosing right sampling method
• How to proceed with sampling of two different periods
• Planning the parallel control and audit work of
programming periods 2007-2013 and 2014-2020
• Limiting the sample size to minimum
• Getting reliable assurance
• Performing sampling and the tests
• Evaluation of errors
• Preparing evaluation plans in 2015
• How to plan the process with regard to outputs, results
and performance
• Interpretation of defined indicators
• Data processing: recording, storage and quality
• Use of findings in the evaluation process
• Multi-fund and sectoral approach of Operational
• Territorial approach of ITIs
• Difficulties in defining indicators and conducting
• Project selection procedure
• Capacity building for all stakeholders
Nataša Prah, Director, Budget Supervision Office,
Ministry of Finance, Slovenia
Bernd Schuh, Member of Board of Directors, Austrian
Institute for Regional Studies and Spatial Planning,
Peter Ramsden, Pool Manger, URBACT, Belgium
Questions, Answers & Discussion
End of Symposium Day 1
19.00-23.00 Festive Evening Reception and Surprise Party
Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the
European EU Funds Symposium
Programme Day 2 March 24th 2015
9.00-10.00 | Session V
Using the Simplified Cost Options in Different ESI Funds
External Audits of ESI Funds – A New Focus on Performance?
• Advantages and disadvantages of different types
of cost options
• Guiding principles for applying different cost options
• How to find the right cost option for your project
• Do simplified cost options apply for all ESI Funds?
• Considerations for the authorities involved in
management and control
• Auditing EU´s financial reporting
• Financial, compliance and performance audit
• How does ECA proceed with performance audit?
• Do the EU Funds provide value?
• What results have been achieved?
• Have policy objectives been met?
Amarjit S. Narain, Member of ERDF Managing Authority for England,
Department for Communities and Local Government, United Kingdom
Martin Weber, Director, Chamber II
— Structural Policies, Transport and Energy, European Court of Auditors
Questions, Answers & Discussion
10.00-10.30 Refreshment Break
10.30-11.30 | Session VI
Approach to Verification of Expenditures in ESI-Funds 2014-2020
A Shift towards Auditing Performance and Monitoring Systems
– A Member State´s Perspective • New legal requirements
• Administrative and on-the-spot verification
• Timing and nature of verification
• Risk analysis and sampling
• Verification of overheads
• How to avoid common irregularities regarding public procurement and State aid
• Goals at different stages and performance reserve
• Output- and result indicators
• Auditing approaches and requirements
• Available data, IT system, reporting and information from beneficiaries
• Timetable and extent of auditing
Maeve Hamilton, Head of ERDF Managing Authority, Enterprise, Trade and
Investment, Central Government Department, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Olga Guza, Senior Expert, EU Funds Audit Department, Ministry of Finance, Latvia
Questions, Answers & Discussion
“Excellent networking opportunity & helpful on the new programming period 2014-2020.“
Ananth Murthy, Project Management, Westminster City Council, United Kingdom
11.30-12.30 | Session VII
Preparing Guidance and Measures for Implementation of Financial
How to Best Apply the Guidelines for Financial Corrections for
Non-Compliance with the Public Procurement Rules
• Regulatory framework and eligible expenditures
• Advantages of different types of financial instruments
• Implementation options
• Combining with other forms of support
• Involvement of ESI Funding, private investors and financial institutions
• Funds´ interest and returned resources
• Rules in COM Decision 9527/2013
• Types of irregularities
• Rates for corrections
• How to prevent, detect and solve public procurement errors
Ken Cook, Head of Finance and Business, Welsh European Funding Office
(WEFO), Welsh Government, United Kingdom
Christina Bauer, Legal Expert and Strategy Development Project Manager, Managing
Authority of the “Alpine Space” Programme, Land Salzburg, Austria
Questions, Answers & Discussion
14.00-15.00 | Session VIII
How to Prepare for Control and Audit of Financial Instruments
in the 2014-2020 Programming Period
Annual Account and Payment Applications in the Period 2014-2020
• Legal environment and structure of financial instruments
• How to tackle financial issues
• Effectiveness of the supervision under Manager of a Holding Fund
• Reporting on the financial instrument
• Avoid pitfalls and double financing
• New activities of the Certifying Authorities
• Payment application
• Drawing up accounts
• Annual clearance of accounts
• Taking account of control and audit results
• Difficulties and bottlenecks
Robert Michalski, Deputy Director, ROP Managing Department,
Marshal’s Office of West Pomerania Region, Poland
Casper Kronenberg, Senior Assessor, Certifying Authority,
Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Netherlands
Questions, Answers & Discussion
Refreshment Break
“High level of knowledge about the latest developments in structural funds.”
Ministry of Economy, France
15.30-16.30 | Session IX
The Impact of the New State Aid Regulation on Financial
Working Through Closure 2007-2013: Overcoming Difficulties
• Ensuring compliance of financial instruments with State aid provisions
• The new Guidelines on State aid
• Promoting risk finance investments
• Risk finance aid in the new GBER
• Avoiding the risk of recovery
• Different stages in the closure of Operational Programmes 2007-2013
• Progress on closure
• Particular difficulties so far • How to overcome the problems
• Retaining documents and deadlines
Paolo Cesarini, Head of Unit State Aid Policy: R&D, Innovation and Risk Capital,
DG Competition, European Commission
Barry North, former ERDF Technical Policy Manager, ERDF Programmes Team,
Local Economies, Regeneration and European Programmes (LEREP) Directorate,
Department for Communities and Local Government, United Kingdom
Questions, Answers & Discussion
16.30-17.30 | Session X
Using the Financial Instruments offered by EIB and Contributing to
the ESI Funds
Preparing a Winding-Up Declaration for Closure of Operational
• Financial instruments created by the EIB
• Loans, guarantees and equity participations
• Complementarity to FI funded by ESI Funds
• How to apply and make best use of the instruments
• Additional non-financial instruments
• Regulatory and methodological framework
• Objectives and performed tasks
• Summarisation of checks
• Validity of final certificate of expenditures
• Results of the audits
• Lessons learnt
Patricia B. Llopis, Bilateral Advisory Services Coordinator, Municipal and
Regional Unit, Advisory Services Department, European Investment Bank
Marianna Miklós-Molnár, Director of Strategy and Methodology,
Directorate General for Audit of European Funds, Hungary
Questions, Answers & Discussion
17.30 End of Conference Day 2 & Hand Out of Certificates
“Overwhelming – and very well organised.”
Gitte Elton Niellson, Head of Section, Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries/ Directorate for Food,
Agribusiness and Fisheries, Denmark
Day 3 Workshop
March 25th 2015
9.00-12.30 | Workshop Sessions
How to Develop an Anti-Fraud Strategy
and Set-Up Effective Anti-Fraud
Revised Public Procurement Rules and
Implications for ESI Funds 2014-2020
• Responsibilities of different authorities
• Identifying risks
• Conducting fraud risk assessment
• Developing an anti-fraud strategy
• Anti-fraud cycle • Putting in place effective and proportionate anti-fraud
• The most important instruments, methods, standards
and (new) techniques and sources
• The framework of references
• Practical cases and exercises
• Revised rules for public procurement
• Possible implications for ESIF 2014-2020
• Challenges in the tender procedures and
• Contract award notice and new implications
• Practical exercise
Jo Kremers, Senior Audit Manager, Audit Authority
EU Structural Funds, Central Audit Service,
Ministry of Finance, the Netherlands
Stewart Roche, Management Accountant, Higher
Education Authority, Ireland
How to Comply with State Aid Law at
ESIF Programme and Project Level
• Right structure to spot and address State aid issues
in ESIF programmes
• The implications of getting State aid wrong
• The Notion of State aid
• Compliant ways of funding projects where State aid is
• Notification
• Handling audits and investigations
• Group Exercise:
- Spotting whether State aid is present
- Applying exemptions
- Responding to an investigation
Alexander Rose, Treasury Solicitor‘s Department,
European Programmes and Local Growth, Department
for Communities and Local Government,
United Kingdom
Questions, Answers & Discussion, Agenda includes Refreshment Break
13.00-14.30 Lunch
14.30 End of Workshop Day 3 & Hand Out of Certificates
“Interesting and useful.”
Ioana Craciun, Financial Officer, General Directorate for Non-reimbursable Funds,
Ministry of European Funds, Romania
“The best possibility to exchange experiences, ideas & doubts.”
Barbara Slusarska, Head of Unit, Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development, Poland
Speakers 2015
Michel Servoz
Director-General, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission (tbc)
Dirk Ahner
DG Regional Development, Director-General, European Commission (off-duty)
Aldo Longo
Director, General Aspects of Rural Development and Research, DG Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission
Marie Donnelly
Director, Renewables, Research and Innovation, Energy Efficiency, DG Energy, European Commission
Paolo Cesarini
Head of Unit State Aid Policy: R&D, Innovation and Risk Capital, DG Competition, European Commission
Dr Vasileios Tsanidis
Unit Innovation, DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology, European Commission
Martin Weber
Director, Chamber II — Structural Policies, Transport and Energy, European Court of Auditors
Patricia B. Llopis
Bilateral Advisory Services Coordinator, Municipal and Regional Unit, Advisory Services Department, European Investment Bank
Vladimír Kváča
Director, Partnership Agreement, Evaluation and Strategy Department, Ministry of Regional Development, Czech Republic
Maeve Hamilton
Head of ERDF Managing Authority, Enterprise, Trade and Investment, Central Government Department, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Juan Viesca
General Director for European Funds and Projects, Ministry of Finance and Public Administration, Regional Government of Valencia, Spain
Speakers 2015
Dr Balázs Dencső
Director General, Directorate General for Audit of European Funds, EU Funds Audit Authority, Ministry of National Economy, Hungary
Dr Carol Sweetenham
Head of Policy, Strategy and Coordination, Department for Communities and Local Government, United Kingdom
Louis Vervloet
General Director, ESF Agency Flanders, Belgium
Nataša Prah
Director, Budget Supervision Office, Ministry of Finance, Slovenia
Alex Conway
European Programmes Director, European Programmes Management Unit, Greater London Authority, United Kingdom
Kaur Siruli
Head of Financial Control Department, Ministry of Finance, Estonia
Marianna Miklós-Molnár
Director of Strategy and Methodology, Directorate General for Audit of European Funds, Hungary
Markus Hopfner
Head of Unit, Coordination of Rural Development and Fisheries Fund, Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, Austria
Casper Kronenberg
Senior Assessor, Certifying Authority, Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Netherlands
Ken Cook
Head of Finance and Business, Welsh European Funding Office (WEFO), Welsh Government, United Kingdom
Bernd Schuh
Member of Board of Directors, Austrian Institute for Regional Studies and Spatial Planning, Austria
Jo Kremers
Senior Audit Manager, Audit Authority EU Structural Funds, Central Audit Service, Ministry of Finance, the Netherlands
Robert Michalski
Deputy Director, ROP Managing Department, Marshal’s Office of West Pomerania Region, Poland
Speakers 2015
Amarjit S. Narain
Member of ERDF Managing Authority for England, Department for Communities and Local Government, United Kingdom
Olga Guza
Senior Expert, EU Funds Audit Department, Ministry of Finance, Latvia
Alexander Rose
Treasury Solicitor‘s Department, European Programmes and Local Growth, Department for Communities and Local Government, United Kingdom
Christina Bauer
Legal Expert and Strategy Development Project Manager, Managing Authority of the “Alpine Space” Programme, Land Salzburg, Austria
Stewart Roche
Management Accountant, Higher Education Authority, Ireland
Barry North
Former ERDF Technical Policy Manager, ERDF Programmes Team, Local Economies, Regeneration and European Programmes (LEREP) Directorate, Department
for Communities and Local Government, United Kingdom
Peter Ramsden
Pool Manger, URBACT, Belgium (tbc)
Carl Henrik Josephson
Senior Communications Expert and European Programme Communications Manager, Denmark
Organisational Matters
Date of Event
March 23rd – 25th 2015
Booking Number
Fax: E-mail: [email protected]
+49 (0)30 802080-250
Phone: +49 (0)30 802080-230
For Free: Swap Option to the Conference
For online booking please visit
Event Language
The event language will be English.
our website: www.euroacad.eu
Event Prices
„EU-Fonds in deutscher Praxis“ (K-123)
March 23rd – 24th 2015
Symposium (23 – 24 March 2015)
1.289,- Euro
Symposium and Workshop (23 – 25 March 2015)
1.589,- Euro
The event price covers:
• Extensive printed training material documents which will be handed out before the symposium
• Certificate, if symposium/workshop fully attended
• Soft drinks and coffee/tea
• Lunch on all days of the symposium/workshop
• Festive evening reception at the end of day one
Upon request you can receive a digital version of the symposium/workshop documents after the
event for 60,- Euro excl. German VAT (19%) in addition to the symposium/workshop
All prices excl. German VAT (19%)
Programme is subject to alterations
Event Location
Maritim Hotel Berlin
Stauffenbergstraße 26
10785 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)30 2033 4410
Fax: +49 (0)30 2033 4092
E-Mail: [email protected]
Internet: www.maritim.de
Please contact the hotel directly and refer to the “European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law”
if you wish to benefit from a limited number of available rooms. Of course you can always look for an
alternative hotel accommodation.
This conference in German language takes place at the same time and event
The swap option offers you:
• Free access to all speaker interventions at the conference
„EU-Fonds in deutscher Praxis“ (K-123) , March 23rd – 24th 2015
DATE: MARCH 23rd - 25th 2015
E-mail: [email protected]
Herewith we register the following person to the “10 European Annual Symposium: EU Funds 2015”
Phone: +49 (0)30 80 20 80 230
Fax: Mr.
+49 (0)30 80 20 80 250
For online booking please visit
First name
our website: www.euroacad.eu
Last name
Your organisation
Please mark the days, the sessions and the workshop in which you want to
participate in order to be registered.
European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law
at Potsdamer Platz
Day 1 to day 3 (symposium & workshop)
Entrance: Leipziger Platz 9
Job position
Day 1 to day 2 (symposium only)
10117 Berlin / Germany
Note that you can only visit one presentation per session.
1 A
Postcode / City
I would like to join the festive evening reception at the end of day one
I hereby order the digital version of the symposium/workshop documents (fee required) in addition to the symposium/workshop.
Invoice Organisation
First name
Your Organisation
Job Position
You can find the session numbers in the
upper left corner of each presentation in
the agenda. (see example).
Please choose one presentation per
session and tick it. When attending
workshop day 3, please mark the
presentation in session W as well.
Last name
Postcode / City
In case of registration of more than one delegate - do you prefer:
single invoice? collective invoice?
With my signature I confirm my registration and accept the General Terms and Conditions as legally binding.
I herewith agree to receive further information from the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law
Place, Date
Authorised Signature / Stamp
Only Valid with Signature and Stamp
Terms & Conditions for Training Seminars & Courses
1. Area of Application
The following terms and conditions settle the contractual relationship between conference participants and the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law Brauner Klingenberg GmbH [referred to as “European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law”
in the following]. Differing terms and conditions, as well as, other settlements and/or regulations have no validity.
2. Registration / Confirmation of Application
A registration can be made via internet, mail, fax, or email. The registration is considered granted and legally binding if not rejected by the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law in writing within seven (7) days after receipt of registration. The registration will be supplemented by a booking confirmation via email. Partial bookings are only valid for seminars designed in modules.
3. Service
The course fee covers the fee per participant and course in € net, subject to current German VAT. It includes training course documents as per course description, a lunch meal/snack and refreshments during breaks, as well as, a participation certificate.
The European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law has the right to change speakers/instructors and to modify the course program if and where necessary while maintaining the overall nature of the course. All registered participants will be notified in case
of a course cancellation due to force majeure, due to speakers’ preventions, due to troubles at the chosen location or due to a low registration rate. Course cancellation notification due to a low registration rate is issued no later than two (2) weeks before
the course date. Course fees are reimbursed in the cases listed above; however, reimbursement for travel expenses or work absenteeism is only granted in cases of intention or gross negligence by the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law. Any
reimbursement of travel expenses are to be considered as an exceptional goodwill gesture and form no future general obligation. In case of disturbances and/or interruptions, the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law commits itself to solve or limit
any problems that might occur in order to maintain and continue the course as planned.
4. Payment Date and Payment, Default of Payment
Payment of the course fee is payable immediately upon receipt of invoice. Where payment is not received or lacking clear assignment to a participant prior to commencement of the course, the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law may refuse the
relevant participant’s participation in that course. The course fee, however, is still due immediately and can be claimed as part of a dunning procedure or legal action. In accordance with BGB §247 (1), in case of default of payment within the stipulated time
period, default interest on arrears of at least 5% above the ECB base rate is due and payable. The European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law can claim higher damage for delay if and where proven. Equally, the participant may prove that a damage
has not occurred or has had less effect than estimated by the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law.
Payment shall be made by cashless bank transfer; cash or cheques will not be accepted. The European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law is not liable for any loss of means of payment. The participant may only offset such claims against the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law’s as are undisputed, legally recognized or recognized in writing by the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law. The right of retention is only acceptable in accordance with a counterclaim based on the same contract.
5. Cancellation
Cancellations need to be issued in writing. Cancellation by the participant will be subject to cancellation charges as follows:
• 30 days or more prior to commencement of the course: service charge of 80,00 € net, subject to current German VAT, payable immediately, course fee will be reimbursed,
• two (2) weeks to 30 days prior to commencement of the course: 50% of course fee net, subject to current German VAT, payable immediately,
• non-attendance or cancellation less than two (2) weeks prior to commencement of the course: 100% of course fee net, subject to current Germany VAT, payable immediately
The European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law gladly accepts without additional costs a substitute participant nominated in case of a cancellation if the substitute participant is registered at least three (3) days prior to the commencement of the course.
Neither cancellation of a specific module/part of the course or substitution per module/per day is possible.
6. Copyright
Seminar/course documents are protected by property rights and may not be duplicated, processed, amended, circulated or published in any other way without the written consent of the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law. The European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law reserves all rights.
7. Liability
All seminars and courses are prepared and presented by qualified speakers and instructors. The European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law accepts no liability for the up-to-dateness, correctness and completeness of the seminar documentation, as
well as, presentation of the seminar.
8. Applicable Law, Place of Jurisdiction, Place of Performance
All cases shall be governed and construed in accordance with German law to the exclusion of the UN Sales Convention. As far as legally admissible, place of performance and place of exclusive jurisdiction shall be Berlin, Germany.
9. Data Protection
The European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law protects personal data by taking appropriate protection measures. For the purpose of optimization of the product and service portfolio and according to the regulations of the data privacy laws, it stores
and processes person-specific data on the training participants. Hence, all European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law website hits are registered. All personal data will, in accordance with the law, be used for documentation requests, placed orders or
other enquiries in order to send information out by post.
The European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law will, in accordance with the law, inform participants by email about special offers that resemble previously booked seminars. If and where personal data needs to be transferred to countries lacking appropriate data protection schemes, the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law shall grant alternative adequate protection. Furthermore, the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law will use personal data as far as participants have granted
respective permission. When collecting personal data, the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law will always ask for permission regarding email information about offers. The participant may, at any time, express their objection to data collection
for the purpose of advertisement or address via email or fax. Any data provided to the European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law will be processed for reservations and bookings, as well as, for information about other seminars. Names and company
names will be published in a participants’ list and forwarded to the mailing company.