A “glider” Observing Task Team (TT) in EuroGOOS: towards the EOOS Chair: Pierre Testor LOCEAN, CNRS, Paris, France Members: Daniel Hayes (CY), Johannes Karstensen (DE), Simon Ruiz (ES), Elena Mauri (IT), Peter Haugan (NO), Agnieszka Beszczynska-Möller (PL), Mark Inall (UK) Data Centers users Land Station 1km ~2-5km EuroGOOS Annual Meeting, 20-22.May 2015, Brussels, Belgium EGO: a glider community (sci & tech) EU, USA, Canada, Australia, Mexico, South Africa, Peru, Chile,… (academics+manufacturers) • EGO meetings and Glider Schools • Showcase website http://www.ego-network.org (10,000 unique visitors and 100,000 pageviews per year) • International fleet experiments • OceanObs’09 White Paper (Testor and 44 co-authors, 2010). Gliders are perfectly suited for physical, biogeochemical and biological measurements can be used in combination with the other components of the GOOS can enhance the spatio-temporal sampling of the GOOS (in-situ) where required OceanObs’09 need for a glider component in the GOOS in line with the other components, recommendations EGO: international coordination process studies AND long-term observations (repeat-sections in key areas) • • • • Monitoring the glider network activity is based on the operators good will. Maybe ~500,000 profiles since 2005. A lot of data sent to data centers Sustained activity (USA, Australia, EU) All glider deployments since 2005 (+ deployments in the Artic/Antarctic, SE/SW Pacific, Polynesia, Indian ocean,…) USA ~ 12,000 km altitude EU and others AU Need for a glider component in the GOOS • • COST Action ES0904 - EGO (coordination/wide-open: include Australia, South Africa, Israel, Mexico, USA, Canada, Peru, Chile, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria…) http://www.ego-cost.eu FP7 Research Infrastructure design study “GROOM” Gliders for Research, Ocean Observation and Management (WP2 = Integration into the GOOS) http://www.groom-fp7.eu 9 22 ~ 90 gliders in EU + « downstream » infrastructures + personel (~50 FTE) > 10,000 profiles / year (physical/biogeochemical) 20-30% of the global activity ~ 3-6 Meuro / year (consolidated) 1 16 14 10 13 2 2 3 Issues and challenges for gliders “main” gliderports Scientific, organizational, and technological issues (new paradigm: bidirectional communications) distributed all around the world OceanObs’09 recommendations: Best practice for gliders the formation of the global glider system; the adoption of standards and a “Argo” like data system for gliders; the setup of a network of shared resources and expertise; to establish the adoption of a common and accessible portal for glider data. users The 5 aspects of a Gliderport •System reviews •Gap analysis •Costs analysis An example of a fairly sophisticated glider port. Most important tasks covered but at great costs/efforts. •Recommendations •Standards •Protocols •Best practise •Design Networking towards a Glider EU Research Infrastructure coordination, sharing, exchange, standards (GERI) able to contribute to the GOOS (robust and sustained) engage new users (access), enable new applications Different aspects to consider for networking/pooling Need for a glider coordinator (Black) proposed tasks for the GERI (White) kept at the glider operator level Level of integration of the GERI agenda for the next years (2015-2017; 2017-2019; 2019+) Gliders and EuroGOOS • Systematic and long-term measurements, rapid interpretation and dissemination • Development of Operational Oceanography (EU Seas + adjacent oceans) • Foster European scale co-operation and integration on Operational Oceanography The way forward – GERI (Glider European Research Infrastructure): a distributed architecture in six EU ROOSes (+ global) for sustained glider repeated sections (gaps: shelf-open sea continuum, physics/biogeochemistry) Such a GERI is necessary for : coordination of the European contribution to a sustained marine observational system, towards a European Ocean Observing System (EOOS) working closely together with EU Marine Research Infrastructures, JPI Oceans, EMODnet, EU Copernicus Marine Service, EEA, ESA, EUMETSAT,… and EuroGOOS national/institutional members. EuroGOOS and a glider TT • Endorsement, visibility and more outreach/awareness for the gliders. • Networking with other obs. systems • Definition of a global glider program ; consensus on main scientific objectives ; links with the ROOSes and WGs/TTs • Help to set up a GERI (join the ESFRI roadmap?) – Better use of gliders (e.g. research, operational oceanography, in-situ/satellite comparisons, academic models, industry…) – Better coordination with the other in-situ and satellite components (legal entity: excellent science, scale economies, maritime law/traffic issues…) • Support for a glider coordinator and a glider committee Issues impact Desired outcomes ? Expect a snowball effect for (present and future) glider operators. Sustainability, capacity building and development. Terms of Reference for a glider TT in EuroGOOS 1. Act on behalf of the European part of the global glider community (EGO). Develop a glider component in the GOOS at the EU level together with international partners (USA, Australia, South Africa, Mexico, Peru, Chile,...). 2. Develop the European glider network, coordinate and assist the standardization of glider operations, data and applications. Ensure data availability, via EMODnet and ROOS data portals in particular. 3. Set up a framework for users and operators: 1. promoting glider applications through liaison between providers and users, advocacy, and provision of expert advice. 2. sharing success stories and difficulties 3. maintaining and sharing reference material on glider-related technologies (sensors, their protocols, readiness levels and specifications, data management standards, protocols) 4. providing and exchanging open source tools (piloting, maintenance, data QC and analysis, applications…) 5. promoting scientific synergies with other observing systems for key questions; filling gaps ! 6. promoting joint proposals 4. Contribute to the development of the European Ocean Observing System (EOOS), in the coastal area and in the open ocean. Establish a Glider European Research Infrastructure (GERI) to better sustain this glider activity. Work plan Promotion of the glider group (ToR 1) Action Term ToR and roadmap (this document) IP Core group definition, adding strategic members IP Draft an implementation plan for a glider component in the GOOS at the global scale, a common scientific international program for sustained glider observations ST Seek funding for joint/coordination activities ST Interact with existing initiatives in other countries (USA, Australia, South Africa, Mexico, Chile, Peru...) IP Development of standards (ToR 2) Action Term Publish and promote the results of the FP7 GROOM design study (website) IP Promote best practise with gliders, the usage of GROOM standards and formats (website) ST Develop tools for better monitoring the glider data flow MT Who/ToR/…? Who/ToR/…? Work plan Towards providing a framework to glider users (ToR 3) Action Term Create website for the group in the EuroGOOS framework. Organization of the information (topics) in the website (news, links, …?) ST Repositories for software ST ResearchGate group/topic? ST Organization of the next (7th) EGO meeting and Glider School in 2016 (and every two years) ST MT Towards the EOOS (Tor 4) Action Term Reporting on existing European and national glider initiatives (work plan, results…) ST Strengthen the network of “gliderports” IP Assess the sustainability of the glider activity. Help partners to join the ESFRI roadmap. MT Identify specific added value products of gliders that can be useful for specific stakeholders ST Who/ToR/…? Who/ToR/…? Related EU projects: AtlantOS, JERICO-Next, ENVRIplus, BRIDGES… … but a lot to do !!! Thank you ! EGO/GROOM ‘artistic’ view http://www.ego-network.org http://www.ego-cost.eu http://www.groom-fp7.eu http://www.groom-fp7.eu/doku.php?id=public:deliverables
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