FY2011 ANNUAL REPORT 2 | HI S T OR Y p Raymond T. Forsberg Riverside Galleries | Alan Stringfellow exhibition. H I STO RY | 3 MISSION & CONDENSED HISTORY The Waterloo Center for the Arts’ purpose is to initiate and further awareness, appreciation and support of the arts by a diverse audience. The Center is a municipal non-profit organization dedicated to fostering community awareness and appreciation of the arts by acquiring, preserving, exhibiting, and interpreting significant works of art. Operating under the direction of the Waterloo Cultural and Arts Commission, the Center and its programs reflect the City of Waterloo’s commitment to and support of dynamic arts and cultural opportunities. RECEN T HIS T OR Y (JULY 2010 – JUNE 2011) Accomplishment/Historical information • Renovated the west wing office area to create a public lounge • Began an updated lighting project for the Schoitz Rooms, new west wing lounge, etc • Visited the Bahamas on a research and development trip to plan an upcoming exhibition and symposium entitled Master Artists of the Bahamas • Started an Urban Gallery program this spring in three downtown storefront locations • Reached over $100,000 revenue in the Phelps Youth Pavilion • Developed new partnerships with Brown University and Rhode Island School of Design resulting in a major exhibition of Haitian artwork • Moved from having the largest public collection of Haitian artwork in the United States to now holding the largest collection in the world • Commissioned Steve Gerberich to create a memorial sculpture in honor of Dr. Dale Phelps • Dan Ankrum became the new contractor for the ArtHouse Café • Learn more about our history online at www.waterloocenterforthearts.org. 4 | DI R E C T OR ’ S L E T T E R DIREC TOR’S LE T TER It has been a good and productive year at the Waterloo Center for the Arts. We completed some much needed remodeling in many areas from adding new public space and furnishings to sprucing up staff offices. And this is the time of year that our whole outside blooms like crazy — thanks to a staff horticulturist! The building is “looking good”! We continue to be “wedding central” with a wedding reception scheduled every weekend — booked two years out! A good source of revenue for us and an affordable venue for the entire community! Yes — WEDDINGS, WEDDINGS, AND MORE WEDDINGS have tremendous economic impact as well! Just counting the last 4 Weddings, 200 Hotel rooms were booked, with visitors from over 17 states. Kent and I traveled to Nassau, Bahamas to meet artists and filmmakers, and begin research and development for the Master Artists of the Bahamas exhibition and symposium to be presented this fall. The exhibition and symposium support our collection and exhibition policies and will bring in 15 artists and filmmakers to participate in a symposium and gala exhibition opening. The exhibition will then travel around the country starting in 2012. Classes, workshops, public programs and particularly the Phelps Youth Pavilion have all enjoyed healthy participation again this year with new offerings in all areas. The Riverfront Renaissance projects are winding down and we are looking forward to not having construction surrounding us for the first time in almost seven years. When I am writing this letter next year — we will have experienced our first season of activity in the new Amphitheatre and have watched kids splash and play in Mark’s Splash Park — all adjacent to the Waterloo Center for the Arts and located on the newly dedicated Arts Plaza. D I RECTO R’ S LETTER | 5 We started an Urban Gallery program this spring in three downtown store front locations and are getting ready to install new exhibits this week. We also commissioned Steve Gerberich to create a commemorative kinetic play sculpture for the Youth Pavilion in memory of commission member, Dale Phelps — we look forward to its installation and dedication later this fall. Three commission members – Mary Ann Burk, Steve Showers, and Mike Broshar – who have been on the commission since its inception in 1999 and were instrumental in raising funds for the Phelps Youth Pavilion addition were awarded lifetime honorary status and have been invited to continue to attend monthly commission meetings. Their service was invaluable to the development of the new Cultural and Arts Commission and to the addition of the Phelps Youth Pavilion that opened in 2008. Many thanks to all three! Three new commissioners were appointed by Mayor Buck Clark; they are former Mayor Tim Hurley, Scott Cawelti and Katy Susong — we are delighted to have all three join us. A 40 year employee, Registrar, Marlene Ackerman retired this past year — she is very much missed by all, but continues to come back to volunteer her services. Elizabeth Andrews was hired to take her place and has hit the ground running! Welcome Elizabeth! Yes, a great year; and much more to come in the following year. Join us! CAMMIE SCULLY | D I R E C T O R 6 | MAJ OR AC C O M P L IS H M E N T S p Ceramic works from Clarence Alling: A Legacy in Art exhibition. FY2011 MA JO R A CCO MPLI SH MEN TS | 7 SN A PSHOT: A L O OK AT T HIS Y E A R ’S M A JO R A C C O M P L ISH ME N T S Visitors served in the building Phelps Youth Pavilion attendance Exhibitions presented throughout the building and across the nation Artworks added to the WCA collection, valued at $315,220 Artists’ work featured in the Holiday Arts Festival In-kind services and room rentals provided by the WCA Volunteers 113,411 23,671 28 404 69 $32,825 179 Volunteer hours contributed Value of volunteer labor from volunteers, interns, A ARP, 2,268 $55,076 Community Service and Facility Work Release staff Meetings, events and programs hosted at the WCA 1,625 Contract groups met at the WCA on a regular basis 21 Guided tours of WCA General obligation bond funds received for capital improvements Municipal support received (tax levy) Non-municipal support received Earned income (classes, room rentals, birthday parties, 123 $64,605 $854,878 $60,942 $185,988 admissions, memberships, tours) WCA Memberships A R T S 236 $84,408 Registrations fees for classes/programs/events $14,183 Room Rentals $57,913 Holiday Arts Festival $ 9,484 Miscellaneous $ 2,828 P HE L P S Y OU T H PAV IL ION $101,580 Admission $ 44,199 Membership $14,882 Tours $4,187 Birthday Parties $11,107 Gift Store $13,105 Art House Café (rent) McElroy Trust (World’s Greatest Spring Break for Kids Support) $4,100 $10,000 8 | E X HI B I T I ONS E XHIBITIONS S TAT E MEN T OF P URP OSE Exhibitions and related programs at the Waterloo Center for the Arts: (1)Present, complement, and enhance understanding and appreciation of the Center’s permanent collection. (2) Provide the community with opportunities and resources for the study, enjoyment, participation in and appreciation of the arts. (3) Are reflective of community interests, incorporating ideas and suggestions provided by a Collections/Exhibitions Advisory Committee. (4) Are balanced with respect to artists’ gender, ethnicity and artistic medium. COMMUNI T Y PA R T NE RSHIP S AEA 267, AmeriCorps, Brown University, Clear Lake Art Center, Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa, Dubuque Museum of Art, Friends of the Art Center, Hawkeye Community College, Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs, Iowa Arts Council, Iowa Watercolor Society, Jesse Cosby Neighborhood Center, Main Street Waterloo, Metropolitan Community College, Muscatine Art Center, Nicole Smith Gallery, Rhode Island School of Design, University of Northern Iowa, UNI-CUE, Waterloo Community Schools, Waterloo Public Library T HIS F ISC A L Y E A R : The Center presented 28 unique exhibits throughout its building and beyond. H A I T I A N C OL L E C T ION Ongoing Reuling-Feldman, Langlas Loft, Rotary-Lichty Sponsored by Friends of the Art Center, IDCA, City of Waterloo P R IN T S BY BE T T Y L A DU K E 7/1/09 – 8/31/10 West Gallery, Longfellow Concourse Sponsored by Friends of the Art Center, IDCA, WCA, City of Waterloo EXH I BI TI O N S | 9 P OR T R A I T S O F H A I T I: P HO T O GR A P H S 1/1/10 – 8/31/10 BY BIL L BOL L E NDOR F Creative Connections Gallery Sponsored by Friends of the Art Center, IDCA, WCA, City of Waterloo F iesta : A M e x ican C elebration 2/1/10 – 8/31/10 McElroy Junior Art Gallery III Sponsored by Friends of the Art Center, IDCA, WCA, City of Waterloo Waterloo A ll- S chool A rt 3/3/11 – 3/27/11 E x hibition Law Reddington Gallery Sponsored by Friends of the Art Center, IDCA, WCA, Waterloo Community Schools, City of Waterloo A rt on W heels : S kateboards 3/31/10 – 9/23/10 by Juno K err & P ete F errel Longfellow Concourse Gallery Sponsored by Friends of the Art Center, IDCA, WCA, City of Waterloo A rt In L ife / L ife In A rt: 4/16/10 – 8/29/10 New A dditions to the M e x ican Forsberg Riverside & Law-Reddington Galleries F olk A rt C ollection Sponsored by Friends of the Art Center, IDCA, WCA, Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa, City of Waterloo V iva M e x ico : P hotographs 4/16/10 – 6/31/11 by B arbara Goodbody East Gallery Sponsored by Friends of the Art Center, IDCA, WCA, City of Waterloo Painted Pages : C hildren ’s Books 10/1/10 – 6/31/11 Illustrated by Iowa A rtists McElroy Junior Art Gallery III Sponsored by Friends of the Art Center, IDCA, WCA, City of Waterloo 1 0 | E X HB I T I ONS K arl Z erbe : 19 6 0 ’s 10/1/10 – 1/23/11 Forsberg Riverside Galleries Sponsored by Friends of the Art Center, IDCA, WCA, City of Waterloo Grant W ood C ollection 2/11/11 – 6/31/11 Langlas Loft Gallery Sponsored by Friends of the Art Center, IDCA, WCA, City of Waterloo S elections F rom the A frican 2/11/11 – 6/31/11 A merican C ollection Watkins Foyer/Longfellow Concourse Galleries Sponsored by Friends of the Art Center, IDCA, WCA, City of Waterloo T he A rt of A llen S tringfellow 2/1/11 – 4/24/11 Forsberg Riverside Galleries Sponsored by Friends of the Art Center, IDCA, WCA, Nicole Smith Gallery, City of Waterloo R ichard D. Kopp : 2/1/11 – 4/24/11 A rt W ith A T wist Forsberg Riverside Galleries Sponsored by Friends of the Art Center, IDCA, WCA, City of Waterloo F roggie W ent A’ C ourting: 5/21/11 – 6/31/11 Illustrations by M arie Creative Connections Gallery C amille L entsch Sponsored by Friends of the Art Center, IDCA, WCA, City of Waterloo R oger B artlett: S eries 6 3 5/20/11 – 6/31/11 Forsberg Riverside Galleries Sponsored by Friends of the Art Center, IDCA, WCA, City of Waterloo C larence A lling: A L egacy In A rt 5/20/11 – 6/31/11 Law Reddington Gallery Friends of the art Center, IDCA, WCA, City of Waterloo EXH BI TI O N S | 11 Iowa Watercolor S ociety A nnual E x hibition 11/16/10 – 1/16/11 West Gallery/Longfellow Concourse Friends of the Art Center, IDCA, WCA, Iowa Watercolor Society, City of Waterloo Additional exhibitions presented outside of the Waterloo Center for the Ar ts: WA L L S O F F A M E : P OR T R A I T S O F C E DA R VA L L E Y HE R OE S BY Ongoing City Hall Gallery PACO ROSIC Sponsored by WCA, City of Waterloo IL L U MIN AT E D T R A DI T ION S W H E R E W E G AT H E R Ongoing Jesse Cosby Neighborhood Center Sponsored by WCA, City of Waterloo Mothers, M erchants & M ambos 10/19/10-11/19/10 Metropolitan Community College, Omaha NE WCA, Metropolitan Community College, City of Waterloo R eframing H aiti: A rt, History & P erformativity 2/23/11 – 5/29/11 Brown University & Rhode Island School of Design, WCA, City of Waterloo 1/31/10 – 3/7/10 Berrie Art Center, Ramapo College, Mahwah, NJ Sponsored by WCA, Haitian Art Society, Ramapo College, City of Waterloo T WELVE VIEWS OF WATER: WORKS BY NANCY PURINGTON 4/25/10 – 8/8/10 Dubuque Museum of Art WCA, Muscatine Art Center, Dubuque Museum of Art, City of Waterloo 10/5/10 – 11/14/10 Clear Lake Art Center WCA, Muscatine Art Center, Clear Lake Art Center, City of Waterloo P ublic A rt C ollection Ongoing Various downtown locations Friends of the Art Center, WCA, IDCA, City of Waterloo 1 2 | C OL L E C T IO N S COLLECTIONS S TAT E MEN T OF P URP OSE In fulfilling its role in the community, the Waterloo Center for the Arts collects, preserves and interprets significant works of art. To this end, a continued program of selective acquisitions is pursued. While acquisition, preservation and interpretation of the permanent collection are the responsibilities of the Waterloo Center for the Arts and the Waterloo Cultural & Arts Commission, the Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa holds the title to the collection. Each year we strive to build our collection through new acquisition of works of art within our collection priorities: THIS FISCAL YEAR: The Center acquired 404 pieces of artwork, valued at $315,320 For a list of the WCA’s new acquisitions, contact the Waterloo Center for the Arts. Acquisitions to the collection were made possible by these donors: Clarence Alling Virginia Phelps, wife of Dr. Gardner Phelps Strang & Baily Endowments Loree Rackstraw Lorraine Bastian-Jones Christa Saffran Janet Feldman Dean & Geraldine Schwarz Merry Elizabeth Foss Kent Shankle Friends of the Art Center Nicole Smith Ann & Edward Gessen Ute Stebich Larry Kent Community Foundation Richard D. Kopp & Lois Ann Kopp of Northeast Iowa Akkie Martens Acquisition Fund Matthew Morris & Frank Svehla Noël, Victoria, & Doré Newell Midwest Art 57 American Decorative Arts International Folk Art 96 Public Art Mexican Folk Art 43 Haitian/Caribbean Art Study Collection 0 Other 100 4 142 5 PH ELPS YO U TH PAVI LI O N | 13 p McElroy Junior Art Gallery III | Painted Pages: Children’s Books Illustrated by Iowa Artists. PH E L PS YO U T H PAV I L I O N STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Art launches a world of wonder, discovery and learning! The Phelps Youth Pavilion provides educational opportunities for youth to develop skills and explore art appreciation, aesthetic awareness, art history, and cultural diversity through visual and experiential activities. In Junior Art Galleries I and II permanent exhibits engage and inspire visitors of all ages, even infants and toddlers. The exhibits in Junior Art Gallery III change throughout the year, giving visitors exposure to a variety of artists by combining hands-on elements with a more traditional museum experience. Visitors can enjoy nearly 40 hands-on exhibit areas throughout the Phelps Youth Pavilion. [ THIS FISCAL YE AR, 2 3, 6 71 VISITORS E X PLORED THE PHELPS YOUTH PAVILION. [ 1 4 | P HE L P S Y OU T H PAV IL IO N New inside the Pavilion With support from the Guernsey Charitable Foundation, we introduced four new exhibits: Mirror Mirror, Wild Art, This Is What An Artist Looks Like, Make Some Noise and also renovated the exhibits My Own Art Museum and KIDStructure. Added safety features to Climb & Crawl Stairway Digital display in Art’s Workshop now showcases upcoming programs Installed automatic shades on the windows in JAG I to protect exhibits and enhance the visitor experience McELROY JUNIOR ART GALLERY l ARTISTS STUDIO Visions and Versions What If/Why Not Picture Perfect Mola Mania BLAST FROM THE PAST Prof. Paintspotz Time Machine A New View Diggin’ Art Tag Yourself Art in the Dark CARRIBEAN KINDER ISLAND Catch & Count Fishing Boat Great Starts Book Nook Finger Fun Digital Painting Sky Magic Mobile Tropical Toddlers Playhouse Feet Beat Steel Drum Living Colors Aquarium Tap-Tap Taxi Hand & Sand Activity Table Tiny Tots Tide Pool GRANT’S FARM ‘Round the Farm Activity Barn Hattie’s Garden Learn-A-Lot School House Hay Play Loft Make a Scene Milk & Moo Cow PH ELPS YO U TH PAVI LI O N | 15 McELROY JUNIOR ART GALLERY ll CLIMB AND CRAWL STAIRWAY ART’S WORKSHOP Modern Masters Gallery This is What An Artist Looks like FUNSTAGE & PUPPET PLAYHOUSE Mirror, Mirror CREATIVITY ACROSS CULTURES Where in the World? Mexico, India, Ghana, China, and Iran Pavilions Great Explorations Reading Corner CONSTRUCTION ZONE Bright Lights Building Blocks Big Block City Dream It, Design It KIDStructure Small House Dollhouse OUR GALLERY Face to Face Portraits pARTners Drawing Station Make Some Noise McELROY JUNIOR ART GALLERY III FIESTA! A MEXICAN CELEBRATION February 2, 2010 - August 31, 2010 In this exciting hands-on exhibit, visitors explored the celebrations of Mexico through a variety of art forms: music, dance, cuisine, and tradition. Objects from the museum’s permanent collection enhanced the experience and included masks, costumes, ceramics, statuary and crafts. Visitors learned about Mexico’s political holidays and the origin of their flag; they experienced Mexican culture through hands-on activities that featured: piñatas, Papel Picado, Catrina paper dolls, Day of the Dead Offrenda/Altar, sugar skull, quinceanera, invitation station, the Mexican Hat dance, Frida’s Kitchen, beaded masks, and Las Posadas. In a related art activity for school tour groups, students created their own faux Amate bark painting. 1 6 | P HE L P S Y O U T H PAV IL IO N PAINTED PAGES: Children’s Books September 1, 2010 - August 31, 2011 Illustrated by Iowa Artists Children’s books came to life in this exhibition that focused on illustrations by Iowa artists Gary Kelley, Jeni Reeves, Bonnie Koloc and Chaveevah Banks Ferguson. Original illustrations were displayed and hands-on activities enhanced the experience. Visitors compiled an “All About Me” book, color sorted, explored Jewish food traditions, participated in storytelling, a music activity, a memory game, read in the book nooks, cut out paper dolls, learned about manners, made birthday cards, played a glockenspiel, dressed up and danced, experienced classical music and the Blues, beaded a necklace, wrote a short story, and worked on puzzles. In a related art activity for school tour groups, students participated in reader’s theatre. SPECIAL PROGRAMS The Pavilion offers special programs throughout the year to make every visitor’s experience a memorable one! DOLLAR DAYS On the third Thursday of each month, the Phelps Youth Pavilion discounted its admission to $1/person and stayed open until 8:00pm. The Pavilion offered several special Dollar Days events throughout the year: HOLIDAY DOLLAR DAYS We have continued a special tradition every Sunday in December - $1 admission with a donated item for the Northeast Iowa Food Bank. PH ELPS YO U TH PAVI LI O N | 17 WORLD’S GREATEST SPRING March 12-20, 2011 BREAK FOR KIDS RJ McElroy Trust sponsored $1 admission for 9 days at 6 Waterloo attractions! Participating attractions included: Phelps Youth Pavilion, Bluedorn Science Imaginarium, Iowa Veterans Museum, Sullivan Brothers Iowa Veterans Museum, Grout Museum of Science and History, the National Wrestling Hall of Fame/Dan Gable Wrestling Museum, Black Hawk Children’s Theatre and Young Arena. 12,636 Total attendance at all venues (4,391 attendance at Phelps Youth Pavilion) SPECIAL PROMOTIONS Every Sunday Half Price Sundays half price admission September 12 Grandparent’s Day Free admission for Grandparents May 8 Mother’s Day Free admission for Moms June 19 Father’s Day Free admission for Dads NOON YEAR’S EVE PARTY December 31, 2010 This new family fun day was a great way for kids to ring in the new year! Special New Year’s crafts, snacks, games, singing Auld Lang Syne and a ball drop at 12:00/NOON made the party festive! Crafts included a 2011 banner, resolution magnet, New Year’s crown, noisemakers, and a countdown clock. This program was included in the cost of visitors’ daily admission. There were 176 participants. BLUE STAR MUSEUMS PARTNERSHIP WCA joined this program for the first time in May 2011. This is a partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts, Blue Star Families, and more than 1,300 museums across America to offer free admission to all active duty military personnel and their families Memorial Day through Labor Day. 1 8 | P HE L P S Y OU T H PAV IL IO N DROP-IN DAYS New this year were themed Drop-in Days. Families had the opportunity to get creative with flowers, magic, flags and more. All activities were free and included in visitors’ daily admission. SCHOOL INVOLVEMENT November 4-5, 2010 Mummys, Kitty’s & Kings January 12, 2011 Snowy Day Get Away February 11, 2011 Lovebirds & Other Feathered Friends April 7, 2011 Spring Has Sprung May 5, 2011 Moms, Mums & Magic May 8, 2011 Mother’s Day June 9, 2011 Fathers, Flags & Fun June 19, 2011 Father’s Day All Pavilion exhibits and activities reinforce educational standards and benchmarks. The Center had tour participation from schools across Eastern Iowa (including Cedar Rapids, Dyersville, Iowa Falls, West Union, Marion, Marshalltown and Hampton). SCHOOL TOURS Tours of the Pavilion brought classroom curriculum to life with hands-on learning! Tours and programs offered experiences that celebrated cultural diversity and explored the connections between individuals, communities, cultures and ideas. Transportation funding was available through a grant from the RJ McElroy for all youth-related tours. Survey Tour: General tour of the three galleries in the Pavilion led by a docent Focus Tour: Focus tours were docent-led, standards-based experiences focused on a specific topic and exhibit of the Pavilion with a related hands-on art activity. Focus tour options included: Grades K-3 – Where Grant Wood Stood. Grades 4-5 – Puppets, Performances, & Plays All Grades – Haitian Art Adventure PH ELPS YO U TH PAVI LI O N | 19 All Grades – Painted Pages: Children’s Books Illustrated by Iowa Artists All Grades – Fiesta! A Mexican Celebration GROUP TOURS Groups of 12 or more such as scouts, after-school programs, sororities/fraternities, college classes, businesses, and retirement communities can explore the Pavilion’s hands-on exhibits. $3/person Tour $5/person Tour & Craft Activity THIS FISCAL YEAR: 123 school/group tours took place, giving 4,108 visitors a unique handson tour experience. BIRTHDAY PARTIES The Pavilion was the perfect place to create special birthday memories! Parties were scheduled Saturdays at 11:00am and 3:00pm and Sundays at 2:00pm, with four party packages to choose from. This fiscal year, the pavilion hosted 68 birthday parties with 1,315 guests in the folloing ccategories: Mini-Party ($100) 21 Kit ($140) 34 Caboodle ($260) 12 Whole Kit and Caboodle ($600) 1 Preschool Story Preschoolers and parents enjoy time together with age & Craft Time appropriate, entertaining stories and related, hands-on activities. This program was held Wednesdays at 11:30am and was included with paid admission to the Pavilion. Trolley Kids Children, ages 7-14 rode the Trolley or dropped in to participate in a free 1-hour art activity every Tuesday and Thursday between 10am-4pm throughout June & July. Participants also received discounted ($3/person) admission to the Phelps Youth Pavilion. 642 children participated in Trolley Kids programming this year. 2 0 | C L AS S E S & W O R K S H O P S CL A SS E S & W O R K S H O P S STATEMENT OF PURPOSE To provide a diverse array of educational and cultural opportunities to people of all ages, abilities and socio-economic backgrounds. The classes and workshops held at the Waterloo Center for the Arts are created to interpret the Center’s permanent collection as well as to utilize all of the great spaces throughout the Center, including the Phelps Youth Pavilion, Ceramics, Digital Arts and Visual Arts Studios. THIS FISCAL YEAR: 1,285 people participated in our classes/workshops. Below lists all of this year’s offerings: JULY – AUGUST 2010 YOUTH & FAMILY Chalk it Up Intro to Drawing Clay Creations Little & Big Clay Buddies Clay Magic Puppets! Puppets! Puppets! Cupcake Critters Stitch It Together Try-It Family Tree Story & Craft Time for Fantasy Animals of Mexco Pre-Schoolers Folk Arts Workshop Toymaker Fun Food From Florence Trolley Kids Intro to Digital Photo Camp ADULTS & TEENS Art in the Outdoors Illustrator Clickabout ATC’s - Artist Trading Cards Intro to Dreamweaver Ballroom Dancing Just Glaze It! Batik Open Studio Beginning Screenprinting Wheelthrowing & Beginning Stained Glass Handbuilding Clay in the Classroom ‘Zines (Teen) Comic Book & Magna Drawing Digital Arts Camp Encaustic Painting Floral Design with a Magical Touch CLA SSES & W O RKSH O PS | 21 SEPTEMBER – DECEMBER 2010 YOUTH & FAMILY American Girl Series: Addy, Rebecca Leonardo the Terrible Boy’s Overnight: Oregon Trail Monster Buddy Up for Art Adventures: Spooky Cupcake Fun Drawing, Painting, Paper Magic Stitch a Spooky Spider Clay Magic Story & Craft Time for Draw Your Own Digital Comic Books Pre-Schoolers Fairy Houses Tree Weaving Family Yoga Write & Illustrate Your Girl’s Overnight: Laura Ingalls Wilder Own Digi-Story Holiday Around the World Intro to Digital Photography for Kids Kids’ Holiday Cooking: Gingerbread House, Holiday Cookies, Homemade Fudge ADULTS & TEENS ATCs - Artist Trading Cards Pilates Artful Last Minute Gifts Stained Glass: Batik Beginning & Beginning Drawing for Teens Intermediate Drawing in Multiple Media Watercolor Painting Encaustic Painting Sampler French Cooking Basics Wheel-a-thon! Life in Balance Yoga (2 sessions) Wheelthrowing & Oil & Acrylic Painting Handbuilding: Beginning Open Studio & Intermediate/Advanced Early Out Wednesdays: Ceramics (4 sessions) Early Out Wednesdays: Digital Arts Studio (4 sessions) 2 2 | C L AS S E S & W O R K S H O P S FEBRUARY – JUNE 2011 YOUTH & FAMILY Alice in Wonderland Mike Fink: An American Amazing Monoprint Folklore Hero Art Spark Adventures Camp (2 sessions) Mother’s Day Surprise Boy’s Overnight: Oregon Trail Olivia Forms a Band Breakfast with the Easter Bunny Paint Your Own Buddy Up For Art Adventures: Glassware Monsters, Bugs, & Things with Wings Painting Palooza I & II Clay Magic Story & Craft Time for Fairy Houses Pre-schoolers Father’s Day “Best Dad” Trophy Summer Digi Explorers From Lanterns & Lightning Bugs Teddy Bear Picnic Girls’ Overnight: Laura Ingalls Wilder The Art of Allen Good ‘Aye Mates! Stringfellow Workshop Hooray! It’s Clay (2 sessions) Trolley Kids Intermediate Digital Photography for Kids Intermediate Drawing Intro to Drawing (2 sessions) ADULTS & TEENS ATC’s – Artist Trading Cards Mosaic Masterpieces: Bronze Metal Clay Jewelry Bird Houses Clay and the Wheel: Open Studio An Introduction to Pottery Painting in Oils Comic Book & Manga Drawing & Acrylics (2 sessions) Cooking with Liquid Nitrogen Scottish Country Digital Photography Dance Club Early Out Wednesdays: Stained Glass Ceramics Studio (2 sessions) Early Out Wednesdays: Teen Sketchbook Studio Digital Arts Studio) The Essential Photoshop Exploring Precious Metal- Wheelthrowing & Clay Jewelry Handbuilding: Beginning Introduction to Scottish Country & Intermediate Dance (2 sessions) (2 sessions) CLA SSES & W O RKSH O PS | 23 Learning to See: An Introduction to Drawing Creating Signature Dishes: (Classes a la Carte Barbeque Ribs, Chicken Marsala, Mashed Potatoes and Rice Pilaf, Pan Roasted Chicken, Risotto) p Culturefest 2011 | Phelps Youth Pavilion craft activity booth Wire Wrapped Jewelry 2 4 | P R OGR AMS & E V E N T S PRO G R A M S & E V E N T S STATEMENT OF PURPOSE To provide a variety of cultural experiences and entertainment, both affordable and accessible, to patrons of all ages, abilities and socio-economic backgrounds. This includes outreach opportunities, where the Center provides programming throughout the community based on its programs, collections, and exhibitions (ie - presentations, workshops, educational sessions, exhibits, loaned collections, consultation, festivals/parades). THIS FISCAL YEAR: The Center offered 39 unique programs and events to the community. 4 Youth/Family 23 Teen/Adult 10 Outreach 15 Gallery receptions/talks YOUTH/FAMILY BREAKFAST WITH SANTA December 11, 2010 Santa and his reindeer stopped by WCA for a little preChristmas visit! Hundreds of visitors enjoyed a light breakfast, holiday wish-list making and photos with Santa and Art, the paintbrush kid. Admission included all the fun plus all day admission to the Phelps Youth Pavilion! CAREER ACADEMY February 24, 2011 Waterloo East and West High School freshmen students enrolled in the Arts, Business and Communication Career Academy spent half the day with WCA staff, learning about their education, job experiences and roles at the Art Center. The students then ate lunch and watched a Waterloo Community Playhouse performance before returning to school. 125 Students participated in this event. PRO G RA MS & EVEN TS | 25 CultureFest & March 3, 2011 All-School Art Culturefest featured live student performances, demonstrations, Exhibit Opening cultural displays and international food samplings, and targeted middle school students and their families. The evening was sponsored in part by the Waterloo Community Schools and Tyson Fresh Meats as well as many other community organizations. Art by students in grades K-12 in Waterloo’s public and parochial schools was exhibited in The annual All School Art Exhibition that opened that night Breakfast with April 16, 2011 the Easter Bunny The Easter Bunny hopped over to the WCA! Hundreds of visitors enjoyed a light breakfast, holiday crafts and photos with the Easter Bunny and Art, the Paintbrush Kid. Admission included all the fun plus all day admission to the Phelps Youth Pavilion! TEEN ADULT Rooftop Jazz & Blues July 3, 2010 Annual fundraiser sponsored by the Friends of the Art Center, featured live music by The Ed East Quartet, food vendors, and a great view of the Jaycees downtown fireworks. Riverside CAFÉ Monthly summertime series featuried live music and, gourmet catered luncheons by Moment in Thyme Catering, were held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month (June - September) 6/16/10 Washut-Merz Duo 7/21/10 Betsey Kratoska, pianist 8/18/10 Kara Rewerts, pianist 9/15/10 frje echeverria, guitarist 2 6 | P R OGR AMS & E V E N T S Jazz on the Cedar Series Monthly summertime series featuring an evening of live music with beverages and food available for purchase; held on the 4th Wednesday of each month (June – September). HCC Ceramics Program 7/28/10 Equilateral 8/25/10 Galactic Cowboy Orchestra Randall’s Catering Olive Garden 9/22/10 Scot Jon Trio Randall’s Catering 6/22/11 Ed East Latin Jazz Red Lobster & Famous Dave’s August 2010 - May 2011 The Center’s Ceramics Studio is home to all Ceramics courses offered by Hawkeye Community College. Film Series Cinema at the Center for the Arts: Film Noir Participants were transported back to Hollywood in the 1940’s/50’s where the private eye, gangster and femme fatal mingled and the hard-boiled crime drama was king. In this 5-part film series, the intriguing genre of film noir and its many facets were explored. 4/5/11 Laura (1944) 5/3/11 Out of the Past (1947) 6/7/11 The Big Sleep (1946) 7/5/11 Caught (1957) 8/2/11 Mildred Pierce (1945) Performance Art Four-part series featured an international cast of performance Series: Vertigo 2010 artistsl; sponsored in part by the University of Northern Iowa, the Fairy Godfather Fund, UNI College of Humanities & Fine Arts and Stella’s Guest House. 10/ 8/10 Faith Johnson 10/15/10 Lewis Colburn 10/29/10 Tony Schwensen 11/5/10 Paul Waddell PRO G RA MS & EVEN TS | 27 Holiday Arts Festival November 13-14, 2011 Annual arts festival featured artwork for sale from the finest Midwest artists working in wood, metal, clay, glass, print, painting and more. It was the perfect way to start holiday shopping! Lunch was available from the ArtHouse Café. The Friends of the Art Center hosted an Artist’s Party the evening of Saturday, November 13th, featuring music by Sharon Anway. This year’s festival featured 69 artists. Winter Music Series This new program featured well-known, local bands and served as a fundraiser to support the Center’s expanding programs and exhibits. This concert series was held on Friday nights, 7:00-11:00pm. Food was available for purchase by Randall’s Catering. Sponsored by the Friends of the Art Center. 1/7/11 Come As You Art Dynaflows 2/11/11 Bob Dorr & the Blue Band 3/4/11 Checker & the Bluetones April 1, 2011 An evening of dancing, dining and mingling with Cedar Valley artists and the legends of art was sponsored by the Friends of the Art Center. Music was provided by Milk and Honey, there was also live artmaking, complimentary appetizers, cash bar, silent auction, and more! At the event patrons purchased original canvas artworks created by local celebrities, artists and students. Three original artworks were also created during the event by local artists and then auctioned off at the end of the evening. Group Tours Visitors of all ages enjoyed unique tours of the Center’s galleries. Scouts, after-school programs, sororities/fraternities, college classes, businesses, and retirement communities enjoyed learning about the Center’s collections and exhibits. $3/person Tour $5/person Tour & Craft Activity 2 8 | P R OGR AMS & E V E N T S ARTIST GALLERY TALKS & RECEPTIONS The community was invited to meet and greet our featured artists. The receptions included gallery talks and/or tours of the exhibitions. Friends of the Art Center sponsored and hosted the following receptions/gallery talks: October 28, 2010 Maria Zerbe Norton Gallery Talk - Karl Zerbe 1960s November 4, 2010 Artist Panel Discussion - Art & the Environment: Where We Gather November 7, 2010 Scott Cawelti & Friends. Local songwriter, musician and columnist Scott Cawelti wrote music to compliment a collection of James Hearst’s poetry. Scott and several local vocalists/ musicians performed his original music. April 3, 2011 Richard Kopp: Art With a Twist April 14, 2011 Gary Kelley - Book Reading April 17, 2011 Gary Kelly - Gallery Talk: Painted Pages April 22, 2011 Earth Day Film Festival - Sponsored by the Cedar River Festival Group, WCA and Grout Museum April 30, 2011 Jeni Reeves - Gallery Talk: Painted Pages May 3, 2011 Nicole Smith - Gallery Talk: Allen Stringfellow Exhibition May 12, 2011 Chaveevah Banks Ferguson - Gallery Talk: Painted Pages May 15, 2011 Chaveevah Banks Ferguson & Jeffrey Ferguson - Book Reading May 19, 2011 Roger Bartlett: Series 63 - Gallery Talk May 21, 2011 Frogelletto & Miss Mousie: Froggie Went a ‘Courtin Performance by Marie Camille Lentsch June 2, 2011 Clarence Alling: A Legacy in Art - Dean Schwarz June 17, 2011 Urban Gallery Opening Reception & Workshop PRO G RA MS & EVEN TS | 29 OUTREACH Peet Junior HighOngoing Art activities offered in after school programs Wartburg College November 10, 2010 Curator and Education Director participated in a panel discussion Masonic Temple December 4, 2010 WCA instructed creation of fanals for visitors to Main Street Waterloo’s Lights the Night holiday activities; Waterloo West High School December 10, 2010 Digital Arts Lecture for select art students in a graphic design class Hudson Public Library Januray 19, 2011 Education staff read a book and led children in a related “dragon” craft University of Northern Iowa March 7, 2011 Department of Art, portfolio-prep workshop Child & Baby Expo of Iowa April 9, 2011 Provided children’s activities for parents and families My Waterloo Days June 3-4, 2011 Participated in the parade and art activities in the Kids Zone Hawkeye Community College June 24, 2011 Offered craft activities during the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life event Sturgis Falls June 25-26, 2011 Provided art activities in the Kidsway Tent 3 0 | R OOM R E NTA L S RO O M R E N TA L S STATEMENT OF PURPOSE To offer creative spaces, quality services and affordable pricing in our room rental program. The Waterloo Center for the Arts offers a scenic river setting with easy access for visitors, featuring spaces designed for cozy meetings or large banquets. Guests enjoyed the changing displays of art throughout the Center and pleasant outdoor spaces overlooking the Cedar River. Renting a space at the Center offers amenities such as catering through the ArtHouse Café (or guests may provide their own catering), beverage service, AV equipment, piano, risers, tables, chairs, light and sound equipment, art-based programming for a unique team-building experience, kids’ activities and educational programming. The Center hosted several major community events such as the Woodcarvers Show, Coin Club Show, Gem & Mineral Show, Quilt Show, and the Junior League Fall Fundraiser. The room capacities listed below may vary based on room setup. Room Dykeman Conference Room 6 Short Conference Room 10 Media Gallery 20 Visual Arts Studio 35 Rotary Room 25 Hurwich Room Law Court Theatre Watkins Grand Foyer Petersen Town Hall Schoitz River Room(s) I-III Hope Martin Theatre [ Capacity 30 125 (theatre seating) 125 150 50-250 368 (theatre seating) Rotary Rooftop Deck 125 (outdoors) Riverwalk Sculpture Plaza 150 (outdoors) Hurley/McCoy Rooftop Deck 100 (outdoors) THIS FISCAL YEAR, THE CENTER HOSTED 1,625 MEETINGS, EVENTS/PROGRAMS, INCLUDING 27 WEDDINGS/RECEPTIONS, AND 21 CONTRACT GROUPS. ] G I FT STO RE | 31 G IF T ST O RE STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The Gift Store provides arts and educational materials to support and enhance the Center’s collections, exhibitions and programs. Merchandise includes handmade artwork by artists working in ceramics, glass, fiber and metal, plus a wide selection of children’s toys, books, games, and puzzles. The Store offers special discounts to tour groups, Waterloo Community Playhouse theater-goers, ArtHouse Café diners, and hosts book signings, special events and special events. Open Tuesday – Saturday 10:00am – 4:00pm, Sunday 1:00 – 5:00pm Fall Sale October 11-16, 2010 Holiday Sale November 13-14, 2010, during Holiday Arts Festival Winter Sale December 13-18, 2010 Spring Sale March 12-19, 2011 Book Signing March 16, 2011, guest author: Joanne Schafer Book Signing April 14, 2011, guest author: Richard Kopp THIS FISCAL YEAR: the Gift Store featured 240 artists and brought in $13,105 total revenue 3 2 | A R T HOUS E C A F É A RT H OU S E C A F É STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The ArtHouse Café served daily lunches and provided catering services for the Center. The ArtHouse Café welcomed Chef Dan Ankrum in July 2010 as the contractor to run the daily café and to offer catering services. Over the past year, Dan expanded his catering business, continued to offer a unique and local foods menu, specialized in vegan entrees, and was recognized with several prestigious awards. His luncheon menu included homemade soups, salads, desserts, vegan and vegetarian options. Chef Dan prides himself on using as many local products as possible. His creative catering and monthly spotlight features on KWWL-TV increased the profile of the ArtHouse Café in the community. The Café also began offering monthly ‘pop-up dinners’ in May 2011 – these were very successful, featuring an array of new menus and experiences. Open Tuesday – Saturday 11:00am – 2:00pm FRI EN D S O F TH E A RT CEN TER | 33 F RIE ND S O F T H E A R T C E N T E R STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Friends of the Art Center is an organization dedicated to volunteerism and financial support and promotion of cultural programs, events, exhibitions, collections of the Waterloo Center for the Arts. Led by a volunteer Board of Directors, the Friends of the Art make things happen at the Waterloo Center for the Arts by: n Supporting the Center’s vision to be the cultural crossroads for visitors of all ages n Strengthening the impact of cultural opportunities in the Cedar Valley n Supporting the Center’s diverse programming, from hosting gallery talks and art exhibition receptions to underwriting classes and events n Supporting free and low-cost arts programming, making the arts accessible to everyone n Annually awarding two competitive art scholarships to graduating high school seniors through the Raymond T. Forsberg Memorial and Marilyn S. Hurley Memorial Scholarship Funds n Purchasing works of art for the Center’s permanent collection n Sponsoring and coordinating events such as Come As You Art, Rooftop Jazz & Blues, the Winter Music Series, and artist receptions This fiscal year: the Friends of the Art Center raised $45,374 ($17,600 events and $27,774 alcohol sales) to support the Center’s mission. 3 4 | ME MB E R S H IP MEMBERSHIP STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Membership to the Waterloo Center for the Arts supports the Center’s educational mission, collections, and exhibition programing. This year we combined our two membership programs (Phelps Youth Pavilion Passports and Friends of the Art Center membership) into one simple Waterloo Center for the Arts membership program. By combining the benefits of these two programs, new and current members were rewarded with more benefits and discounts; and encouraged to participate in more than one of our programs. We also introduced a Corporate Membership program this year to broaden our reach to the business community. Individual/Family Memberships Become a member for unlimited access to high-quality arts experiences and great benefits for your entire family! Joining the Waterloo Center for the Arts membership program gives you discounts and free admission to the Pavilion and hundreds of other museums, among other great benefits! Membership Levels: $65 $100 $150 $250 $500 Individual Family/Grandparent Family Duo Family Duo Plus Patron The Waterloo Center for the Arts also participates in the North American Reciprocal Membership Program - where members at the Family Duo Plus level and above can receive free admission to more than 350 museums across the US. The Phelps Youth Pavilion is also a proud member of the Association of Children’s Museum’s Reciprocal Membership Program - which gives our members at the Family Duo level and above free admission to hundreds of children’s museums across the world. VO LU N TEERS | 35 Corporate Memberships The Business of Art: WCA corporate membership gives area businesses/ organizations a creative perk. It gives businesses and their employees rewarding benefits and directly supports the Center’s educational mission, collections, and exhibition programming. Membership Levels: $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 Level I Up to 50 employees Level II Up to 100 employees Level III Up to 200 employees Level IV Up to 300 employees Level V Up to 400 employees Level VI 401+ employees THIS FISCAL YEAR: 236 individuals/families benefited from our membership program. 3 6 | V OL UNT E E R S VO L U N T E E R S STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Volunteers are key to making the operations, events and programs at the Waterloo Center for the Arts happen. A variety of opportunities exist for people of all interests and abilities: n Cultural and Arts Commission n Friends of the Art Center Board of Directors n Committees: n Birthday Buddy n Community Service Workers n Docent/Tour Guide n Facility Work Release Program n Internships n Assistants: - Collections/Exhibitions Committee of WCA and Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa - Building and Grounds Committee - Education Committee - Marketing/Development Committee - Public Art Committee - Visitor Services Committee - Waterloo Community Playhouse/ Waterloo Center for the Arts Joint Committee - Gallery Assistant - Gift Store Assistant - Phelps Youth Pavilion Assistant - Office Operations - Special Event/Program Assistant We are a new member of the Volunteer Center of the Cedar Valley, an organization who helps publicize our volunteer opportunities. They bring people and the community together in volunteer efforts that benefit everyone. THIS FISCAL YEAR: The Center utilized 179 volunteers contributing 2,578 hours, resulting in a value of $ 59,076 of volunteer labor. The estimated dollar value of volunteer time for 2010 is $21.36 per hour. CO MMU N I CATI O N | 37 CO M M U NICAT I O N STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The Center strives to effectively design, promote, and publicize the Waterloo Center for the Arts’ collections, exhibitions, programs, and events to a diverse audience. With the ever-changing world of communication, the Center strives to utilize both traditional and unique approaches. PRINT/DIRECT MAIL Annual Report Brochures Flyers Rack Cards Press Releases Posters PSAs School/daycare flyers Travel/welcome center rack cards Waterloo Community Playhouse program inserts ONLINE We utilize a variety of online resources to promote our exhibits, programs and events: Email distribution www.iowaartscouncil.org www.waterloocenterforthearts.org www.cedarfallstourisum.org www.phelpsyouthpavilion.orgwww.easterniowatourism.org www.cityofwaterlooiowa.com www.associationofmidwestmuseums.com www.travelwaterloo.comwww.acm.org www.traveliowa.comwww.narm.com www.wcfcourier.comwww.iowamuseums.org www.kwwl.comwww.silosandsmokestacks.org events.desmoinesregister.comwww.wegoplaces.com www.haitianartsociety.org www.facebook.com (“Waterloo Arts” and “Waterloo Center for the Arts”) www.tweeter.com (“WCA_PYP”) OTHER Billboards Community presentations Discount coupons Community donations Movie Theatre advertising TV (public access & cable) Radio Articles and media stories WCA Marquee 3 8 | C OMMUNI C AT IO N Our websites have been great tools for disseminating information to members and potential visitors, and have garnered attention from thousands of individuals. Below are some website statistics: www.waterloocenterforthearts.org n n n 12,086 webpage visits from 58 countries/territories 8,455 webpage visits from 173 cities in Iowa. The top 5 cities include: www.phelpsyouthpavilion.org n n 11,200 webpage visits from 49 countries/territories 8,530 webpage visits from 196 cities in Iowa. The top 5 cities include: - Waterloo (3,505 visitors) - Waterloo (2,880 visitors) - Cedar Falls (1,764 visitors) - Cedar Falls (1,894 visitors) - Cedar Rapids (1,087 visitors) - Cedar Rapids (1,243 visitors) - Des Moines (362 visitors) - Waverly (379 visitors) - Waverly (219 visitors) - Des Moines (298 visitors) Top 5 referral sites include: n Top 5 referral sites include: - phelpsyouthpavilion.org (940 visitors) - waterloocenterforthearts.org (2,107 visitors) - ci.waterloo.ia.us (211 visitors) - waterloocvb.org (500 visitors) - waterloocvb.org (178 visitors) - childrensmuseums.org (464 visitors) - cedarfallstourism.org (134 visitors) - facebook.com (142 visitors) - artcyclopedia.com (97 visitors) - google.com (101 visitors) THIS FISCAL YEAR: The Center placed 47 print advertisements, mailed 18 direct mail pieces to a mailing list of 4,556 patrons, placed 3 billboards, emailed 25 e-news blasts to 1,603 patrons, and utilized 455 local, regional, and national media outlets to distribute 75 press releases. FI N A N CE / S U PPO RT | 39 p Summertime at the Waterloo Center for the Arts. F INA NCE /SU P P O R T STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The WCA strives to be fiscally responsible and to diversify its funding sources. FINANCIAL SUPPORT & REVENUE $60,942 Federal Grants $6,000 Foundation Grants State Grants $4,250 $29,348 Municipal-Hotel Motel Grants $8,000 Individual Grants $5,888 Annual Campaign $7,022 Annual Campaign - Endowment Donations $100 Grant support provided by: Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa, R.J. McElroy Trust, Silos and Smokestacks, Vision Iowa, Waterloo City Council Discretionary Hotel-Motel Fund, Waterloo Convention & Visitors Bureau Hotel-Motel Tax Fund, Target Corporation, Brown University, Humanities Iowa. 4 0 | F I NANC E ARTS $84,408 Registrations fees for classes/programs/events $14,183 Room Rentals $57,913 Holiday Arts Festival $9,484 Miscellaneous $2,828 PHELPS YOUTH PAVILION $101,580 Admission $44,199 Membership $14,882 Tours $4,187 Birthday Parties $11,107 Gift Store $13,105 Art House Café $4,100 McElroy Trust-World’s Greatest Spring Break for Kids Support CIT Y-TA X LEV Y $10,000 $854,878 FRIENDS OF THE ART CENTER SUPPORT $45,376 Come As You Art, Winter Music Series, Rooftop Jazz and Miscellaneous $17,601 Alcohol Sales $27,775 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS (General Obligation Bonds) $64,605 Building Maintenance: Roof and fountain repairs $8,062 Improvements: Remodeled: west wing coffee room, counters, floors, walls; carpet in Short’s Conference Room, copy room & office area. Repairs to Schoitz room: LCD projector bulbs, large projector screen, track lighting system; Youth Pavilion: electric shades, toners, rings, padding; Other: expanded wireless access points, table carts, vacuum, collection storage materials, limestone coffee table, glass coffee tables, three color laser printers, large format scanner, emergency button for phones, sprinkler system, ice machine, dishwashers, backflow system for theatre, snow blowers, East Wing reception desk remodeled, expanded/repaired security camera system. $56,543 IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS $241,141 Total value of in-kind room rentals we provided to community organizations Total value of in-kind labor we received $32,825 $104,158 Volunteers * $48,455 Interns (310 hours) * $6,621 AARP Program * $28,275 Facility Work Release Program † $13,412 Community Service Workers † * Based of Governor’s Wage of $21.36 $7,395 † Based on minimum wage of $7.25 G I VI N G BA CK TO TH E CO MMU N I TY | 41 ADDITIONAL IN-KIND CONTRIBUTORS Abbie Steere Famous Dave’s Megan McRae Alicia Faust Friends of the Art Center Megan Rash Amanda Ganier Gina James Michelle Beal Amy McConnell Hank’s Bait & Tackle Mike Guild Andrew McCormick Hannah Rohrer Milk & Honey Angela Pease Hawkeye Community College Mitchell Grubb Barbara Fedeler Horticulture Dept. Molly Anderson Bill Gronen Heidi Fuchtman Monica Edecker Bob Dorr & the Blue Band Janet Feldman Nancy Neessen Bonnie Winninger Jessica Murrow Nicole Smith Brennan Tegeler Joan Webster Vore Olive Garden Bryant Medhus Joanne Moore Pioneer Printing Cammie Scully Joe Cook Pittsburgh Paint &Glass Carlos Aguero Joe Shinkey Quality Inn & Suites Carolyn Carpenter Johanna Kramer-Weston Petersen & Tietz: Greenhouse Chandler Good Jorge Rodriguez & Garden Center Chawne Paige Julia Pedersen Randall’s Catering Checker & the Bluetones Julie Rash Ulven Red Lobster Chrissy Schweiger Karla Flattery Richard D. & Lois Ann Kopp Christa Saffran Katie Hoobler Ronda Rapp Clarence Alling Katie Tunis Rose Middleton Community Foundation Katy Susong Scheels, Cedar Falls of Northeast Iowa Keith & Leila Welch Shanda Steere Danielle Dohlman Ken Warren Stella’s Guesthouse & Gardens Dean & Geraldine Schwarz Kent Shankle Strang and Baily Endowments Deidra Noborikawa Larry Kent Studio L Glassworks Dennis Duggan Lilli Meyers Teri Rule Sheehan Dennis Peterka Lindsey Keast Terry Knapp Devin Hanson Lindsey Shinkey Terry Rice Diane Peterka Loree Rackstraw The Family of Marie C. Cook Doug Tensen Lori Dale The Greenspot (Manchester) Dynaflows Lorraine Bastian-Jones Tim Flynn East High School Art Students Lynn Montague Tim Kuhlmann Ed and Ann Gessen Margaret Whiting Ute Stebich Emily Steere Marie Camille Lentsch Wendy S. Miller Emily Timmermans Matthew Morris & Frank Svehla Erin Pilcher Maureen Hastings 4 2 | GI V I NG B AC K T O T H E C O M M U N IT Y GIVING BACK TO THE COMMUNITY STATEMENT OF PURPOSE We Give to You. You Give to Others. We all Give Thanks. n We gave back to local schools and nonprofit organizations’ fundraisers by donating $2,960 n School tour participants received $1 off admission coupon for future visits to the Pavilion. n With the help of 126 visitors, the Pavilion donated 197 pounds of food to the Northeast from the Phelps Youth Pavilion and $431 from the Gift Store. Iowa Food Bank during its Holiday Dollar Days promotion, where every Sunday in December was $1/person admission plus an item for the Northeast Iowa Food Bank. n Center staff donated 37 toys for the Salvation Army’s Annual Toy Drive in December. n Donated $32,825 in room rentals to community organizations n Staff provided professional services in their area of expertise to a variety of organizations. n We donated 3,300 pounds of scrap metal to Habitat for Humanities’ fundraiser. n We donated unused tables, chairs, other materials to city departments, Waterloo n Provided $9,192 in-kind value in discounted admission through our Dollar Days program n Discounted admission for school tour groups to $1, resulting in $8,036 in-kind value of Community Playhouse and Community United Child Care Centers. discounted admission value for these groups. STAFF AFFILIATIONS & COMMITTEES The Waterloo Center for the Arts staff is involved with local and regional associations and organizations to further the mission of the Center in the community and beyond. Staff has been affiliated with the following organizations: American Advertisers Federation Cedar Valley River Renaissance American Association of Museums City of Waterloo Association of Children’s Museums Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa: Scholarship Committee Association of Midwest Museums Cedar Falls Tourism & Visitor’s Bureau Eastern Iowa Tourism Association Friends of the Art Center Cedar Valley Cultural Alliance: Education Committee Greater Cedar Valley Chamber of Commerce: Ambassadors, Wing Ding, TRC Committees Cedar Valley Arboretum & Botanical Gardens Haitian Art Society Cedar Valley Coalition Institute of Museums and Library Services Cedar Valley’s Promise: Early Childhood Education Task Force, After School Task Force Iowa Arts Council: Artist Roster, Board of Directors, Scholarship Committee STA FF / B O A RD / C O MMI TTEE | 43 Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs Riverfront Renaissance Design Committee Iowa Division of Tourism Rotary Club, downtown Waterloo: Board of Directors, Foundation Day Committee Iowa Museum Association: Advocacy Committee, Development Committee Silos and Smokestacks Iowa Public Art Network Taskforce Volunteer Center of the Cedar Valley Junior Achievement of Eastern Iowa Leave A Legacy Iowa Waterloo Community Playhouse & Black Hawk Children’s Theatre Main Street Waterloo: Design Council, Marketing/Promotions Council Waterloo Convention & Visitor’s Bureau: Board of Directors Museum Store Association Watrloo Schools Academic Academy Advisory Committee North American Reciprocal Membership Program WESCO Board (Waterloo Expo Services Corp.) STAFF/BOARD/COMMITTEE LISTINGS FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES CAMMIE SCULLY EX E CUT IVE DIRE CT OR PAULETTE HAWKENSON F I N AN C E MAN AGE R ELIZABETH ANDREWS JOHANNA KRAMER-WESTON RE GIST RAR P UB L I C P R OGR AM C OOR DI N AT OR ( FEBRUARY 2 0 1 1 – P RE SE NT ) BRANDON CANNON MAUREEN NEWBILL MAINT E NANCE V I S I T OR S E R V I C E S MAN AGE R CAROLYN CARPENTER CHAWNE PAIGE PHE LP S YOUT H PAVILION MANAGE R DI GI TAL AR T S MAN AGE R LONZO COLEMAN KENT SHANKLE MAINT E NANCE SUP E RVISOR C UR AT OR / AS S I S TAN T DI R E C T OR SHANNON FARLOW KENNETH WARREN D E VE LOP ME NT / MARKE T ING DIRE CT OR P R E PAR AT OR / T E C HN I C I AN MICHAEL GUILD BONNIE WINNINGER FACILIT IE S MANAGE R E DUC AT I ON DI R E C T OR 4 4 | STAF F / I N S T R U C T O R S / I N T E R N S PART-TIME EMPLOYEES Jennifer Allan Lindsay Keast Elizabeth Porter Kelly Anders Amy Kiefer Hannah Rohrer Brittany Christopherson Angie Kramer David Scott Lindsey Christopherson Elizabeth Kratoska Melissa Sinnott Martha Claassen JoLyn Lennox Linda Stejskal Dennis Duggan Hanna Mayhew Antoinette Stoner Rick Foster Lynsie Maynard Corah Webber William Gronen Amy McConnell Michelle Byrd-Williams Kasandra Harrington Chase Miller Maureen Hastings Nancy Neessen CONTRACTED INSTRUCTORS Penny Azbill Lindsey Keast Karen Potter Sharon Anway Lisa McClurg Eric Quinn Eric Bonzer Hannah Mayhew Doug Reynolds Azure Cross-Corell Nancy Neessen Teri Rule Sheehan Sara Jayne Cole Wendy Niemeyer Elizabeth Sparkman Lori Dale Peggy Nova Karen Summerson Carol Dorr Jeff Olsen Gail Gavlock Hilda Ostby VOL UN T E E R IN T E RNS Lindsay Keast Becca Fagerlind Melissa Murray Marshall Allen B O A RD S / C O MMI TTEES | 45 CULTURAL & ARTS COMMISSION BOARD Karol Rae Hoth | Chair Bill Blake Mike Broshar | Honorary member Mary Ann Burk | Honorary member Scott Cawelti David Deeds Golnar Buchanan Tim Hurley Dianne Phelps Tom Langlas Steve Showers | Barbara Heitzman Katy Susong Marilyn DeKoster Carolyn Cole Honorary member FRIENDS OF THE ART CENTER BOARD Rose Middleton | P resident Catherine Leipold Cindy Wells Kelly Anders Lynsie Maynard Carolyn Carpenter Bob Coyle Andrew McCormick Johanna Kramer-Weston | S taff Jym Guyer Terry Rice Cammie Scully | S taff Sarah Glascock Edward Shannon MARKETING/DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Golnar Buchanan | Chair Megan Hannam Chris Nelson Olds Mary Ann Burk Wes Heitzman Cammie Scully | S taff Vicki Collum Karol Rae Hoth Katy Susong Shannon Farlow | Staff Tom Langlas Abbie Vandenakker Marsha Fisher Susan Lewis WATERLOO COMMUNITY PLAYHOUSE/ WATERLOO CENTER FOR THE ARTS JOINT COMMITTEE Mike Broshar | Chair David Hildahl Tom Langlas Dodie Dunn Karol Rae Hoth Cammie Scully | S taff Mike Guild | Staff Danny Katz Chuck Stillwill COLLECTIONS/EXHIBITIONS COMMITTEE Steve Showers | Chair George Day Cammie Scully | S taff Elizabeth Andrews | Staff Ann Enderlein Kent Shankle | S taff Kim Behm Jean Hall Tom Stancliffe Mary Ann Burk Rosalyn Middleton Aaron Wilson Bob Coyle Dianne Phelps 4 6 | C OMMI T T E E S / P R O F E S S IO N A L D E V E L O P M E N T PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE Dianne Phelps | Chair Jim Kerns Cammie Scully | S taff Noel Anderson Jeff Kurtz Kent Shankle | S taff Billie Bailey Susan Lewis Tom Stancliffe Kevin Blanshan Chawne Paige | S taff Darrell Taylor Mike Broshar Dan Perry Mary Ellen Warren David Deeds Craig Ritland Paul Huting Doug Schindel PROGRAMS/EDUCATION COMMITTEE Marilyn DeKoster | CO-Chair Donna Huff Kent Shankle | S taff Barbara Heitzman | CO-Chair Lynsie Maynard Bonnie Winninger | S taff Carolyn Carpenter | Staff Carole Hickens Chawne Paige | S taff Jan Rowray BUILDING & GROUNDS COMMITTEE Steve Showers | Chair Mike Broshar Bill Blake Mike Guild | S taff Kent Shankle | S taff Cammie Scully | S taff VISITOR SERVICES/GIFT STORE COMMITTEE Marilyn DeKoster | CO-Chair Maureen Newbill | S taff Barbara Heitzman | CO-Chair Bill Blake Scott Cawelti STAFF CONFERENCES & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Annual Haitian Art Conference Development workshop Iowa Museum Association Iowa Museum Association Collections Care workshop | 47 p Urban Art Galleries Project: Marsh Place Gallery | Sculpture installation by artist Sarah Kolar. 225 Commercial Street Waterloo, Iowa 50701-1313 Gallery Hours Tuesday-Saturday 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Sunday 1:00 - 5:00 pm Mondays Closed to the Public Phone (319) 291-4490 Fax (319) 291-4270 www.waterloocenterforthearts.org www.phelpsyouthpavilion.org © 2 011 Waterloo Center for the Ar ts. All Rights Reser ved. The Waterloo Center for the Ar ts is suppor ted in par t by the City of Waterloo, Iowa Ar ts Council, a division of the Iowa Depar tment of Cultural Af fairs, Community Foundation of Nor theast Iowa, Cit y of Waterloo Hotel-Motel Ta x Fund, and Friends of the Ar t Center.
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