C6 BioFarm: A Sustainability Game for Learning the Role of a Bio

C6 BioFarm: A Sustainability Game for Learning the Role of a Bio-­‐based Economy CenUSA Grant K-­‐12 Extension Outreach Jay Staker April 9, 2015 The C6 Team •  Sponsored by: –  CenUSA Bioenergy Grant supported by Agriculture and Food Research IniMaMve CompeMMve Grant No. 011-­‐68005-­‐30411 from the USDA NaMonal InsMtute of Food and Agriculture, Iowa –  NSF EPCoR (NaMonal Science FoundaMon grant) –  Iowa State University Extension and Outreach •  Ag and Natural Resources •  4-­‐H Background • 
Start Point: learning about biochar and the implicaMons of large volume biochar producMon from switchgrass. (Purdue-­‐developed curriculum delay led to C6 as interim) EducaMonal objecMves broadened to the carbon economy, transiMon from petroleum-­‐C economy to bio-­‐C economy. Old to new C STEM learning goals and links to learn about the importance of the iniMaMve –  sustainability from economical, environmental, and social standpoint –  need to build resiliency into agricultural systems based on natural variaMons (weather, markets, poliMcal, etc.) • 
Created C6 BioFarm to implement into classrooms Goal of C6 BioFarm •  Educate youth about the role of carbon in the bioeconomy through an interacMve game on biomass producMon using agricultural pracMces, consequences, and technology that: •  requires real life farming decisions (crop insurance, cropping decisions, ferMlizer & pesMcides); •  ranks players on economic, social, and environmental impacts of their decisions that focus on long term viability and efficiency aber 3 years of play; •  is supported by an iBook and Science, Technology, Engineering, and MathemaMcs (STEM) lessons that provides content on biomass producMon, processing, products, and STEM careers; •  has career videos that feature youth, interns, and professionals linked to the bioeconomy. Objec3ves: Teach 5,000 students about ag producMon, bioenergy, and show them possible careers in these fields. •  4-­‐H, FFA, and K-­‐12 science students will gain knowledge of biomass producMon, biofuels producMon, and carbon and nutrient cycling by parMcipaMng in youth acMviMes (measured by pre/
post surveys and open-­‐ended quesMonnaires) •  Youth will gain knowledge about STEM careers by parMcipaMng in 4-­‐H, FFA, and K-­‐12 as classroom experiences (indicators measured by pre/post surveys and open-­‐ended quesMonnaires). Programs: C6 BioFarm Game Development at the core: •  Web app and more informaMon found at: C6BioFarm.Weebly.com •  iBook on the Apple iTunes store. •  Tell us what you learned on our website. •  CollaboraMon: –  Master Gardeners –  Purdue University –  University of Nebraska Mapping the learning Process Builds on C6 simple App and EducaMonal materials hgp://iowaepscor.org/educaMon/c6 Gather informaMon to develop gaming algorithms and supporMng iBook content. •  Meet with experts in ag producMon, economics, environment, insurance, biomass processing, and educaMon. •  Test algorithms and iBook content with youth in camp and workshop sehngs •  Revise and supplement algorithms and content based on feedback collected via surveys and focus groups •  IdenMfy gaming engine and distribuMon process: iPad •  Program game and edit videos •  Revise iBook based on input from youth and experts Superhero C6 EvoluMon •  2013 –  Posters –  Html-­‐based game for classrooms –  Basic presentaMons for classrooms •  2014-­‐15 –  iPad game development began –  Teaching curriculum –  Career videos –  iBook C6 BioFarm Poriolio •  Learning for middle school and high school students about: –  Bioenergy –  Agricultural ProducMon –  Carbon –  The Environment –  Agricultural and Bioenergy Careers •  Download the iBook: Apple iTunes store •  Web app at: C6Biofarm.Weebly.com •  YouTube Channel: CenUSA C6 Game Early Childhood !!!!Hi,!I’m!C6.!I’m!carbon.!!I!am!a!very!important!part!of!your!
Curriculum •  Lessons that support C6 BioFarm game •  Linked to standards: Science, Ag, Tech •  AcMve learning format –  Purdue –  University of Nebraska •  iBook –  Series of chapters that uMlize the interacMve nature of iBook plaiorm –  Chapters that examine the content for STEM relaMng to C6 BioFarm Curriculum: STEM and Ag Classes Sample EssenMal QuesMons: –  Why is Carbon so special and so important to everything around us? –  What makes Carbon so valuable for our fuel and chemical needs? –  Energy is so important to all of us. What are some examples of Fossil Fuels and Renewable Energy Sources and what are the important differences between fossil and renewable energy? –  What is Bio Energy? Key Terms: –  Carbon –  Carbon Cycle –  Old Carbon –  New Carbon –  Fossil Fuel –  Biomass –  Biofuel –  Renewable Energy Career Videos • 
Technical Insurance Financial Ag ProducMon STEM Educator Bio-­‐based DuPont plant engineers Conceptual Frame • 
Carbon’s role in the economy Carbon source opMons Source opMon ramificaMons Pyrolysis and the science and engineering processing –  bio-­‐products –  Biochar • 
Carbon economy ProducMon to products Sustainability: social, environmental, economic Associated careers iOS C6 BioFarm •  An ag-­‐based game linked to curriculum and iBook. •  Suite of learning materials that: •  focuses on STEM content and ag pracMces •  allows player to make choices and understand the realiMes of replacing petroleum Carbon with bio-­‐based carbon. iOS iOS Android • 
8 Fields, $1,000,000 PlanMng OpMons Corn Soybeans Switchgrass Corn with crop insurance Soybeans with crop insurance Game Flow Game Play!
•  Year 1!
1  Select the crop you will plant in each field. 2  Calculate cost for each field using the planMng costs table on Page 1. 3  Select yes or no for Insurance (Factor this decision into your planMng costs). 4  At the end of the cycle fill in the yield, using a random number generator to idenMfy the yield modifier factor number (for all fields). 5  Determine final yield = (yield/acre)* yield modifier factor Crop insurance factor modifier = .75 Use number generated from random number generator and apply to table on the bogom. 6  Fill in price/unit for each crop in each field that is supplied by game leader. 7  Profit = final yield*price/unit-­‐planGng costs+field profits total Add or subtract from account balance Random acts of fate iBook Purdue Curriculum: Future Plans •  Other feedstocks –  Corn stover sold to DuPont-­‐Pioneer • 
Biochar applicaMon Environmental effects score FerMlizer applicaMons Real-­‐Mme update for prices Government subsidies RIN data Taxes Weather impacts Farm economics 2015 Rollout •  Team of undergraduate programmers have created a basic game for classrooms –  Android –  Apple •  PresenMng the programming in summer camps, teacher training, and other educaMonal sehngs •  Professional programming team will put the finishing touches on the app Agricultural ProducMon Chemistry Pre-­‐College C6 Target Audiences and Content Foci Economics Industrial Science Environmental Science C6 BioFarm Undergraduate Agronomy Graduate Agronomy Producers Extension C6 BioFarm Reach Students: 2014-­‐15 •  CenUSA Interns –  Aaron Jacobson, CoD –  Caitlyn Carlson, CoE –  Breanna Branderhorst, CALS •  College of Design –  Stefanie Dao, graphic arMst •  Vice President of Extension and Outreach –  Nicole Barbee, Col. Of Eng. Intern Students 2015 •  CenUSA Interns –  Juan Venegas: programmer –  Mouhamad Diallo: Outreach •  College of Engineering Programmers –  Camden “Jackson” Voigt –  Alex Berns •  Graduate Student –  Abby Peterson Acknowledgements • 
CenUSA Iowa Epscor Iowa State University Extension and Outreach 4-­‐H College of Agriculture and Life Sciences College of Engineering College of Design Jill Euken Sorrel Brown Purdue University University of Nebraska