75% % Operattor attendance! POSST EVEENT REEPORT 2011 IIR R’s 7th annuaal Telecoms Loyalty Chu urn once agaain proved to o be the lead ding event on telecoms loy yalty in the market gath hering over 8 80 experts frrom Europe, the Middle Ea ast, North Am merica and A Africa. With o over 30 spea akers and as many sessio ons, the eventt provided a thorough, holistic explorration of thee world of loyalty seen frrom the perspective of teleecom operattors. W the question ‘Is Loyalty With L Dead d?’ BT open ned the con nference in an exciting, tthought‐provvoking masteerclass beforre giving the floor to Oraange FT’s Gro oup Director o of Loyalty wh ho presented d customer eexperience ttransformation programss to increase loyalty and reduce churn. Presentaation by opeerators Kabe el and Turkkcell followed, tackling customer liffecycle man nagement fo or increasin ng loyalty and a revenues.. Etisalat, A1 Telecom Austria A and Vodafone CYTA presented their own o discussed th innovativee loyalty pro ogrammes while w UPC Netherlands N heir strategyy in . A reducing churn thro ough proact tive custom mer base an nd value management m stimulatin ng interactivve workshop p on what works and what doesn't in SNA for reducing cchurn was co onducted byy Orange FT followed by presentations from lead ding solution p providers Gemalto and M Market Strate egies Internaational. Th he second d of the co day onference opened with a keynote presentation p n by the Head d of Corporaate Marketing of Turkccell addresssing the issu ue of retain ning corporatee business c customers through a holistic strateegy from se egmentation n to pricing. Telenor T focu used on seggmentation strategies for f the corp porate clienttele followed by Sunrise e Switzerlan nd discussing cross and d up‐sellingg managemeent. Aqueductt went beyo ond the reallm of trivialities and bu uzz words in n a masterclass exploring the nuts & bolts for Marketing M 3.0 0. In the afteernoon, Tele efonica Grou up’s Director of Customeer Experiencce discussed d how to transform t an a organisattion through Customer C Exxperience to increase loyyalty & redu uce churn fo ollowed by ICLP examiningg loyalty casse studies from outside the telecom ms industry. Neuralitics and a Statconsu ulting addres ssed churn p prevention u using trigger based initiattives and churn increase in debt collection respeectively. INW WI delivered d a joint pre esentation with w SICAP on building cusstomer loyalty while incrreasing markket share fro om a challen nger position in n Morocco. TTEO Lithuania spoke of ttheir experieence in churn n prevention for fixed linee services while w Buonggiorno closeed the even nt with the eir strategy on optimizingg loyalty pro ogrammes fo r relevance, rewards, & recognition. Ind dustry B Breakdo own Geograp hical Brreakdow wn Speaking g & Sponsoringg If you aree interested iin future speaaking opportunities availaable please co ontact Georgios Kipouros at gkipouros@ @iir‐telecom ms.com For furth her details on sponsorship p and exhibitio on opportuniities, please ccontact Damo on Thompson n at dthompsson@iir‐telecoms.com www w.telecomccloudservices.com T T h e W W o r k s h o p s The pre e‐conference e workshop conducted b by Gemalto aaimed at giving operatorrs insights on n how to succcessfully ach hieve their CRM objectivves through an efficientt marketing strategy on n the mobile e. Gemalto asserted thrrough interaactive exercisees that creatting a true aand value‐ad dded dialogu ue with custtomers on the mobile iss all about cu ustomer lifecycle manageement and u understandin ng the benefiits of permisssion marketing. During tthe workshop, attendeess discussed m major mobile marketing market tren nds, CRM beest practices from acro oss the glob be, and the power and usability off the Interacctive SMS cha annel propo osition of Gem malto. The post‐conferenc ce masterclaass conducteed by Idiro TTechnologies explored the use of So ocial Network Analysis ttools A the mobile operator can identify influencers an nd viral contaagion for custtomer loyaltty and reduccing churn. TThrough SNA in the customer base and hen nce drive loyalty and optimise churn managem ment. The m masterclass gave g delegattes a g in the ben nefits, costs,, issues riskss and side benefits of im mplementingg SNA for m mobile operaators. thorouggh groundin Special emphasis w was given on developing a clear meth hodology forr evaluating tthe ROI of a SNA solutio on for both cchurn s facttors in implementing a SNA prediction and loyyalty manageement. Deleegates also discussed the pivotal success n for their lo oyalty and ch hurn team, an nd the key pitfalls to avo oid. solution T T h e T e s t i m m o n i a l s An excciting event w with the late est updates on telco Loyyalty! Loyaltyy Programmee Senior Man nager, Etisalat Very interes V sting event, iinsightful pre esentations Manager, Or M range Switzeerland I beneffit greatly fr rom the operrator presen ntations on lo oyalty Prepaid Team Lead der, Zain Learne ed about the e latest deve elopments off loyalty IT Man nager, Vimpl ecom Excellent con E ntent! CRM Unit He C ead, Kcell Obtained go O ood contacts from churn prediction vvendors Head of Cust H tomer Reten ntion, TEO Litthuania Built re elationships s with colleaggues and folllow up on specific projects mer Portfolio o Manager, TTelkom SA Custom Very good p V rogramme, ggood mixed agenda mad de the day have great p h pace CEO, Busines C ss Logic Media P Partners Exxhibitors www w.telecomccloudservices.com
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