
3rd Conference Organizers Workshop (COW)
8:00am – 9:00am Saturday 25th April, 2015
Registration 9:00am – 9:05am Welcome and Why Conferences Matter- Video 9:05am – 9:50am The INDICON 2011 Experience- MGPL Narayana
(General Chair-INDICON 2011/Vice Chair-Region 10/TCS Hyderabad) 9:50am – 10:35am PD1-Panel Discussion on “Gaining IEEE Technical Co Sponsorship”
Moderated by Amit Kumar
Members- Anil Roy, Rajesh Ingle, One Member from Audience
10:35am – 11:15am Constituting a Technical committee and creating a good peer review process for IEEE
Conferences – S.K.Sinha (IISC Bangalore, Retd,)
11:15am – 11:45am High Tea 11:45am –12:30pm Technical program: The Heart of IEEE Conference – Amit Kumar
(IEEE Hyderabad Section/IEEE India Council/BDRC Hyderabad)
12:30pm –1:15pm Plagiarism Problem and other Non-ethical Practice in Conferences- Anil Roy
(IEEE Gujarat Section/DAIICT-Ahmedabad)
1:15pm – 2:15pm Lunch 2:15pm – 3:00pm PD2- Panel Discussion on “Conference Best Practices”- Moderated by MGPL Narayana
Members- M Lakshminarayana, NV Rao, Hari Devarapalli, S Lakshminarayana
3:00pm – 3:30pm Publishing tools for Conference Authors and Organizers – Atul Negi
(IEEE Hyderabad Section/University of Hyderabad) 3:30pm – 4:00pm IEEE Conference Finances- Budgets, approval and revisions, reporting, banking, closing and audits
- (Rich Januzzi, Director Conference Business Operations, IEEE Headquarters USA)
4:00pm – 4:30pm
Building the Conference: Blueprint of success from start to finish, Conference Timelines(Kevin Hanft- Senior Manager, Conference Organizer Education and Engagement, IEEE USA)
4.30pm - 5.15pm 5:15pm – 5:30pm High Tea & Conference Fishbowl Session (Rules will be read by Amit Kumar)
1. How can conferences best use social media?
2. What are “Conferences of the Future”?
3. How can a conference provide its attendees with better
Networking opportunities?
4. How can your OU grow its Conference Business?
5. Industry oriented Conferences?
Feedback and Parting