The Antenna Measurement Techniques Association (AMTA)
in cooperation with the
IEEE Denver Electromagnetic Compatibility Society Chapter
and the Joint Antennas and Propagation/Microwave Theory and Techniques Chapter
Proudly Present
Recent Advances in Antenna Measurement
Tuesday, 28 April 2015
The Millennium Harvest House Hotel
Boulder, Colorado
Program Agenda
7:30 am
8:30 am
8:45 am
9:45 am
Mr. Steve Nichols, MI Technologies, AMTA Technical Coordinator
Dr. Randy Jost, Ball Aerospace, IEEE Denver EMC Chapter Chair
Dr. Tibault Reveyrand, University of Colorado, Boulder,
IEEE Denver AP/MTT Chapter Chair
Overview on Basic Antenna Measurements and
Antenna Post Processing Technology
By Dr. John Norgard, Chief Engineer for
Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3), NASA
Probe-Position Compensation in Generalized
Near-Field Antenna Measurement Scenarios
By Mr. Ron Wittmann (retired from NIST) and Mr. Michael H. Francis,
Senior Scientist in the Radio-Frequency Fields Group, NIST
10:15 am
10:45 am
Statistical Post Processing of Time Domain Site VSWR Data for
Reduced Uncertainty and Repeatable Measurements
By Mr. Zhong Chen, Product Manager, RF Materials, ETS-Lindgren
11:30 am
Synthetic Aperture Applications for HIRF
in the Aerospace Industry
By Mr. Dennis Lewis, Technical Fellow, The Boeing Company
12:15 pm
1:15 pm
Using Measured Sources in Numerical Simulation
of Complex Scenarios
By Mr. Lars Jacob Foged, Scientific Director, MVG
2:00 pm
2:45 pm
3:00 pm
4:00 pm
4:10 pm
to 5:00 pm
Stray-Signal Reduction Using Near-Field Modal Filtering
By Mr. Scott T. McBride,
Senior Staff Systems Engineer, MI Technologies
Mr. Steve Nichols, AMTA Technical Coordinator
Raffle Prize Drawings
Presentation Abstracts
Overview on Basic Antenna Measurements and Antenna Post Processing Techniques
By Dr. John Norgard, Chief Engineer for Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3), NASA
Abstract: This introductory paper on antenna measurement post-processing techniques is presented
in two parts: First, a general overview of two different antenna measurement post-processing
techniques (enhancements and extensions) is presented, then; secondly, specific examples of
important antenna data post-processing techniques are given. Post-Processing can make noisy
measured antenna data “pretty” and/or “practical”, depending if interest is on the measured data itself or
in predictions based on extensions of the measured data from one measurement domain to another.
For example, AMTA is interested in Antenna Measurements, which are always noisy, and in developing
Techniques, such as post-processing Algorithms:
(i) to enhance the data (by sampling, filtering, averaging, smoothing, windowing, gating,
curve/surface fitting, normalizing, etc. the data to improve the signal to noise ratio, to remove
outliers, to organize the measured data for more efficient access for knowledge recovery and
learning, and for feature extraction), and/or
(ii) to extend the data (by transforming data on non-canonical grids from the near-field to the farfield, or from the time-domain to the frequency-domain, etc. ~ from practical measurements to
difficult predictions).
The important post-processing techniques/algorithms for probe corrected near-field to far-field
transformations (plane-to-plane, or with equivalent sources), from time-domain pulses to frequencydomain spectra, from multiple-looks and scans of the measured data for Tomographic, Thermographic,
Holographic, SAR, Ground/Foliage/Building Penetrations, FSS, Multi-Path Reduction, and other
practical applications are considered. Visualization of tabular measured data is important in
understanding and interpreting the measured antenna results. In particular, a post-processing
technique to convert 2D IR thermal images into microwave field (magnitude and phase) contour and
relief maps is presented.
Probe-Position Compensation in Generalized
Near-Field Antenna Measurement Scenarios
By Mr. Ron Wittmann, Mr. Mike Francis, Dr. Josh Gordon, and Dr. David Novotny, National Institute of
Standards and Technology (presented by Mr. Wittmann and Mr. Francis)
Abstract: We discuss computationally efficient algorithms for probe corrected near- to far-field
transformations for use when measurements are not made on the canonical grids. A major application
of such methods is at higher frequencies where it is difficult or impractical to locate a probe to required
tolerances. Our algorithms require only that the actual location of the probe be known at the
measurement points. This information often can be furnished by optical (laser) tracking devices. Even
at lower frequencies, probe-location compensation techniques allow in principle, the use of less precise
and therefore, less expensive scanning hardware. Our approach provides the flexibility to process data
intentionally collected on nonstandard grids (plane-polar, spiral, etc.) or with mixed geometries (such as
a cylinder with a hemispherical or planar end cap). Advances in optical tracking systems continue to
make software position compensation more attractive. NIST has recently implemented the capability to
track both the location and the orientation of a probe. We consider the possibility of compensating for
known variations in probe pointing.
Statistical Post Processing of Time Domain Site VSWR Data for Reduced Uncertainty and
Repeatable Measurements
Mr. Zhong Chen, Product Manager, RF Materials, ETS-Lindgren
Abstract: Site Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (sVSWR) is stipulated by CISPR 16-1-4 for qualifying
anechoic chambers for EMC measurements above 1 GHz. Responses between two antennas are
measured with varying distances. In this measurement, the transmit antenna travels along a 40 cm line
longitudinally from a stationary receive antenna. There are two issues associated with this
measurement method. Because only six positions are sampled in a limited 40 cm travel distance, data
is under-sampled in the spatial domain. Also, since measurement results are taken at a 50 MHz
interval, it under-reports the sVSWR in an unpredictable fashion (random sampling). It is proposed
that the Time Domain (TD) method be used to overcome the difficulties associated with the spatial
under-sampling. Reflections in a chamber can be separated from the direct antenna responses in time
domain, i.e. through inverse Fourier transforms of the frequency domain data. It has been shown that
the site VSWR data is highly statistical in nature, with a Gaussian noise-like distribution with its mean
removed. Since the original sVSWR method is based on under sampled data, it results in a less severe
test in addition to suffering from reduced repeatability. In the proposed post processing, standard
deviation and mean of the site VSWR within a moving window are used because they can better
describe the data than using randomly sampled data at a 50 MHz interval (as is the case with the
CISPR method). By varying the coverage factor, the TD data can match the realized severity of the
CISPR method. This study shows measured data taken with both the CISPR and the TD methods,
which on one hand shows definitive correlations, and on the other hand, the TD data is more repeatable
and consistent than the CISPR site VSWR data.
Synthetic Aperture Applications for HIRF in the Aerospace Industry
Mr. Dennis Lewis, Technical Fellow, The Boeing Company
Abstract: This presentation discusses traditional methods of evaluating aircraft shielding effectiveness
to meet High Intensity Radiated Fields (HIRF) Susceptibility requirements. The idea of Synthetic
Aperture Scanning is introduced as a means of locating the source of undesirable signals as well as
evaluating the contributions of individual apertures to the overall shielding value. These methods can be
applied to a wide variety of environments such as vehicles, buildings or enclosures. Post processing
techniques such as holography, time and angle of arrival as well as techniques to numerically remove
the effects of individual apertures using plane wave spectrum gating are also discussed. Numerically
removing the effects of selected apertures and recalculating effective shielding can significantly reduce
test and reengineering time.
Using Measured Sources in Numerical Simulation of Complex Scenarios
Mr. Lars Jacob Foged, Scientific Director, MVG
Abstract: The source reconstruction or equivalents source method provides an accurate near-field
representation of any radiating device in terms of equivalent electric and magnetic currents. The
equivalent currents can be determined from measured near or far field data through a post-processing
step, involving the solution of an integral equation. The equivalent currents constitute an accurate 3D
electromagnetic model, maintaining near and far field properties of the measured device. A newly
created link enables the import of the model in commercially available computational electromagnetic
(CEM) solvers in the form of a Huygens Box. In this presentation, we discuss pertinent steps in the
creation of accurate numerical models for CEM solvers from measured antenna data, applicable for
detached and flush mounted antennas. The determination of the electromagnetic model of the source
antenna for flush mounted applications is more complex than the situation where the antenna is
detached from the scattering structure and requires dedicated measurements and an extra processing
step. The hybrid approach, of using measured sources in commercial CEM solvers, is illustrated by
examples of different complex antenna scenarios. The achievable accuracy is quantified for each
scenario by comparison with full wave simulations and measurements.
Stray-Signal Reduction Using Near-Field Modal Filtering
Mr. Scott T. McBride, Senior Staff Systems Engineer, MI Technologies
Abstract: Traditionally, the solution to reducing the impact of stray signals in an antenna-measurement
range has been to apply more and/or better absorber treatment to lower those stray-signal levels. More
recently, it has become possible to reduce those impacts through one of several post-processing
algorithms. These algorithms make use of the known AUT size and location to identify and exclude
signals or propagating modes that cannot be coming from that AUT. This presentation will discuss the
sampling required and the modal filtering performed. Measured planar- and spherical-near-field data
will be presented, along with the results of this processing on those data.
Mr. Steven R. Nichols has over 30 years of experience in engineering design and technical
management, much of it spent developing instrumentation products and systems for antenna
measurement applications. After receiving his Bachelor of Electrical Engineering degree from Georgia
Institute of Technology in 1980, he joined the Microwave Instrumentation Division of Scientific Atlanta
as a design engineer. There he led and participated in teams to develop a series of products that
formed the core electronic equipment of the business for many years. Later Nichols managed several
engineering organizations, including Director of Design Engineering where he led a technical staff of 60
to develop satellite tracking ground systems. He then became the Director of R&D for Satellite
Networks, managing product development for telephony and data VSAT systems, and continued in this
role after the business was sold to Viasat. In 2002, Nichols joined MI Technologies and currently heads
the Applications and Systems Engineering department, where his staff helps customers meet their most
demanding test requirements. He is currently the Technical Coordinator of the Antenna Measurement
Techniques Association (AMTA).
Dr. John Norgard (Georgia Tech-BSEE/1966/Co-Op; Caltech-MS/1967/Applied Physics; CaltechPhD/1969/Applied Physics) of NASA/JSC is the Chief Engineer for Electromagnetic Environmental
Effects (E3). Prior to joining NASA, Dr. Norgard was a Professor at the University of Colorado at
Colorado Springs, the President and CEO of ElectroMagnetic Techniques (EMT), and the Chief
Scientist for the Radar Techniques Branch of the Sensors Directorate at the Rome Research Site of the
Air Force Research Lab [AFRL/RRS (SNRT)]. He has also been a Distinguished Visiting Professor
(DVP) at the US Air Force Academy in the Electrical & Computer Engineering Department. He has
taught graduate and undergraduate courses in Electromagnetic Field Theory for over 30 years and was
the Director of the Electromagnetics Laboratory at the University of Colorado. Before coming to the
University of Colorado, he was a Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department at Georgia Tech
and was a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Norwegian Defense Research Establishment (NDRE) in Oslo,
Norway. He worked at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) while studying at Caltech and was a Co-Op
student at Georgia Tech while working at the Charleston Naval Shipyard (CNS) and Polaris Submarine
Base. He has worked on numerous computational electromagnetic problems, including conformal
antennas/apertures/arrays, propagation of waves through various plasma media (polar ionosphere,
rocket soundings), interaction and coupling of waves to wires (cross-talk, NEMP, and lightning), EMI,
EMC, EMS/V, backscatter from clutter targets, ESD, HPM radiation, GPEN/FoPEN/BPEN, RF
Tomography, and IR Metrology. He has developed a 2D thermal mapping technique using infrared
thermography and microwave holography to measure electromagnetic fields and to verify and validate
numerical CEM codes. He has been a Visiting Professor at the Tel-Aviv University and was a member
of the technical staff of the Bell Telephone Laboratories. He is an Adjunct Professor at Syracuse
University and at the University of Houston. He is a Fellow of IEEE for IR measurements of EM fields,
a member of the Board of Directors for the IEEE/EMC Society and ACES, on the Board of Physics and
Astronomy for the National Academy of Sciences, Past Chairman for Commission A/Metrology of URSI,
and an Associate Editor for the IEEE/EMC Transactions in the area of antenna metrology.
Mr. Ronald C. Wittmann received a Bachelor of Science degree, Magna Cum Laude, with distinction
in Physics, from the University of Washington in 1972, and a Master of Science degree in Physics from
the University of Colorado in 1974. His career at the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) began in 1976 and spanned three decades until retirement in 2009. During his tenure at NIST
he has worked in the areas of remote sensing, near-field antenna measurements, and radar cross
section measurements. He has regularly contributed to the AMTA Proceeding since 1991 and became
an AMTA Fellow in 2009. He received the AMTA Distinguished Achievement Award in 2011. A senior
member of the IEEE, Ron has been an associate editor for the Transactions on Antennas and
Propagation and has long served on the Antenna Standards Committee. A glutton for punishment, he
remains active as a guest researcher at NIST. In a parallel life, Ron functions as a botanist at the
University of Colorado Museum. In collaboration with colleague, William A. Weber, he has written a
number of papers and books on Colorado plant life. Other interests include music (recorders and cello)
and outdoor activities. He hopes to eventually complete his quest to summit all 54 Colorado
Mr. Michael Francis received the Bachelor’s Degree in physics in 1973 and a Master’s Degree in
1976, both from the University of Colorado. He was a research assistant at the University of Colorado
from 1974 – 1980, where he studied the solar chromosphere-corona transition region. He joined the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) - then the National Bureau of Standards Antenna Metrology Group in 1980. His research has been primarily in the theory and practice of nearfield measurements. He has participated in the development of probe-position correction methods at
NIST for both planar and spherical near-field measurement techniques. He specializes in uncertainty
analysis methods for near-field measurements. He was the project leader for the NIST/Boulder team
that performed the electromagnetic testing of the prototype ePassport and ePassport reader. He has
organized and lectured at the NIST biennial near-field short course for more than twenty-five years. He
is currently a senior scientist in the Radio-Frequency Fields Group at NIST. Mr. Francis has received
the US Department of Commerce Bronze, Silver and Gold Medals. He has received the Antenna
Measurement Techniques Association (AMTA) Distinguished Achievement and Distinguished Service
Awards. He is a Fellow of the Antenna Measurement Techniques Association (AMTA), a Senior
Member of the IEEE and currently chairs the IEEE Antenna Standards Committee and the Near-Field
Working Group. He is Senior Adviser to the AMTA Board of Directors.
Mr. Zhong Chen is the Product Manager, RF Materials at ETS-Lindgren, located in Cedar Park,
Texas. He has more than 18 years of experience in RF testing as well as EMC antenna and field probe
design and measurements. He is an active member of the ANSI ASC C63® committee and Chairman
of Subcommittee 1 which is responsible for the antenna calibration and test site validation standards.
He is chairman of the IEEE 1309 committee for developing calibration standards for field probes.
Zhong Chen received his M.S.E.E. degree in electromagnetics from the Ohio State University at
Columbus. He may be reached at [email protected].
Mr. Dennis Lewis, a 27-year veteran of Boeing, is the Technical Fellow for the company’s metrology
organization, with leadership and technical responsibility for its primary RF, Microwave and Antenna
Metrology labs. He holds six patents and is the recipient of the Boeing Special Invention Award in
2013, recognizing the top technical innovations at the company each year. Dennis is an active
member of several engineering societies. He is a Senior Member of the Antenna Measurements
Techniques Association (AMTA), has chaired its annual symposium in 2012, and serves on the Board
of Directors. Dennis is also a member of the IEEE and several of its technical societies including the
Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S), the Antennas and Propagation Society and the
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Society. In addition to his employment at Boeing, Dennis is a parttime faculty member for North Seattle College, developing and teaching a new course in measurement
science. He is also an active member and past chairman of the college’s Technical Advisory
Committee and serves on its Workforce Advisory Board, focusing on employment trends and
opportunities for students. Dennis received his BS EE degree with honors from Henry Cogswell College
and his MS degree in Applied Physics from the University of Washington. His current technical
interests include aerospace applications of reverberation chamber test techniques as well as antenna
measurement systems and uncertainties.
Mr. Lars Jacob Foged is the scientific director of Microwave Vision Group (MVG) and Associate
Director of Microwave Vision Italy. A graduate of the California Institute of Technology, Lars was first
employed at the European Space Agency (ESA) in the antenna division in 1990. During the following
10 years, he was the designer responsible on high-performance satellite antenna projects in the
European and US satellite industry (Galileo, Eutelsat, Astra and others). After joining SATIMO in 2001
(which would later become MVG), Lars contributed to the design and manufacturing of a large range of
standard and innovative antenna solutions, high-precision probes, and scientific software products.
Lars was responsible for the EurAAP working group on antenna measurements, and a member of the
delegate assembly from 2009 to 2012. He was vice-chair of the EuCAP 2011 conference in Rome, and
industrial chair of the EuCAP 2012 and 2014 conferences in Prague and Den Haag, respectively. Since
2006, Lars is a member of the board of the European School of Antennas (ESOA), and its technical
leader and teacher in the biannual antenna measurement course. He is a senior member of IEEE, and
secretary of the IEEE antenna standards committee and near-field working group since 2004. He
became an Edmond S. Gillespie Fellow of AMTA in 2012, and in 2013 he and his colleagues received
the AMTA “Best Technical Paper Award”. Lars is, time permitting, an occasional reviewer on the IEEE
Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters and IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. He
has authored and co-authored more than 180 journal and conference papers on antenna design and
measurement topics, contributed to three books and standards and holds four patents.
Mr. Scott T. McBride, Senior Staff Systems Engineer with MI Technologies has over 30 years of
experience, as a mixture of software and systems engineering, in and around the field of antenna
measurements. He first set foot on a far-field antenna range in the fall of 1983 as a GTRI co-op
student, where he and a telephone were an integral part of the remotely controlled source. His
assignments became somewhat more challenging over the years, including development of dataacquisition and analysis software for multiple antenna ranges, as well as embedded software for a
phased array's beam-steering controller and for a radar warning receiver. Scott stayed at GTRI for
several years before three-year stints at the Cross Systems Division of AEL and then the Boeing
Company. He joined MI Technologies in 1999, where he has risen to the level of Senior Staff Systems
Engineer. Mr. McBride is a Senior Member of the AMTA, and holds BEE and MSEE degrees from the
Georgia Institute of Technology. His master’s concentrations were in DSP, RF, and communications.
He has over 20 publications, with most of those in the field of antenna measurements.
Event Overview
The Program
This program was designed to bring the latest technology related to electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
and antenna measurement techniques to the local community. Experts in industry, academia and
government organizations will share practical information on various topics in an extended presentation
format. This allows a thorough discussion of each topic and provides the opportunity for extended
questions and answers. The “hands-on” quality of the presentation enables the registrant to learn useful
information that can be used on the job – in the “real world.” The demonstrations provide a unique
educational opportunity to see selected presentation material “live”.
The Exhibition & Reception
There will be an exhibition by vendors of test and measurement related products and services for antenna,
wireless, and EMC applications in a ballroom neighboring the technical presentation area. These products
and services address the needs of the commercial, military, and aerospace industries. During the reception
from 4:10 to 5:00 pm in the exhibit area, heavy appetizers and a hosted bar will be available. AMTA and
IEEE members are welcome to attend the reception only at NO CHARGE, provided a registration form is
completed and sent in advance. A badge will be available for the reception-only attendees upon arrival at
4:10 pm. Thus, if you can’t join us for the entire day, drop by for the reception and exhibition to network
with AMTA and IEEE. You can see demonstrations, meet the speakers, and you might even win a raffle
Colloquium and Exhibition Location
1345 Twenty-Eighth Street, Boulder, CO 80302
Phone: (303) 443-3850
The Millennium Harvest House is one of the finest luxury hotels in Boulder, CO. Positioned close to the
Rocky Mountains, the hotel is a 40 minute drive from the Denver International Airport.
Hotel Guest Room and Parking Information
A limited number of guest rooms are being held for “AMTA Regional Event 2015 Program” at the rate of
$159.00 (includes wireless internet access in the guest room), plus tax, for single or double occupancy, and
are available on a first come, first serve basis. Please reserve by the cut-off date of Friday, March 20 to
ensure guest room availability. Call the hotel directly at 1-303-998-2480 between the hours of 8:00 am to
5:00 pm Mountain Time or anytime at 1-866-866-8086. There is no charge for parking at the hotel.
Optional Tour of NIST Test Facilities
Monday - 27 April 2015
A tour of the test facilities at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Boulder is
available on Monday afternoon from 1:30 to 4:00 pm. The tour will include the extrapolation range, robot
range, and one of the reverberation chambers. The tour is limited to 20 people who are pre-registered
for the April 28 Colloquium; registration must be completed by March 28 to be considered.
Attendees will be required to provide their own transportation to the NIST facility. Please indicate your
interest on the registration form.
Organizing Committee
Technical Program
Steve Nichols, MI Technologies, Email: [email protected]
Mike Francis, NIST, Email: [email protected]
John Estrada, MVG, Email: [email protected]
IEEE Denver Section Liaisons
EMC Chapter Chair: Randy Jost, Ball Aerospace
Email: [email protected], Office: 303-939-4423
EMC Chapter Treasurer: Bruce Crain, Ball Aerospace
Email: [email protected], Office: 303-939-5726
IEEE AP/MTT Chapter Chair: Tibault Reveyrand, University of Colorado, Boulder
Email: [email protected], Lab: 303-492-8998
Arrangements and Exhibits
Janet O’Neil, ETS-Lindgren
Office: 425-868-2558, Email: [email protected]
Martha Hallman, ETS-Lindgren
Office: 512-531-6417, Email: [email protected]
AMTA/IEEE Members, Postmarked or emailed by March 20
AMTA/IEEE Members, Postmarked or emailed by March 20-April 20
AMTA/IEEE Members, After April 20 and On-Site Registration
Non Member Additional Charge*:
Full-time Students with copy of valid
Student I.D., Postmarked or emailed by April 1:
NOTE: Unemployed/retired attendees:
Take a 50% discount off the AMTA/IEEE Member fees above.
*Includes one year membership in AMTA.
NOTE: The registration fee includes a flash drive of the colloquium record, continental breakfast, lunch, refreshment
breaks, and the reception. The organizing committee reserves the right to substitute speakers, restrict size, or to cancel
the colloquium and exhibition. In the event the organizing committee cancels this event, registration fees only will be fully
refunded. Individuals canceling their registration prior to March 20 will receive a full refund, less 10% credit card fee. No
refunds will be made to individuals who cancel their registration after March 20. Substitutions are allowed. Attendance is
limited; registration will be confirmed on a first come, first served basis.
Registration Information
Please print clearly
Title: _______________________________________
Company: ____________________________________
Street Address:
City: _______________________________
State: _____ Zip: ___________
Daytime Phone:
E-mail Address:
AMTA or IEEE Member: Y___ N___
IEEE #: ______________
Full-time Student: Y___ N___
School: _______________________________________
(Please attach copy of Student ID to obtain Student rate.)
Interested in NIST Tour: Y___ N___
Registration by Mail/E-mail
Registration Total per Fees Above
Check Enclosed in Amount of: $_________________
(Checks payable to: AMTA)
- OR Credit Card Payment – Please Provide:
Name on Card:
Credit Card No:
Expiration Date:
Amount Charged: $ _______________________
Signature: ____________________________________
Mail to:
AMTA/IEEE Regional Event Registration
ETS-Lindgren, Attention Martha Hallman
1301 Arrow Point Drive, Cedar Park, TX 78613
E-mail to:
Martha Hallman, [email protected]