DiNelly stop Artur Trendak & Son and Gyrocopter 24: Pressrelease DiNelly AERO 201 5 2011 : Mr. Christian Ried contacted Mr. Richard Waidhofer and asked him for a cooperation between the company of Mr. Christian Ried, the „Gyrocopter 24 GmbH“ and the companies of Mr. Waidhofer. Mr. Christian Ried signed to proceed an NDA to Mr. Waidhofer. Mr. Ried told Mr. Waihofer big words about the Gyrocopter 24 company and about his professional team. The office of Mr. Waihdofer checked the company of Mr. Ried. So the office found out, something was strange. Due to this Mr. Waidhofer personally visited Mr. Ried at his "Gyrocopter 24 GmbH" company. The result of this visit was: no employees, no know how, no IT, no Simulation software, no aviation competence, ... only some spare parts of the Xenon II, so Waidhofer refused the cooperation. After the failing cooperation, Mr. Ried offered Mr. Waidhofer take over the "Gyrocopter 24 GmbH" by Waidhofer. Waidhofer refused again. 11 /2011 : Mr. Christian Ried instructed Mr. Waidhofer as design engineer, to engineer a low budget, open, single seater, gyrocopter for the Gyrocopter 24 GmbH of Mr. Ried. 1 2/2011 : Mr. Waidhofer engineered and delivered the concept, datas, calculations of the innovative single seater gyrocopter to Mr. Christian Ried. 1 2/2011 : When Mr. Waidhofer asked Mr. Christian Ried for the balance of the first invoice, Mr. Ried canceled the contract. 201 2: Mr. Ried tried again a cooperation with DiNelly to decrease the damages. Mr. Ried connected Mr. Artur Trendak with Mr. Waidhofer 06/201 2: Mr. Artur Trendak and Mr. Christian Ried agrreed with CEO of DiNelly, to redesign and reengineer the Xenon Gyrocopter into a Xenia. Mr. Ried told Mr. Waihofer, Ried bought the copyright of the Xenon for the region Germany and Austria. Mr. Trendak told Mr. Waidhofer, Mr. Trendak is the owner of the copyrights of the Xenon worldwide. And not his former Partner Mr. Rafael Celier. Waidhofer deferred Mr. Ried the innvoice. 08/201 2: As agreed, Mr. Waidhofer installed the joint venture company of DiNelly Aerosystems Ltd. and Artur Trendak Avition, as the Xenia Aerosystems Ltd. CEO of this company was, Mr. Artur Trendak, Mrs. Monika Griesbeck, Mr. Richard Waidhofer. DiNelly invested and paid in the stock capital. Although requested by DiNelly, Mr. Artur Trendak never invested as agreed in this company. NDA´s are signed to DINelly. 1 0/201 2 At the ILA Berlin, and the GPEC exhebition in Leipzig, the joint venture and the concept of the „Xenia“ (relaunch of Xenon) gyrocopter was presented. At the Airfield Rechlin / Lärz ( EDAX) was planned to install the production plant of the Xenia as low budget side by side gyrocopter. 201 2: Mr. Richad Waidhofer and Mr. Dr. Hermann Künkler, design engineers of DiNelly, has done the reengineering of the Xenon. Meanwhile Mr. Artur Trendak, Darius Maszalek, Christian Ried, where at the confidential facility of DiNelly and see the research & development also the high end engineering of DiNelly. Also they got confidential datas. During this job, Mrs. Griesbeck get in contact with the aviation engineer Mr. Pierre Chauvin in France, a former collegue at EADS of Mr. Dr. Künkler, and real „father“ of the Xenon. Mr. Chauvin engineered the A3C Aircopter. look back 2006: Mr. Celier take without permission the mould, the fuselage, and design of the A3C Aircopter, went to poland and started production of the Xenon in partnership with Artur Trendak. 08/201 3: When DiNelly get the information, the owner of the copyright of the „Xenon“ is Mr. Pierre Chauvin. DiNelly stopped immediately the engineering of the Xenia. DiNelly sent a request to Mr. Artur Trendak to poland to get at statement. Mr. Trendak didn´t reply. DiNelly sent an official requestment to the Artur Trendak Aviation company to get a statement. No reply. Instead a statement, Mr. Trendak sent a mail to DiNelly, he is thinking, "Mr. Waidhofer is to straight to procced the cooperation". DiNelly requested Mr. Trendak to fullfill the contract and send the outstanding money according the deed of association. Neither Trendak nor Ried didn´t send money to DiNelly or Mr. Waidhofer to pay their depts up to know. 08/201 3 Trendak take wihout approavel the business plan of the Xenia Aerosystems Ltd., changed the name of company and persons, and sent this to the government of Mecklenburg-pommerania to get subsidies. DiNelly / Waidhofer never requested up to now subsidies. 1 0/201 3 DiNelly get information about the contact of Trendak into the Gov of Mecklendburg-Pommerania [homebase of DiNelly] and explained the criminal action of Mr. Trendak. Also the fact, that in this moment Mr. Waidhofer as main shareholder and Director of the Shareholdercompany of the Xenia Aerosystems Ltd., is the Boss of Mr. Artur Trendak. The gov stopped the subsidies of the side of germany. Mr. Christian Ried cooperated with his dummy company "Gyrocopter 24" with Artur Trendak & Son in poland. 04/201 4 Artur Trendak & Son in cooperation with Gyrocopter 24 exhibited at the AERO 201 4 the "new" Tercel & Taurus Gyrocopter with a lot of innovative and key know-how of DiNelly / Mr. Waidhofer. => state prosecutor, national crime police office, aviation authority were beside Mr. Waidhofer at the booth of Trendak & Son to stop this action by Mr. Ried and Mr. Trendak. Mr. Ried freaked out, and committed to Mr. Waidhofer bodily injured. Mr. Ried is accused. 04/ 201 5: Due to this action DiNelly stopped Artur Trendak & Son and Gyrocopter 24 to exhibitagain know-how from DiNelly at the AERO 201 5 => Neither Trendak nor Ried exhibited something at the AERO 201 5. DiNelly filled bankruptcs against Artur Trendak, his companies also against Mr. Christian Ried and his company. Due to this situation Mr. Christian Ried alias "sixpack" try in cooperation with some of his german gyrocopter-forum friends in cooperation with Artur Trendak & Son to diffamate DiNelly. Mr. Ried is just a TV technician in germany and Mr. Trendak before he joinded Celier Aviation he was a motel taxi driver in poland. www.dinelly.com
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