QUICK FACTS & FIGURES Local Time +5 hrs GMT ÕÈÉ◊_∫^=Üâr=º=Îÿ-^=lœË◊^ êk‡Èár=lÍœËkf=5H Capital Male Ó‹í_ƒ◊^ ÂÍ◊_€ Population 360,000 ‚_‘ã◊^=ÇÉ√ 360{000 languages Dhivehi (Official), English m_»ÿ◊^ ÓÈâÍÿ©˛^Á=EÓÍ5á◊^=Ó»ÿ◊^F=ΉÃÈÉ◊^ Educational System British ΋Íÿƒk◊^=fi_¿‡◊^ Îfl_�È2◊^=fi_¿‡◊^ Currency Rufiyaa (MVR) Óÿ‹ƒ◊^ _ÍÀÁá◊^ Location Indian Ocean, South West of Sri Lanka ≈œË∫^ =_‘fl˘Èáä=“áé=iˇr=Ïɇ7^=ΩÍ-^=Ôÿ√=≈–j Geographic Co-ordinates 3 15 N, 73 00 E ÓÍÀ^ợ^=m_Ín^Év˛^ _œáé=73=00=L ¯_6=3=15 � � Area 90,000 km2 (of which less than 1% is land - 298km2) Óv_ã∫^ 2›”=90{000 =E2›”=298=⁄Ç_ƒÈ=_€=Ï`=%1=_‰‡€=Óãf_Í◊^=Ógãfl=…ÿgjF � Immediate Neighbours North : Lankashadweep Islands Northeast: Sri Lanka & India South: Chagos Archipelago Southwest: Seychelles ÇÁɧ^ hÈ�Á�É�è� ‘� ◊=Üâr=W ¯_6 � � ɇ7^Á=_‘fl˘Èáä=WÎœáè◊^=⁄_‹è◊^ çË«_èj=Üâr=Ó√Ë‹¶=Wiˇ£^ ŸÍèÍä=WÎœáè◊^=iˇ£^ Climate Tropical, Warm temprature, lots of sunshine Å_‡∫^ å‹è€=ÙÀ^Ç=ÎÚ^Ëkä^ Best time to visit December-April ÕÈÉ◊_∫^=Üâr=≤d=áÃãÿ◊=lœÁ=ŸóÀ` ŸÈáfd=≤d=2‹ãÈÇ=·€ Electricity 240 Volts, 50Hz ÎÚ_fቑ◊^=Ü_Ík◊^ âjá„=50=Il◊ËÀ=240 International Telephone Code +960 Î◊ÁÉ◊^=⁄_ìj¯^=ÇË” =H960 119 102 118 191 POLICE =Óúáè◊^ AMBULANCE Œ_ƒä˛^ FIRE —Ú^á§^=Ò_Ãúd COAST GUARD Ÿv^Ëã◊^=áÃ~ Maldives… the sunny side of life The Republic of Maldives is a group of 26 atolls in the Indian Ocean; an Island Nation located about 700 km south-west of Sri Lanka. The Maldives’ features 1,192 islands, roughly 200 of which are inhabited by local communities. Only 82 of these are used as resorts. The islands stretch for about 800 km from North to South, 130km at the widest point with no geological feature higher than 4 feet above sea level. ﺩﻑﺀ ﺍﻟﺤﻴﺎﺓ =Éÿf=Ƀj=΄Á=XÏɇ7^=ΩÍ-^=º=≈–j=ÌáÈâr=26=_„ÇÉ√=…ÿgÈ=ÓÍfl_rá€=Üâr=Ó√Ë‹¶=ÕÈÉ◊_∫^=ÓÈÜˉ∑=›ój � K_‘fl¯4ä=iá«=iˇr=·€=›”=700=Î◊^Ëv=Ƀf=Ôÿ√=≈–j=ÌáÈâr=Ÿ‘é=Ôÿ√ =Üâ£^ =ÇÉ√ =…ÿgÈÁ =I±Íÿ-^ =‚_‘ã◊_f =Ó◊Ë„a€ =_gÈá–j =ÌáÈâr =200 =_‰‡€ =IÌáÈâr =1192 =ÕÈÉ◊_∫^ =Üâr =Ÿ‹èjÁ � =Iiˇ£^=≤d=⁄_‹è◊^=·€=›”=800=Î◊^Ëv=…ÿgj=Óv_ã∫=Üâ£^=Ék¥Á=^Ö„=IΩ–À=ÌáÈâr=82=m_ƒsk‡‹”=Ó€Ékã∫^ =y�ä=Ëkã€=“ËÀ=fiÉœ=4=·€=Ôÿ√`==ÎrË◊ËÍr=‚Ë‘€=Ï`=ÉrËÈ=¯=·‘◊Á=_œ_�fl=≈äÁ˙^=Ó�–‡◊^=ɇ√=›”=130Á � Káwg◊^ Haa Alifu Atoll Haa Dhaalu Atoll Shaviyani Atoll Noonu Atoll Raa Atoll Lhaviyani Atoll Kaafu Atoll Baa Atoll Alifu Alifu Atoll MALÉ Alifu Dhaalu Atoll Vaavu Atoll Faafu Atoll Meemu Atoll Dhaalu Atoll Thaa Atoll Laamu Atoll Adaaran Prestige Water Villas Adaaran Prestige Water Villas, an oasis of tranquility and relaxation in the exotic setting of the Maldives Islands, Luxury wooden interiors with specious accommodation open up to a beautiful sun deck with blue crystal ocean water right in front. Adaaran Prestige Water Villas Maldives is known for their exquisite interior with very own sun deck and private Jacuzzis to truly enjoy breath taking views of the horizon with world class facilities. ﻣﻨﺘﺠﻊ ﻓﯿﻼت اداران ﺑﺮﺳﺘﯿﺞ Gaafu Alifu Atoll Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll Gnaviyani Atoll Seenu Atoll +960 658 7700 adaaran.com/prestigewatervillas =Ìá~_Ã◊^=m˘ÍÃ◊^=·€=Ó√Ë‹¶=›óÈÁ=⁄Ëj`=Î◊_€=iˇr=º=Ë7ˇÍÀ˨Ç=ÌáÈâr=º=_gä=Éflb=mÜÁâÈÜ=Ë»Èà=^Ü_kfl_fl`=“ɇÀ=≈–È =’◊Ö”=“ɇÃ◊^=^Ö„=≈–ÈÁ=å�»ÿ◊=Óí_~=Óv_gä=m_€_∏=≤d=ÓÀ_ñ˛_f=IÕÈÉ◊_∫^=Üâr=º=Óƒä_é=m_v_ã€=2”af=âÍ‹kj =’ÿƒ†=;◊^=ÓÍÚ^Ëkä¯^=‚Ër˘◊^=m^4û=Ò^Ëraf=âÍ‹kÈÁ=IÎ◊ÁÉ◊^=Î◊_€=Ü_�€=·€=≈Èáã◊^=iÜ_–◊^=Óÿváf=Ó–ÍœÇ=35=Ƀf=Ôÿ√ =ŸÀ_§^=Ü_§^=hÍv3◊^=·€=Ò^Ër˙^=ÊÖ„=ºÁ=IÕÈÉ◊_∫^=Üâr=õÜ`=Ôÿ√=Óf˘~=Ó̓Ígú=hÚ_sƒf=Ô¿°=Ó‡r=º=’flaf=áƒèj =≈œË∫^=Ôÿ√=Óí_~=Ó√ÁÜ=ÎÃóÈ=_ªÁ=IΖ͖§^=ë_ƒkfl¯^Á=fi_‹skä¯_f=_7˘~=≈‹kãj=m˘vÜ=Ò_óœ=’‡‘∂=á√_è∫_f =áƒèj=’ÿƒ¨=Âfl`=_‹”=Üâsÿ◊=ıÇ_7^=≈f_�◊^=呃j=m_‹Í‹ìkf=ÎjaÈ=Âfl`=Ë„==Ë»Èà=^Ü_kfl_fl`=“ɇÀ=Âf=Ô¿≠=ÏÖ◊^=âÍ‹∫^ � =’kÍf=º =’fla”Á =å‡k◊^=hƒ◊=_‰‡€ =∆_k‹kä˘◊=ŸÚ_äÁ =“ɇÃ◊^=’◊Ö” =áÀËÈ=_‹” =IÌà_kª =—À^ဠ=Ôÿ√ =ÂÚ^Ëkv¯=^á¿fl =Ó√Ë‹¶=fiÉ–j=_gä=º=fi_‹skä¯^=ÓÍfl_‘€d=·√=˘óÀ=ÓÍÚ_‰fl¯=ÓÀ_û=âÍ‹kj=Óv_gä=m_€_∏=Á=ÓÍñ_ÈÜ=i_ƒ◊`=Ó◊_íÁ � KÌÜˉè∫^=u˘ƒ◊^=ŸÚ_äÁ=·€=Óí_~ Located 45-minute sea plane journey from Male International Airport. KÓÍÚ_∫^=ÌáÚ_�◊_f=Ó–ÍœÇ ٤٥ =ÓÀ_ã€=Î◊ÁÉ◊^=ÂÍ◊_€=Ü_�€=·√=ɃgÈ Haa Alifu Atoll Haa Dhaalu Atoll Shaviyani Atoll Noonu Atoll Raa Atoll Lhaviyani Atoll Kaafu Atoll Baa Atoll Alifu Alifu Atoll MALÉ Alifu Dhaalu Atoll Vaavu Atoll Faafu Atoll Meemu Atoll Dhaalu Atoll Thaa Atoll Laamu Atoll Gaafu Alifu Atoll Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll Gnaviyani Atoll Seenu Atoll +960 664 4100 dhigu-maldives.anantara.com Anantara Dhigu Resort & Spa Located in the Dhigufinolhu Island in the South Male Atoll, is Anantara Dhigu Resort & Spa, comprising of some of the most spacious luxury villas in Maldives, some with private plunge pools and just a 35 minute speedboat ride from Male International Airport. The tropical lagoon setting creates a Maldivian paradise of breathtaking natural wonders. Where the warmest heartfelt welcome leads to journeys that can be deeply relaxing or truly invigorating. Anantara Dhigu’s evocative location is matched by a tranquil island design approach that feels like home away from home with excellent facilities. Play tennis, hit the gym and swim in the infinity edge pool, or simply unwind at Anantara Spa with a range of renowned signature treatments. أﻧﺎﻧﺘﺎرا زﯾﻐﻮ رﯾﺰورت آﻧﺪ ﺳﺒﺎ ﺟﺰر اﻟﻤﺎﻟﺪﯾﻒ =Ìá~_Ã◊^=m˘ÍÃ◊^=·€=Ó√Ë‹¶=›óÈÁ=⁄Ëj`=Î◊_€=iˇr=º=Ë7ˇÍÀ˨Ç=ÌáÈâr=º=_gä=Éflb=mÜÁâÈÜ=Ë»Èà=^Ü_kfl_fl`=“ɇÀ=≈–È =Ôÿ√=’◊Ö”=“ɇÃ◊^=^Ö„=≈–ÈÁ=å�»ÿ◊=Óí_~=Óv_gä=m_€_∏=≤d=ÓÀ_ñ˛_f=IÕÈÉ◊_∫^=Üâr=º=Óƒä_é=m_v_ã€=2”af=âÍ‹kj =’flaf=áƒèj=’ÿƒ†=;◊^=ÓÍÚ^Ëkä¯^=‚Ër˘◊^=m^4û=Ò^Ëraf=âÍ‹kÈÁ=IÎ◊ÁÉ◊^=Î◊_€=Ü_�€=·€=≈Èáã◊^=iÜ_–◊^=Óÿváf=Ó–ÍœÇ=35=Ƀf =’‡‘∂=á√_è∫_f=ŸÀ_§^=Ü_§^=hÍv3◊^=·€=Ò^Ër˙^=ÊÖ„=ºÁ=IÕÈÉ◊_∫^=Üâr=õÜ`=Ôÿ√=Óf˘~=Ó̓Ígú=hÚ_sƒf=Ô¿°=Ó‡r=º =Âf=Ô¿≠=ÏÖ◊^=âÍ‹∫^=≈œË∫^=Ôÿ√=Óí_~=Ó√ÁÜ=ÎÃóÈ=_ªÁ=IΖ͖§^=ë_ƒkfl¯^Á=fi_‹skä¯_f=_7˘~=≈‹kãj=m˘vÜ=Ò_óœ � =’kÍf =º =’fla”Á =áƒèj =’ÿƒ¨ =Âfl` =_‹” =Üâsÿ◊ =ıÇ_7^ =≈f_�◊^ =呃j =m_‹Í‹ìkf =ÎjaÈ =Âfl` =Ë„ = =Ë»Èà =^Ü_kfl_fl` =“ɇÀ =^á¿fl =m_€_∏=Á=ÓÍñ_ÈÜ=i_ƒ◊`=Ó◊_íÁ=å‡k◊^=hƒ◊=_‰‡€=∆_k‹kä˘◊=ŸÚ_äÁ=“ɇÃ◊^=’◊Ö”=áÀËÈ=_‹”=IÌà_kª=—À^á€=Ôÿ√=ÂÚ^Ëkv¯ KÌÜˉè∫^=u˘ƒ◊^=ŸÚ_äÁ=·€=Óí_~=Ó√Ë‹¶=fiÉ–j=_gä=º=fi_‹skä¯^=ÓÍfl_‘€d=·√=˘óÀ=ÓÍÚ_‰fl¯=ÓÀ_û=âÍ‹kj=Óv_gä � Located 35 minutes from Malé International Airport by Speed boat K≈Èáã◊^=iÜ_–◊_f=Ó–ÍœÇ ٣٥ =ÓÀ_ã€=Î◊ÁÉ◊^=ÂÍ◊_€=Ü_�€=·√=ɃgÈ Haa Alifu Atoll Haa Dhaalu Atoll Shaviyani Atoll Noonu Atoll Raa Atoll Lhaviyani Atoll Kaafu Atoll Baa Atoll Alifu Alifu Atoll MALÉ Alifu Dhaalu Atoll Vaavu Atoll Faafu Atoll Meemu Atoll Dhaalu Atoll Thaa Atoll Laamu Atoll Anantara Kihavah Villas Enjoying a prime location in the Maldives’ Baa Atoll island archipelago and on the doorstep of Hanifaru Bay, Anantara Kihavah Villas is the perfect place from which to explore the underwater world of the Indian Ocean. Set on Kihavah Huravalhi, one of the most pristine Maldivian islands, the resort is 30-minute seaplane flight from Male International Airport, an unforgettable experience in itself as the plane flies over a string of glowing coral islands amidst turquoise waters. ﻓﻠﻞ أﻧﺎﻧﺘﺎرا ﮐﯿﻬﺎﻓﺎ Gaafu Alifu Atoll Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll Gnaviyani Atoll =‚_‘∫^=2kƒjÁ=ÕÈÉ◊_∫^=Üâr=º=ÁÜ_ÃÍfl_„=tÍÿ~=ŒÜ_è€=Ôÿ√Á=⁄Ëj`=_f=ŸÍg~Ü`=º=≈–È=ÏÖ◊^=áv_ã◊^=_‰ƒœË≥=âÍ‹kj =Î◊_À^ÜË„=_À_‰Í”=ÌáÈâr=º=≈sk‡∫^=≈–È=KÏɇ7^=ΩÍ-^=“_‹√`=º=Ò_∫^=y�ä=l°=≈f_–◊^=%_ƒ◊^=Œ_èk”¯=Ÿo€˙^ =IÎ◊ÁÉ◊^=ÂÍ◊_€=Ü_�€=·€=ÓÍÚ_∫^=ÌáÚ_�◊_f=Ó–ÍœÇ=٣٠=Ƀf=Ôÿ√=≈–jÁ=ÕÈÉÿ∫^=Üâr=º=á‘g◊^=Üâ£^=∆ÁÜ`=·€=ÌÉv^Á=΄Á =Ê_Í∫^=ΩäÁ=Ó–◊ak∫^=ÓÍfl_rá∫^=Üâ£^=·€=ΩÈáé=“ËÀ=ÌáÚ_�◊_f=—Íÿwk◊^=≈€=_‰j^Ñ=Év=º=Ôã‡j=¯=Ófá†=’w‡∂=_ª � KÓÈàÁ4Ã◊^ Seenu Atoll +960 664 4111 kihavah-maldives.anantara.com Located 30-minute sea plane journey from Male International Airport. KÓÍÚ_∫^=ÌáÚ_�◊_f=Ó–ÍœÇ ٣٠ ÓÀ_ã€=Î◊ÁÉ◊^=ÂÍ◊_€=Ü_�€=·√=ɃgÈ Haa Alifu Atoll Haa Dhaalu Atoll Shaviyani Atoll Noonu Atoll Raa Atoll Lhaviyani Atoll Kaafu Atoll Baa Atoll Alifu Alifu Atoll MALÉ Alifu Dhaalu Atoll Vaavu Atoll Faafu Atoll Meemu Atoll Dhaalu Atoll Thaa Atoll Angsana Ihuru The Angsana Ihuru Resort Maldives, is placed on a private tiny isle to the north west of Male City in North Male Atoll. This idyllic place is encircled by the blue clear waters of the Indian Ocean and by a powdery soft sand beach, which guests can stroll around. The thatched-roofed villas have a garden and a balcony and most are offered shade from tall coconut palm trees and large leaf vegetation. All units have colorful, modern contemporary style decoration. The beach and crystal clear waters of the ocean with its pristine coral reefs are only a couple of meters away Laamu Atoll Gaafu Alifu Atoll Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll Gnaviyani Atoll Seenu Atoll +960 664 3502 angsana.com اﻟﻤﺎﻟﺪﯾﻒ- ﻣﻨﺘﺠﻊ أﻧﻐﺴﺎﻧﺎ إﯾﻬﻮرو =ÊÖ‰f=ΩÍ≠Á=IÓÍ◊_‹è◊^=⁄Ëj`=ÂÍ◊_€=º=ÂÍ◊_€=Ó‡ÈÉ€=“áé=⁄_6=Ì4»ì◊^=Üâ£^=·€=ÌÉv^Á=Ôÿ√=ÁÜˉÈd=_fl_ã»fl`=≈sk‡€=≈–È =ÓƒÍg�◊_f=∆_k‹kä˘◊=_‰f=⁄Ësk◊^=Ò¯â‡ÿ◊=·‘∂=;◊^=Ó‹√_‡◊^=Ùú_è◊^=⁄_€ÜÁ=Ìáv_ã◊^=Ïɇ7^=ΩÍ-^=Ê_Í€=Ìáv_ã◊^=Óƒ–g◊^ =ÏËk≠=Óí_~=±j_ãfÁ=—Ú^Év=Ôÿ√=Ÿ�j=m_Àáé=ÇËrËf=ê–◊^=·€=ŒË–ãf=≈sk‡∫^=^Ö„=º=m˘ÍÃ◊^=›Í‹ìj=âÍ‹kÈÁ=KÓf˘•^ =Ÿ~^É◊^=·€=m˘ÍÃ◊^=à_k¥=_‹”=IÌ4g‘◊^=Ò^áó•^=_‰œ^ÜÁaf=à_k¥=;◊^=m_j_g‡◊^=·€=_„4«Á=ÓÿÈË�◊^=àË£^=Ü_sé`=Ôÿ√=_‰‹¿ƒ€ =Ò¯â‡ÿ◊ =yÍkÈ� =_ª =ÓÍfl_rá∫^ =Üâ£^Á =ÓÈÜËÿg◊^ =ΩÍ-^ =Ê_Í€ =·€ =_‰fᜠ=·√ =˘óÀ � =Ós‰g∫^ =‚^Ë◊˙^ =m^Ñ =ÓÈáìƒ◊^ =_‰j^ÜË‘ÈÉf =K›‰k€_œd=‚_‘€=Ÿ~^Ç=·€=ÌáÈâsÿ◊=Óf˘•^=ÓƒÍg�◊_f=∆_k‹kä¯^ Located 20 minutes from Malé International Airport by Speed boat. K≈Èáã◊^=iÜ_–◊_f=Ó–ÍœÇ=٢٠=ÓÀ_ã€=Î◊ÁÉ◊^=ÂÍ◊_€=Ü_�€=·√=ɃgÈ Haa Alifu Atoll Haa Dhaalu Atoll Shaviyani Atoll Noonu Atoll Raa Atoll Lhaviyani Atoll Kaafu Atoll Baa Atoll Alifu Alifu Atoll MALÉ Alifu Dhaalu Atoll Vaavu Atoll Faafu Atoll Meemu Atoll Dhaalu Atoll Thaa Atoll Laamu Atoll Gaafu Alifu Atoll Conrad Maldives Rangali Island Conrad Maldives Rangali Island offers guests 3 unique resort experiences in one luxurious destination and is included in Condé Nast Traveler's 2013 Gold List of the Best 100 Hotels in the World and The World's 10 Best Beach Hotels. This spectacular resort offers three different experiences on two islands. Discover a Maldivian hideaway on tiny Rangali Island and cross the bridge to enjoy the livelier main island. The third experience - the Spa Retreat - is an over-water destination set off the main island. ﺟﺰﯾﺮة راﻧﺠﺎﻟﯽ-ﮐﻮﻧﺮاد اﻟﻤﺎﻟﺪﯾﻒ =ÏÖ◊^Á=%_ƒ◊_f=ÓÍv_Íã◊^=m_‰rË◊^=áÀ`=·€=ÌÉv^Á=º=_‰√Ëfl=·€=ÌÉÈáÀ=Ófá†=ÂÚ¯âfl=≤d=ÕÈÉ◊_∫^=Ç^áflË”=≈sk‡€=fiÉ–È � =ɃÈ=Âfl`=_‹”=%_ƒ◊^=º=“ɇÀ=١٠٠=ŸóÀ`=·€=Év^Ë”=٢٠١٣=fi_ƒ◊=ÓÍg„Ö◊^=?áÿÍÀ^áj=lä_fl=ÉflË”?=Ó‹Ú_œ=Ôÿ√=^ á~˜€=uÜÇ` � =KÓÍÿv_ä=“Ç_‡À=١٠=ŸóÀ`=·€ Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll Gnaviyani Atoll Seenu Atoll +960 668 0629 conradhotels3.hilton.com =Î◊_©^Ü=ÌáÈâr=Ôÿ√=ÓÍÕ^=m^á‹∫^=·€=ÌÉv^Á=Œ_èk”^=Ò¯â‡ÿ◊=·‘∂=Ñd=X=ÓÃÿk®=iÜ_†=Ón˘n=á~_Ã◊^=≈sk‡∫^=^Ö„=fiÉ–È� =·◊=_gä=Ófásk|f=∆_k‹kä¯^=·√=˘óÀ=IÓÈËÍv=áo”˙^=ÓÍãÍÚá◊^=ÌáÈâ£^Á=Î◊_©^Ü=ÌáÈâr=±f=ŸìÃj=;◊^=ÜËã£^=Év`=ÜËg√Á � =KÓÍãÍÚá◊^=ÌáÈâ£^=º=áwg◊^=Ôÿ√=Ôã‡j� Located 30-minute sea plane journey from Male International Airport. KÓÍÚ_∫^=ÌáÚ_�◊_f=Ó–ÍœÇ=٣٠=ÓÀ_ã€=Î◊ÁÉ◊^=ÂÍ◊_€=Ü_�€=·√=ɃgÈ Haa Alifu Atoll Haa Dhaalu Atoll Shaviyani Atoll Noonu Atoll Raa Atoll Lhaviyani Atoll Kaafu Atoll Baa Atoll Alifu Alifu Atoll MALÉ Alifu Dhaalu Atoll Vaavu Atoll Faafu Atoll Meemu Atoll Dhaalu Atoll Thaa Atoll Dusit Thani Maldives Dusit Thani Maldives blends graceful Thai hospitality with the unparalleled luxury setting of the Maldives. Encircled by white sandy beaches, a stunning 360 degree house reef and a turquoise lagoon, Dusit Thani Maldives is a 35-minute seaplane journey from Male International Airport. It is a 10-minute speedboat ride from the domestic airport in Baa Atoll. ﻣﻨﺘﺠﻊ دوﺳﯿﺖ ﺗﺎﻧﯽ اﻟﻤﺎﻟﺪﯾﻒ Laamu Atoll Gaafu Alifu Atoll =æ_≠=KÕÈÉ◊_∫^=Üâr=_‰f=á‰kèj=;◊^=_7=ŸÍo€=¯=;◊^=Ó€_Ã◊^Á=ÓÈÉfl˘È_k◊^=ÓÀ_Íó◊^=fiá”=±f=Îfl_j=lÍäÁÇ=tk‡€=≈‹¨ =Ê_Í∫^ =m^Ñ =Ìáv_ã◊^ =m^4wg◊^ =·€ =ÌÉv^Á =Ôÿ√ =Ÿ�ÈÁ =Óf˘•^ =ÓÍfl_rá∫^ =i_ƒè◊^Á =Ò_óÍg◊^ =ÓÍÿ€á◊^ =Ùú^Ëè◊_f =≈sk‡∫^ =١٠Á =Ïáwg◊^ =‚^4�◊_f =Ó–ÍœÇ =٣٥ =ÓÀ_〠=ÂÍ◊_€ =Ó‹í_ƒ◊^ =·√ =ɃgÈ =ÏÖ◊^ =ƒœË≥ =≈sk‡∫^ =à_k∂ =KÓÍÀ_ì◊^ =ÓÈàÁ4Ã◊^ KÎÿ-^=⁄Ëj`=_f=Ü_�€=·€=≈Èáã◊^=iÜ_–◊_f=—Ú_œÇ Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll Gnaviyani Atoll Seenu Atoll +960 660 8888 dusit.com Located 35-minute sea plane journey from Male International Airport. KÓÍÚ_∫^=ÌáÚ_�◊_f=Ó–ÍœÇ=٣٥=ÓÀ_ã€=Î◊ÁÉ◊^=ÂÍ◊_€=Ü_�€=·√=ɃgÈ Haa Alifu Atoll Haa Dhaalu Atoll Shaviyani Atoll Noonu Atoll Raa Atoll Lhaviyani Atoll Kaafu Atoll Baa Atoll Alifu Alifu Atoll MALÉ Alifu Dhaalu Atoll Vaavu Atoll Faafu Atoll Meemu Atoll Dhaalu Atoll Thaa Atoll Four Seasons Resort Maldives At Kuda Huraa Four Seasons Resort Kuda Huraa is an enchanting garden island with all the charm and intimacy of a traditional Maldivian village offers a sophisticated and innovative choice of recreation, escapism and conservation. Located just 25 minutes by speedboat from the airport, the island’s accommodations, restaurants and recreational facilities are all close at hand, arranged around a beautiful central promenade lined with borders of tropical flowers. ﻣﻨﺘﺠﻊ ﻓﻮرﺳﯿﺰوﻧﺰ اﻟﻤﺎﻟﺪﯾﻒ ﻓﯽ ﮐﻮدا ﻫﻮرا Laamu Atoll Gaafu Alifu Atoll Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll =_‰f=à_k¥=;◊^=ÓÃ◊˙^Á=áwã◊^=Ÿ”=≈‹†=;◊^=Óf˘•^=ÌáÈâ£^=’ÿj=^ÜË„=^ÇË”=º=ÕÈÉ◊_∫^=âflÁâÍä=ÜËÀ=≈sk‡€=≈–È =⁄_‹ù=∆_k‹kä¯^Á=Ìá€_»∫^Á=fi_‹skä˘◊=ÓÍ–Í–v=ÓíáÀ=Ò¯â‡◊^=≤d=≈sk‡∫^=fiÉ–È=KÕÈÉ◊_∫^=º=ÓÈÉÍÿ–k◊^=á–◊^ � =Ó–ÍœÇ=٢٥=ÓÀ_ã€=Ü_�∫^=·√=ɃgÈ=^Ñd=ÌáÈâ£_f=ÓÈËͧ^=≈œ^Ë∫^=·€=hÈá–◊^=ƒœË≥=≈sk‡∫^=âÍ‹kÈÁ=KÑ_~˙^=ÓƒÍg�◊^ =Õ�ìj=pÍv=IÉÍ◊^=⁄Á_‡k€=º=_‰ÿ”=Ó͉ÍÀ3◊^=—À^á∫^Á=›√_�∫^Á=ÌáÈâ£^=º=Ó€_œ˛^=·”_€`=≈–jÁ=I≈Èáã◊^=iÜ_–◊_f � K_í_~=^ � áwä=_‰Íÿ√=ÎÃóÈ=_ª=Œ^áú˙^=Ôÿ√=ÓÍÚ^Ëkä¯^=ÜË„â◊^=_‰f=ΩÍ≠=ŸÍ∑=ɉè€=º=Êâ‡k∫^=⁄Ëv=_‰ƒÍ∑ Gnaviyani Atoll Seenu Atoll +960 664 4888 fourseasons.com/maldiveskh Located 25 minutes from Malé International Airport by Speed boat. K≈Èáã◊^=iÜ_–◊_f=Ó–ÍœÇ=٢٥=ÓÀ_ã€=Î◊ÁÉ◊^=ÂÍ◊_€=Ü_�€=·√=ɃgÈ Haa Alifu Atoll Haa Dhaalu Atoll Shaviyani Atoll Noonu Atoll Raa Atoll Lhaviyani Atoll Kaafu Atoll Baa Atoll Alifu Alifu Atoll MALÉ Alifu Dhaalu Atoll Vaavu Atoll Faafu Atoll Meemu Atoll Dhaalu Atoll Thaa Atoll Jumeirah Vittaveli Maldives Enjoy an experience worthy of the idyllic island, the resort calls home. Lie on white sandy beaches, re-energise in the signature spa, feast on decadent dishes or simply relax in the intimate space of the lush Maldivian hideaway. One of only 200 populated islands in the Maldives, Jumeirah Vittaveli is a resort that combines accessibility with luxury and privacy. From the capital of Male, arrive at the resort in just a short -20minute boat ride from the Ibrahim Nasir International Airport, Male ﺟﻤﯿﺮا ﻓﯿﺘﺎﻓﯿﻠﯽ – ﺟﺰر اﻟﻤﺎﻟﺪﯾﻒ Laamu Atoll Gaafu Alifu Atoll Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll Gnaviyani Atoll =Ùú^Ëè◊^=Ôÿ√=Ò_–ÿkä¯^=’‡‘∂=pÍv=X’Íkf=º=’fla”Á=áƒèj=’ÿƒ†=Ìáv_ä=ÌáÈâr=º=Ó€_œˇ◊=ÌÉÈáÀ=Ófáskf=≈k‹kä^ =fi_ƒ�◊^ =“_gú` =·€ =ÓƒÚ^Ü =Ó√Ë‹s≥ =∆_k‹kä¯^ =Á =_‡f =ï_•^ =_gã◊^ =º =’kÈËÍvÁ =’ú_èfl =ÌÇ_ƒkä^Á =Ò_óÍg◊^ =ÓÍÿ€á◊^ =≈sk‡€=ɃÈÁ=IÌáv_ã◊^=ÕÈÉ◊_∫^=Üâr=Ò^Ër`=_‰‹ƒj=Ò^áó~=m_v_ã€=ΩäÁ=≈–È=Ñ˘€=º=Ò_~3ä¯^=Á`=Ìá~_Ã◊^=Ó͉è◊^ =Œ3◊^=±f=≈‹¨=Ë„Á=IΩ–À=ÌáÈâr=200=_„ÇÉ√=…ÿgÈ=;◊^Á=‚_‘ã◊_f=Ó◊Ë„a∫^=ÕÈÉ◊_∫^=Üâr=·€=^Év^Á=ÎÿÍÀ_kÍÀ=^4∑ � =Ó‹í_ƒ◊^=º=Î◊ÁÉ◊^=áí_fl=›Í„^áfd=Ü_�€=·€=iÜ_–◊^=Óÿváf=Ω–À=Ó–ÍœÇ=20=Ƀf=Ôÿ√=≈sk‡∫^=≈–ÈÁ=^Ö„=IÓÍíËì•^Á KÎ◊_€ Seenu Atoll +960 664 2020 jumeirah.com Located 20 minutes from Malé International Airport by Speedboat K≈Èáã◊^=iÜ_–◊_f=Ó–ÍœÇ=٢٠=ÓÀ_ã€=Î◊ÁÉ◊^=ÂÍ◊_€=Ü_�€=·√=ɃgÈ Haa Alifu Atoll Haa Dhaalu Atoll Shaviyani Atoll Noonu Atoll Raa Atoll Lhaviyani Atoll Kaafu Atoll Baa Atoll Alifu Alifu Atoll MALÉ Alifu Dhaalu Atoll Vaavu Atoll Faafu Atoll Meemu Atoll Dhaalu Atoll Thaa Atoll Laamu Atoll Just a short 10 minute boat transfer from the airport or Malé, Available 24 hours. Kurumba offers a wide range of accommodation from Pool Villas to Beach Bungalows all linked to the many dining venues and entertainment areas with a meandering pathway within lush tropical gardens. Kurumba Maldives offers the complete Maldives island resort experience. Relaxing on the white sandy beach. Swimming in the protected crystal clear lagoon. Explore the underwater world on the vibrant house reef. Be energized with the daily scheduled activities, watersports or scuba diving. ﮐﻮروﻣﺒﺎ ﺟﺰر اﻟﻤﺎﻟﺪﯾﻒ Gaafu Alifu Atoll Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll Gnaviyani Atoll Seenu Atoll +960 664 2324 kurumba.com Kurumba Maldives =IÓ√_ä=24=ÌÉ∫=}_k€=Ë„Á=IÎ◊_€=Ó‡ÈÉ€=Á`=Ü_�∫^=·€=Ω–À=—Ú_œÇ=10=Ƀf=Ôÿ√=ÕÈÉ◊_∫^=Üâr=_g€ÁÜË”=≈sk‡€=≈–È =·€=ÓflË‘∫^=mËÍg◊^=Ôkv=Óv_gä=m_€_∏=_‰f=;◊^=m˘ÍÃ◊^=·€=ÓÈ^Éf=·”_ã∫^=·€=Ì4g”=Ó√Ë‹¶=fiÉ–È=Âflaf=âÍ‹kÈÁ =≈–È=Ì_è€=áª=⁄˘~=·€==Ó͉ÍÀ3◊^=—ú_‡∫^Á=›√_�∫_f==Óÿìk€=_‰ƒÍ∑=΄Á=Ùú_è◊^=Ôÿ√=≈–j=;◊^=Év^Á=—f_ú =’‡‘∂=pÍv=IÕÈÉ◊_∫^=Üâr=º=Ó€_œ˛_f=≈k‹k◊^=Ÿgä=≈Í∑=≈sk‡∫^=^Ö„=fiÉ–ÈÁ=^Ö„=IÒ^áó•^=ÓÍÚ^Ëkä¯^=—Ú^ɧ^=ΩäÁ =Ò_∫^=l°=_€=%_√=Œ_èk”^Á=IÓÍ‹ß=ÓÍ–fl=‚Ër¯=Ì4û=º=Óv_gã◊^=·√=˘óÀ=Ò_óÍg◊^=⁄_€á◊^=·€=Ùú_é=Ôÿ√=Ò_~3ä¯^ � =⁄˘~=·€=’ú_èfl=ÌÇ_ƒkä^=’◊Ö”=’‡‘∂Á=IÌ_ͧ_f=ôf_fl=_∫_√=·√=Õè‘k◊=Ò_∫^=y�ä=iáœ=≈–j=;◊^=ÜËì◊^=⁄˘~=·€ � KÒ_∫^=l°=ïË»◊^Á=ÓÍÚ_€=m_ñ_ÈÜÁ=ÉÍ√^Ë≥=ÇÉ°=ÓÍ€ËÈ=Ó�èfl`=ÓäÜ_ª � Located 10 minutes from Malé International Airport by Speedboat K≈Èáã◊^=iÜ_–◊_f=Ó–ÍœÇ=١٠=ÓÀ_ã€=Î◊ÁÉ◊^=ÂÍ◊_€=Ü_�€=·√=ɃgÈ Haa Alifu Atoll Haa Dhaalu Atoll Shaviyani Atoll Noonu Atoll Raa Atoll Lhaviyani Atoll Kaafu Atoll Baa Atoll Alifu Alifu Atoll MALÉ Alifu Dhaalu Atoll Vaavu Atoll Faafu Atoll Meemu Atoll Dhaalu Atoll Thaa Atoll LUX* Maldives offers a real insight into unspoiled island living. At 2km long and 400m wide, the island is big enough to explore when you fancy a break from the fine coral sand beaches. Visit the world-class PADI diving center and explore the crystal clear waters of the lagoon where can spot everything from playful dolphins and whale sharks to majestic stingrays and colorful coral fish. ﮐﻮروﻣﺒﺎ ﺟﺰر اﻟﻤﺎﻟﺪﯾﻒ Laamu Atoll Gaafu Alifu Atoll Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll Gnaviyani Atoll Seenu Atoll +960 668 0901 luxresorts.com LUX* Maldives =IÓ√_ä=24=ÌÉ∫=}_k€=Ë„Á=IÎ◊_€=Ó‡ÈÉ€=Á`=Ü_�∫^=·€=Ω–À=—Ú_œÇ=10=Ƀf=Ôÿ√=ÕÈÉ◊_∫^=Üâr=_g€ÁÜË”=≈sk‡€=≈–È =·€=ÓflË‘∫^=mËÍg◊^=Ôkv=Óv_gä=m_€_∏=_‰f=;◊^=m˘ÍÃ◊^=·€=ÓÈ^Éf=·”_ã∫^=·€=Ì4g”=Ó√Ë‹¶=fiÉ–È=Âflaf=âÍ‹kÈÁ =≈–È=Ì_è€=áª=⁄˘~=·€==Ó͉ÍÀ3◊^=—ú_‡∫^Á=›√_�∫_f==Óÿìk€=_‰ƒÍ∑=΄Á=Ùú_è◊^=Ôÿ√=≈–j=;◊^=Év^Á=—f_ú =’‡‘∂=pÍv=IÕÈÉ◊_∫^=Üâr=º=Ó€_œ˛_f=≈k‹k◊^=Ÿgä=≈Í∑=≈sk‡∫^=^Ö„=fiÉ–ÈÁ=^Ö„=IÒ^áó•^=ÓÍÚ^Ëkä¯^=—Ú^ɧ^=ΩäÁ =Ò_∫^=l°=_€=%_√=Œ_èk”^Á=IÓÍ‹ß=ÓÍ–fl=‚Ër¯=Ì4û=º=Óv_gã◊^=·√=˘óÀ=Ò_óÍg◊^=⁄_€á◊^=·€=Ùú_é=Ôÿ√=Ò_~3ä¯^ � =⁄˘~=·€=’ú_èfl=ÌÇ_ƒkä^=’◊Ö”=’‡‘∂Á=IÌ_ͧ_f=ôf_fl=_∫_√=·√=Õè‘k◊=Ò_∫^=y�ä=iáœ=≈–j=;◊^=ÜËì◊^=⁄˘~=·€ � KÒ_∫^=l°=ïË»◊^Á=ÓÍÚ_€=m_ñ_ÈÜÁ=ÉÍ√^Ë≥=ÇÉ°=ÓÍ€ËÈ=Ó�èfl`=ÓäÜ_ª � Located 25-minute sea plane journey from Male International Airport. KÓÍÚ_∫^=ÌáÚ_�◊_f=Ó–ÍœÇ=٢٥=ÓÀ_ã€=Î◊ÁÉ◊^=ÂÍ◊_€=Ü_�€=·√=ɃgÈ Haa Alifu Atoll Haa Dhaalu Atoll Shaviyani Atoll Noonu Atoll Raa Atoll Lhaviyani Atoll Kaafu Atoll Baa Atoll Alifu Alifu Atoll MALÉ Alifu Dhaalu Atoll Vaavu Atoll Faafu Atoll Meemu Atoll Dhaalu Atoll Thaa Atoll Niyama Maldives Boasting a -24hour spa and the world’s first underwater nightclub, the luxurious Niyama By Per Aquum sits on the Private island of Olhuveli in the Maldives. This tropical paradise offers a quiet private beach, butler services and free Wi-Fi throughout the resort. Spacious and modern, the studios at Niyama By Per Aquum are located on the beach or over the crystal lagoon. Fahrenheit rooftop bar offers creative cocktails, live DJ performances and beautiful sunset views. Fitted with glass walls with views of the underwater marine life, Subsix offers global music and drinks. Laamu Atoll ﻧﯿﺎﻣﺎ اﻟﻤﺎﻟﺪﯾﻒ Gaafu Alifu Atoll Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll Gnaviyani Atoll Seenu Atoll + 960 676 2828 niyama.peraquum.com =I%_ƒ◊^=º=Ò_∫^=l°=ÎÿÍ◊=Ô‰ÿ€=⁄Á`=”˘k€_f=âÍ‹kÈÁ=Ó√_ä=24=Ü^É€=Ôÿ√=Óv_k€=_gä=Ë”`=4f=Ï_f=_€_Ífl=≈sk‡€=fiÉ–È =ıÇ_„ =ï_~ =Ùú_é =Ôÿ√ =ÓÍÚ^Ëkä¯^ =Ó‡£^ =ÊÖ„ =ÏËk°Á =IÕÈÉ◊_∫^ =Üâr =º =Óí_•^ =ÎÿÍÀË7Á` =ÌáÈâr =º =≈–È =Ë„Á =≈sk‡∫^ =^Ö„ =âÍ‹kÈÁ =I≈sk‡∫^ =Ò_™` =≈Í∑ =º =EWiJFi =Ï_À =Ï^ÁF =lfl3fl˛_f =Îfl_¶ =⁄_ìj^ =Ó€É~Á =ï_~ =fiÉ~ =›–úÁ =y�ä=Ôÿ√=lÈ_‰flá‰À=Ü_f=ÉrËÈ=_‹”=IÓÍ–‡◊^=‚Ër˘◊^=Ì4û=Ôÿ√=Ÿ�j=Á`=Ùú_è◊^=Ôÿ√=≈–j=ËÈÇËkä`=·”_ã€=Ó√Ë‹s≥ =ÏÇ_fl =≤d =ÓÀ_ñd =^Ö„ =IiÁá»ÿ◊ =Óf˘~ =áø_‡€Á =DJ =|◊^ =Îfl_«` =·€ =ÓÍv =m_‹»flÁ =Ìá‘kg€ =ŸÍk”Ë” =áÚ_ì√ =fiÉ–ÈÁ =Ô‡g∫^ =_7˘~ =·€ =·‘∂ =ÓÍr_rà =‚^ÜÉù =ÇÁ†=Âfld =pÍv =Ò_∫^ =l° =m_fÁáè∫^Á =ÓÍ∫_ƒ◊^ =Ô–ÍäË∫^ =fiÉ–È =ÏÖ◊^ =å‘Íãf_ä KÒ_∫^=l°=ÓÈáwg◊^=Ì_ͧ^=ÌÉ„_è€ Located 40 minutes from Malé International Airport by Seaplane KÓÍÚ_∫^=ÌáÚ_�◊_f=Ó–ÍœÇ=٤٠=ÓÀ_ã€=Î◊ÁÉ◊^=ÂÍ◊_€=Ü_�€=·√=ɃgÈ Haa Alifu Atoll Haa Dhaalu Atoll Shaviyani Atoll Noonu Atoll Raa Atoll Lhaviyani Atoll Kaafu Atoll Baa Atoll Alifu Alifu Atoll MALÉ Alifu Dhaalu Atoll Vaavu Atoll Faafu Atoll Meemu Atoll Dhaalu Atoll Thaa Atoll Laamu Atoll Paradise Island Resort & Spa Set on the island known as Lankanfinolhu, located in North Male- Atoll Featuring luxury villas and suites overlooking the Indian Ocean A fifteen-minute boat ride from Ibrahim Nasir International Airport. Paradise Island Resort & Spa to be precise, an uncompromising destination of luxury and comfort. A network of paved pathways winds through the lush grounds, connecting the oceanfront accommodation. ﺑﺎراداﯾﺲ آﯾﻼﻧﺪ رﯾﺰورت آﻧﺪ ﺳﺒﺎ Gaafu Alifu Atoll Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll =Ôÿ√=Ÿ�j=Ów‡r˙^Á=m˘ÍÃ◊^=·€=Ó√Ë‹¶=fiÉ–ÈÁ=Î◊_€=⁄Ëj`=⁄_6=º=Ë7ˇÍÃfl_‘fl¯=›ä_f=Œáƒj=ÌáÈâr=Ôÿ√=≈–È � =ɃÈÁ==IÎ◊ÁÉ◊^=áí_fl=›Í„^áfd=Ü_�€=·€=iÜ_–◊^=Óÿváf=Ó–ÍœÇ=áè√=Óãπ=Ƀf=Ôÿ√=≈–È=Âfl`=·√=˘óÀ=Ïɇ7^=ΩÍ-^ � =Ìɉ‹∫^=m^á‹∫^=·€=Ó‘gé=›óÈ=Âfl`=·√=˘óÀ=IÓv^á◊^Á=Œ3ÿ◊=Â◊=ŸÍo€=¯=Ñ˘€==JÓœÉf=4gƒk◊^=_‡◊=à_r=^Ñd=J“ɇÃ◊^=^Ö„ � KΩÍ-^=Ôÿ√=Ÿ�j=;◊^=·”_ã∫^=ŸìjÁ=Ò^áó•^=m_v_ã∫^=ΩäËkj Gnaviyani Atoll Seenu Atoll +960 664 0011 villahotels.com Located 15-minute sea plane journey from Male International Airport. KÓÍÚ_∫^=ÌáÚ_�◊_f=Ó–ÍœÇ=١٥=ÓÀ_ã€=Î◊ÁÉ◊^=ÂÍ◊_€=Ü_�€=·√=ɃgÈ Haa Alifu Atoll Haa Dhaalu Atoll Shaviyani Atoll Noonu Atoll Raa Atoll Lhaviyani Atoll Kaafu Atoll Baa Atoll Alifu Alifu Atoll MALÉ Alifu Dhaalu Atoll Vaavu Atoll Faafu Atoll Meemu Atoll Dhaalu Atoll Thaa Atoll Laamu Atoll Gaafu Alifu Atoll Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll Gnaviyani Atoll Seenu Atoll +960 689 7888 shangri-la.com/male/villingiliresort Shangri-La’s Villingili Resort & Spa Maldives As you stroll along the resort’s edge, the vast Indian Ocean stirs a sense of awe deep within you. Like a pearl in its oyster, you’re embraced by the soothing ambience of Shangri-La’s Villingili Resort & Spa, Maldives. Relaxing in your villa on a brilliant tropical afternoon, you enjoy the stunning view where the azure waters meet sapphire-coloured skies. Built on stilts in the resort's lagoon, the private haven is connected to the island by a timber walkway, over waters teeming with marine life. A treat for the senses and an adventure awaits you at the Shangri La Villingli Resort & Spa. ﻣﻨﺘﺠﻊ وﺳﺒﺎ ﺷﺎﻧﻐﺮﯾﻼ ﻓﯿﻠﯿﻨﻐﻠﯽ =_gäÁ=≈sk‡€=Ò^Ër`=’ÈËk°=K⁄˘£^Á=Óf_‰∫_f=_ä_ãvd=≈sk‡∫^=ÓÀ_v=Ôÿ√=⁄Ëskj=lfl`Á=≈ä_è◊^=Ïɇ7^=ΩÍ-^=’ÿ~^Éf=4oÈ � =’j_Íã€`=Ò_óœ=ɇ√=Ò_~3ä¯_f=≈k‹kãj=ŒËãÀ=K_‰kÀÉí=º=̘◊˜ÿ”=ÕÈÉ◊_∫^=Üâr=º=IÓÚÇ_7^=Îÿ»‡ÍÿÍÀ=˘Èá»fl_é � =≈€=ÓÈÇÜÁà˘◊^=ΩÍ-^=Ê_Í€=Ò_–k◊¯=i˘•^=áv_ã◊^=ῇ∫_f=≈k‹kãkä=_‹”=IÓƒÚ^á◊^=ÓÍÚ^Ëkä¯^=Ò^Ër˙^=º=’kÿÍÀ=º =ÓÍÛú_è◊^=ÌáÈâ£^=Ì4û=Ê_Í€=ÜËí=Ôÿ√=<g∫^=ï_•^=Ôäá∫^=ŸìkÈ=KÌá‰g€=ÎjËœ_Í◊^=“Üà˙^=‚Ëÿ◊^=m^Ñ=m^Á_‹ã◊^ =_gäÁ=≈sk‡€=º=÷Ü_¿kfl^=º=Ìá€_»€Á=åÍä_v˙^=4oj=ÓÈáwg◊^=Ò_Ív˙_f=ÓÿÀ_v=Ê_Í€=“ËÀ=:è~=áª=⁄˘~=·€=ÌáÈâ£_f ==KÎÿ»‡ÍÿÍÀ=˘Èá»fl_é Located 70 minutes from Malé International Airport by Domestic Flight =Îÿ~^É◊^=‚^4�◊_f=Î◊ÁÉ◊^=Î◊_€=Ü_�€=·€=Ó–ÍœÇ=٧٠=ÓÀ_ã€=Ôÿ√=≈–È Haa Alifu Atoll Haa Dhaalu Atoll Shaviyani Atoll Noonu Atoll Raa Atoll Lhaviyani Atoll Kaafu Atoll Baa Atoll Alifu Alifu Atoll MALÉ Alifu Dhaalu Atoll Vaavu Atoll Faafu Atoll Meemu Atoll Dhaalu Atoll Thaa Atoll Sheraton Maldives Full Moon Resort & Spa Sheraton Maldives Full Moon Resort & Spa –immerse to a world of golden sunshine, fine dining, water sports and entertainment, topped off with warm Maldivian hospitality on our own private island just 15 minutes by boat from Malé Airport. Feel at home in guest rooms and Ocean Villas furnished in tropical style and with the finest amenities. ﺷﯿﺮاﺗﻮن ﻓﻮل ﻣﻮن زﯾﺰورت آﻧﺪ ﺳﺒﺎ ﺟﺰر اﻟﻤﺎﻟﺪﯾﻒ Laamu Atoll Gaafu Alifu Atoll =›√_�€Á=ÓÍg„Ö◊^=å‹è◊^=Óƒé`=ÓÛÿ¥=%_√=º=ÕÈÉ◊_∫^=Üâr=_gä=Éflb=mÜÁâÈà=‚Ë€=⁄ËÀ=‚Ëj^4é=≈sk‡€=å‹»‡È =_‡f=Óí_~=ÌáÈâr=º=ÕÈÉ◊_∫^=Üâr=º=ÓÛÀ^É◊^=ÓÀ_Íó◊^=Ò^Ër`=呃j=IÓÍÚ_∫^=i_ƒ◊˙^=ÓäÜ_ªÁ=ÂÍÀ3ÿ◊=·”_€`Á=Ó–Ífl` =Ò¯â‡◊^=Œá«=º=⁄â‡∫^=Ëù=∆_k‹kä¯^=’◊Ö”=’‡‘∂Á=^Ö„=IÎ◊_€=Ü_�€=·€=iÜ_–◊^=Óÿváf=Ω–À=Ó–ÍœÇ=15=Ƀf=Ôÿ√=≈–j KËkã€=Ôÿ√`=Ôÿ√=—À^á≥=ÌÇÁâ€=΄Á=ÎÚ^Ëkä¯^=≈f_�◊^=呃j=m_‹Í‹ìkf=Îjaj=;◊^Á=ΩÍ-^=Ôÿ√=Óÿ�∫^=m˘ÍÃ◊^Á Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll Gnaviyani Atoll Seenu Atoll +960 664 2010 sheratonmaldives.com Located 15 minutes from Malé International Airport by Speed boat. K≈Èáã◊^=iÜ_–◊_f=Ó–ÍœÇ=١٥=ÓÀ_ã€=Î◊ÁÉ◊^=ÂÍ◊_€=Ü_�€=·√=ɃgÈ Haa Alifu Atoll Haa Dhaalu Atoll Shaviyani Atoll Noonu Atoll Raa Atoll Lhaviyani Atoll Kaafu Atoll Baa Atoll Alifu Alifu Atoll MALÉ Alifu Dhaalu Atoll Vaavu Atoll Faafu Atoll Meemu Atoll Dhaalu Atoll Thaa Atoll Sun Island Resort & Spa Located 62 miles from the male airport, Nalaguraidhoo is the most breathtaking and picturesque island in South Ari Atoll. Sun Island Resort is the biggest resort island in the Maldives. Located along the islands beautiful beaches are the choice of beachfront super deluxe, deluxe or over water bungalow rooms. Its amenities and furnishings are terrific. It's over water bungalows are spectacular in design, richly chosen and enhanced by striking ocean views that captivates the soul. Sun Island exemplifies good service and world- class cuisine. Laamu Atoll Gaafu Alifu Atoll Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll Gnaviyani Atoll Seenu Atoll +960 668 0088 villahotels.com ﺻﻦ أﯾﻼﻧﺪ رﯾﺰوت آﻧﺪ ﺳﺒﺎ =áo”˙^=ÌáÈâ£^=΄Á==Ë„ÉÈ^ÜËr¯_fl=ÌáÈâr=º=IÎ◊_€=Ü_�€=·€=ŸÍ€=62=Ƀf=Ôÿ√=_gä=Éflb=mÁâÈÜ=Éfl˘È`=·í=≈sk‡€=≈–È � =Ô¿≠=Ë„Á=IÕÈÉ◊_∫^=Üâr=·‹ñ=≈sk‡€=Ÿ‘é=Ôÿ√=ÌáÈâr=2”`=Éfl˘È`=·í=≈sk‡€=ɃÈÁ=I⁄Ëj`=ÏÜ`=iˇr=º=Ó√ÁÜÁ=^áwä =Ôÿ√=Ÿ�j=å”Ë◊=á~`Á=å”Ë◊=áfËä=Œá«=_‰‡Íf=·€=m^Ü_Ík~^==Ó√Ë‹¶=’◊=fiÉ–j=Ìáv_ä=Ùú^Ëé=ÂúË°=≈œË≥ =ÌÇË£_f=≈sk‡∫^=^Ö„=m_gÍ�èjÁ=—À^á€=âÍ‹kj=_‹”=IÒ_∫^=ΩäÁ=≈–È=Év^Á=—f_ú=·€=‚Ë‘€=lÍf=·‹ñ=Œá«Á=Ùú_è◊^ =ÉÈâjÁ=ÓÈ_‡ƒf=ÌÜ_k®=Óf^Ör=m_‹Í‹ìkf=Îjaj=Ò_∫^=ΩäÁ=Óƒœ^Ë◊^==Év^Á=—f_ú=·€=ÓflË‘∫^=mËÍg◊^=‚`=·√=˘óÀ=IÌà_k‹∫^ � =Ìà_k‹∫^=Ó€Éÿ◊=¯_o€=Éfl˘È`=·í=≈sk‡€=ɃÈÁ=^Ö„=I}Áá◊^=hÿãj=;◊^Á=ΩÍ-^=Ôÿ√=Óÿ�∫^=Óf˘•^=áø_‡∫^=_‰k√ÁÜ=·€ � KÌá~_À=fi_ƒú=“_gú`=fiÉ–È=Âfl`=_‹” Located 30 minutes from Malé International Airport by Domestic Flight =Îÿ~^É◊^=‚^4�◊_f=Î◊ÁÉ◊^=Î◊_€=Ü_�€=·€=Ó–ÍœÇ=٣٠=ÓÀ_ã€=Ôÿ√=≈–È Haa Alifu Atoll Haa Dhaalu Atoll Shaviyani Atoll Noonu Atoll Raa Atoll Lhaviyani Atoll Kaafu Atoll Baa Atoll Alifu Alifu Atoll MALÉ Alifu Dhaalu Atoll Vaavu Atoll Faafu Atoll Meemu Atoll Dhaalu Atoll Thaa Atoll Laamu Atoll Gaafu Alifu Atoll Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll Gnaviyani Atoll Seenu Atoll +960 656 0591 thesunsiyam.com/irufushi The Sun Siyam Iru Fushi Surrounded by over 52 acres of powdery white beach and lush, tropical vegetation, the stunning and secluded The Sun Siyam Iru Fushi Maldives is set on the unspoilt Noonu Atoll and is accessed by a scenic 45 minute seaplane ride from Male. Experience friendly Maldivian hospitality combined with a wealth of leisure activities and services to suit all tastes at this luxury five -star Maldives resort. Whatever you are travelling, whether it is family tour or romantic honeymoon at The Sun Siyam Iru Fushi you to let go of your worldly concerns and simply enjoy the moment – on every individuals. ذا ﺳﻦ ﺳﯿﺎم إﯾﺮو ﻓﻮﺷﻰ =·€=_fl^ÉÀ=٥٢=·€=áo”`=_‰f=ΩÍ≠Á=I⁄Ëj`=ËflËfl=Ôÿ√=ÕÈÉ◊_∫^=Üâr=Ó◊â√=‚_óv`=º=Óÿ„Ö∫^=ÔéËÀ=ÁáÈd=fi_Íä=·í=≈–j � =٤٥=ÌÉ∫=ÓÍÚ_€=ÌáÚ_ú=∞€=Ôÿ√=ÂÍ◊_€=·€=_7=Âsk∫^=yÚ_ã◊^=—ÿ≠=KÓÍÚ^Ëkä¯^=m_j_g‡◊^Á=Ò_óÍg◊^=Ó‹√_‡◊^=Ùú_è◊^=⁄_€Ü =·€=Ì4g”=Ó√Ë‹¶Á=ÌÇÁÇË◊^=ÕÈÉ◊_∫^=ÓÀ_Íóf=≈k‹kä^=KÂkÿvÜ=⁄^Ëú=Óf˘•^=Ó̓Íg�◊^=áø_‡∫_f=ÂÈáø_fl=≈k‹Í◊=Ó–ÍœÇ =I÷áÃä=hgä=‚_”=_È`=KfiË©=å‹•^=ÏÑ=á~_Ã◊^=≈sk‡∫^=^Ö„=º=“^ÁÑ˙^=≈Í∑=hä_‡j=;◊^=Ó͉ÍÀ3◊^=m_€É•^Á=Ó�èfl˙^ � =’Íã‡kä=ÔéËÀ=ÁáÈd=fi_Íä=IÓÍg„Ö◊^=å‹è◊^=Óƒé`=l°=Îãfl_€ÁÜ=Ÿã√=á‰é=Ò_ó–◊=Á`=ÓÈáä`=Ó◊Ër=‚_”=Ò^Ëä � KÓú_ãgf=Ô‰k‡≥=ÓƒÚ^á◊^=m_¿wÿ◊^=’ÿkf=ÇáÀ=Ÿ”=≈k‹kãÍäÁ=_ÍflÉ◊^=Ÿ«_è€ Located 45-minute sea plane journey from Male International Airport KÓÍÚ_∫^=ÌáÚ_�◊_f=Ó–ÍœÇ=٤٥=ÓÀ_ã€=Î◊ÁÉ◊^=ÂÍ◊_€=Ü_�€=·√=ɃgÈ Haa Alifu Atoll Haa Dhaalu Atoll Shaviyani Atoll Noonu Atoll Raa Atoll Lhaviyani Atoll Kaafu Atoll Baa Atoll Alifu Alifu Atoll MALÉ Alifu Dhaalu Atoll Vaavu Atoll Faafu Atoll Meemu Atoll Dhaalu Atoll Thaa Atoll Laamu Atoll Gaafu Alifu Atoll Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll Gnaviyani Atoll Seenu Atoll +960 6565 000 velaaprivateisland.com Velaa Private Island Situated in the Noonu atoll, a 45-minute seaplane flight north of the Maldivian capital of Malé, Velaa Private Island or called as Turtle Island in local language is the realization of a dream to create a ‘beyond luxury’ exclusive boutique hideaway. This unique destination is bathed by azure skies in the aquamarine waters of the Indian Ocean with a size of 25 soccer fields, this 43-villa Maldivian resort is the latest ultra-luxurious property to debut in the world’s most exotic archipelago. Modern and elegantly designed villas are equipped with most luxurious amenities with large pool, spa and gym, a private submarine, the Maldives greatest cuisine overseen by a famous Michelin-starred chef are just some of the island’s attributes. ﻓﯿﻼ ﺑﺮاﯾﻔﺖ آﯾﻼﻧﺪ =KÓÈáwg◊^=ÌáÚ_�◊_f=Ó–ÍœÇ=٤٥=ÓÀ_ã€=?ÂÍ◊_€?=ÓÍÃÈÉ◊_∫^=Ó‹í_ƒ◊^=⁄_6 =·√ =Ƀgj=;◊^=⁄Ëj`=ËflËfl=º=≈sk‡∫^=≈–È =Ôÿ√=Ó–Í–v=ygí`=ÏÖ◊^=›ÿ§_f=Âgé`=΄=?Õv˘ã◊^=ÌáÈâr?=ÓÍÿ-^=Ó»ÿ◊^=º=_‰Íÿ√=—ÿ�È=_‹”=Á`=Éfl˘Èb=lÃÈ^áf=ÌáÈârÁ � =ÓÍíËì•^ =·√ =pwgÈ =·∫ =Óf˘•^ =ÓƒÍg�◊^ =áwäÁ =Œ3◊^Á =Ó€_Ã◊^ =±f =≈‹† =ÓÈáìv =Ófᆠ=ΉÀ =I≈œ^Ë◊^ =õÜ` =Ê_Í€=_‰f=ΩÍ°Á=ÓÍÀ_ì◊^=Ò_œÜâ◊^=Ò_‹ã◊^=_„á‹»j=fiÉœ=Ìá”=hƒÿ€=٢٥=Óv_ã€=Ìáv_ã◊^=Óƒ–g◊^=ÊÖ„=…ÿgj=Kfi_‹skä¯^Á � =˘ÍÀ=٤٣=›óÈ=ÏÖ◊^=ÎÃÈÉ◊_∫^=≈sk‡∫^=^Ö„=ÕÍóÈÁ=Káó~˙^Á=“Üà˙^=±f=ÓrÜÉk∫^=_‰fl^Ë◊af=ÓƒÚ^á◊^=Ïɇ7^=ΩÍ-^ � =“_èƒ◊=ÕÈÉ◊_∫^=Üâr=Ó√Ë‹¶=º=^á~˜€=má‰ø=;◊^=Ìá~_Ã◊^=m_ƒsk‡∫^=·€=ˉÀ=XŒ3◊^Á=Ó€_Ãÿ◊=^ ÉÈÉr=_ €Ë‰Ã€ � � =à^áú=qÉv`=Ôÿ√=≈sk‡∫^=m˘ÍÀ=›Í‹ìj=Ò_rÁ=K%_ƒ◊_f=ÓÍv_Íã◊^=m_‰rË◊^=›À`Á=Ôÿ«`=·€=2kƒÈ=^Ö◊=ÓÍíËì•^Á=Ó€_Ã◊^ � =I_gäÁ=I4g”=Óv_gä=fi_∏=≈sk‡∫^=›óÈÁ=Kfi_‹skä¯^Á=Óv^á◊^=Ÿgä=qÉvaf=≶=_‰ƒÍ∑Á=Œ3◊^Á=ÓÈáìƒ◊^=±f=≈‹¨ =Ôÿ√=ŒáèÈ=;◊^=ÓÍÃÈÉ◊_∫^=“_gú˙^=Ô‰é`=ÂÚ¯â‡◊=≈sk‡∫^=fiÉ– ÈÁ=IÓí_~=ÓÍÚ_€=Óí^Ë«Á=IÓÍñ_Èá◊^=i_ƒ◊˚◊=Ó◊_íÁ � � =KÎv_Íã◊^=±ÿèÍ€=ŸÍ◊Ç=·€=·ÈÉ‹kƒ∫^=Ì_‰�◊^=á‰é`=_„4ó° Located 45-50 minutes from Malé International Airport by Seaplane KÓÍÚ_∫^=ÌáÚ_�◊_f=Ó–ÍœÇ=٥٠-٤٥=ÓÀ_ã€=Î◊ÁÉ◊^=ÂÍ◊_€=Ü_�€=·√=ɃgÈ Haa Alifu Atoll Haa Dhaalu Atoll Shaviyani Atoll Noonu Atoll Raa Atoll Lhaviyani Atoll Kaafu Atoll Baa Atoll Alifu Alifu Atoll MALÉ Alifu Dhaalu Atoll Vaavu Atoll Faafu Atoll Meemu Atoll Dhaalu Atoll Thaa Atoll W Retreat & Spa Maldives W Retreat & Spa – Maldives is a tropical playground in the Indian Ocean that’s perfect for relaxing, playing, and recharging for the next adventure. Connect with inner peace and go along with the pace of island life. Slip into something comfortable in 78 private retreats, from the beachfront Beach Oasis retreats to the Ocean Oasis retreats perched above a crystal clear lagoon. The Seascape Escape suites are designed for amplified luxury, and the Ocean Haven suite is the ultimate island getaway. Laamu Atoll Gaafu Alifu Atoll Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll Gnaviyani Atoll Seenu Atoll +960 666 2222 wretreatmaldives.com دﺑﻠﯿﻮ رﯾﺘﺮﯾﺖ آﻧﺪ ﺳﺒﺎ =hƒÿ◊^Á =Ò_~3ä˘◊ =ÌâÍ‹k€ =ŸÚ_äÁ =áÀËjÁ =Ïɇ7^ =ΩÍ-^ =Ôÿ√ =≈–j =ÓÍÚ^Ëkä^ =Óƒ–f =·√ =ÌÜ_g√ =_gä =Éflb =lÈ3ÈÜ =ËÍÿfÇ =º=Ì_ͧ^=≈f_�f=ÂÍÀ=∆_k‹kä¯^=’‡‘∂=ıÇ_„=Ëù=Óƒ–g◊^=ÊÖ„=ŸÃ°Á=IÓÍ◊_j=Ìá€_»€=º=õËÿ◊=Óœ_�◊^=ÌÇ_ƒkä^Á =Ùú_è◊^=Ôÿ√=Óÿ�∫^=EBeach=OasisF=åÍäÁ`=êkÍf=·”_ã€=·€=`Égj=I_í_~=_ Év^Á=º=Ò_~3ä¯^Á=IÜâ£^ � ‡‘ä=78=·€=^ � � =hÍ‘ãÍä=Ów‡r`=’◊Ö”=÷_‡„Á==IÓÍ–‡◊^==‚Ër˘◊^=Ì4û=Ôÿ√=Óÿ�∫^=EOcean=OasisF=åÍäÁ`=·éÁ`=·”_ã≥=Ήk‡jÁ =Óf^Ëg◊^=Ÿo¥=;◊^=åÍäÁ`=·éÁ`=Ów‡r`Á=Ó€_Ã◊^=·€=⁄_√=Ëkã€=Ôÿ√==Ó‹‹ì∫^=ESeascape=EscapeF=hÍ‘äd � KÌáÈâsÿ◊=ÓÍä_ä˙^ Located 30-45 minutes from Malé International Airport by Seaplane KÓÍÚ_∫^=ÌáÚ_�◊_f=Ó–ÍœÇ=٤٥-٣٠=ÓÀ_ã€=Î◊ÁÉ◊^=ÂÍ◊_€=Ü_�€=·√=ɃgÈ Haa Alifu Atoll Haa Dhaalu Atoll Shaviyani Atoll Noonu Atoll Raa Atoll Lhaviyani Atoll Kaafu Atoll Baa Atoll Alifu Alifu Atoll MALÉ Alifu Dhaalu Atoll Vaavu Atoll Faafu Atoll Meemu Atoll Dhaalu Atoll Thaa Atoll Laamu Atoll Gaafu Alifu Atoll Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll Gnaviyani Atoll Seenu Atoll +960 664 1930 adaaran.com Adaaran Select Hudhuranfushi Adaaran ‘Select’ Hudhuran Fushi meaning an ‘Island of White Gold’ in local language depicts the ambience of this resort, with its natural lush green palm groves blended with a variety of tropical fauna and flora. It is truly an oasis of white sand and lush green landscape. Adaaran Select Hudhuranfushi offers a holiday experience filled with sun and sea on Maldive's Lhohifushi Island. Adaaran Select Hudhuranfushi is about 19 km from Male International Airport. From there, it is 30 minutes by speedboat to the island. أدران "ﺳﯿﻠﯿﮑﺖ" ﻫﺪﻫﺮان ﻓﻮﺷﯽ =^Ö„=Ò^Ër`=Ó√ÁÜ=IÓÍÿ-^=Ó»ÿ◊^=º=?ôÍf˙^=h„Ö◊^=ÌáÈâr?=<ƒÈ=ÏÖ◊^Á=IÎéËÀ=‚^ÜË„É„=?l‘ÍÿÍä?=‚^ÜÇ`=“ɇÀ=É㨠=·€ =ÓÃÿk® =Ó√Ë‹¶Á =IÓ√ˇk∫^ =±j_ãg◊^Á =ÓœÜË∫^ =Ò^áó•^ =ŸÍ‡◊^ =Ü_sé` =·€ =ÓƒÚ^Ü =ÓvË◊ =›äáÈ =pÍv =I≈sk‡∫^ =‚^ÜÇ`=“ɇÀ=’w‡∂=KÓf˘•^=Ò^áó•^=Ó̓Íg�◊^=áø_‡∫^Á=Ò_óÍg◊^=⁄_€á◊^=·€=Óv^Á=_–v=_‰fld=KÓÍÚ^Ëkä¯^=m_j_g‡◊^Á=m_fl^Ëͧ^ � =ÌáÈâr =Ùú^Ëé =h√^Éj =;◊^ =Ò_œÜâ◊^ =áwg◊^ =u^Ë€`Á =ÓÍg„Ö◊^ =å‹è◊_f =ÓÛÍÿ€ =Óÿ�√ =ÎéËÀ =‚^ÜË„É„ =?l‘ÿÍä? =·€Á=KÎ◊ÁÉ◊^=ÂÍ◊_€=Ü_�€=·€=›”=١٩=Î◊^Ëv=ÎéËÀ=‚^ÜË„É„=?l‘ÍÿÍä?=‚^ÜÇ`=“ɇÀ=ɃgÈ=KÕÈÉ◊_∫^=º=ÎéËÃÍ„Ë7 KÓ–ÍœÇ=٣٠=‚Ëó«=º=ÌáÈâ£^=≤d=Ÿìk◊=_ƒÈáä= _fÜ_œ=Ÿ–kãj=‚`=’‡‘∂=I÷_‡„ � � Located 30 minutes from Malé International Airport by Speed boat. K≈Èáã◊^=iÜ_–◊_f=Ó–ÍœÇ=٣٠=ÓÀ_ã€=Î◊ÁÉ◊^=ÂÍ◊_€=Ü_�€=·√=ɃgÈ Haa Alifu Atoll Haa Dhaalu Atoll Shaviyani Atoll Noonu Atoll Raa Atoll Lhaviyani Atoll Kaafu Atoll Baa Atoll Alifu Alifu Atoll MALÉ Alifu Dhaalu Atoll Vaavu Atoll Faafu Atoll Meemu Atoll Dhaalu Atoll Thaa Atoll Laamu Atoll Gaafu Alifu Atoll Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll Gnaviyani Atoll Seenu Atoll +960 664 0088 bandosmaldives.com Bandos Island Resort & Spa The island of Bandos is a perfect setting for a romantic getaway or for a bliss away from work. The sense of calm and serenity the island emanates is truly otherworldly. The gentle lull of the sea, the whistling breeze, and the rustling of the palm fronds on the beach will help transcend you from the hurly-burly rigours of daily life. Bandos Island Resort and Spa features spacious rooms with balconies overlooking the garden or beach. A water sports centre and dive school are available. Bandos Resort is ideally situated on Bandos Island, just a 10-minute boat ride from Male International Airport. Bandos’ rooms and villas are surrounded by nature’s beauty, some featuring high thatched roofs or wooden décor. ﻣﻨﺘﺠﻊ وﺳﺒﺎ ﺟﺰﯾﺮة ﺑﺎﻧﺪوس =·€=Œ˘«=l°=ÌáÈâ£^=≈g–j=KŸ‹ƒ◊^=æË»ñ=·√=^�É̓f=Ó∫_v=ÓÍãfl_€Ááf=›ƒ‡k◊=Ÿo€˙^=‚_‘∫^=΄=çÁÉfl_f=ÌáÈâr =ŸÍ‡◊^=Õƒä=h√^ÉÈ=ÏÖ◊^=›Íã‡◊^=4ÃíÁ=IŸÍÿƒ◊^=áwg◊^=Ò^Ë„=‚d=Ká~b=%_√=º=’fla”Á=áƒèj=’ÿƒ¨=Ò_Ãì◊^Á=ÒÁÉ7^ =m_Àáé=m^Ñ=ÓwÍãÀ=_Àá«=çÁÉfl_f=ÌáÈâr=_gäÁ=≈sk‡€=›óÈ=K _€_¥=ÓÍ€ËÍ◊^=Ì_ͧ^=tÍsñ=Ôã‡j=’ÿƒ¨=Ùú_è◊^=Ôÿ√ � � =≈œË≥=çÁÉfl_f=≈sk‡€=âÍ‹kÈ=KïË»ÿ◊=ÓäÜÉ€Á=ÓÍÚ_∫^=m_ñ_Èáÿ◊=^�â”á€=›óÈ=_‹”=KÙú_è◊^=Á`=Ó–Èɧ^=Ôÿ√=Ÿ�j =m˘ÍÀÁ=Œá«=‚d=KÎ◊ÁÉ◊^=ÂÍ◊_€=Ü_�€=º=ygìk◊=Ω–À=—Ú_œÇ=١٠=ÌÉ∫=iÜ_–◊^=iË”Ü=’‡‘∂=pÍv=IçÁÉfl_f=ÌáÈâr=º=Î◊_o€ =ÜË‘ÈÉ◊^=Á`=ê–◊^=·€=ÓÍ◊_√=Õ–äaf=·Èâ€=_‰óƒf=‚`=_‹”=Iáv_ã◊^=ÓƒÍg�◊^=⁄_∑=·€=Ó͇À=ÓvËÿf=Óú_ß=çÁÉfl_f K:è•^ Located 15 minutes from Malé International Airport by Speedboat K≈Èáã◊^=iÜ_–◊_f=Ó–ÍœÇ=١٥=ÓÀ_ã€=Î◊ÁÉ◊^=ÂÍ◊_€=Ü_�€=·√=ɃgÈ Haa Alifu Atoll Haa Dhaalu Atoll Shaviyani Atoll Noonu Atoll Raa Atoll Lhaviyani Atoll Kaafu Atoll Baa Atoll Alifu Alifu Atoll MALÉ Alifu Dhaalu Atoll Vaavu Atoll Faafu Atoll Meemu Atoll Dhaalu Atoll Thaa Atoll Laamu Atoll Gaafu Alifu Atoll Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll Gnaviyani Atoll Seenu Atoll +960 668 8000 centarahotelsresorts.com Centara Grand Island Resort & Spa Maldives Centara Grand Island Resort & Spa Maldives is a barefoot paradise with a palm-fringed beach and shimmering lagoon that offers the perfect island holiday for everyone. With 112 spacious villas set over-water, and suites blending harmoniously with the natural setting, the island has a wealth of activities and superb facilities that makes this an ideal hideaway for couples and honeymooners, or a fun-filled destination for families. ﻣﻨﺘﺠﻊ وﺳﺒﺎ ﺳﯿﻨﺘﺎرا ﻏﺮاﻧﺪ آﯾﻼﻧﺪ اﻟﻤﺎﻟﺪﯾﻒ =l°=˙˚kj=Ì4ûÁ=ŸÍ‡◊^=Ü_séaf=ÒÎÿ€=Ùú_é=Âf=ΩÍ≠=çÁÇáÃ◊^=·€=Óƒ�œ=Ë„=ÕÈÉ◊_∫^=Éfl˘Èb=Éfl^á«=^Ü_k‡Íä=≈sk‡€ � =K_ƒÚ^Ü=_ � kœÁ=Ò_ó–◊=Ò¯â‡◊^=≈Í‹£=Ÿo€˙^=‚_‘∫^=Âÿƒ¨=_ª=_‰Ú_Ãí=ÌÉé=·€=å‹è◊^=Óƒé` � =ÌáÈâ£^=›ójÁ=KÓ�Í-^=ÓƒÍg�◊^=≈€=uâk‹k◊=_ìÍì~=l‹‹í=Ê_Í∫^=“ËÀ=Ó€_–€=ÓÈáì√=˘ÍÀ=١١٢=≈sk‡∫^=›óÈ � =KÓÍÿÚ_ƒ◊^=m˘�ƒÿ◊Á=Ÿãƒ◊^=á‰é=m˘vá◊=Ÿo€˙^=Ü_Í•^=_‰ÿƒ¨=_ª=Ìá~_Ã◊^=—À^á∫^Á=Ó�èfl˙^=·€=Ó√ˇk€=Ó√Ë‹¶ Located 25-minute sea plane journey from Male International Airport. KÓÍÚ_∫^=ÌáÚ_�◊_f=Ó–ÍœÇ=٢٥=ÓÀ_ã€=Î◊ÁÉ◊^=ÂÍ◊_€=Ü_�€=·√=ɃgÈ Haa Alifu Atoll Haa Dhaalu Atoll Shaviyani Atoll Noonu Atoll Raa Atoll Lhaviyani Atoll Kaafu Atoll Baa Atoll Alifu Alifu Atoll MALÉ Alifu Dhaalu Atoll Vaavu Atoll Faafu Atoll Meemu Atoll Dhaalu Atoll Thaa Atoll Laamu Atoll Gaafu Alifu Atoll Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll Gnaviyani Atoll Seenu Atoll +960 664 3880 centarahotelsresorts.com Centara Ras Fushi Resort & Spa Maldives Set on a pristine island, just over 15 minutes away from Male' International Airport by speedboat, is the new Centara Ras Fushi Resort & Spa Maldives. The resort guarantees a serene holiday experience with 140 adult-oriented villas located ocean-side or set above the magnificent lagoon. Immerse yourself in absolute serenity and be overwhelmed by fantastic vistas and sunsets the Maldives have to offer, choose one of 140 villas be it a tastefully designed Oceanside villa with the soft sand at your doorstep or an over water villa with steps down to the turquoise lagoon. The large lagoon to one side of the island is good for swimmers and for snorkeling and there are excellent dive sites including Giraavaru Cave about 10 minutes away from the resort and Lions Head Kuda Haa Kiki Reef Hans Haas Place and Shar Point all within a 20 minutes dhoni ride away from the resort. ﻣﻨﺘﺠﻊ وﺳﺒﺎ ﺳﯿﻨﺘﺎرا راس ﻓﻮﺷﻰ اﻟﻤﺎﻟﺪﯾﻒ =Ü_�€=·€=≈Èáã◊^=iÜ_–◊_f=Ó–ÍœÇ=١٥=Ƀgj=ÕÈÉ◊_∫^=Üâr=·‹ñ=á‘f=ÌáÈâr=Ôÿ√=ÔéËÀ=ç^Ü=^Ü_k‡Íä=_gäÁ=≈sk‡€=≈–È =±»◊_gÿ◊=Ógä_‡€=›Í€_ìj=m^Ñ=˘ÍÀ=١٤٠=±f=·€=Ü_Ík~¯^=_‰ÍÀ=›‰‡‘∂=ÓÚÇ_„=Óÿ�√=ÂÈáÚ^â◊=≈sk‡∫^=fiÉ–È=KÎ◊ÁÉ◊^=ÂÍ◊_€ =u^Ë€`=Óg√^É€Á=Iå‹è◊^=iÁá«=Ó√Ááf=≈k¥Á=—ÿ�∫^=Ò_Ãì◊^=º=’ãÃfl=á‹«^=KÓƒÚ^á◊^=Ì4wg◊^=Ôÿ√`=Á`=ΩÍ-^=Ü^Ëù =Ôÿ√`=Á`=IÓ‹√_‡◊^=⁄_€á◊^=Ôÿ√=Ìáé_g€=ΩÍ-^=hfl_ù=lfl_”=Ò^Ëä=ÓÍœ^Ü=“^ÁÑ`=m^Ñ=˘ÍÀ=١٤٠=·€=ÌÉv^Á=3~^Á=IÕÈÉ◊_∫^ � =IΩÍ-^=“_‹√`=ÌÉ„_è€=Á`=Óv_gãÿ◊=_ƒÚ^Ü= _fl_‘€=Ì4g‘◊^=Ì4wg◊^=2kƒj=KÓÈàÁ4Ã◊^=_‰„_Í€=·€=m^Ë�~=Ƀf=Ôÿ√=Ì4wg◊^ � � =ÉÍ„=âflËÍ◊=·€=Ÿ”=ɃgÈ=_‹”=I≈sk‡∫^=·€=—Ú_œÇ=١٠=Î◊^Ëv=ɃgÈ=ÏÖ◊^=ÁÜ_À^4r=Õ‰”=Ÿo€=Ìà_kª=ïË«=≈œ^Ë€=÷_‡„Á KÎflÁÇ=iÜ^Ë–f=Ó–ÍœÇ=٢٠=Î◊^Ëv=tk‡∫^=·√=l‡ÈËf=Ü_éÁ=Iç˘f=ç_„=âfl_„=ÕÈÜÁ=IΑ͔=_„=^ÇË” Located 15 minutes from Malé International Airport by Speed boat K≈Èáã◊^=iÜ_–◊_f=Ó–ÍœÇ=١٥=ÓÀ_ã€=Î◊ÁÉ◊^=ÂÍ◊_€=Ü_�€=·√=ɃgÈ Haa Alifu Atoll Haa Dhaalu Atoll Shaviyani Atoll Noonu Atoll Raa Atoll Lhaviyani Atoll Kaafu Atoll Baa Atoll Alifu Alifu Atoll MALÉ Alifu Dhaalu Atoll Vaavu Atoll Faafu Atoll Meemu Atoll Dhaalu Atoll Thaa Atoll Laamu Atoll Gaafu Alifu Atoll Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll Gnaviyani Atoll Seenu Atoll +960 664 0055 cinnamonhotels.com Chaaya Island Dhonveli Chaaya Island Dhonveli is the perfect destination for the discerning pleasure seeker. The warm waters of the azure sea are an ideal balm that lifts the spirits and calms the soul. Whilst perfect waves make surfing an unforgettable experience, the clear waters allows to sample the beauty of incredible underwater treasures. At Dhonveli the in house experience is unparalleled. It offers an array of fabulous options for you to select from. The choice of accommodation varies from garden bungalows to beach and water bungalows. But nevertheless each option is unique and memorable. Take time off to visit our Chavana spa. Let your mind experience the bliss of undisturbed peace as nimble hands work away the stress of another world. This is what relaxation is all about. One visit to Chaaya Island Dhonveli will let your holiday experience remain with you forever. ﺷﺎﯾﺎ أﯾﻼﻧﺪ دﻫﻮﻧﻔﯿﻠﯽ =≈ÀáÈ=Óv^á◊_f=^�Ü˃é=y‡¥=ÏÇÜÁà˘◊^=áwg◊^=º=ÓÛÀ^É◊^=Ê_Í∫^=‚d=KâÍ‹k◊^=:-=ÓÍ◊_o€=Ó‰rÁ=ÎÿÍÃflË„Ç=Éfl˘È`=_È_é=2kƒj =ÓÍ–‡◊^=Ê_Í∫^=y‹ãj=IÔã‡j=¯=Ófá†=u^Ë€˙^=Ôÿ√=/âk◊^=·€=ÓÍ◊_o∫^=m_rË∫^=Ÿƒ†=_‹‡Íf=KçËÇ◊^=ıɉÈÁ=ÓÈˇƒ∫^=}Áá◊^ =ΉÀ=I“˘ú˛^=Ôÿ√=_7=ŸÍo€=¯=ÎÿÍÃflË„Ç=º=_„Ɇ=;◊^=Óƒk∫^=‚d=KÒ_∫^=l°=Éœáj=;◊^=Óÿ„Ö∫^=àˇ‘◊^=⁄_‹ù=≈k‹k◊_f =Ôÿ√=á~b=Á`=Ó–Èɧ^=º=4»í=}_‡r=±f=·‘ã◊^=Ü_Ík~^=∆ˇkÈ=pÍv=I_‰‡Íf=·€=Ü_kk◊=ÓƒÚ^á◊^=m^Ü_Í•^=·€=Ó√Ë‹¶=fiÉ–j =’ÿ–√=∆Ç=K_fl_À_é=_gä=ÌÜ_Èâ◊=ÓƒÚ^Ü=Ìà_r^=Ôÿ√=Ÿìv^=KÔã‡j=¯=ÌÉÈáÀ=Ófáskf=Ô¿wkä=I÷Ü_Í~=‚_”=_È`=·‘◊Á=KÙú_è◊^ � =Éfl˘È`=_È_é=≤d=ÌÉv^Á=ÌÜ_Èà=‚d=KΖ͖§^=Ò_~3ä¯^=Ë„=^Ö‰À=Iá~¸^=%_ƒ◊^=“_„ÜdÁ=Ω»ñ=·√=^�É̓f=fi˘ã◊_f=›ƒ‡È KÉf˙^=≤d=’ƒ€=_„^á”Ñ=fiÁÉj=Óÿ�√=’w‡‹kä=ÎÿÍÃflË„Ç Located 20 minutes from Malé International Airport by Speed boat K≈Èáã◊^=iÜ_–◊_f=Ó–ÍœÇ=٢٠=ÓÀ_ã€=Î◊ÁÉ◊^=ÂÍ◊_€=Ü_�€=·√=ɃgÈ Haa Alifu Atoll Haa Dhaalu Atoll Shaviyani Atoll Noonu Atoll Raa Atoll Lhaviyani Atoll Kaafu Atoll Baa Atoll Alifu Alifu Atoll MALÉ Alifu Dhaalu Atoll Vaavu Atoll Faafu Atoll Meemu Atoll Dhaalu Atoll Thaa Atoll Chaaya Reef Ellaidhoo Chaaya Reef Ellaidhoo is a small verdant coral island surrounded by clear aquamarine depths, teeming with exquisite marine life, sought after by sun worshipers and often referred to as a tropical dream. Boasting the most spectacular house reef in the Maldives, underwater enthusiasts the world over flock to explore this stunningly beautiful reef and its thriving submarine marvels. Laamu Atoll Gaafu Alifu Atoll Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll Gnaviyani Atoll Seenu Atoll +960 666 0669 cinnamonhotels.com ﺷﺎﯾﺎ رﯾﻒ إﻻﯾﺪو =_‰œ_‹√`=º=ÓrÜÉk∫^=Ìáv_ã◊^=ΩÍ-^=Ê_Í€=_‰f=ΩÍ°=;◊^=Óf˘•^=Ì4»ì◊^=Üâ£^=·€=ÌÉv^Á=ÁÉȯd=ÕÈÜ=_È_é=2kƒj � =Óƒéaf=∆_k‹kä¯^=:-=Ÿo€˙^=Ü_Í•^Á=Ñ˘∫^=Ì4»ì◊^=ÌáÈâ£^=ÊÖ„=2kƒjÁ=KÓ√ˇk∫^=ÓÈáwg◊^=Ò_Ív˙_f=á~âjÁ=_‰fl^Ë◊`Á =Óf˘•^=ÓÍfl_rá∫^=i_ƒè◊^=∆ÁÜ`=ÇËrËf=ÌáÈâ£^=ÊÖ„=âÍ‹kjÁ=K?ÎÚ^Ëkä¯^=›ÿ§^?=||f =Œáƒj=lwgí`=pÍv=ÓÛÀ^É◊^=å‹è◊^ � =ÊÖ„ =Œ_èk”¯ =%_ƒ◊^ =Ò_™` =≈Í∑ =·€ =ÓÍÚ_∫^ =Ì_ͧ^ =:ß =_‰Íÿ√ =Ÿg–ÈÁ =ÕÈÉ◊_∫^ =Üâr =º =_‰jÉ„_è€ =·‘∂ =;◊^ Káwg◊^=y�ä=l°=ÓÍÚ_∫^=Ì_ͧ^=hÚ_s√Á=Óè„É∫^=ÓÍfl_rá∫^=i_ƒè◊^ Located 25 minutes by sea plane or 1.5 hr by Speed boat from Malé International Airport K≈Èáã◊^=iÜ_–◊_f=ÕìflÁ=Ó√_ä=Á`=ÓÍÚ_∫^=ÌáÚ_�◊_f=Ó–ÍœÇ=٢٥=ÓÀ_ã€=Î◊ÁÉ◊^=ÂÍ◊_€=Ü_�€=·√=ɃgÈ Haa Alifu Atoll Haa Dhaalu Atoll Shaviyani Atoll Noonu Atoll Raa Atoll Lhaviyani Atoll Kaafu Atoll Baa Atoll Alifu Alifu Atoll MALÉ Alifu Dhaalu Atoll Vaavu Atoll Faafu Atoll Meemu Atoll Dhaalu Atoll Thaa Atoll Laamu Atoll Gaafu Alifu Atoll Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll Gnaviyani Atoll Seenu Atoll +960 664 0511 holidayinnmaldivesa.com Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma has designed villas in four different styles of beach and garden villas, beach houses, family villas and overwater villas. Each villa type has been designed with cool clean lines with white washed timber providing warm texture to the unshod foot. Large picture windows mean that you are only a glance away from the great blue outdoors. In just 40 minutes Speedboats ferry you across the turquoise waters from Malé International Airport to the contemporary resort hotel. Slip into island life from the moment you arrive at Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives, with world-class South Malé Atoll diving and surfing on your doorstep. فيدلاملا رزج امودناك تروزير نإ ياديلوه =_‰f=;◊^=m˘ÍÃ◊^Á=Ùú_è◊^=m˘ÍÀ=_‰‡€=ÓÃÿk®=⁄_‘é`=ÓƒfÜaf=Îjaj=m˘ÍÀ=›Í‹ìkf=_€ÁÉfl_”=mÜÁâÈÜ=‚d=Ï^ÉÍ◊Ë„=fi_œ =Ó–Ífl`=m_‹Í‹ìkf=m˘ÍÃ◊^=ÊÖ„=·€=∆Ëfl=Ÿ”=Ò_r=ÉœÁ=IÒ_∫^=ΩäÁ=≈–j=;◊^=m˘ÍÃ◊^Á=m˘Ú_ƒ◊^=m˘ÍÀÁ=Ùú_è◊^=⁄à_‡€Á=—Ú^Év =m^Ñ=Ì4g”=ÖÀ^Ëfl=˘ÍÃ◊^=›ój=_‹”=I±kÍÀ_§^=±€É–ÿ◊=ÙÀ^É◊^=Âã‹ÿ≥=≈k‹kÈ=ÏÖ◊^=‚Ëÿ◊^=ôÍf˙^=hè•^=_‰ÍÀ=fiÉkä^� =Ó–ÍœÇ=40=⁄˘~Á=IÓÃú_~=Ìá¿fl=Ò_–◊d=Çás≥=Óf˘•^=ÓÍrÜ_•^=ÓƒÍg�◊_f=∆_k‹kä¯^=ÓíáÀ=’◊=yÍkÈ=_ª=IÓƒÚ^Ü=m¯˘úd =≈sk‡€Á=“ɇÀ=≤d=¯ËíÁ=ÏàÁ4Ã◊^=‚Ëÿ◊_f=âÍ‹kj=;◊^=Ìáv_ã◊^=Ê_Í∫^=ΩäÁ=’f=2ƒÍ◊=≈Èáã◊^=iÜ_–◊^=÷Ö~aÈ=Ω–À � =ÕÈÉ◊_∫^=Üâr=_€ÁÉfl_”=mÜÁâÈÜ=‚d=Ï^ÉÍ◊Ë„=“ɇÀ==≤d=’◊ËíÁ=Ó¿§=Çás≥=Üâ£^=º=Ì_ͧ^=Ò^Ër`=’ƒ◊_�j=pÍv=IÏáì√ K=Î◊_€=⁄Ëj`=iˇr=º=u^Ë€˙^=iË”ÜÁ=ïË»ÿ◊=Ìâͪ=ÓíáÀ=’◊=áÀËÈ=ÏÖ◊^ Located 40 minutes from Malé International Airport by Speed boat K≈Èáã◊^=iÜ_–◊_f=Ó–ÍœÇ=٤٠=ÓÀ_ã€=Î◊ÁÉ◊^=ÂÍ◊_€=Ü_�€=·√=ɃgÈ Haa Alifu Atoll Haa Dhaalu Atoll Shaviyani Atoll Noonu Atoll Raa Atoll Lhaviyani Atoll Kaafu Atoll Baa Atoll Alifu Alifu Atoll MALÉ Alifu Dhaalu Atoll Vaavu Atoll Faafu Atoll Meemu Atoll Dhaalu Atoll Thaa Atoll Velassaru Maldives Velassaru Maldives offers luxurious beachfront and over-water accommodation with uninterrupted ocean views. featuring a wide range of water and adventure sports, as well as sunset cruises and yoga classes. Guests can enjoy relaxing spa treatments in over-water pavilions, or hop on a Maldivian boat and watch the crew demonstrate traditional fishing methods. Resort facilities include a fitness centre, tennis court and library. Internet access is free throughout the property. Laamu Atoll Gaafu Alifu Atoll Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll Gnaviyani Atoll Seenu Atoll +960 665 6100 velassaru.com ﻓﯿﻼﺳﺎرو ﺟﺰر اﻟﻤﺎﻟﺪﯾﻒ =ΩäÁ=≈–j=á~˙^Á=Ùú_è◊^=Ôÿ√=≈–j=_‰óƒf=Ìá~_Ã◊^=·”_ã∫^=·€=Ó√Ë‹¶=ÕÈÉ◊_∫^=Üâr=ÁÜ_ä˘ÍÀ=“ɇÀ=fiÉ–È =˘óÀ=IÌá€_»∫^=m_ñ_ÈÜÁ=ÓÍÚ_∫^=m_ñ_Èá◊^=·€=Ó√Ë‹¶=fiÉ–È=Ë„Á=IÜ^á‹kä_f=ΩÍ-^=Ôÿ√=Ÿ�j=áø_‡€=_‰úË°Á=Ò_∫^ � =ŸÚ_äÁ=⁄˘~=·€=Ò_~3ä¯^=ÓÍfl_‘€d=ÂÚ¯â‡◊=“ɇÃ◊^=áÀËÈ=_‹”=I_rËÍ◊^=›ÿƒj=çÜÁÇÁ=iÁá»◊_f=≈k‹kÿ◊=ÓÈáwg◊^=m˘vá◊^=·√ =›‰käÜ_ª=Ò_‡n`=iÜ_–◊^=›œ_ú=ÌÉ„_è€Á=ÕÈÉ◊_∫^=Üâr=º=iÜ_œ=iË”Ü=Á`=IÒ_∫^=ΩäÁ=≈–j=Ó◊_í=º=_gã◊^=º=u˘ƒ◊^ =⁄_ìj^=Ó€É~=·√=˘óÀ=IÓgk‘€Á=å‡j=hƒÿ€Á=Óœ_Í◊=â”á€=≈sk‡∫^=_‰€É–È=;◊^=—À^á∫^=·€Á=IÓÈÉÍÿ–k◊^=ÉÍì◊^=“áú � K“ɇÃ◊^=Ò_™`=≈Í∑=º=lfl3fl˛_f=Îfl_¶ Located 25 minutes from Malé International Airport by Speedboat K≈Èáã◊^=iÜ_–◊_f=Ó–ÍœÇ=٢٥=ÓÀ_ã€=Î◊ÁÉ◊^=ÂÍ◊_€=Ü_�€=·√=ɃgÈ Things to do in Maldives ÕÈÉ◊_∫^=Üâr=º=_‰f=fi_Í–◊^=·‘∂=;◊^=Ó�èfl˙^ Snorkeling á§^=ïË»◊^ Snorkeling in Maldives do not require any =^Ñd =Óí_~ =m˘„˜€ =Ï` =hÿ�kÈ =¯ =ÕÈÉ◊_∫^ =Üâr =º =á§^ =ïË»◊^ =Óñ_ÈÜ =ÓäÜ_ª qualification. The resorts guest can explore =i_ƒè◊^=Œ_èk”_f=∆_k‹kä¯^=ÕÈÉ◊_∫^=Üâr=º=Îv_Íä=≈sk‡€=Ï`=º=Ò¯â‡ÿ◊=·‘∂ house reef of the resorts. The Dive Centre =m¯Ër=fiÉ–j=÷_‡„=å�»◊^=â”^á€=‚`=_‹”=K≈sk‡∫^=Ùú_é=Ôÿ√=ÌÉk‹∫^=ÓÍfl_rá∫^ � also provides boat trips to different spots. á§^=ïË»◊^=Óñ_ÈÜ=ÓäÜ_‹‹ÿ◊=Ìáv_ã◊^=∆_–g◊^=Õÿk®=≤d=iÜ_–◊_f=ÓÈáû Big – Game Fishing Resorts and private charter operators offers Big-Game Fishing. The hooking are large yellow-fin tuna, wahoo, marlin and often the catch are taken to the resort for Maldivian style BBQ. =Ì4g‘◊^=÷_5˙^=ÉÍí=m_–f_〠=÷_5˙^=ÉÍì◊=m_–f_ã€=Óí_•^=·Ãã◊^=4raj=m_”áéÁ=ÓÍv_Íã◊^=m_ƒsk‡∫^=›¿‡j� =Ò^áÃì◊^ =Õfl_√â◊^ =m^Ñ =Ó‹ó◊^ =ÓflËk◊^ =÷_5` =ÉÍí =_7˘~ =›kÈ =;◊^Á =Ì4g‘◊^ =Ç^É√˙=≈sk‡∫^=≤d=ÉÍì◊^=i_w�í^=›kÈ=_€=_g◊_«Á=±◊á∫^=’5Á=÷^ÜÉ◊^=’5Á � =KÕÈÉ◊_∫^=Üâ£=ÓÈÉÍÿ–k◊^=ÓÈÉÍÿok◊^=Ò^Ëè◊^=m˘Ãv Water Sports Para Sailing, Jet-skiing, wake boarding, water-skiing, catamaran sailing, canoeing, wind-surfing, kite surfing…etc. are water based activities to indulge at selected resorts. ÓÍÚ_∫^=m_ñ_Èá◊^ =º=Ü_û˛^=IÒ_∫^=Ôÿ√=—ÿvâk◊^=IÓÍÚ_∫^=m_r^ÜÉ◊^=iË”Ü=IÓÿ¿∫_f=Ü_û˛^=·€=Ÿ”=2kƒÈ =/âk◊^=IyÈá◊^=Ó�ä^Ëf=Ò_∫^=Ôÿ√=/âk◊^=I“Ü^Áâ◊_f=ÕÈÉsk◊^=IŒË�◊^=fi^Ékä_f=Ò_∫^ =;◊^ =ÓÍä_ä˙^ =ÓÍÚ_∫^ =Ó�èfl˙^ =΄ =m_ñ_Èá◊^ =·€ =_„4«Á =áwg◊^ =Ôÿ√ =Î√^áè◊^ KÕÈÉ◊_∫^=Üâr=º=ÓÍv_Íã◊^=m_sk‡∫^=Õÿk®=º=_‰f=fi_Í–◊^=·‘∂ Diving Whale Submarine The whale submarine carries up to 50 passengers and reaches depth of 150 meters. The submarine operates from Capital Male or from selected resorts. =m˧^=m_í^Ë« =ïË»jÁ=_g”^Ü=50=Ôkv=≈ãj=mËv=Ÿ‘é=Ôÿ√=m_í^Ë«=΄ � =’ÿj =iË”áf =∆_k‹kä¯^ =·‘∂Á =3€ =150 =—‹√ =≤d =ôƒf =⁄˘~ =·€ =Á` =ÂÍ◊_€ =Ó‹í_ƒ◊^ =·€ =m_í^Ë»◊^ KÕÈÉ◊_∫^=Üâù=ÓÍv_Íã◊^=m_ƒsk‡∫^ Night Fishing Almost all the resorts offer regular night fishing trips or can be booked through private charter operators. Red snappers, groupers, grunts…etc. are worth and difficult catches. ÎÿÍÿ◊^=ÉÍì◊^ =ÓÈáû=m˘vÜ=ÕÈÉ◊_∫^=Üâr=º=m_ƒsk‡∫^=›¿ƒ€=fiÉ–j� =·€ =hÿ�◊^ =hãv =_„âsv =›kÈ =Á` =ÎÿÍÿ◊^ =ÉÍìÿ◊ =Ó‹¿k‡€ =∆_k‹kä¯^ =·‘∂Á =IÓí_•^ =·Ãã◊^ =4raj =m_”áé =⁄˘~ =Ü_Ç◊^ =’5 =ÉÍì◊ =ÕÈÉ◊_∫^ =Üâr =º =ÎÿÍÿ◊^ =ÉÍì◊_f =÷_5˙^ =·€ =_„4«Á =á~_‡◊^ =÷_5`Á =ÜË€_7^Á =á∏˙^ =K_„Ç_Í�í^=hƒìÈ=;◊^ å�»◊^ Maldives is one of the top dive destination in the world. It is home for over thousand beautiful reefs, diverse range of marine life , flora and fauna. Almost all the resorts have the PADI certified Dive Centre with experienced PADI instructors and Dive Masters to cater to all scuba diving experience. =m_‰rË◊^ =ŸóÀ` =·€ =ÕÈÉ◊_∫^ =Üâr =2kƒj =Óñ_ÈÜ =ÓäÜ_‹∫ =%_ƒ◊^ =º =ÓÍv_Íã◊^ =i_ƒè◊^ =·€ =ÉÈɃ◊_f =á~âj =ΉÀ =Iå�»◊^ =Ì_ͧ^ =∆ˇj =·√ =˘óÀ =Óf˘•^ =ÓÍfl_rá∫^ � =KÓÍÚ^Ëkä¯^=m_fl^Ëͧ^Á=m_j_g‡◊^Á=_‰f=ÓÈáwg◊^ =_‰ÈÉ◊=÷_‡„=“Ç_‡Ã◊^Á=m_ƒsk‡∫^=›¿ƒ€Á =º3ß=Ó�f^Ü=·€=ÌÉ‹kƒ€=ïË«=â”^ဠ=ÌÖj_ä`Á =EPADIF =ÓÍ∫_ƒ◊^ =ïË»◊^ =Ôÿ√ =hÈÜÉkÿ◊ =·ÈÉ‹kƒ€ =ïË« =±fÜÉ€Á =l°=å�»◊^Á=ïË»◊^=m_ñ_ÈÜ=∆^Ëfl`=≈Í∑ KÒ_∫^ Famous Dive Spots =·‘∂ =;◊^ =·”_€˙^ =á‰é` _‰f=ïË»◊^=Óñ_ÈÜ=ÓäÜ_ª • Mushimasmingili Thila (Fish Head) • Maaya Thila (Best night diving spot) • Lankan Manta Point • Banana Reef • Maldives Victory • Maalhos Thila =êÍÀF =˘Ín =ÎÿÍr =±5_€ =ÎéË€ =G EÉÍ„ =ÓäÜ_‹‹ÿ◊ =‚_‘€ =ŸóÀ`F =˘Ín =_È_€ =G EÎÿÍÿ◊^=ïË»◊^ l‡ÈËf=_kfl_€=‚_‘fl¯ =G ÕÈÜ=_fl_fl_f=å�«=≈œË€ =G ÏÜËk‘ÍÀ=ÕÈÉ◊_€==G ˘Ín=çË◊_€==G Island Hopping The Island Hopping excursion takes to number of inhabited islands, uninhabited or resorts for day trip. This can be customized based on the interest. =Üâ£^=±f=Ÿ–‡k◊^ =·€=hÿ�◊^=hãv=_ìÍì~=›¿‡ j=m¯Ër=º=i_„Ö◊^=Ü^Áâÿ◊=yÍk j=Üâ£^=±f=Ÿ–‡k◊^=m˘vÜ � � � =Ká~˙^=m_ƒsk‡∫^=ÌÜ_Èâ◊=Á`=Ó◊Ë„a∫^=4«Á=Ó◊Ë„a∫^=Üâ£^=·€=ÉÈɃ◊^=ÌÜ_Èà=Ÿr` Surfing There are many surfing spots in Maldives such as Pasta Point, Honkys, Sultans, Jailbreaks, Zubair’s, Kottey, Tiger Strips, Love Charms…etc. u^Ë€˙^=iË”Ü=Óñ_ÈÜ =Óñ_ÈÜ=ÓäÜ_‹∫=ÕÈÉ◊_∫^=Üâr=º=ÓƒÚ^á◊^=·”_€˙^=·€=ÉÈɃ◊^=÷_‡„ =I’È2ÿÍ£^ =Iåfl_k◊Ëä =IâÍ‘flË„ =Il‡ÈËf =_kä_f =Ÿo€ =u^Ë€˙^ =iÁá” =·€ =_„4«Á =å€Ü_èj =ŒË◊ =IågÈ3ä =á¨_j =IÎjË” =Iç4fÁà K·”_€˙^
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