Austrian Partnership Programme in Higher Education and Research for Development. International Relations April 26 Introduction APPEAR is a programme of the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC), with the aim to implement its strategy for support of higher education and research for development on an academic institutional level in the ADC’s southern priority countries and key regions and in three priority countries of the South Caucasus and Black Sea Region. Introduction- Cont. Appear programme will run for 6 years 2015- 2020 Deadline for submission 31/7/2015 Total budget: 12,000,000 Eligible countries Higher education and research institutions from the following countries: Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya , Mozambique, Cape Verde, Burkina Faso, Senegal Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala Bhutan, Nepal Palestinian Territories, Georgia, Armenia, Republic of Moldova. Overall objective Strengthen the institutional capacities in higher education, research and management in the addressed countries through academic partnerships with Austrian higher education institutions and master’s and PhD scholarships as a contribution to effective and sustainable reduction of poverty. Thematic focus Potential Activities 1. In the field of higher education and research - Development of curricula or learning materials, - Development of joint study programs with joint degree. - Assurance of quality standards and improvement of academic management capacities. - Training measures for the academic staff. - Short-term exchange of students. Potential Activities- Cont.. 2. In the field of management capacities - Support for the improvement of the quality of management and administration. - Consultancy on issues of reform, planning and organisation of the educational, scientific and research system. - Management consultation, integration in local or regional research networks. APPEAR Components.. Component 1 Academic Partnerships 75% of Appear budget Advanced Academic Partnerships Preparatory Funding Component 2 Masters and PhD Scholars. 25% of Appear budget Objective and expected results: The main focus of Preparatory Funding is on the support of institutions that have not yet established links with each other. Provide the opportunity to elaborate a realistic and effective project proposal based on the demands and needs of the institution(s) in the addressed country(ies). Expected activities to be included Activities to be included must be all related to the process how will you use the fund to prepare full proposal jointly with your partner. Potential activities include but not limited to: Reciprocal visits Skype meetings Drafting parts of the proposal for the academic partnership Financed costs and Duration Budget Duration Max. EUR 15,000 5 months Travel & Staff cost subsistence cost Budget Other costs (external auditing) Overhead cost 2% of budget Exceptional cases In exceptional cases Preparatory Funding will not necessarily lead to a project proposal for an Academic Partnership. If in the course of the Preparatory Funding the implementation of an Academic Partnership is perceived as not being conducive, a final report has to be submitted that undertakes a substantive examination of the causes for not submitting a full project proposal. Furthermore, only a maximum of half of the approved budget will be granted. A financial report has to be submitted either way in order to calculate the actual expenses. Partners in the eligible countries need to deliver an external audit of their expenses. The report has to be structured according to the budget categories outlined in the approved budget (staff costs, travel and subsistence and other costs). Formal Requirements: 1. Application form. 2. Budget sheet for Preparatory Funding 3. CV of responsible coordinator 4. Letter of intent by the leading management of all partner institutions. Selection procedure 1 2 3 4 5 • Complete and correct forms and documents (including signatures, letters of intent, etc.). • Proposal is within the budget scope and guidelines. • Eligibility of applicants (institutions). • New partnerships. • Meeting of deadlines. Notes for Submission The application form, budget sheet, (logframe) and CVs have to be merged and submitted electronically as one pdf file. The budget sheet additionally has to be submitted as an excel file. Documents have to be submitted in hardcopy and via e-mail. All documents have to be in English. How to apply: All application forms and documents can be found at Contact APPEAR office to submit your application: 1. Hard Copy : At the Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research (OeAD) Ebendorferstrasse 7, 1010 Vienna, Austria 2. By email [email protected] | If my project (preparatory funding) has been selected what will I do? Prepare a project for Academic Partnerships with your partner. EUR 50,000 – max. EUR 90,000/year Duration: four years. More than 2 partner institutions EUR 50,000 – max. EUR 130,000/year
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