Call for Experts - for the evaluation of FABulous Open Calls

Call for Experts
- for the evaluation of FABulous Open Calls
– For the evaluation of FABulous Open Calls
The FABulous1 Consortium calls for experts for the evaluation of proposals to be submitted
under FABulous Open Calls, the first one to be launched in November 2014 and the second
one in April 2015.
Short description
FABulous is a FIWARE accelerator project that promotes the use and adoption of the EU FP7
Future Internet - Public Private Partnership (FI- PPP) Core Platform, relying on technologies
and assets of both FIWARE and FI platforms developed in Phase II, in particular FITMAN,
FIspace and FI-CONTENT 2.
The FABulous project aims at creating and supporting a FI-service ecosystem for 3D printing
technologies that bridges the gap between ICT, Creative and Manufacturing Industries.
FABulous promotes the use and adoption of the FI-PPP Core Platform, building upon the
FIWARE technology, i.e. FIWARE Generic Enablers (GEs), Specific Enablers (SEs) and domain
specific platforms, in particular FITMAN, FIspace and FI-CONTENT 2.
FABulous will serve as the European 3D printing accelerator aiming to nurture the business
innovation and web-entrepreneurship ecosystem for 3D printing in Europe. In other words,
FABulous will act as the bridge connecting FI technology and innovators to entrepreneurs and
investors, in the field of 3D printing. In doing so, FABulous will leverage support services and
capacities towards web-entrepreneurs and business innovators in the field of 3D printing digital
businesses. Through its Open Calls, FABulous aims to bring together a total of 150
entrepreneurs, creative professionals, 3D printing adopters and investors.
FABulous Open Calls 1 & 2 look for project proposals which will address one of the following
• Crowd-sourced and Cloud-based Design & Services for 3D Printing;
• Mobile Apps and Services for 3D Printing;
• Manufacturing & Logistics Tools and Services;
• Advanced Content Management Related to 3D Printing
Expert profiles
Expertise in the above-mentioned areas and/or 3D printing technologies, creative industries,
product development, service design and commercialisation, entrepreneurship, cloud
computing, logistics, ICT for manufacturing are required. Specific expertise on FIWARE
technology will be an asset. Previous experience with evaluation of proposals, specifically in
the framework of EU funded projects will be highly appreciated. Selected evaluators will be
required to sign a Declaration of no Conflict of Interests and Confidentiality.
Expert registration – EMS
Registration as expert for FABulous Open Calls is only possible via FABulous Evaluation
Management System (EMS ©2 ) Platform. If you wish to register as an expert for the FABulous
calls, please visit the following website:
Timetable for experts
Registration at EMS Platform is continuously open.
In order to be considered as eligible candidate for the evaluation of proposals to be submitted
under FABulous Open Call 1, experts should complete their registration before December 17,
In order to be considered as eligible candidate for the evaluation of proposals to be submitted
under FABulous Open Call 2, experts should complete their registration before June 18, 2015.
All experts registered before the deadline of FABulous Open Call 2 will be considered for the
evaluation of proposals submitted under that open call.
Experts selection and contract:
During December 2014 and June 2015, evaluators will be selected according to their expertise
and the areas / challenges addressed by the received proposals. Selected experts will become
evaluators after contract signature with the FABulous consortium. Evaluators will be
compensated for their work, according to the number of proposals to be evaluated. Further
details on this issue will be disclosed at the time of selection of experts.
The evaluation of the first call is scheduled for January 2015 and the evaluation of the
second call is scheduled for July 2015. The evaluation will be carried out online via EMS
EMS © is proprietary tool of Consultores de Automación y Robótica, S.A. (CARSA)