Santa Rosa, Pinellas, Palm Beach and Duval Counties for Elementary Science (K-5)! This is your Interactive ‘Student’ Notebook (ISN). The Top 10 Objectives Major Shifts Common Core State Standards Implementation Chunking ELA, Math, and Science Standards Common Core Connectors Standards-Based Instruction Model of Instructional Planning Differentiated Instruction Monitoring Progress Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Participant’s Name ___________________________________________ Meet the Scientist! Meet the Scientist Me! My Group Table of Contents Content Page #’s Table of Contents Content Page #’s Marshmallow Challenge - Preview What experiences have you had either personally or experiences teaching students where you have been asked to design a (model/design) prototype using specified materials? Using the materials given, you are being asked to design a plan to build a structure to support a marshmallow. CHALLENGE: Build the tallest structure possible! Process Analyze and evaluate your process and/or design. What did it take to successfully support your marshmallow? How tall was yours? Could you have gotten it taller and still supported the marshmallow? Extension: How could you redesign your configuration? Marshmallow Challenge Interactive Learning Sketch your design(s). Measure your final product (prototype). Indicate your different heights for your different trials and/or designs. Dropping Balls Preview Process Reveal your thinking! What do you predict will happen? What scientific principle or reasoning did you use to come up with your prediction/conclusion? What evidence do you have to support your idea(s)? State whether or not your thinking was supported by what actually happened. If not, write how you would change or modify your answer. And if so, how would you revise your original thinking after hearing other responses? Dropping Balls Interactive Learning Four Corners Activity! What ideas are you hearing in your corner? How about from people in other corners? a) liquid ball, softball, foam ball b) foam ball, softball, liquid ball c) softball, liquid ball, foam ball d) all three will hit at the same time The Top 10 Objectives Preview Process What are your personal objectives and expectations for this Institute? How do your objectives correlate with those of the Institute? The Top Ten Objectives Interactive Learning Read over ‘The Top Ten’. Highlight the commonalities among your objectives and those of the Institute. Top 10 Objectives for the CC Summer Institute 1. identify, modify, and/create model lessons specific to their content area and aligned to the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects (CCSS). 2. Identify research-based instruction and evidence-based practices that are differentiated to ensure success for ALL students (including those with disabilities, English Language Learners, and others identified as Gifted). 3. Incorporate differentiated instruction into model lessons at Tier 1 of a Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS). 4. Create and/or identify formative assessments/performance tasks for model lessons to inform instruction and monitor student progress. 5. Identify tools and resources developed to support the implementation of CCSS. 6. Incorporate into model lessons opportunities for students to utilize technology as a tool for learning. 7. Use course descriptions to create or modify existing Learning Goals with Scales (rubrics) for model lessons. 8. Identify differences and appropriate use of interim and summative assessments. 9. Identify appropriate ways to monitor and record student progress/success. 10. Describe the “Blended” course requirements for 2013-2014 and state where to find these requirements for specific courses. 3 Math & ELA Shifts Preview How do you see Mathematics instruction (practices and curriculum) changing with Common Core? How do you see English Language Arts instruction (practices and curriculum for reading, speaking, listening and writing) changing with Common Core? Process Key Discussion Points: 3 Math & ELA Shifts Interactive Learning Foldable Activity: Math ELA Post-It Note placed here Math ELA Math ELA Primary Lesson – Forces Pushes and Pulls make thing move. Preview I use pushes and pulls to move an object. Discuss these questions or have students draw… 1. How does a ball move? 2. How do other objects move? Process Discuss these questions or have students draw… 1. How were you able to make the ball move in different ways? 2. What forces did you use? Primary Lesson – Forces Interactive Learning Crazy Ball…. Discuss these questions or have students draw… 1. How did the ball move? 2. What made it move? Draw some of its paths… Marble Activity Discuss these questions or have students draw… 3. How did the marble move when you pushed it? 4. How did the marble move when you pulled it? Draw some of its paths… Primary Lesson – Forces Marble/Extension Activity How do you think different objects can move in a pie tin? Preview Discuss with students or have them draw. 1. a cube 2. a toy car 3. a button 4. a penny 5. a small popsicle stick Process Data Analysis Discussion ~ Compare and Contrast Using your data from the activity, discuss the following questions: • Which movement was observed most frequently? • Which movement was observed the least amount of times? • Which is greater, the amount of times an object went circular or the amount of times an object went straight? • How many more times? Primary Lesson – Forces Marble/Extension Activity Interactive Learning Apply a push and a pull for one object at a time. How does it move? Record this movement on the data sheet with a tally mark. How many of these movements do you observe for the objects tested? Straight Circular Push Pull Tab in Graph over Data Table… Zig-Zag Up and down Back and forth Primary Lesson – Forces Informational Text – pages 11-12 Primary Lesson – Forces Informational Text – cutting and gluing pgs. 13-14 Model for Instructional Planning Slide Preview 1. Reviewing the Instructional Planning Model, which area/arrow do you feel strongest? Why? 2. Which area/arrow do you feel the weakest? Why? Process Reflect on how you answered the two questions in the Preview section. How has your position changed now that you’ve had a little more training? Which area/arrow could you use a little more information/training to feel more comfortable? Interactive Learning Model for Instructional Planning Slide Easy-to-use-Guides Differentiated Instruction Preview Highlight information in both texts that exemplifies the meaning of DI. Marginal Notes… Process Think about the lesson you are designing. Will all of your students reach your learning target(s) based upon your DI strategies? You might want to create a checklist that will ensure mastery for all. Discuss with your group your ideas for: - ELL - ESE - Struggling Readers - Physically Impaired - Gen Ed. (our objectives relate to this population) Differentiated Instruction Interactive Learning Think back to the primary lesson… Where and/or When was instruction differentiated (tier 1)? Where was D.I. used within the video example? Begin to write down your thoughts for differentiating your model lesson. Mystery Tubes Preview Process What is an observation? What is the relationship between observation and inference? Why do students often leap to inferences instead of observations? Use evidence to support your answer! Mystery Tubes Interactive Learning My Observations without touching My Observations with touching Activity: Return to your list and highlight observations in yellow and inferences in another color. A simple labeling with an ‘I’ or an ‘O’ would do too! Mystery Tubes formative A Boy in the Water Preview Process What would be an explanation you would now give your students to explain observation vs. inference? Mystery Tubes formative A Boy in the Water Interactive Learning Directions: Place an ‘I’ before the statements that are inferences and an ‘O’ before the statements that are observations OR you may wish to make a T-chart. 1. The boy is in the water. 2. The weather is cold. 3. The tree branch is broken. 4. If the boy crawled out of the water, the goat would kick him. 5. The boy fell off the branch. 6. A goat is standing by the pond. 7. The branch will fall on the boy’s head. 8. The boy fell off the rocks. 9. There is a sailboat in the water. 10. The sailboat belongs to the boy. 11. The goat will soon leave the pond. 12. The tree by the pond has no leaves on it. 13. There are three rocks in the pond. 14. The tree by the pond is dead. 15. If it rains, leaves will grow on the tree. 16. The goat kicked the boy into the pond. Comprehension Instructional Sequence (CIS) Preview As the teacher, pick the one text your students will read and use for 3 reading sessions: Focused on “Close” Reading with emphasis on finding evidence to formulate written responses 3 “reads”, each time for a different purpose (and a different tool is used each time) • Read #1: Teacher reads to introduce to the text. REMEMBER……. • Read #2: Partner reading with directed note-taking It isn’t necessary to do a complete CIS all the time— • Read #3: Individual reading to generate questions Format by Beth Faulkner Brevard Public Schools these complex strategies work together to help unlock a complicated text. Once students have mastered how to do each section, one component (i.e., Directed Note-Taking or Final Written Response) can be used with any text. Process What text might you use to initiate the CIS design in your classroom? What steps will you take in your classroom after question writing… Interactive Learning Comprehension Instructional Sequence (CIS) A Quick Reference Step 1: Hook Question and Pre-Reading Activities Hook Question and Discussion Share Essential Question Hand out Writing in Response; students complete Predictive Response section (using only prior knowledge) Hand out article and number paragraphs in article. Vocabulary instruction Step 2: Reading #1—Teacher Read Aloud + Coding Explain codes I Do, We Do, You Do as teacher reads Discussion of coding Step 3: Partner Reading and Directed Note-Taking Hand out Directed Note-Taking. Explain purpose, question, and categories I Do, We Do, as teacher reads You Do is partner reading Discussion of notes Our focus today! Write Draft of Written Response to Text Step 4: Independent Reading and Generating Questions Hand out Generating Questions. Explain purpose and categories. I Do, We Do, as teacher reads You Do is independent reading Discussion of questions/Capture Questions Step 5: Final Written Response to Text Write Final Written Response to Text Use Rubric to grade Form created by Wendy Shelden and Sandra Wyatt Brevard Public Schools "Newton's Laws of Motion: Action and Reaction" by Glen Phelan Behind every swing of a bat, each catch that you make, and every breath that you take, there is force and motion. What exactly happens when things get moving? You know that a force is needed to make something move and to make something stop. Those are pretty simple ideas. However, there was a time when even the smartest people didn’t know them. They didn’t question what others said was true. Then in the 1500s and 1600s, a few people shook things up a bit. One of them was Galileo Galilei. Galileo and Cannonball Science Galileo was born in Pisa, Italy. He was interested in how objects move. In the early 1600s, people thought that if you threw an object, he kept going in a straight line until it “ran out of force.” Then it fell straight down. Galileo disagreed. Galileo not only thought about the problem of motion but also did experiments to test his ideas. Through his experiments he concluded that an object does not need a force to keep it moving, only to start it moving. He said an object doesn’t run out of force. Instead, other forces act on it to slow it down. Galileo also found that objects thrown forward move in a curved path. With this knowledge and his skill in math, Galileo could predict the motion of different objects. He was able to figure out the exact flight path of a cannonball shot from a cannon. This was an important skill at a time in Italy when many cities were fighting each other. Newton’s Laws In 1642, the year Galileo died, Isaac Newton was born. You might say Newton picked up where Galileo left off. Newton built upon the ideas of Galileo and others to explain how objects move. He stated his ideas as three laws of motion. Newton’s First Law Newton’s first law of motion adds to Galileo’s ideas. It says that an object that is at rest (An object that’s not moving) will stay at rest unless a force acts on it. This law also says that a moving object will keep moving at the same speed and in the same direction unless a force acts on it. In other words, an object does not change its state of motion unless it’s “forced” to. This resistance to change is called inertia. Think of a soccer game. A ball sitting still on the field has inertia – it’s not going to move until a force makes it move. WHUMP! There’s the force. A kick sends it sailing downfield. In the air the ball still has inertia. It’s going to keep moving in the same direction at the same speed until a force makes it do otherwise. Well, the force of gravity pulls it toward the ground in a curved path, like Galileo’s cannonball. Also, the force of friction with air particles slows down the ball. Friction with the air is called air resistance. 1 "Newton's Laws of Motion: Action and Reaction" is from Chapter 2 of Using Force and Motion. A title from National Geographic Reading Expeditions Physical Science Series. As the ball falls toward the ground, a teammate jumps up and gives the ball a header. This force changes the balls speed and direction again. Gravity pulls it and air resistance slows it down again, but not enough to let the goalkeeper reach it. Score! Newton’s Second Law Newton’s second law of motion shows how force, mass, and acceleration are related. Acceleration is how fast an object changes speed or direction. Remember that mass is the amount of matter something has. The more mass an object has, the more force is needed to change its motion. Suppose you are helping to plant a garden at school. You push an empty wheelbarrow over to a pile of soil. The empty wheelbarrow doesn’t have a lot of mass, so you don’t have to use a lot of force to start it moving and to stop it. After you fill the wheelbarrow with soil, however, it has a lot more mass. Now you really have to push to get it moving. You also have to pull back hard on it to get it to stop. So Newton’s second law makes sense. The more mass that the wheelbarrow has, the more force is needed to change its motion. The second law of motion also says that the stronger the force, the greater the acceleration. So if you push the wheelbarrow with greater force, it will accelerate more. When you think about mass and acceleration, just think about a racecar. It has a large mass, so it needs a large force to get it moving. Racecars have very powerful engines to give them the force they need to start racing. The more gas the driver gives the engine, the more force the engine gives the racecar and the faster it will go. Once a racecar gets going, it takes a lot of force to slow it down. Racecars have powerful brakes that help the driver slow down and stop the car. Some racecars even have parachutes behind them that use air resistance to help the car slow down. Newton’s Third Law Newton’s third law says that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. What does that mean? Think about a frog leaping off a lily pad. As it leaps, it pushes off the lily pad. This force causes the pad to move away from the frog. At the same time, the pad pushes on the frog, which moves the frog forward. The frog’s push can be called the action force. The pad’s push on the frog is the reaction force. Both forces are equal but act in opposite directions. Newton’s third law is easy to understand when you can see both objects moving. Even if you can’t see objects moving, the law still applies. When you inline skate, for instance, your skates push against the ground. The ground also pushes back on your skates with an equal and opposite force. So the ground pushes you forward. If the mass of Earth weren’t so large, you would be able to see Earth push back a bit under each skate, just like the lily pad under the frog. 2 "Newton's Laws of Motion: Action and Reaction" is from Chapter 2 of Using Force and Motion. A title from National Geographic Reading Expeditions Physical Science Series. Preview The 3rd Read using Question Generation Tasks: Teacher models the generation of a complex question based on a section of text, relating to a broad perspective or issue. Students record the questions, and then students re-read the text to generate their own questions. This is the 3rd ‘read’… for Generation of Questions Purpose: To provide students with a demonstration of question generation and the opportunity for them to interact with the text by generating questions to further deepen their comprehension. 1. Hand out the Question Generation worksheet (attached). Explain that they will be using the worksheet to record questions they generate as they reread the text. Once they generate the questions, they’ll have to decide if it’s a question that could be answered by: A. conducting research. B. conducting a hands-on experiment, inquiry, or activity. C. observation. D. This question cannot be answered with science. 2. Read the first section of the text aloud, modeling how to generate questions and check the categories. The questions don’t have to be answered in the text—the point is to get the students thinking more deeply about the text. Some possible questions are listed below. 3. Students continue to reread the text and use their recorded notes to generate questions about information in the text collaboratively or independently. 4. Once all students have finished generating questions, have the students share their questions and the related category with the whole class. Then have students discuss which questions they have in common, and which are most relevant or significant to their learning. Record and post common or relevant/significant questions. This allows students to seek/locate answers in text-reading throughout the remainder of the unit, focusing on unanswered questions in collaborative inquiry. Question Generation: Question Generation: Newton’s Laws of Motion: Action and Reaction Paragraph # 4 5 7 8 13 Questions Do all objects move in the same curved path when they are thrown? How did Isaac Newton use Galileo's ideas? Do all athletes have to understand forces? Does the weight (mass) of an object change the curved path when it is thrown? Does using a parachute make it harder for the driver to steer? Can the question be answered by ...? Check relevant categories below Research Hands-On Experiment, Inquiry, or activity Observation X X X Can NOT be answered by science X X X X Ormie the Pig video—an engineering example Preview What do you know about…. STEM? – Engineering Design Challenge? – Experiences you have had or have given your students about the above terms…. Activity: Where do you fall on the Continuum??? Process Choose one of Ormie’s attempts and answer this question: How would you have improved this attempt? Ormie the Pig video—an engineering example Interactive Learning How would you solve Ormie’s problem? Engineering Design Challenge – It’s A Scream! Preview Test Analyze Modify Process Phase 2—draw attention to the Data Table and Analysis questions: • What worked well? • What needs improvement? • How will I modify my prototype? • Why do I think this will be more effective Engineering Design Challenge – It’s A Scream! Include at least 2 of these features: Interactive Learning Hill Turn Roll Curve Inversion Loop Car (marble) must maintain contact with the track for the entire distance of the track. Car (marble) will stop in the station (cup) without moving it more than 15 cm. Extra Analyzing Sheets for Prototype Roller Coaster (It’s a Scream!) Phase 2—draw attention to the Data Table and Analysis questions: • What worked well? • What needs improvement? • How will I modify my prototype? • Why do I think this will be more effective? Extra Analyzing Sheets for Prototype Roller Coaster (It’s a Scream!) Phase 2—draw attention to the Data Table and Analysis questions: • What worked well? • What needs improvement? • How will I modify my prototype? • Why do I think this will be more effective? Appendix Usables – Primary Lesson (Cut along the dotted line to use.) Usables – Graph for Primary Lesson (Cut out around the graph.) Directions: Add the tally marks together for each movement and then record. How Items Moved 7 T 6 A B H E 5 4 3 R E 2 1 straight circular zigzag up and down back and forth Model for Instructional Planning Notes, Ahas, and Thoughts…
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