Travis L. Johnson Mar. 2015 CONTACT [email protected] 512-232-6824 McCombs School of Business 2110 Speedway Stop B6600 Austin, TX 78712-1276 POSITIONS HELD A ssistant P rofessor of Finance , July 2012 to Present McCombs School of Business, The University of Texas at Austin EDUCATION Stanford G raduate School of B usiness , PhD in Finance, 2012 o Thesis title: Information in Options Markets o Advisor: Anat Admati M assachusetts Institute of Technology , BS in Mathematics, 2004-2007 RESEARCH INTERESTS Information in financial markets, derivatives, return predictability PUBLICATION The Option to Stock Volume Ratio and Future Returns, with Eric C. So, 2012, Journal of Financial Economics 106, 262-286 Due to short-sale costs, firms in the lowest decile of the option to stock volume ratio (O/S) outperform those in the highest decile by 0.34% per week (19.3% annualized). WORKING PAPERS Weighted Least Squares Estimates of Return Predictability Regressions, 2015 I estimates return predictability regressions using least squares weighted by ex-ante return variance (WLS-EV). WLS-EV estimates are more efficient, improving out-ofsample performance. The predictability offered by proxies for the variance risk premium is not robust to the WLS-EV approach. Risk Premia in the VIX Term Structure, 2015 A single principle component, the slope, summarizes all information about variance risk premia in the VIX term structure. Slope predicts the excess returns of S&P 500 variance swaps, VIX futures, and S&P 500 straddles for all maturities and to the exclusion of the rest of the term structure. A Simple Multimarket Measure of Information Asymmetry, with Eric C. So, 2014 We develop and validate a new measure of information asymmetry among traders based on volume imbalances between options and stock markets. Our measure is positively correlated with spreads, price impact, and absolute order imbalances; predicts volatility; and detects exogenous shocks to information asymmetry. Asymmetric Trading Costs Prior to Earnings Announcements: Implications for Price Discovery and Returns, with Eric C. So, 2015 Pre-announcement liquidity provision is asymmetric, resulting in biased information processing and a positive drift in pre-announcement stock prices. Travis L. Johnson Mar. 2015 INVITED TALKS The Option to Stock Volume Ratio and Future Returns (*co-author 2010: Western Finance Association Meetings, SAC Capital Advisors* presented) Risk Premia and the VIX Term Structure 2012: Boston College, Dartmouth College, Notre Dame University, Rice University, University of California-Berkeley, University of Houston, University of Maryland, University of Rochester, University of Pennsylvania, University of Texas at Austin, University of Wisconsin-Madison A Simple Multimarket Measure of Information Asymmetry 2013: Lone Star Conference, Financial Research Association Meeting 2014: The University of Texas at San Antonio, Finance Down Under Conference Asymmetric Trading Costs Prior to Earnings Announcements: Implications for Price Discovery and Returns 2014: Citi Quant Research Conference*, Cornell University*, London Business School*, Nasdaq Economic Research*, The University of Texas at Austin*, Stanford University* 2015: University of Illinois*, Western Finance Association Meetings PROFESSIONAL Discussant at: 2014 ITAM Conference, 2014 Lone Star Conference. SERVICE Ad-hoc referee for: American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Journal of Empirical Finance, Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Financial Markets, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Political Economy, and Review of Financial Studies. Program committee for: Western Finance Association Meeting, SFS Finance Cavalcade, Texas Finance Festival, Texas Quantitative Finance Festival, and Financial Management Association Meeting. Dissertation committee for: o Denys Maslov (2014, Moodys Analytics) o Sergey Maslennikov (Expected in 2015, State Street) TEACHING HONORS AND AWARDS Stanford GSB PhD Fellowship, 2007-2012 SAC Capital Award for Outstanding Research, 2010 Jaedicke Family Merit Fellowship, 2007-2008 Empirical Asset Pricing (PhD), 2014 Investment Theory and Practice (MBA), 2013-2014 Investment Management: Quantitative (Undergrad), 2014 Investment Theory and Practice (MPA), 2013 Investment Management (Undergraduate), 2013
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