Syllabus MAC1105 College Algebra Ref. 85211440 TR, 8:00AM - 11:20AM, Kendall Room: 3333 Dr. Juan J. PRIETO-VALDES; Office: 3245-5, 1. COURSE PREREQUISITES: MAT 1033 or equivalent, or appropriate scores on placement test (CPT). 2. COURSE SCOPE: MAC 1105 is a college level algebra course designed to provide students with an elementary knowledge of basic mathematics required in the natural and social sciences. To complete the course successfully, you must obtain at least a letter grade of C, as outlined in the grading policy 3. TEXT (OPTION-1): You can use any College Algebra textbook. All College Algebra book are similar in content, only the book structure changes. If you select your own book choice, you have to follow my lectures and complete your homework (every topic) as per TEXT (OPTION 2 OR 3) below. 4. TEXT (OPTION-2): COLLEGE ALGEBRA, 1st Ed., J. Miller and D. Gerken 1st Edition”. This book was selected as official textbook of the course; available in hard version at the College book store or in e-book format at McGraw-Hill web page For registering use the following information: COURSE NAME: MAC1105 Prof. PrietoValdes Summer 2015; COURSE CODE: D9KXT-X9C4N. After registering you will get access to homework, solutions manual, and e-book. 5. TEXT (OPTION-3): COLLEGE ALGEBRA Notebook, by Prieto-Valdes. The notebook is structured exactly as per my course-lectures considering your real needs for this class; this option is convenient to record and organize your lecture notes and to complete your homework. The notebook can be acquired in a hard printed format at: The Notebook uses freely downloadable programs as Microsoft Mathematics and Wolfram Alpha. 6. GRADING: There will be 3 partial Tests. Test-3 is also a comprehensive final Test. All Tests are Face-to-Face (Pencil-paper). Each worth 100 points. I will not "curve" the grades or drop your lowest grade; however, you can improve your lowest test-grade by doing well on the Final Test (Test-3); your lowest test score (in the tests 1or 2 will be replaced with your final exam grade if higher, in this case, the final exam will count double. HOMEWORK: From 0 to 10 extra-credit points will be added to each test based on your homework performance. I equivalently will accept your homework if you complete it electronically using connectmath system or if you complete it hand-written using the College Algebra Notebook. No other source for the homework will be accepted. Homework points are not transferable from one Unit/Test to another. A letter grade will be issued as follows: A > 90 % , B: 80-90 %, C: 70-80 %, D: 60-70 %, F < 60 % 7. There are NO MAKEUP TESTS. If you miss a test and, in the opinion of the instructor, the absence is excusable, your final exam will count as two grades. If the absence is not excusable, you will receive a zero on the test missed. Be prepared to document your excuse with a traffic ticket, hospital bill, arrest form, etc. A doctor's note is not acceptable unless it says "(student's name) was unable to attend school on (date of test)." Tardiness is permitted on test days without penalty although you will have less time on the test than everyone else. If you are so late that someone has already turned in their test before you arrive, you will not be allowed to take the test. 8. ATTENDANCE: It is your responsibility to provide documentation should it be necessary for you to miss more than three classes. Excessive absences may result in a grade of "F" for the course. Please, keep records of assignments and other information delivered during class. 9. DROPS are not initiated by me (Prof. PrietoValdes); if you stop attending you must drop before dateline to avoid “F” (see MDC academic calendar at: However, I have the right to drop from my classes under special situations. If you have any concern about drooping you can e-mail me; please keep a record for any further discussion. 10. CLASSROOM DECORUM AND ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT: In order to optimize your learning experience, classroom interruption must be kept to a minimum. Please make every effort to arrive on time and avoid causing an interruption if you need to leave early. Please turn your cell phone to a silent mode and avoid using it during class. In an emergency, you may excuse yourself and leave the classroom. No written or oral excuses will be accepted for tardiness. Excessive tardiness may result in a grade of "F" for the course. Academic misconduct includes (but is not limited to) giving or receiving assistance on a test, quiz, or homework assignment for which such assistance is not permitted, falsifying a document to obtain an excusal from a test, and using unauthorized notes on a test or quiz. A more complete definition of Academic Misconduct is given on the Student Handbook. 11. CALCULATORS: A scientific calculator is required for this course. A graphing calculator is highly recommended for students continuing on to higher-level mathematics courses. If using the book OPTION-3, additionally you will learn mathematics using Microsoft Mathematics and Wolfram Alpha. Remember that you cannot use wireless devises during exams; calculators may not be shared during exams. Tentative schedule DATES 23-Jun 30-Jun 25-Jun SECTIONS Miller Prieto Book Notebook 1.1 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.6 1.7-1.8 2.4 2.2 TOPIC Lineal and Rational Equations 1.2 Complex Numbers 1.3 Quadratic Equations and Quadratic Formula 1.4 Radical Equations 1.5 Other Types of Equations 1.6 Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities 2.1 Linear Functions 2.2 Distance, Midpoint, and Circles Review for Test-1 TEST-1 2-Jul 7-Jul 9-Jul 14-Jul 2.3 2.6-2.7 2.7 2.8 3.1 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 3.5 2.3 Functions and Their Graph 2.4 Graphing Technics and Transformation of Functions. 2.5 General Characteristics of Functions 2.6 Combination and Composition of Functions 3.1 Quadratic Functions and Applications 3.2 Properties and Graphs of Polynomial Functions 3.3 Properties and Graphs of Rational Functions 3.6 3.4 Polynomial and Rational Inequalities TEST-2 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5.1, 5.2 6.5 5.4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5.1 5.2 5.3 Inverse Functions Exponential Functions Logarithmic Functions Properties of Logarithms Exponential and Logarithmic Equations Compound Interest. Exponential Growth and Decay. Systems of Linear Equations in Two and Three Variables Determinants and Cramer's Rule System of Non-Linear Equations TEST-3 16-Jul 21-Jul 23-Jul 28-Jul 30-Jul Holidays as per College calendar at: Drop Date as per College calendar at:
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