AGENDA PLANNING COMMISSION April 14, 2015 7:00 P.M. City Council Chambers 1. Call to Order and Roll Call 2. Citizens Comments 3. Approval of Minutes of January 13, 2015 4. PC Cases / Public Hearing PC04-15, 7:00 PM, Development Plan, Robert & Mary Bruns, 705 Lincoln Hwy. 5. New Business 6. Announcements 7. Adjournment PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES January 13, 2015 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Bill Poletti with (9 members) in attendance: Pat Wesemann, Pat Herrington, Harry Zimmerman, Nick Correale, Don Barkley, Amy Funk, Kelly Smith, Larry Mensing and Jim Bramstedt. Also in attendance were Tim Tolliver(Director of Land Use), Jim Gehrs(Attorney), Kendra Tucker (Secretary) and Holly A. McCullough(Keefe Reporting). 2. CITIZENS COMMENTS None 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Planning Commission approved the minutes for the meeting on December 9, 2014. 4. PUBLIC HEARING PC01-15, Special Use Permit, Donald & Christine Bishop, 9612 Fairmont Road Director Tim Tolliver presented the staff advisory. The applicant was present. Christine Rae Bishop of 1007 N. Center Street, Collinsville, IL. 62234 was sworn in. The applicant briefed the committee on their intentions for the property. Commissioner Barkley complimented the applicant on clearing the property and asked if the out building they were proposing was for business use. The applicant stated that it was not for a business but a space for her husband to work on his hobbies. There were 0 proponents present to speak in favor of this application. There were 0 opponents present to speak against this application. Commissioner Herrington asked Director Tolliver for clarification of section C under Special Use in the Staff Advisory. Chairman Poletti verified that the issue was the nonresidential structure on the property. Tolliver clarified. Commissioner Herrington inquired what the time line would be on the project. The applicant stated that they planned to build the house within 2 years. The Commission discussed the set back of the buildings. Commissioner Zimmerman made a motion to approve the application on the condition that the setback would be changed to 50 feet instead of the requested 25 feet. Planning Commissioner Zimmerman introduced the following resolution and moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION PC001-15 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING FINDINGS OF FACT FOR PC01-15 RELATING TO A REQUEST FROM DONALD & CHRISTINE BISHOP TO APPROVE A SPECIAL USE PERMIT WITHIN CONSERVATION ZONED PROPERTY FOR A STRUCTURE CONTAINING SHOP FACILITY, STORAGE AND SLEEPING QUARTERS AT 9612 FAIRMONT ROAD. WHEREAS, Donald & Christine Bishop, hereinafter referred to as the “Applicant,” has properly applied for a Special Use Permit for a non-residential structure within the “C” Conservation District located at 9612 Fairmont Road, PIN # 02-24.0-403-039. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THIS PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF FAIRVIEW HEIGHTS, ST. CLAIR COUNTY, STATE OF ILLINOIS that the findings of fact relating to the request are determined to be as follows: 1. That the Applicant appeared before the Planning Commission for a public hearing pursuant to Section 14-10-8 of the City of Fairview Heights Development Code on January 13, 2015, and that said public hearing was properly advertised and that the minutes of said public hearing are hereby incorporated by reference. 2. The subject property is vacant and is zoned “C” Conservation District. The subject property is situated on one parcel, PIN 02-24.0-403-039 and maybe identified by the address, 9612 Fairmont Rd. The property is owned by applicant. 3. That the Subject Property contains approximately 4.00 acres. 4. That this permit will not require any changes to traffic circulation and ingress/egress. 5. That this permit will not require any changes to lighting, landscaping, or the existing site usage. 6. That the proposed use will not be unduly dangerous or otherwise detrimental to persons residing or working in the vicinity of the use or to the public welfare. 7. That the proposed use will not substantially adversely impair the use, enjoyment, or market value of any surrounding property. 8. That the proposed use will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing neighboring uses. 9. That the proposed use will be served adequately by public facilities and services such as highways and streets. 10. That the proposed use will not create excessive additional requirements at public cost for public facilities and services, and it will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. 11. That the proposed use will not involve activities and uses that will be detrimental to any persons, property, or the general welfare by reason of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke fumes, glare or odors. 12. The proposed use will be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 13. That this Special Use Permit approval will allow for the applicant’s use of conservation zoned property for a 1,200 square foot structure to be used as a shop facility, storage and sleeping quarters related to the construction of the principal residence building at the property in conformance with all area/bulk requirements per the petition by the Applicant. 14. That the Permittee shall be responsible for all City costs incurred in administering and enforcing this Permit. 15. That the Director of Land Use, and his/her designee, shall have the right to inspect the premises for compliance and safety purposes annually or at any time, upon reasonable request. 16. That this Special Use Permit Approval shall automatically expire if the use is not initiated within one year of City Council approval. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by; Barkley upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Herrington, Zimmerman, Wesemann, Barkley, Funk, Smith, Mensing, Bramstedt, Correale and Poletti; and the following voted against the same: none and the following abstained: none and the following were absent: Klucker whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted by the Fairview Heights Planning Commission this the 13th day of January 2015. Planning Commission Chairman ATTEST: Land Use Director Donald & Christine Bishop, hereby acknowledges receipt of this Permit and that he has reviewed the conditions of this Permit and have agreed that he will comply with the terms of this Permit. By: Its: STATE OF ILLINOIS) COUNTY OF ) SS. ) On this day of , 2015 before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared ______________ _________, the applicant, to be known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same as their free act and deed. PC02-15, Development Plan, Steven & Jenifer Giger, 10614 Lincoln Trail Director Tim Tolliver presented the staff advisory. The applicant was present. Steve Giger of 101 Marilyn Drive, Swansea, IL. 62226 was sworn in. The applicant answered the commissioner’s questions regarding parking requirements. The Commission then discussed the parking and what the code required and what was necessary for the business. The commissioners then reviewed the plans of the property to verify where the applicant would have additional parking for car storage and employee parking. Commissioner Herrington stated that he felt that is was a good improvement for the street and benefits a thriving business and that they should not get hung up on the parking. There were 0 proponents present to speak in favor of this application. There were 0 opponents present to speak against this application. Commissioner Wesemann made a motion to approve the application. Planning Commissioner Wesemann introduced the following resolution and moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION PC 002 -15 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING FINDINGS OF FACT FOR PC02-15 RELATING TO A REQUEST FROM STEVEN & JENIFER GIGER TO APPROVE A DEVELOPMENT PLAN WITHIN PLANNED BUSINESS BUSINESS ZONED PROPERTY FOR AN AUTOMOBILE REPAIR FACILITY WITH AT 10614 LINCOLN TRAIL. WHEREAS, Steven & Jenifer Giger, hereinafter referred to as the “Applicant,” has properly applied for Development Plan approval for an auto repair facility within the “PB” Planned Business District located at 10614 Lincoln Trail PIN 03-28.0-302-041. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THIS PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF FAIRVIEW HEIGHTS, ST. CLAIR COUNTY, STATE OF ILLINOIS that the findings of fact relating to the request are determined to be as follows: 17. That the Applicant appeared before the Planning Commission for a public hearing pursuant to Section 14-10-8 of the City of Fairview Heights Development Code on January 13, 2015, and that said public hearing was properly advertised and that the minutes of said public hearing are hereby incorporated by reference. 18. The subject property zoned “PB” Planned Business District. The subject property is situated on one parcel, PIN03-28.0-302-041and maybe identified by the address, 10614 Lincoln Trail. The land is owned by Applicant and is approximately 31,000 square feet in size. 19. That the Subject Property contains approximately 31,000 square feet. 20. That this permit will not require any changes to traffic circulation and ingress/egress. 21. That this permit will not require any changes to lighting, landscaping, or the existing site usage. 22. That the proposed use will not be unduly dangerous or otherwise detrimental to persons residing or working in the vicinity of the use or to the public welfare. 23. That the proposed use will not substantially adversely impair the use, enjoyment, or market value of any surrounding property. 24. That the proposed use will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing neighboring uses. 25. That the proposed use will be served adequately by public facilities and services such as highways and streets. 26. That the proposed use will not create excessive additional requirements at public cost for public facilities and services, and it will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. 27. That the proposed use will not involve activities and uses that will be detrimental to any persons, property, or the general welfare by reason of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke fumes, glare or odors. 28. The proposed use will be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 29. That this Development approval will allow for the applicant’s use of business zoned property for an approximate 4,788 square foot auto repair and car rental facility at the property as it is proposed per the Development Plan by the Applicant. 30. That the Permittee shall be responsible for all City costs incurred in administering and enforcing this Permit. 31. That the Director of Land Use, and his/her designee, shall have the right to inspect the premises for compliance and safety purposes annually or at any time, upon reasonable request. 32. That this Development Plan Approval shall automatically expire if the use is not initiated within one year of City Council approval. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by; Funk upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Herrington, Zimmerman, Wesemann, Barkley, Funk, Smith, Mensing, Bramstedt, Correale and Poletti; and the following voted against the same: none and the following abstained: none and the following were absent: Klucker whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted by the Fairview Heights Planning Commission this the 13th day of January 2015. Planning Commission Chairman ATTEST: Land Use Director Steven & Jenifer Giger, hereby acknowledges receipt of this Permit and that he has reviewed the conditions of this Permit and have agreed that he will comply with the terms of this Permit. By: Its: STATE OF ILLINOIS) COUNTY OF ) SS. ) On this day of , 2015 before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared ______________ _________, the applicant, to be known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same as their free act and deed. PC03-15, Special Use Permit, William & Carol Peach, 312 Pleasant Ridge Road Director Tim Tolliver presented the staff advisory. The applicant was present. William Peach of 312 Pleasant Ridge Road, Fairview Heights, IL. 62208 was sworn in. Mr. Peach explained to the Commission that he has been working with a petting zoo in Troy for 18 years. He helps supply the animals. He also takes the animals to churches, nursing homes and schools free of charge. He said his animals are quiet and well mannered. He sold his previous property to a military family who had relocated to the area. There were 1 proponents present to speak in favor of this application. Krista Pacheco of 201 S. Lawn, Caseyville, IL. 62232 was sworn in. Ms. Pacheco stated that Mr. Peach took care of her alpaca which is a service animal. There were 8 opponents present to speak against this application. Ellen Beebe of 317 Pleasant Ridge Road, Fairview Heights, IL. 62208 was sworn in. Ms. Beebe stated that her concerns were that this applicant’s request did not fit the neighborhood. She feared that it would hurt the property values and would also be a nuisance. John Baldus of 570 Pleasant Ridge Road, Fairview Heights, IL. 62208 was sworn in. Mr. Baldus felt that the applicant have very admiral goals but does not want the animals in his neighborhood. Dorothy Ovelgoenner of 316 Pleasant Ridge Road, Fairview Heights, IL. 62208 was sworn in. Ms. Ovelgoenner stated that she has lived at this address for a long time and she fears that this applicant’s request would diminish the property values and create a nuisance. Mike Donovan of 320 Pleasant Ridge Road, Fairview Heights, IL. 62208 was sworn in. Mr. Donovan stated that he was in opposition to the application. Mike Marty of 321 Pleasant Ridge Road, Fairview Heights, IL. 62208 was sworn in. Mr. Marty has concerns that the animals that the applicant was requesting would attract more coyotes and raccoons to the area. He also has concerns regarding diminished property values. Susan Clukey of 309 Pleasant Ridge Road, Fairview Heights, IL. 62208 was sworn in. Ms. Clukey stated that her property and house were similar in size to the applicants and she felt that it was not enough space for so many animals. Anna Clukey of 309 Pleasant Ridge Road, Fairview Heights, IL. 62208 was sworn in. Ms. Clukey stated that she had been attacked by a dog as a child and that animal control did not respond to the scene. She is afraid that the applicant’s animals may get loose and become aggressive. Kim Whitmore of 2009 Fairview Avenue, Belleville, IL. 62226 was sworn in. Ms. Whitmore’s parent’s home is adjacent to the applicants. Her parents have both died and she is in the process of selling the house. She is afraid that having these animals in the neighborhood will be detrimental to the property value. She is also worried about the animals because of the age of the applicants. She worries who would chase the animals if they did get loose. Ms. Whitmore also is concerned because there is a raccoon population in the neighborhood that would attack the applicant’s chickens. Commissioner Zimmerman made a motion to deny the application. Planning Commissioner Zimmerman introduced the following resolution and moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION PC 003-15 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING FINDINGS OF FACT FOR PC03-15 RELATING TO A REQUEST FROM WILLIAM & CAROL PEACH TO DENY A SPECIAL USE PERMIT WITHIN “R-3’ SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONED PROPERTY FOR AGRCULTURAL USE AT 312 PLEASANR RIDGE ROAD. WHEREAS, William & Carol Peach, hereinafter referred to as the “Applicant,” has properly applied for a Special Use Permit for agricultural use within the “R-3” Single Family Residential District located at 312 Pleasant Ridge Road, PIN # 03-20.0-204-009 and 03-20.0204-005. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THIS PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF FAIRVIEW HEIGHTS, ST. CLAIR COUNTY, STATE OF ILLINOIS that the findings of fact relating to the request are determined to be as follows: 33. That the Applicant appeared before the Planning Commission for a public hearing pursuant to Section 14-10-8 of the City of Fairview Heights Development Code on January 13, 2015, and that said public hearing was properly advertised and that the minutes of said public hearing are hereby incorporated by reference. 34. The subject property is developed with a single family residence and is zoned “R-3” Single Family District. The subject property is situated on two parcels, PIN# 03-20.0-204-009 & 0320.0-204-005 and maybe identified by the address, 312 Pleasant Ridge Road. The land is owned by the Applicant. 35. That the Subject Property contains approximately 45,000 square feet. 36. That this permit will not require any changes to traffic circulation and ingress/egress. 37. That this permit will require any changes to lighting, landscaping, or the existing site usage. 38. That the proposed use will be unduly dangerous or otherwise detrimental to persons residing or working in the vicinity of the use or to the public welfare. 39. That the proposed use will substantially adversely impair the use, enjoyment, or market value of any surrounding property. 40. That the proposed use will be hazardous or disturbing to existing neighboring uses. 41. That the proposed use will be served adequately by public facilities and services such as highways and streets. 42. That the proposed use will not create excessive additional requirements at public cost for public facilities and services, and it will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. 43. That the proposed use will involve activities and uses that will be detrimental to any persons, property, or the general welfare by reason of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke fumes, glare or odors. 44. The proposed use will not be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 45. That this Special Use Permit request is denied for the applicant’s use of residentially zoned property for agricultural use for the keeping of farm animals as it is proposed per the Applicant. 46. That the Permittee shall be responsible for all City costs incurred in administering and enforcing this Permit. 47. That the Director of Land Use, and his/her designee, shall have the right to inspect the premises for compliance and safety purposes annually or at any time, upon reasonable request. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by; Barkley upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Herrington, Zimmerman, Wesemann, Barkley, Funk, Smith, Mensing, Bramstedt, Correale and Poletti; and the following voted against the same:none and the following abstained: none and the following were absent: Klucker whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted by the Fairview Heights Planning Commission this the 13th day of January 2015. Planning Commission Chairman ATTEST: Land Use Director 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS – Citizens Comments None 6. NEW BUSINESS None 7. ANNOUNCEMENTS None 8. ADJOURNMENT – Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:30 p.m. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Fairview Heights Planning Commission will be February 10, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Fairview Heights Municipal Complex, 10025 Bunkum Road, Fairview Heights, Illinois. Respectfully, Tim Tolliver Director of Land Use and Development TT/kt Planning Commissioner adoption: introduced the following resolution and moved for its RESOLUTION PC15-004 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING FINDINGS OF FACT PC04-15 RELATING TO A REQUEST FROM ROBERT & MARY BRUNS, TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 900 SQUARE FOOT ADDITION TO THE EXISTING STRUCTURE AT THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 705 LINCOLN HIGHWAY. WHEREAS, Robert & Mary Bruns, hereinafter referred to as the “Applicant,” has properly applied for an Amended Development Plan Approval to construct a 900 square foot addition to the existing structure at the property generally known as 705 Lincoln Highway and also identified by St. Clair County PIN 03-27.0-213-041. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THIS PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF FAIRVIEW HEIGHTS, ST. CLAIR COUNTY, STATE OF ILLINOIS that the findings of fact relating to the request are determined to be as follows: 1. That the Applicants appeared before the Planning Commission for a public hearing pursuant to Section 14-10-8 of the City of Fairview Heights Development Code on April 4, 2014, and that said public hearing was properly advertised and that the minutes of said public hearing are hereby incorporated by reference. 2. That the Subject Property is zoned “PB” Planned Business District. The adjoining properties are likewise zoned “PB” Planned Business District to east, west and south. The properties to the west are developed with the St. Clair Animal Hospital and Schnucks. The properties to the south across Lincoln Highway are developed with a shopping center. The adjoining properties to the east are developed with a house currently a rental property and an insurance agency. The adjoining properties to the north are a residential neighborhood zoned R-4 Single Family Residential and are developed with single family homes. 3. That the Subject Property is approximately 27,675 square feet in size. 4. That City Code requires a Development Plan within the “PB” District. 5. That City Code requires changes to properties within the “PB” District to file an Amended Development Plan. 6. The Applicant is requesting approval to construct a 900 square foot addition on the north side of the existing structure for use as retail sales area. 7. None of the existing parking facilities or traffic circulation would be affected nor would additional parking be required. RESOLUTION PC15-004 Page 1 of 4 8. That the proposed use will/ will not be unduly dangerous or otherwise detrimental to persons residing or working in the vicinity of the use or to the public welfare. 9. That the proposed use will/will not substantially adversely impair the use, enjoyment, or market value of any surrounding property. 10. That the proposed use will/will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing neighboring uses. 11. That the proposed use will/will not be served adequately by public facilities and services such as highways and streets. 12. That the proposed use will/will not create excessive additional requirements at public cost for public facilities and services, and it will/will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. 13. That the proposed use will/will not involve activities and uses that will be detrimental to any persons, property, or the general welfare by reason of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke fumes, glare or odors. 14. The proposed use will/will not be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 15. That this Development Plan approval allows for the 900 square foot addition to the north side of the existing structure. Any significant changes on this site not provided for in the site plans on the Subject Property will require additional review by the Plan Commission and approval by the City Council. 16. Violation of the terms and conditions as outlined herein will result in revocation of the permission for an outside display of merchandise. Staff will follow typical procedure of notification and citation at which time Planning Commission and City Council will also be notified. 17. That the Permittee shall be responsible for all City costs incurred in administering and enforcing this Permit. 18. That the Director of Land Use, and his/her designee, shall have the right to inspect the premises for compliance and safety purposes annually or at any time, upon reasonable request. 19. That this Development Plan Approval shall automatically expire if the use is not initiated within one year of City Council approval. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Commissioner ___________, and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: RESOLUTION PC15-004 Page 2 of 4 and the following voted against the same: and the following abstained: and the following were absent: whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted by the Fairview Heights Planning Commission this the 14th day of April 2015. Planning Commission Chairman ATTEST: Land Use Director Robert & Mary Bruns, hereby acknowledges receipt of this Permit and that they have reviewed the conditions of this Permit and have agreed that they will comply with the terms of this Permit. By: Its: STATE OF ILLINOIS) COUNTY OF ) SS. ) On this day of , 2015 before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared _______________________, the of Robert & Mary RESOLUTION PC15-004 Page 3 of 4 Bruns, under the laws of Illinois, on behalf of the Corporation, to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same as their free act and deed. RESOLUTION PC15-004 Page 4 of 4
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