MAY 2015 Volume 2, Issue 5 We are Faith... God’s purpose for our new church is to unite unconditionally, sharing God’s love through our growing faith and mission with everyone in the name of Jesus Christ. The NeXt Church—New England 2 020 On Thursday, April 16th, Bishop James Hazelwood hosted a discussion for the CT Eastern Rivers Conference of ELCA Churches in CT. There were approximately seventy or more fellow Lutherans in attendance. The theme of the discussion was ‘What’s next for Lutherans in New England? Facing the challenge of being the Lutheran Church in the most unchurched region in the country’. The discussion began with a presentation of what the characteristics of being the church means in New England. There was a level setting with a few themes; New England compared to the rest of the United States is the most un-churched area of the country. This means, while according to a 2014 Gallop Poll whereby 92% of Americans believe in God, the statistics are starkly low in church attendance in New England. Additionally, we learned that the height of the ELCA in b y Deanna Ra y [Con tin ued on p. 3] America was the year 1965 when the most new congregations and church buildings were built than at any other time. That means our buildings on average are 50 years old and in need of repair or remodeling. The top challenges of New England church interdenominationally are buildings, people and finances. There are many reasons that church attendance has declined and is the lowest in New England; however, the most important point here is how we respond. This is the context we are living in and will continue to live in for the foreseeable future. The Bishop suggested what the church in 2020 or the future will have certain characteristics and qualities; the church will have less building, it will be less structured in its organization and more networked, there will be less programs but more relational, and finally, it will be light weight and low maintenance. In order to best respond to the changing needs of the times we are in, the Bishop suggests “Holy Experimentation” by being willing to take risks, being wiling to fail, and willing to try new things. 1) How we do outreach in the New England context? By being a resource to the community and partnering with other groups. By partnering with other groups, the community helps the church and the church helps the community. In order to make this shift in how we reach out, a shift in thinking and being must begin by looking to be partners in mission, experimenters on an adventure and most importantly, be generous people and congregations. Inside this issue: NeXt Church 1 Prayer Team 3 Walk Against Hunger 3 Sunday School News 4 Which Way: God Only Knows 6 Council Update 8 FLC T-shirt sale 10 Our Church’s S trategic Direction: Page 2 Make your life a MISSION, not an intermission! See someone on Council if you’d like to get involved with — Worship & Music, Church Operations, Mission Support, Facilities & Maintenance or Finance. Your help would be appreciated! Addressing Hunger in M iddletown; S haring K now ledge; Serving & E mpowering Youth & Seniors; How? Coordinating assets in our community to meet needs; and Thanks have been received from… Diane Petras… ”I am writing on behalf of my mother Ruth T. Anderson to thank you for all you did to brighten her Easter. She was so pleased to see Pastor and receive Holy Communion. Despite her inability to attend services, she maintains her feelings of unity with fellow church members and also is so happy to see Jan Wright who delivers the newsletter/bulletin. My mom is enjoying the lovely Easter lily and was just so delighted in the cards made and decorated by children in the Sunday School. She especially liked the colorful bookmark with the message, “He is risen”. Thank you for remembering her.” * ********** Betsy Steilau called to thank Pastor Zach for his visit & the administering of Holy Communion & delivering an Easter plant as well as the Sunday School children for their Easter card. They all meant a lot to her. ************** More appreciation for the FLC Sunday School children.. Thank you for the Get Well Wishes and your gift of tissues. I very much appreciate it. Ralph Schaffer & Family Communicating a bout resources & events. I would like to give a heartfelt thanks to the people of Faith Lutheran for remembering all our staff for Easter Sunday. It was a wonderful surprise when our Council President, John Twining, said he had one more announcement to make on Easter morning and it didn’t just end with a sign-up sheet or calendar update. It was a gift and card to say “Thank You.” It was very nice for the congregation to recognize that the Lenten journey does indeed require extra diligence for those who plan the worship and music, those who send out special notices and copy and staple all those worship folders, and even the guy up front who says all those words every time we gather for worship. We each are very thankful for the congregation’s appreciation! - Pastor Zach The NeXt Church—New England 2020 2) How can he and his staff be a resource for congregations in the area of outreach & stewardship? By engaging with his office and learning more about some of the programs that are currently helping other congregations in the area of outreach & stewardship, such as: Crazy Stewardship Consult NES & Partners for Sacred Space Event in Fall 2015 FORWARD Leadership Community Learning more about Turnarounds Macedonia “Generosity Training” 3) How can Mission Support be something more deeply connected with our identity and mission? Mission Support and the programs being developed can help our congregation grow in their relationship with Christ through prayer, financially, and by encouraging them to live their faith. 4) How can we partner together to do this work, rather than remain isolated ministry sites? Page 3 by Deanna Ray [Continued from Pg. 1] nering with the resources and partnerships already in existence in our community. The future is about connecting, networking and building relations with all of our neighbors. We can learn from others and share our knowledge and skills with others. For a full listing of opportunities available to us from the ELCA New England Synod as well as opportunities to help others in specific ways, please contact the church office for a copy of the materials from this event. We can partner together with the resources the Bishop’s office and staff can connect us to and by part- Prayer Team St. Vincent de Paul Middletown is recruiting teams to walk with us in the Foodshare Walk Against Hunger. This year's walk will be held on May 3rd around Bushnell Park in Hartford. Free parking is provided at the Hartford Insurance, 690 Asylum Avenue. This event is a major fundraiser for St. Vincent de Paul's Amazing Grace Food Pantry and the Soup Kitchen. Last year we had 9 faith groups from the Greater Middletown Area who helped us raise over $45,000 to help feed our hungry neighbors. In previous years, we have had a sea of orange shirts representing St. Vincent DePaul. We would love to have YOU be a partner with us this year. For more information please contact Bob Walsh, Volunteer Walk Coordinator at [email protected] or by phone at 860-463-5061. Thank you for your interest. We are trying to develop a new ministry of prayer that will assure each of our members that someone is praying for each of us every day. Prayer doesn’t happen without a pray-er. I’m looking for at least 10 people who will be willing to commit to 5 minutes a day to pray for members of our congregation. Each of those 10 people will pray for about 18 of our members on a daily basis. The Pastor and the Council will pray for the pray-ers on a daily basis which will mean everyone is being prayed for at least 7 times a week. And of course there is no limit on who can pray for whom, so just imagine all those prayers for the people who call Faith Lutheran their church home! If you are interested in being one of those prayers just let the Pastor or one of the Council members know that you want to make a difference. – Pr. Zach Page 4 SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS L to R: Josh Abbott, Connor D’Aquila, Dana Kugeman & Michael Brooks, Jr. pose after the First Communion Ceremony. by Jen Eifirig Welcome to the Lord’s Table! Our 2015 First Communion students were Josh Abbott; Michael Brooks, Jr.; Micaela Cope; Connor D’Aquila; and Dana Kugeman. May you grow in faith and grace as members of Christ’s body. Thank you to the many individuals and families who contributed cash and items for our Easter Egg Hunt. The weather actually cooperated, and we were able to hunt outside in the brief sunshine. The kids had a great time, and the adults did, too! The last day of Sunday School is May 31, which will also be Youth Sunday. Sunday School and confirmation students will lead the congregation in worship. Stay tuned for news on our annual Sunday School picnic! Check back soon for news on Vacation Bible School. This year, we are trying to partner with First Congregational Church. Dates and times to come. Our theme is Adventure Camp! Micaela Cope on her First Communion Day. Sunday School Project Continues... Our Sunday School students and teachers have been reaching out and showing our love of Jesus to people who are ill by making and giving cards and decorated tissue boxes. Each card, signed by all of the students and teachers, has a cross on the front with the words “God bless you!” on it. “You Are Loved!!” is printed on the inside. The tissue boxes are decorated with religious stickers, including a Bible verse and other decorations. - Janet Hayn Another Note of Thanks to the Sunday School... I would like to thank [the Sunday School students & staff] for making me smile and brightening my day. I had surgery on my right shoulder on Thursday. All I have been able to do is sit on the couch with an ice pack on my shoulder. This is NOT fun. Sunday, Miss Hayn came to my house with the card and gift you sent. I love it! Miss Hayn also brought me my favorite flowers, yellow roses. I was able to decorate my coffee table with this beautifully decorated box of tissues, the card and flowers. Everyone did a really nice Job decorating! Thank you again! You made me smile. Diane Hayn Page 5 Holy Week Memories... Easter Egg Hunt Palm Sunday Procession ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ The African Children’s Choir is a remarkable choir made up of orphaned former street kids from Africa. Their lives have been transformed and now they are getting an education and travelling the world to sing on stage to presidents and royalty - and also to perform to tens of thousands of new fans every year. They will be performing in Middletown at Middletown High School on Wednesday April 29, 2015 at 7:00 PM. As part of their visit to Middletown, Faith Lutheran Church will be hosting a dinner for the choir members and their chaperones to meet their host families at 5:30 PM on Monday April 27, 2015. We will also be providing classroom space on Tuesday and Wednesday for their school time, and finally a dinner for the choir on Wednesday at 5:00 PM prior to their departure for the High School. Anyone interested in helping at either meal can contact Louise Mansueto or John Twining. For free tickets to the performance view.cfm?newsid=285 Let’s Celebrate May Birthdays! 5/2 5/3 5/5 5/6 5/9 5/12 5/15 5/17 5/18 5/23 5/26 5/28 5/29 Peggy Morrissey June Paulson, Ryan Vynalek, Greg Winter George Bonvouloir, Jen Cope, Stephanie Twining Sean Anderson Tom Kugeman Shirley Salafia Laura Lenz Micaela Cope Lori Botti Jon Ahlquist David Albanese Fran Rollish, Peter Schaffer Mary Bacon From the Pastor: Which Way: God Only Knows! OK, so it turns out that the time I set to actually write this article happens to be a rainy day during which I had to go to the airport. Travelling north on I-91, I noticed that the southbound traffic was backed up for miles. So I immediately realigned my plan to get back. Instead of heading south, I actually went further north and then east deciding to use my detour to pick up some items at a store I could hit. I wound my way with very little problem going now southeast. Upon completion of my shopping, I made my way to the best artery to get me back on track heading west on I-84 in order to eventually head south. All of the sudden a sea of red brake lights (in a place I have never seen the traffic stop before) warned me that this plan was not going to work so I quickly took the next left exit that was only impeded by the police officer’s flares and the car perpendicular to the road (sans bumper). This flipped me around and now I was heading east again (you know for someone heading south, most of my trip was moving me else where). I made progress for a quarter of a mile when, you guessed it, another dead stop! Just one more exit to the right (and if you have been keeping score you know that means SOUTH) and I found myself inexplicitly moving quickly right back to I-91 South, apparently beyond all the accidents that seem to have stopped all progress just moments before. The point of this is, had I kept to the original plan, to take the most direct route, I would not have gotten back in time to write this article today. Because my plan A turned into a plan B, you have an article in this month’s newsletter. And ironically, that’s exactly what I wanted to talk about anyway! I am a big believer in contingency plans—travel being the perfect example. But really, I usually am operating with at least two or more parallel plans in place no matter what I’m doing. Children’s sermons are a great example. I many times have more than one object with me with more than one object lesson for whichever object I choose to use depending on the number of children and the mood going on. Now the crux of the matter is to elevate this point in relation to Faith Lutheran Church. Specifically, this is in relation to the most prominent plan B, as the Bishop entitled it last Thursday, “Should we stay, or should we go.” The Bishop pointed out that all across the country, congregations are faced with a dilemma concerning buildings that were built in another era: are they a blessing, or are they a curse? Are they a vibrant house for the ministries to the community, or are they a financial albatross around the necks of congregations? And thus the question, should we stay or should we go? Here is a moment of clarity for those who have been confused by contingency solutions: plan A from your leadership is to utilize, promote, facelift, and fill the building housing Faith Lutheran Church with all the ministry possibilities we can come up with. Plan A is to stay right where we are and flourish. However, there is also the obvious plan B which was clearly espoused during the consolidation process by all the parties involved and clearly articulated in all the records of Page 6 discussions, meetings, and decisions. Plan B, has been to sell the old building of the former Christ Lutheran, and start something wholly new for Faith Lutheran. However, that is the contingency, and any discussions or efforts toward that end are the process of exploration, NOT decision. You see, the problem with thinking you have options but not being prepared for anything other than your primary course is that you really don’t have options! You have to make preparations to have a viable plan B. If my car would only travel in one direction, then even though I could theorize east, west, and even north as options, I would simply keep going south. I’m a little shocked that people have moved to other congregations because they think we are selling the building. No such decision has been adopted by the congregation. However, I am equally shocked if there is anyone at Faith who has not taken stock of where we are and at least hypothesized a scenario where these current resources could be liquidated to move our ministry forward! God has a pretty consistent pattern of moving disciples from plan A to Plan B. All those disciples who hid in locked rooms after Jesus’ crucifixion as their plan A, who found their plan B had them proclaiming the Gospel in city centers. That [Continue on Pg. 11] Living Stewardship for MAY 2015: Assisting Minister: Page 7 May 3: David Dube; May 10: Sue Giuffrida; May 17: Robin Staufer; May 24: David Winkel; May 31: Steve McDermott Communion Assistant: May 3: Diana Huntington; May 10: Jay Huntington; May 17: Joal Lentz; May 24: Kathy Raczka; May 31: Robin Stauffer Acolytes: May 3: Allison Dube; May 10: Madison Dube; May 17: Troy Lentz; May 24: TBD; May 31: Adryana Brooks Ushers: May 3: Liz Helbig, Jay Huntington, Bill Stielau, Mike Vajda May 10: Ray Anderson, Davide Winkel, Donna Winter, Mike Vajda May 17: Bill Bacon, Donna & Bob Barney, Mike Vajda May 24: Dan Clark, Mike Vajda May 31: Heather Karpe, Lee Kozlowski, Cathy MacEachern, Mike Vajda Thank you for volunteering. Greeters: May 3: Marian Schultz; May 10: Pat Stielau; May 17: Donna Winter; May 24: Margaret D’Aquila; May 31: TBD Altar Guild May 3: Swansons; May 10: Jen Cope/Lee Kozlowski; May 17: Stielaus; May 24: Diana & Lena Huntington; May 31: Liz Helbig/Lee Kozlowski Opener/Closer: May 3: Bud Swanson/Kathy Hartline; May 10: Lee Kozlowski/Tom Kugeman; May 17: Steve McDermott/Bill Stielau; May 24: Donna Barney/John Twining; May 31: Lee Kozlowski/TBD Counter/Depositor: Kathy Hartline Calumet Spring Cleaning Weekend May 1st-3rd, 2015 This is a FREE weekend for anyone who goes to camp and volunteers their time helping to get ready for the height of the season!! Yes free, this means the room and all the wonderful meals they serve are provided to you in exchange for your labors. The camp needs many hands (young and not so young) to clear the cobwebs, give the windows a once over, rake up some pine needles, give the beach a facelift -- there's lots to do, and it's a great way to meet new friends, renew existing relationships, and share in the faith, fun, and fellowship that only Calumet can provide. There's a lot of preparation to be done before camp is ready for prime-time, so let’s go on up and give them a hand! You will enjoy the fresh air of the great north woods and a good work out for a great cause! Last year a small but mighty group from FLC snuck off to help out. We had an outstanding time working with people from other churches around New England to help get our beautiful camp in shape for the summer. We all know the kids love it there and now it is your turn to check it out! I have booked the Retreat Lodge building for us to stay in. There is a limit on how many can attend I need to hear from you right away! To sign up or ask questions, please contact Joal Lentz by email at [email protected] or cell at 860-2354940. COUNCIL UPDATE FOR APRIL 2015 We held a special meeting on April 1, 2015 and approved the expenditure of $3000 to complete the design and installation of new exterior signs as recommended by the Communications team and the Facilities team. The work is underway and the signs should be installed in the near future. The Camp Calumet clean up weekend is coming up on May 2nd and 3rd. This is a great time to meet other people from the New England Synod as we gather together to give the camp its preseason clean up. There is no cost for lodging or food, and Joal has reserved the infirmary as our lodging for the weekend. If you’re interested in being part of the weekend contact Joel soon to reserve your spot. Any parents planning on sending their children to Calumet should also let Joal know so we can arrange for camperships for the children. We are still looking for one or two people to direct the Memorial Day Parade project. We’ve got numerous people willing to work on the event but we need someone to spearhead the team. We’ve talked about this at council, and there are several good ideas floating around, so if anyone is interested in taking charge of this see me or any other member of council. One of the ideas that came out of our council discussion is to purchase Tee shirts for all the people marching in the parade. We have designed a shirt using the church logo and have found a vendor who will produce them at $10.00 a shirt. If you plan on marching in the parade or if you just want a Faith Lutheran shirt – or two or more – see Joal to order them. We need to do this soon so we can have them in time for Memorial Day. Dave Blasco is running the grounds clean up that will take place on next Saturday, April 25th. We will start at 9:00 AM with coffee and hopefully will finish up before 1:00 PM with pizza. We need to rake up the leaves left over from last fall and spruce up the shrubs and the lawn. If anyone feels moved to lend a hand for any part of next Saturday morning see Dave to sign up. On Saturday, May 16, I will be directing the washing and waxing of the fellowship hall floor. Anyone interested in helping, or who has an interest in learning how to waltz with the floor scrubbing machine, see me to sign on. Prayer is a major part of the congregation’s life and to bring this to the forefront Pastor Zach is going to be leading a prayer group. His plan is to organize a group of congregation members who will each have a list of people that they will spend some time each day praying for. There will also be a group of people who will pray for the prayer team. The end result will be that each person in the congregation will be prayed for each day. If you are interested in joining the prayer team see Pastor Zach. Last month during the council updates I said “Recently we have been approached by a faith community that is interested in purchasing our property. As a first step toward exploring this possibility, we have formed a team led by Deanna Harrison and Larry Stauffer to look into the sale of the property, and they have been authorized to spend up to $2000 to obtain an appraisal and market analysis of the property.” The appraisal is in the works and we should have results back by the end of this month. There seems to be some confusion about what this means. We are exploring several different possibilities, one of which is the sale of the property. The sale of the property is not in the works nor is it a done deal. There are several other things that we are looking into, all of which are aimed at growing the congregation. We are only looking at positives, and not dwelling on negatives. If you have any questions or comments about anything that is going on please speak to someone from council. submitted by John Twining, Council President SUN MON 3 4 9am Eucharist 10:30 am Sunday School, Fellowship Hour 1:15—4pm United Pentecostals 7:30pm AA TUES 5 9am Martha Unit/ Knitters Calumet Clean Up continued and Walk Against Hunger—Bushnell Park 10 SAT 7 1 2 6pm Welcome Table Weds. 7pm Choir 7:30pm AA __________ 8pm NA 7:30– 9 United Pentecostals Bible Study 8 7:30pm AA 12 13 7:30pm AA 9am Martha Unit/ Knitters 6pm Welcome Table Weds. 6:30pm Council 7:30– 9 United Pentecostals Bible Study 19 20 21 9am Dominoes 6pm Welcome Table Weds. 7 pm Choir 18 9am Eucharist 10:30am Sunday School, Fellowship Hour w/ Jake Kinney, Thrivent Financial FRI 6 11 1:15—4pm United Pentecostals 17 THURS Calumet Spring _Clean up W/E__ 9 8pm NA —————Pr. Zach at business meeting.————— 9am Eucharist 10:30 am Sunday School, Fellowship Hour WED 7:30pm AA 7pm Ruth Unit at Luther Ridge 1:15—4pm United Pentecostals 14 15 16 7:30pm AA Fellowship Hall—Floor Washing & Waxing 7pm Choir 8pm NA 22 7:30pm AA 7:30– 9 United Pentecostal Bible Study 23 8pm NA ——————–———-——————-Pastor Zach on vacation.———————–———————— 24 PENTECOST 25 26 27 6pm Welcome Table Weds. 9am Eucharist 10:30am Sunday School, Fellowship Hour 1:15-4pm United Pentecostals 7:30pm AA Memorial Day Office Closed 9am Martha Unit/ Knitters 7 pm Choir 7:30– 9 United Pentecostal Bible Study 31 YOUTH SUNDAY 9am Eucharist 10:30am Last day of Sunday School, Fellowship Hour 1:15-7pm United Pentecostals 28 MAY 2015 at Faith Lutheran Church 29 7:30pm AA 30 8pm NA Page 10 Church T-Shirt Order Form We are going to have beautiful blue short sleeved T-shirts made up with our new church logo. Everyone is encouraged to buy one to wear for church activities. We plan to have them in time for the May 25th Memorial Day parade so our participants can wear them to show off support for our church. If you are interested in purchasing one or more of these very reasonably priced shirts, please return the order form & payment (checks payable to FLC and note shirt sale in the memo) to Joal at or before the May 10th worship service. Your orders will be available for pick up on May 24th. Please call Joal with any questions 860.235.4940 $10.00 Youth sizes S (6-8), M (10-12), L (14-16) $10.00 Adult sizes S, M, L, XL $12.00 2XL, $14.00 3XL, $16.75 4XL, $19.50 5XL Number ordered Size youth or adult Price Total $ enclosed________________ Name__________________________________ Phone#_________________________________ From the Pastor: Which Way: God Only Knows! [Cont. from pg. 6] German scholar named Martin Luther who was quite certain his destiny was to be a lawyer as his plan A, until a lighting bolt sent him scurrying to be a monk for his plan B. And all of us, who saw our life’s path leading us towards selfish and selfcentered goals as the world’s plan A would have us go, who push that aside to follow the servant path of God’s plan B for us. Our God is a God of possibilities and potentialities who has used contingencies from our perspective to make sure that God’s plan A is taken care of: the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus for the salvation of the world! And God is constantly moving us closer to that goal with his God Positioning System, or GPS for short, which is really what I should have followed in the first place both while driving and while writing! Living Under His Grace, Pastor Zach age Faith brings strength and hope. Faith Lutheran Church 300 Washington Street Middletown, CT 06457 Phone 860.347.6068 Email: [email protected] Pr. Zachariah Harris III Cell phone: 860.269.4632 Email: [email protected] We need your help to spread the word about all that Faith Lutheran Church has to offer! Follow us on facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Please like, comment on, AND share our posts on facebook. Invite your friends to like our page on facebook. Post comments and pictures to our facebook page. Check in on facebook ANYTIME you are here! Amanda K. Weber, Minister of Music Karen Carta, Office Administrator We’re on the web: THANK YOU! On Wednesday, April 22nd, Welcome Table Wednesday was taken over by a group of students from the National Honor Society chapter of Vinal Regional Technical High School. Under the direction of the kitchen crew, they made salad, sauce and pasta, buttered the bread and served the meal as a community service project. All those involved in Welcome Table wish to express a heartfelt ‘THANK YOU’ to the students for their efforts and hard work. Giving Opportunities Available... Please remember to sign up for either altar flowers or the sanctuary candle one Sunday. You may find the flower chart in the Narthex and candle one in the office.
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