NSW FALLS PREVENTION NETWORK FORUM PROGRAM Friday 22 May 2015 Wesley Conference Centre KEY FOCUS Person-centred care PLENARY SESSIONS Wesley Theatre CONCURRENT SESSIONS Acute/Subacute Care - Smith Room Community Care - Wesley Theatre Residential Aged Care - The Lyceum NSW FALLS PREVENTION NETWORK The NSW Falls Prevention Network has existed since 1993. Purpose The purpose of the NSW Falls Prevention Network is to: 1. Support networking of people and organisations working to prevent falls and harm from falls among older people in NSW (for example, health professionals, government, community and residential aged care providers, non-government organisations and researchers). 2. Support sharing of falls prevention resources and initiatives developed by Network members and exploration of opportunities to undertake collaborative projects and/or combine resources in joint initiatives. 3. Support access to and dissemination of information on local and international falls prevention research findings, policy and practice initiatives, tools and resources. 4. Support the communication and implementation of the NSW Ministry of Health Falls Prevention Policy through Network activities. 5. Ensure the Network remains valued, respected and responsive to the needs of current and potential members and key stakeholders. 6. Promote prevention of falls among older people as a key health issue. Goals • Contribute towards falls prevention and reduction in the incidence of preventable falls injuries among older people across New South Wales. • Support consultation, cooperation and liaison between services, facilities and all key stakeholders. • Support key falls prevention priorities for NSW and provide information and resources to support strategies for implementation. • Promote and disseminate research activities in relation to falls injury prevention. Plenary Presentations at this forum will be filmed and a CD produced. This will be distributed following the forum, and you will be notified by the NSW Falls Prevention Network website and email list. fallsnetwork.neura.edu.au Exhibitors 2 NSW Falls Prevention Network Forum NSW FALLS PREVENTION NETWORK FORUM Friday 22 May Wesley Conference Centre PROGRAM 8.30 am REGISTRATION/ARRIVAL TEA/COFFEE 9.00 am OPENING SESSION Chairperson: Dr Jo Mitchell, Executive Director, Centre for Population Health, NSW Ministry of Health WELCOME TO COUNTRY Uncle Chicka Madden, Gadigal Elder, Cultural Representative, Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council 9.20 am OPENING Dr Nigel Lyons, A/Chief Executive, Clinical Excellence Commission and Chief Executive, Agency for Clinical Innovation 9.30 am - 10.30 am PLENARY SESSION 1 Chairperson: Professor Rebecca Ivers, Director, Injury Division, The George Institute for Global Health 9.30 am Pam Albany Guest Lecture 10 years on - NSW Falls Prevention Program Ms Lorraine Lovitt, Leader, NSW Falls Prevention Program, Clinical Excellence Commission (CEC) 10.00 am Falls Prevention research update – remote sensing with new technologies, the roles of depression, poor nutrition and every-day dual tasking in increasing fall risk, and new exercise interventions Professor Stephen Lord, Senior Principal Research Fellow, Falls and Balance Research Group, Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA) 10.30 am MORNING TEA AND TRADE EXHIBITS 11.00 am - 12.50 pm PLENARY SESSION 2 Chairperson: Ms Lorraine Lovitt, Leader, NSW Falls Prevention Program, CEC 11.00 am Providing patients with individualised education can reduce falls and injurious falls Dr Anne-Marie Hill, Research Fellow, School of Physiotherapy and Institute for Health Research, The University of Notre Dame Australia, Fremantle, WA 11.30 am The Iron Bark Project: Falls prevention in older Aboriginal people in NSW Professor Rebecca Ivers, Director, Injury Division, The George Institute for Global Health 11.55 am Engaging community dwelling older adults in ongoing exercise programs Mr Nathan Hall, Service Manager, Centre for Healthy Ageing, Uniting Care Ageing NSW/ACT 12.20 pm Patients as active partners in their health care Ms Lucy Thompson, Manager, Patient Experience and Consumer Engagement (PEACE), Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI) 12.50 pm LUNCH AND TRADE EXHIBITS NSW Falls Prevention Network Forum 3 1.40 pm 3.00 pm CONCURRENT SESSIONS 1.40 pm A. ACUTE/SUBACUTE CARE SMITH ROOM B. COMMUNITY CARE WESLEY THEATRE C. RESIDENTIAL AGED CARE THE LYCEUM Chairperson: Mr Nazmul Ahasan, Chairperson: Ms Patsy Bourke, Falls Falls Prevention Coordinator, Injury Prevention Coordinator, Murrumbidgee LHD Hunter New England LHD Chairperson: Ms Shelley Moor, Falls Prevention Coordinator, Western NSW LHD & Far West LHD 1.40 pm Care of Confused Hospitalised Older Persons Program (CHOPs) Ms Anthea Temple, Project Officer, Aged Health Network, Agency for Clinical Innovation Partnerships in reaching older people Ms Trish Nove, Senior Population Health Officer, Western Sydney LHD Montessori - Spaced Retrieval Ms Sharon Butler, Better Balance Leader, Anglican Retirement Villages (ARV) 1.55 pm Individual Patient Specials Ms Lorraine Lovitt, Nurses SubGroup Co-chair, Aged Health Network ACI and Leader, NSW Falls Prevention Program, CEC “Stepping On” with Recovery: Falls Prevention in Mental Health Ms Mandy Meehan, Team Leader, Ryde Specialist Mental Health Service for Older People (SMHSOP) Accreditation for aged services provided in multipurpose services Mr Tim O’Mahony, Senior Program Officer, Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care 2.10 pm Standing balance circuit classes for rehabilitation inpatients Mr Daniel Treacy, Physiotherapy Team Leader, Aged Care & Rehabilitation, BankstownLidcombe Hospital Falling into place Ms Kelly Meacham, Physiotherapist, Hastings-Macleay Transitional Aged Care Service (TACS), Mid North Coast LHD Warren Multipurpose Health Service approach to reducing falls Ms Alison Stoker, Nursing Unit Manager, Aged Care, Warren Multipurpose Health Service, Western NSW LHD 2.25 pm Safety Huddle Mr Brian Lane, Nursing Unit Manager, Camden Hospital Rehabilitation Unit, South Western Sydney LHD Brake the break: A Community-based Osteoporosis Refracture Prevention Service Ms Lilias Nairn, Fracture Liaison Coordinator, South Eastern Sydney Medicare Local Therapeutic alternatives to restraints to reduce falls in an aged care setting Ms Sally Crawford, Occupational Therapist, Sir Moses Montefiore Jewish Home 2.40 pm Parkinson’s disease wellbeing program: Exercise today to move well tomorrow Mr Jeremey Horne, Physiotherapist, Calvary Day Rehabilitation, South Eastern Sydney LHD Stepping On in Rural Areas Ms Julie Morgan & Ms Cheryl Uptin, Lachlan Community Health, Western NSW LHD Discussion Time 3.00 pm 4.00 pm CONCLUDING SESSION - Overview of new research projects, Wesley Theatre Chairperson: Professor Stephen Lord, Senior Principal Research Fellow, Falls and Balance Research Group (FBRG), NeuRA 3.00 pm Preventing falls in older people following ambulance care Ms Stefanie Mikolaizak, PhD candidate, Falls and Injury Prevention Group, NeuRA A randomised controlled trial to treat dizziness in older people Dr Jasmine Menant, Senior Research Officer, FBRG, NeuRA 3.25 pm Cognitive motor training to prevent falls Dr Daina Sturnieks, Senior Research Officer, FBRG, NeuRA Standing Tall - a home based exercise program using iPads Dr Kim Delbaere, Research Fellow, NeuRA 4.00 pm CLOSE OF FORUM 4 NSW Falls Prevention Network Forum PLENARY SPEAKER ABSTRACTS AND BIOGRAPHIES PLENARY SESSION 1 Pam Albany Guest Lecture - this lecture honours the late Pam Albany, a passionate advocate for accident and injury prevention in her various work roles. She was the key facilitator for promoting evidence-based practice through the NSW Falls Policy and Falls Prevention Program and Network. The 2015 Pam Albany Guest Lecturer is Ms Lorraine Lovitt, Leader, NSW Falls Prevention Program, Clinical Excellence Commission 10 years on - NSW Falls Prevention Program 10 years on: what have we achieved in the NSW Falls Prevention Program over this time and where are we heading? This presentation will reflect on the highlights and the challenges we all face – to be bold, to build on what we have achieved and to look forward to support improvements in the care of older people. Ms Lorraine Lovitt is the Leader of the NSW Falls Prevention Program at the Clinical Excellence Commission. The CEC has a key role in building capacity for quality and safety improvement in health services in NSW. Lorraine has a nursing background with considerable experience in aged care (management, consultation and co-ordination) in both community and acute care settings. Contact email: [email protected] Professor Stephen Lord, Senior Principal Research Fellow, Falls and Balance Research Group, Neuroscience Research Australia Falls Prevention research update – remote sensing with new technologies, the roles of depression, poor nutrition and every-day dual tasking in increasing fall risk, and new exercise interventions This presentation will review recent studies on risk, fall risk factors and falls prevention. Topics from recent studies and reviews that will be discussed will include: • Accelerometry measures of stability and activity: value adding for fall risk assessments • Depression and poor nutritional status: documenting their role in increasing fall risk in older people • Smart phone use, gait stability and fall risk • Perturbation training, evidence for “inoculating” against falls • Maintaining fidelity when implementing fall prevention interventions • Best-bet interventions for preventing falls based on randomised controlled trials; an update of systematic review evidence Professor Stephen Lord is an NHMRC Senior Principal Research Fellow in the Falls and Balance Research Group at Neuroscience Research Australia. He has published over 300 papers in the areas of applied physiology, instability, falls and fractures in older people and is acknowledged as a leading international researcher in his field. His research follows two main themes: the identification of physiological risk factors for falls and the development and evaluation of falls prevention strategies. His current projects include studies addressing fall risk in clinical groups at high risk of falls including people with dizziness, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and dementia and evaluating the roles of new technologies in fall risk assessment and fall prevention. Contact email: [email protected] PLENARY SESSION 2 Dr Anne-Marie Hill, Research Fellow, School of Physiotherapy and Institute for Health Research, The University of Notre Dame, Fremantle, Western Australia Providing patients with individualised education can reduce falls and injurious falls A recent trial was conducted to determine the effectiveness of providing individualised patient education with staff support in addition to usual care in reducing falls when delivered embedded within the clinical environment. A stepped-wedge, cluster randomised design was used across 8 rehabilitation units. Patients with better levels of cognition received the individualised education from a trained health professional in addition to usual care. Patient feedback received during education sessions was provided to unit staff. Staff received training to enhance uptake of strategies by patients. The primary outcome measure was falls. The program reduced falls and injuries that result from falls by over 40%. Dr Anne-Marie Hill is a Research Fellow based in the School of Physiotherapy and Institute for Health Research, where she is leading research investigating healthy ageing in particular falls prevention. NSW Falls Prevention Network Forum 5 She was awarded a National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia early career fellowship (2012-2015). Dr Hill won the Injury Control Council of WA research award for 2011 for her contribution to community safety research in WA and has recently been awarded an NHMRC project grant as CIA to investigate preventing falls among older people after hospital discharge. Contact email: [email protected] Professor Rebecca Ivers, Director, Injury Division, The George Institute for Global Health The Iron Bark Project: Fall prevention in Older Aboriginal People in NSW Falls are the leading cause of injury-related hospitalisation for older Aboriginal people in NSW, contributing to a significant number of deaths each year. To better understand the burden of falls and need for specific targeted programs we examined hospitalisation and other cohort study data, investigated falls prevention programs for older Aboriginal people in NSW via an audit of services, and conducted stakeholder interviews and yarning circles with older community dwelling people. There were few available services, and a clear need for culturally appropriate programs, with a preference for community based group programs embedded within existing health services. Professor Rebecca Ivers is the Director of the Injury Division at The George Institute for Global Health, Professor of Public Health at the University of Sydney, epidemiology editor for the journal Injury, and core member of the WHO injury mentoring program. She is trained in epidemiology and public health and directs a research program with a strong focus on prevention of road injury, fall injury and injury in Aboriginal people. Contact email: [email protected] Mr Nathan Hall, Service Manager, Centre for Healthy Ageing, Uniting Care Ageing NSW/ACT Engaging community dwelling older adults in ongoing exercise programs The Centre for Healthy Ageing (CHA) is an Exercise Physiology based Day Therapy Centre that aims to improve the health, fitness and independence of clients that are 60 years and older whilst reducing the need for high levels of care. CHA was opened in 2003 and has since grown to 2 centres with over 700 clients who attend. CHA offers a range of individual and group based exercise programs that focus on strength and balance. Mr Nathan Hall is an accredited Exercise Physiologist (ESSA). He has worked with Uniting Care since 2003 initially with a resident focussed program and then the expansion of the community program. In 2005, the Centre for Healthy Ageing opened its second centre in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs. Nathan has a keen interest in older adult individualised exercise programs especially focusing on strength and balance. Contact email: [email protected] Ms Lucy Thompson, Manager, Patient Experience and Consumer Engagement (PEACE), Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI) Patients as active partners in their health care The importance and value of involving the patient, carer and family in health care planning and decision making, and providing person-centred care is recognised in the literature and international and national health care policies. Person-centred care has been associated with benefits for patients and carers such as improved quality of life and satisfaction with care and increased confidence managing their conditions. Clinicians also report improved satisfaction with care and better clinical outcomes particularly for people with chronic disease. Benefits for the system include improved follow up; fewer tests and reduced hospital re-admission rates and length of stay. The PEACE team offers information and advice as well as a range of methods and tools that can be used as part of standard practice, or where project specific needs exist in service redesign and quality improvement to develop person-centred care. Lucy Thompson is the Patient Experience and Consumer Engagement Manager at ACI. Lucy has a clinical background in paediatric critical care nursing and was most recently the Patient and Staff Experience Manager at ACI. Lucy held the position of Manager of Projects in the Planning Department at St Vincent’s and Mater Health Sydney where she worked on projects that involved health services planning and the integration of public-private care delivery models. Lucy also has extensive health care improvement experience having worked as an Improvement Specialist at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Centre in the USA. Contact email: [email protected] 6 NSW Falls Prevention Network Forum RESOURCES NSW FALLS PREVENTION PROGRAM - CLINICAL EXCELLENCE COMMISSION (CEC) Falls prevention flyers new and updated The NSW Falls Prevention Program has recently added new flyers to its collection of falls prevention flyers for patients and consumers. These have been adapted from material developed for the the iSolve project, an NHMRC Partnership Project with the University of Sydney and Northern Sydney Medicare local and the NSW Falls Prevention Program. The iSolve project builds on best evidence and an adapted primary care resource for fall prevention developed in the United States. The new flyers include: • Falls Prevention - Home Safety • Falls Prevention - Postural Hypotension • Falls Prevention - Urge Incontinence Several flyers have also been revised, these include: • Falls Prevention - Eyesight • Falls Prevention - Foot care and Footwear • Falls Prevention - Strength and Balance Exercises A selection of the flyers are also available in a range of community languages including: Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Croatian, Greek Italian, Macedonian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Vietnamese. Flyers in English can be ordered in Packets of 50 from Stream Solutions. Information on ordering the flyers, or to access PDF copies of the flyers go to: http://www.cec.health.nsw.gov.au/programs/falls-prevention/falls-one-page-flyers NSW Falls Prevention Network Forum 7 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank: NSW Ministry of Health for funding the NSW Falls Prevention Network NSW Falls Prevention Program, Clinical Excellence Commission NSW Local Health District Falls Prevention Coordinators Staff from the Falls and Balance Research Group, Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA) Photography: Ms Jessica Lindsay Exhibitors: Active Mobility, Agency for Clinical Innovation, Alzheimer’s Australia NSW, Guide Dogs NSW/ACT, Invisa-Beam International, Macular Disease Foundation Australia, Medical Industries Australia, Parkinson’s Disease Australia, Patterson Medical, Safety and Mobility, Statina Healthcare Australia, Vision Australia, Welch Allyn NSW Falls Prevention Network Advisory Committee 2015 membership: Professor Stephen Lord, NHMRC Senior Principal Research Fellow, Falls & Balance Research Group, NeuRA Dr Esther Vance, Project Officer, NSW Falls Prevention Network, NeuRA Ms Lorraine Lovitt (chair), Leader, NSW Falls Prevention Program, Clinical Excellence Commission Ms Ingrid Hutchinson, Project Officer, NSW Falls Prevention Program, Clinical Excellence Commission Ms Annabel Priddis, Senior Policy Officer, Strategic & Regulatory Policy Unit, Centre for Population Health, MoH Ms Mandy Meehan, Occupational Therapist, SMHSOP Ryde, Northern Sydney LHD Ms Sharon Strahand, CNC Acute Care of the Elderly, Hornsby Hospital, Northern Sydney LHD Ms Jayne James, Manager, Healthy Ageing programmes, POW Community Health, South Eastern Sydney LHD Ms Amy Maitland, Senior Physiotherapist, PACC, Hospital in the Home, Western Sydney LHD Ms Clare Drew, CNC, Dementia/Delirium Aged Care, Westmead Hospital, Western Sydney LHD Dr Tai-Tak Wan, Medical Director, Ambulatory Care, Fairfield Hospital, South Western Sydney LHD Ms Regina McDonald, Area CNC, SMHSOP, South Western Sydney & Sydney LHDs Ms Kim Maddock, Acting Nurse Manager, Chronic & Aged Care, Nepean Hospital, Nepean Blue Mountains LHD Ms Judy Coates, Senior Physiotherapist, HACC & Disabilities, Hunter New England LHD Ms Kelly Meacham, Physiotherapist, Port Macquarie Community Health Centre, Mid North Coast LHD Ms Natalie McDermott, Health Promotion Officer, Wagga Wagga Community Health, Murrumbidgee LHD Mr Kelvin Chan, Deputy Director, Pharmacy, Dubbo Base Hospital, Western NSW LHD Ms Alison Stoker, NUM, Aged Care Warren MPHS, Western NSW LHD Ms Kathryn Wallace, CNE, Broken Hill Hospital, Far West LHD Ms Anthea Temple, Project Officer, Aged Health Network, Agency for Clinical Innovation Mr Peter Cribbs, Extended Care Paramedic Educator, NSW Ambulance A/Professor Colleen Canning, Researcher, Faculty of Health Sciences, The University of Sydney Ms Sharon Butler, Physiotherapist & Leader, Better Balance Program, Anglican Retirement Villages Ms Amanda Doring, Heartmoves National Training Coordinator, YMCA Australia Ms Barbara Ward, President, SHARE fallsnetwork.neura.edu.au Falls Prevention® is everyone’s business
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